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CROCHET: How to Crochet a Granny Square | Absolute Beginners | Bella Coco

Jun 04, 2021
In this tutorial, I'll show you how to make a



, but before I start I'll just go over a few things you'll need to start your project, so it's aimed at



if you want to skip ahead to the tutorial, I'll leave a little time indicator. in this box now so you can move on, but basically, if you're starting to


, you want to have your yarn first. I would recommend that you have yarn that is in the DK weight or thicker, so DK or Aran weights are ideal for when you are just starting out, just because if it is thinner than that, you are going to get into a complete mess, for so this is a very good starting point for you.
crochet how to crochet a granny square absolute beginners bella coco
I recommend both. So this is a special DK craft style and these are simply DK paint box threads. Both yarns come in a wide range of colors and are also very affordable. I'll leave a link in the description box below because you can actually purchase both. these ranges in exclusive packages of Bella Coco yarns you will also need a pair of scissors and a darning needle so that the darning needle is for when you sew the ends again. I'll leave you a link in the description box of the video of how to do that and once you've finished your



I'm now using a 4 millimeter hook and that's because that's what the yarn label recommends.
crochet how to crochet a granny square absolute beginners bella coco

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crochet how to crochet a granny square absolute beginners bella coco...

If you turn the yarn label over, it will give you an indicator of what hook size. to use and this is a 4 millimeter


hook, that's just an indication. In fact, sometimes I even use a four and a half or 5 millimeter hook and if you're just starting out and you're practicing a little bit, maybe I would recommend using a 5 millimeter hook so it doesn't get a little complicated, it just makes things a little bit easier so once you have everything you need we are ready to start the granny square so let's start by making a slip knot and the way you are going to do this is take the loose end of your thread , wrap it around your finger and over the top of the thread that you are holding, go ahead and hold it with your fingers and grab the other piece of thread and move it around your finger and grab it again so that you have two pieces of thread on the top top of your finger and they're almost wrapped around each other here, then you take the back part and pull it up. in the front and there you have your slipknot, you want to take your hook, now insert it into that hole and then when you pull the piece of yarn that is still attached to the hook, the ball you will be able to pull. a crochet hook like this, so that's the start, that's your slipknot, there are different ways you can do this, but this is the method I use, there are also other ways to hold the yarn and you have to find a way. which is more comfortable for you, what I usually do is I wrap it around my little finger and then over my index finger and hold the loose end like that and that creates a good tension and I also hold my crochet hook with a knife. also hold it with a pencil.
crochet how to crochet a granny square absolute beginners bella coco
I'll leave a link in the description again for my handy crochet guide. This is an ebook and just outlines some of these tips for you if you want to have some on hand. able to look all the time so once you're comfortable holding the yarn and the hook you're going to go ahead and start the project so what we want to do is what we call chain so let's chain. four chains the way you do this is you grab the yarn with your hook and you're going to pull it through the loop that's on your hook.
crochet how to crochet a granny square absolute beginners bella coco
Notice that as I'm doing this I'm loosening my tension with this finger, so I'm going to grab the thread and I'm going to run it through the biggest place that people make mistakes when they start and, rightly so, takes practice: holding the thread. too tight and they can't get it out. Hook this section here, so make sure you're pretty relaxed with your hand, grab the thread and pull it out and grab the thread and pull it out so that's our chain of four. Then we're going to turn this into a circle, so we can start building a square on it, so we're going to insert our hook into the fourth chain of the hook so we never count this chain that's on the hook, we count one, two , three and four, so this is it.
In the first chain we made, you'll want to insert the hook into that chain and it will look like you just have another loop on the hook. You're going to grab the thread. Pass it through that first chain. You may need to alter the position of your fingers. and then pass it through that second chain which is called a slip stitch. Now if I open this work here, you'll see what looks like two holes, so we have this one here and it's being created because of that point that we just passed and then you have the center circle right here, it's that center circle that we're going to work, so we're going to start with our round one and we're going to chain three so that the yarn over comes out just like we did before yarn over yarn over and yarn over yarn over now this is done so we work up to the height of the stitch what we're going to do and the type of stitch we are going to use is a triple crochet now just to confuse things further the UK and the US have different terms when it comes to their crochet stitches they are actually the same thing but they are different terms , so in the UK the stitches we are about to do are called triple crochet and in the US the stitches are called double crochet, so it is the same stitch but with a different term and it is very important remember it every time you look at the instructions to see if these are US terms or UK terms, so from here we're going to Make two double crochets and we're going to still work in that center circle, so you're going to wrap the yarn around of crochet.
I like to hold it here, especially when you're starting out and you're going to insert the hook into that center circle and then you're going to take the yarn again and pull it through, so now you have what looks like three loops on the hook, you're going to knit the yarn over and pull it through. through those first two loops that are on the hook, yarn over again and pull through those second two loops, so it's a triple crochet in the UK known as a double crochet in the US, so we'll do that again to be the yarn over, insert the yarn over into the center circle. through you will have three loops on the hook, put the yarn over two loops on the hook and then yarn over, put the yarn over two loops on the hook.
Now we have what looks like three stitches together, so remember that this chain of three counts as our first stitch. so one two three and if we imagine that this is going to be the side of that square now we need to create a corner to create a corner we're going to chain three one two and three and then we're going to do this three points again so we're going to go straight towards the center again while we work, so knit the yarn over in the center the yarn over, you will have three loops on the hook the yarn over, pull two, you will have two loops on the hook yarn over go through the two remaining loops and again insert the yarn over insert the yarn over pass the yarn over go through two yarn overs go through two please feel free to rewind this video at any point or pause while you catch up now Let's do our last treble crochet, insert the yarn over, pull the yarn over through three loops on the hook, yarn over by two and yarn by two, so we have just formed another side of the square at this point.
I like to spin. make it round so you can visibly see this is the bottom this is one of the corners this is the side and we can make another corner so you're going to chain three for the corner take the thread take it through one two and three now Let's work the next side, which is exactly the same as what we just did and essentially what the entire granny square is made of, so we are going to yarn over, insert the yarn over, pull the yarn over, pull the yarn over, pull through by two. yarn through two yarn over insert yarn through yarn over pass through two yarn overs pass through two and then the last yarn over insert yarn through yarn over pass through two yarn overs pass through two so that's it our third side I'm going to turn the work again and create corner one, two, three.
Now we make our last group of three double crochets. Insert yarn. Sometimes, if the work looks like this, it's just a matter of pulling. those dots around and you can reveal those three dots, so don't feel like you've made a mistake. If it looks like this, just push that round and you'll be able to visibly see those stitches, so I'm going to yarn over. go through two and then put the yarn over through those last two yarn overs insert the yarn over go through the yarn over go through two and yarn over go through two and then our last yarn over insert the yarn over pull through the yarn over go through two and then the yarn over goes through two , so I'm going to rotate the work again and then I can see that I only have the last corner to finish one, two and three and we need to find a way to connect this corner with the first point and the way we do that is with a point satin and we will do it in the third chain from the bottom, so the top of this chain three that we made right at the beginning of this round, as you can see, there are like little V shapes in these stitches, which are a stitch to sew and three stitches, you're going to insert the hook right at the top of that stitch and you want to catch two loops so it looks like there are essentially three loops on the hook here, but this is just one stitch, you're going to grab the yarn, move on to through that point and then go through that chain that's on the hook and that's your first loop.
Now many people tell me that they are doing the grandmother's square and you can see it. like a circle and that's because they don't put their corners in the right place so the corners will always be a chain of three and then you have these three groups of three triples on the edges so at this point we're We're ready for the second round and we want to work up to the height of our point again, so we're going to chain three, one, two and three. Now, if we look at where it landed, it almost looks like it's in the corner, so there we are.
In fact, we're going to leave this stitch until we work it completely and include it in our last group of three double crochets, but what we're going to do now is move on to the next corner and from now on each of these groups of double crochets highs are going to be separated by a chain one when they're on the side, so we just changed three and we're going to make another chain that takes us to the next space and that will become more obvious once we work through it completely. around so we're going to work on this corner now and we're going to make our group into three triples so that's one and remember this is the same technique as before if you need to rewind the video do it. our second, so that's two and three, so since we're working in the corner, we're actually going to make two groups of treble threes in the corner, so we've made our one group and this will be separated by a chain three to make the next corner, so let's go one, two, and three, and then I'm going to work on this corner again, so I'm going to do three triples, one, two, and three, for that corner section that we did in the first round. now contains two sets of three double crochets separated by a corner and it's very important to remember that as we move on to the next round, so from the first round, which is this one, we're going to move to the next corner again and we're going to separate for a chain, so we just make a chain and then we do exactly the same thing in this corner, so we'll do a double crochet 2 and 3.
I'm going to turn the work. I can see that this is my original round. and this is the second round, so I'm going to do a chain of 3 for corner one, two and three and then another group of three triples, one, two and three, so we're going to repeat that again, a chain to pass to the next corner three triples one two and three I'm going to turn my work around and chain 3 for corner one two three and then do another set of three triples in that corner one two and three, hopefully you're starting to see the pattern now .
It's very important that you take a step back and try to figure out what your first round is and what your second round is, so this is the first round still here, so we're going to move on to the next corner that we're going to chain together. one and then do three triples in the next corner one two and three we are going to create the corner by chaining 3 2 3 and then we find the chain 3 that we started at the beginning of this round so what do you want to do? Here you just have to make two double crochets 1 and 2 and then this chain 3 is classified as that third chain, so what we want to do here is connect with a slip stitch in the third chain from the bottom so that we have one chain, two chains and in chain three so insert your hook into that third chain again when you come in it will look like you have two loops on the hook grab the yarn and pull to make a slip stitch and that's your second full round so now we're ready.
For our third round we're going to start like we did before and chain three one two three and this is classed as our double crochet, so it's bringing us up to a double crochet now, if we look at where this stitch starts, actually starts. in this space right here and that's where we're going to start making our stitches so we're going to make two double crochets one and two more and that forms our group of three double crochets so as we're building this round now We'll be working on all the corner sections, but ifNotice that along the edges we havean extra space this round, so we're going to put a group of three triples in those spaces and with each row that gets bigger you'll get more groups along the edge, so we're doing a granny though. square and we will stop after four rounds.
You can actually make this square bigger and bigger until you reach the size you want. We just made a group of three triples that we are going to move towards the corner. Again, remember that we do a chain one to move on to the next section and what we always do in the corner is do a group of three triples, a chain of three and a group of three triples, so we're going to go ahead and do that. so a triple two and three we will create the corner by chaining three one two three and then we will make another group of three triples one two and three I would just like to point out here that I keep saying a group of three triples Just because I am grouping them for you it is much easier to understand, but once you get to more advanced crochet, a cluster stitch is actually a different type of stitch, so keep that in mind for the future, so we've worked our corner here.
Then we're going to work this space along the edge and we're going to separate with a chain one and do our group of three triple ones, two and three and then cross the corner again chaining one and then three triple ones. two, I'm going to pause here and pull the yarn out of the ball a little bit more. It's very important that you make sure you have enough yarn on the ball because if you're pulling the ball too much it can affect your tension, so you can see that this stitch here is a little bit smaller than the others, so make sure you have enough yarn on. your ball and then I will do the last double crochet and then I am going to do the corner so we will chain three one two and three and then we will do my group three triples one two and three we are going to chain one and we will do another group of three triples one two and three then we are going to chain one again and we work in the corner, we will go one, two and three and we will chain 3 for the corner, one, two, three and we will make a group of three triples, one, two and three, and now we are going to pass to the next space, so we are going to chain one and make our three triples in that space one, two and three and we have only one corner left to make it chain one to move towards the corner three triples one two and three chain three one two three we have the corner on the left to finish here because we're starting over in this section, so we're going to do our three triples as usual, one, two and three, we're going to chain one together to move on to the next section, but this is what we're going to do. do.
What we do is we insert our hook into the third chain from the bottom, so insert it there and it's going to do a slip stitch, so now we're ready for our last row and we're going to chain three as usual and that's going to be classed as ours. first treble, so you can see here that that string is closer to this section instead of this section, so what we're going to do is we're going to move on to the next section by chaining one, so we'll start by chaining four to start. with and you'll find that every two rows you'll have to chain three, so the next row will chain three there after that, you'll chain four, but we're just working on the next section, so you're going to go. in the next space and do your three double crochets and then we're going to go to the corner, so to go to the corner we're going to chain one and then we're going to do what we always do in the corners again.
I really hope you're starting to understand what this pattern is, but if not, stick with me and you'll soon learn it, don't worry, it may take some practicing squares to really understand exactly what you're doing, but we're going to do it. our three triples in that space, we're going to chain three and then do our three triples in that same corner space again and remember I said that with each row that you build you will have more along the edge, so on this edge we have a corner space and our corner space and between those two corner spaces we have two spaces, so we are going to make a group in each of those spaces, so we will chain one to move and then three double crochets chain one and three crochets double crochets chain one and move to the corner make three double crochets 1 2 and 3 chain 3 1 2 3 and then make another 3 double crochets in that space in the corner 1 2 3 that we are going to chain one again and then make 3 double crochets in the next 2 spaces 1 2 and 3 chain 1 and make another 3 double crochets 1 2 and 3 chain one and then work the corner for 3 double crochets 1 2 excuse me for a second while I untangle a little more thread and then chain 3 3 1 2 3 and 3 double crochets in the corner space, you are going to chain one again and make three double crochets in the next two spaces one two three cross chaining one and then make one two three chains one and then make three double crochets in your corner , three chains and then three double crochets to make a chain and then we end up in this last space right here, so sometimes people mistake that for a corner space, but remember to keep stopping and looking. what round are you on because if you start working in this space, a corner which is again where you would go circular instead of square, if it helps you could use something like this, a stitch marker or even a paper clip if you had a paper clip and just put it there to remember that that's the beginning of the round, but once you get a little more into doing the granny squares, once you've done one or two, you should pick it up and you can see the difference. between each row, but that's just a little tip if you start to get a little confused, so in this section we already have a chain of three that is classified as a double crochet, then we're going to do two more double crochets and then we're going to slip the stitch in the third chain from the bottom of this chain, three pull all the way to the end and then we're ready to tie so the way you do this is you grab the thread and pull it through you.
You will take your scissors and with a long end you will cut the thread so that the hook is still on the thread at this time, then you will pull it out and that will create a knot to then pull. on this and that you just give it a good squeeze and there you have your granny square, like I say, I'm going to leave a lot of different links in the description box to videos that you might find useful, one of them will be how to sew. your ends, another will be how to connect one granny square to another and then another will be about locking your granny square because sometimes they can curl up like that, especially if you have a really tight tension, you'll find that really curling up and locking them just helps make them look nice and straight so I'll leave links in the description box below to all of those videos but I really hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you made sure to give me a like be sure to subscribe to stay up to date with all my latest videos.
I have a ton of different videos in different playlists on my channel so check them out but thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time bye.

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