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Cool Inventions And Gadgets TikTok Made Me Buy

Mar 17, 2024
Hello friends, it's me and today we're looking at some super



I found on Tik Tok. Okay, I saw this jacket on Tik Tok. It's so futuristic that it literally has a plug. This is literally an Eva plug suit like when OA puts on. It's like everything big and baggy and then you press a button and then it just grabs you, where was this technology all this time? This anime was from the 90s and we created it just now. Oh wait, this is different instead. from pressing a button you turned on, sucking the air out of it, okay, okay, wait, it was a duffel bag a second ago or I'm hallucinating.
cool inventions and gadgets tiktok made me buy
Oh it was, so you carry your potatoes inside during the day and then when it gets a little cold at night and you've had your potatoes delivered it's a jacket wait it's the same it's like a utility jacket now okay this is like high stitching this is what Balenciaga wishes they were okay he didn't put that jacket on and wait a second there's like pockets in there there's so many hidden compartments I don't know if this is the same Jack oh you can also remove the pockets. I like to see fashion really be useful, not like Chanel making a little bag that doesn't fit anything but your lipstick, you know what? the bag is for excuses oh, my bag is so small that I couldn't carry money, so how do you expect me to pay?
cool inventions and gadgets tiktok made me buy

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cool inventions and gadgets tiktok made me buy...

I keep getting this ad on Tik Tok. At first I thought it was a girdle, but it basically fixes your posture. You don't realize you're slouched until you watch a video about good posture and then say you definitely don't have that gamer posture. I like to constantly remind myself to sit up straight, but it's like not everyone can do that. That's what literally forces you to have good posture. What will happen when you take it off? What a long day having perfect posture. Take it off and go back to hunching over and eating your hot fries.
cool inventions and gadgets tiktok made me buy
I am convinced that this is the official position. page of Spider-Man in real life because he


a real web shooter like he really shoots webs wait he's sticky too how did you make him sticky? I thought it was like the Halloween spider web you get at the dollar store and just put it on as a wrist trigger but now the W liquid bottle weight test is fine so it can literally hold onto a bottle four bottles , oh wow, eight, I don't know about this, we're going to lose some of them in the process, no, you might actually like it.
cool inventions and gadgets tiktok made me buy
Grabs things with it, wait, how does it stick? That's what I want to know, bro, he stole a spider's ass for this, you, they're the only ones who possess this kind of power, no, I'm telling you it's Spider-Man's life, look, he even has it. TM's random Amazon favorite. This is a deep tissue massager for neck and shoulders. Simply place it behind your neck or over your shoulders and apply the appropriate force for your massage. What did he see? Are you sure he is massaging? little blood flow to the area it seems like it feels good this is the best part to massage it feels so good and there is a device that says oh I have to get me one of these but I can't tell if it's a birthmark or no no on other people it's turning red the person records like it's not good keep going keep massaging are you sure it hurts a little? uh keep going we have to get that perfect shot at all costs it really hurts my next talk now Keep going we're going to sell a million of these in the Tik Tok store.
There is also another massager. At first I thought it was AI generated and I started watching the full video and that's why you look alive. I even have some small legs. I don't like it. I feel like one day he'll turn Rogue and attack you, you know, from relaxing you with a little massage to suffocating you in your sleep, this discreet, scary thing the way it moves, it's just, you know, it's too much. realistic. I don't know, we'll have to leave it unplugged, remove the batteries when not using it. You've probably seen this on the Internet, but someone


headphones that clean your ears.
You can see the dirt, yes, at least yours. Ears are clear now, I have to see this in action, like it somehow connects to your ears, it sounds very loud, like you are being hit with water, you know, pressure washing your ear canals and then literally, everything that comes out, all the dirt. the world to see the doctor looking at him cute what else do you have there you like to put a swab in your ear and take it out you have to look at it you stick your finger in your nose take it out you have to look at it you blow your nose when you are sick you have to look at it before throwing it away?
Is there anyone who doesn't look at their mucus after blowing their nose? Do you want to see the shape, size, color? viscosity OMG I found the craziest thing on the internet. I'm going to stop you right there. There are a lot of crazy things on the Internet. There's a lot. I don't think you've seen anything. This is a beo iPad stand or something. oh no, it's a switch stand, okay, that's


, so you can remove the controller and then use it as a display. Okay, that's the cutest thing, it's like a screen stand, but also a friend.
My new invention will change a sneaker game forever. What are you? making what the invention is, oh it's like a sticker that you put on the bottom of your sneakers, so if you have some weird or expensive sneakers that you don't want to ruin and some sneakers are very expensive, I don't blame you for not wanting to do it . get them dirty, but if they control it, like if there's a puddle of water and there's no sign of wet floor, you're going to slip and slide to your grave, scraping your shoes, it'll be the least of your problems when you have a bust a kneecap oh, that's kind of satisfying, although then you take it off and then put the shoe back on your shelf.
In fact, I would do this so I could put my dirty shoe that I already wore back on my shelf. I'm like I'm a germaphobe, so every time I put my shoes on I bring them home. I have to clean the shoes and then put them back on the shelf. You know, this is not a new invention. They've been doing things like this for years. now specifically for the red bottoms they are very expensive and when you first buy them they are perfect but you walk on them once the red bottom starts to wear out so you buy a rubber sole and then install it.
My other cobbler shoes this and it has grip oh they have a version with grip that's the way to do it this is absolutely brilliant it's called a Wonder brush everyone thought I was crazy for inventing my own toothbrush no this is so clever it's a toothbrush that you can fill with toothpaste so it's like when you travel you don't have to pack a toothbrush and toothpaste. This would be even better if it could be folded and you can put it in a bag. Does it have a cap that you can put on the brush? I don't.
I don't know, it's like a push pop, but it's toothpaste and then I love a two in one, except the shampoo and body wash. I don't trust them, oh, it's so good that even the fly wants it. POV, you live alone and have severe anxiety. I don't. Don't rely on those things like what if someone comes in through the window and there's a lock that you can get on Amazon. I've been seeing this all over Tik Tok. It's like a portable lock. You can take it to the hotels. You can wear it whenever. you travel or you can just use it at home, it flashes against the door and then you've created a door stop basically so no one can come in, it doesn't open, it doesn't close, no one comes in, no one goes out, that's pretty cool, I don't know what . kind of voodoo magic, this requires you to just slide it into the crack of your door and put everything under maximum security lock, no one will come in here when I'm asleep, you know, that's my worst fear: that someone will come into my house when I'm asleep . asleep I have another type of protection, they don't call me Sniper Wolf for nothing, you know, I was reading my comments and I saw this one and you guys want to know what kind of door lock is here and on my entire closet. door over there and I'm not a doorman so let me show you so this is the handle too again okay I'll buy this right away.
It has the coolest door handles I've ever seen. My mattress holds up my TV because, um, I've done it. I didn't put it on my dresser anyway, this is the knob that's literally like, oh god, is it working? He has a thumb print from when he was a kid like on the Disney Channel when they had things like this. I thought it was for Millionaires and they are mega mansions. They had a thumb print door handle and an eye scanner to get in and access all your jewelry, but no, I don't know why I don't have one of these.
It's cool and has like a little keyhole. I don't know, I feel like these can be hacked, but also what stops you from taking a credit card and just sliding it through the little crack in the door that always worked for me as a kid, just put your finger in there, oops, okay , there we go and then you walk in. Imagine you get the wrong thumbprint like three times and it's like waiting too many tries. The door knob has been disabled. You can't go into your room as much as I would love to. I'm good with a normal goatee.
I don't like going crazy with technology. Amazon Bathroom Tricks. This device sticks to the wall. It holds 24 degrees and dispenses mouthwash automatically so you can eliminate the mess. Oh. I feel like there is a better use for this. I don't want my bathroom to feel small. Italian restaurant in the bathroom when they bought the little mouthwash. I prefer to leave my mouthwash under the sink. There is plenty of room for it. These furry covers stick to your toilet. SE to keep everyone's butts warm. I don't know how I feel about this. it's made of microfiber, it'll probably be really nice for the first few days and then eventually it'll get really gross, they had to make them disposable, everything is fun in games until you get explosive diarrhea or someone forgets to lift the seat and then accidentally like they get a little splash on the seat covers and then they start to stink they just get a bed cover they got them on Amazon where it's like a seat warmer and it's a bed and you just like to put it on top of your toilet .
Amazon Prime Day must have this. It's the best pillow for side sleepers and it's currently on sale ooh I have phases where I sleep on my back and I sleep on my side and I sleep on my stomach so I bought one of these and it's like it's so nice like one night and then your body is like this I don't like this something's wrong I don't know there's something about sleeping on your arm and waking up not being able to feel it it just hits different oh Wait there are multiple positions you can do it.
Oh, I like the long part that you can curl up with. It's like cuddling with a long, thin man. I like it. The medcline also helps relieve shoulder pain while you sleep and prevents your arms from moving. Falling asleep and one night it was so bad that I fell asleep on my arm. I was numb for days. I was a little scared. I have that wedge and it is not comfortable. I hate it but this one has a hole in it so it could make it a little better the body pillow can even help you if you feel lonely when you're in bed.
There is also a zipper so you can remove the cover and put it in the washing machine. It's a great solution for natural relief, meaning you won't have to pile it on anymore. your pillows are fine if you are stacking your pillows you have the wrong pillow you should never have to stack three pillows on top of each other you just need a really good pillow also if you are staying in a hotel and you really like the pillow that is there you can look up what type of pillow they use. Many of them have a place where you can buy pillows at the hotel.
That's what I did and that's how I found my forever pillow. I actually spent 5 years of my life doing this because I hate poop. Splash, what, oh, it's like a bubble bath for the toilet bowl, this would be so difficult in a public bathroom that they have to have them like in all the luxury public bathrooms in the world and the comfort of your own home is not so bad because it's like your toilet water, but like public toilets, it's scary every time it splashes, it's like oh oh, I guess I have gonorrhea now. I don't know if many people have the time to open a package and put the bubble bath mixture in the toilet bowl and Well, here it's like people poop too often, unless the poop sloshing bothers you so much that is affecting the daily quality of your life, then this is the perfect invention.
This fan clips onto your umbrella and is made specifically to clip on. your umbrella because it's a little bit specific, oh, it can also be hooked on your finger if you're going to have a fan, an umbrella and a mask when you go out for a walk, at that time stay at home, don't even leave your house. For all you lovers of eating pizza with a fork, they made this silly little thing that is a mini pizza cutter attached to a fork so you can cut your pizza and then pick it up with a fork and eat it so you don't feel like a complete tool. bag to eat it with a fork and knife you know this makes it a little more socially acceptable fork and knife your wife will probably leave you with this I don't know if you would use it but anyway that's all for today I hope you enjoyed this video, yes made sure to hit the like button on the face and comment below which one is the best andmake sure you turn on notifications click click I just released some new products we have hoodies and tags. on OG I'll link it below and be sure to subscribe to wolf pack.
I love you so much, thanks for watching, bye guys.

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