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i paid a girl to chase me in minecraft...

May 30, 2021
I said. I will not come back. I like it here. you're nah nah you're playing I don't like it here there's no way I'm coming back please I lost one close the front door okay I'm trying no I'll try please no I'm trying I'm trying you're here what hell I'm going, no, yeah, okay, oh my god, I thought it was final, wait, you're almost done with the game, okay, I'm done, I'm done, no, you're not done, are you, yeah, I'm done , I completed the game, no you didn't, come on, come on, no, no, no, no, do you really want to do this?
i paid a girl to chase me in minecraft
Yes, really, I have it now or never. You're about to finish the game, bro, no, no, no, I'm doing this, there's no way, no, I'm not paying you 100 dollars, no. Thanks, I'll see you later oh no, I'm coming, no, I'm coming, are you just a fucking idiot, bro? Okay, thanks, the rods don't work, by the way, I may be sitting on a trash can, but you're graceful . no it just fell off oh okay I'm bad, I'm bad for that, walk away, come on, come back, what do you mean I don't have a block? No, I don't know, oh, okay, okay, wait, I need to get organized. my inventory a little get me out of this okay, how's your health?
i paid a girl to chase me in minecraft

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i paid a girl to chase me in minecraft...

It's really good, very good, I'm full, someone set fire to the forest, yeah, it wasn't me, I'm not an arsonist, come on, come on. about how it went, I'm leaving see you later no, you're not going to finish this game whisper, but I'm winning, there's no way you're going to get out, oh my god, you're kidding, you don't even know how to swim, shut up, shut up, shut up, I have to, what do you mean, stop running, I'm like relaxed for a second, just vibe with me, okay, my compass stays with you for like 10 seconds, come on, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, I'm gonna come. come back better than ever you're not going to finish this game oh my god, I'm leaving here see you later imagine hiding in the trees oh that's so good I'm so genuinely bad at surviving I'm so genuinely terrible I see you then I'm going to do this no, Dude, why yes, give me a fair chance no, no, no, no, what do we give you, I gave you a perfectly fair chance, you're in the trees, what are you damned, Tarzan, come out, you know?
i paid a girl to chase me in minecraft
What do you want me to eat? Remember with me High Pixel. One of you wants me Hypixel. No, no, there's no time for that. This is more important. I don't lose a hundred dollars on you. No, thanks. I'm going to be sad, really. I really need the money, oh that's so funny. What if I gave you a very good reason? That's why I need the money for my cat. No, no, no, no, no, no guilt, tripping over your cat, it's his birthday and what you need is money for yourself. cat's birthday, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard in my life, you need a hundred dollars from me for your cat's birthday, yeah, oh my god, it's over, your stuff is gone, you know what's good, I got this, you're done, no, no, no no no no no no no no I'm not going to win, you really can't stand a talk, I love it, perfect, it has to be here somewhere, I probably knew it, it won't go away, oh , you stink, okay, okay, come on.
i paid a girl to chase me in minecraft
I'm a terrible hunter Yes, you're tired Yes, I love it This is perfect This is the easiest hundred quid I've ever spent Oh, I really thought I was going to do well, Yes, no, yes, you were wrong. you have to beat the ender dragon to win i do it yeah that's really hard i've never beaten the ender dragon what's weird well that fills me with confidence literally one thing i needed wasn't that in I actually know how I can beat you. It's not going to happen there's no chance he's here I know how I can though where is he? oh I really play to win I know how you know exactly how I can beat you now no, no, I'm right.
I don't really have a chance I have a plan 110 it's foolproof complete plan okay I'm about to come and kill you just wait well I'm not awake so I don't know how it's going to work that I can Although I'll tell you my plan okay yeah, I mean your nonexistent plan won't work, so it's okay when you least expect it and I'll end up defeating the Ender Dragon. That's what will happen if you defeat the Ender Dragon. I will give you 200. maybe the ender dragon you owe me your channel no no if you beat the ender dragon I will give you 500.
I will see for God's sake I have the perfect plan no I didn't I need you to stay in the world so that my plan work well, well, I won't, I'm leaving, that's what we like, this is free, you're doomed, I'm not, buddy, I'm going to win, I've got my plan, you don't understand my plan, it's so smart that, Like it's my


y brain power, honestly, I just, no, I don't trust a single word you say, oh, so where's that? come here, hate, yes, give me, give me. I do it yes oh that's so good oh shot at the front door this is crazy oh nasty work where where I see you see me no no you're not you're in the past I'm concentrating on the future oh my shots this is amazing yes, what? what are you doing? oh my goodness, I have been blessed by the gods of Minecraft themselves.
Yeah, oh, I'm kidding, I've never been so lucky in my life. what no, no, no, no, no, how are you here? your business mind your business what's next with your day keep doing what you're doing stay away from me go away go away i have no idea where you are i just saw your name tag briefly this fortress is impossible i don't know what you're doing but maybe you want to leave I'm too powerful for you to fight me right now. Oh, come on, oh, no, come on, yes, see you, come on, activate my foolproof plan.
No no no no. you would have a full test activated, prepare to take the fattest. No, it's not going to happen, it's going to happen, it's over for you, oh actually, I'm a bit of a pickle, I'm not going to lie, you played it yourself, okay, there's one. No, it's okay, it's okay, I got this hey, come on, big boy, yeah, let's go to smart mode right there, hey, no, it's okay, it's okay, hey, that's why I smile what I already have, I'm so bad that I see you, I'm going down. You're done You're done You're next You're not part of the player Oh my god I don't care I have to beat this I have to beat this I'm not part of your plan I'm definitely part of mine How do you get to the final cities?
First you have to defeat the ender dragon. I need that armor. Oh my God, that was your plan. I won. You can't kill me. It is impossible to clean it. I'm here to clean up, yes, if I defeat the Ender dragon, that doesn't matter if you kill me, no, you won't defeat him because I'm going to clean you up right before he dies. Oh, not having arrows is actually a pain, hey, wait, what the hell? you died was that you ah whoa oh you took my ticket oh come on oh no if you kill the ender dragon before me I'm out of 500 that's ridiculous okay you want to try it you want to try me it's me I'm fighting oh you're going to last the dragon's last breath .
I'm dying, I'm dying, I'm dying, no, yeah, that's so dumb, no, no, no, no, no, don't hit me, please don't hit me, okay, you had absolutely nothing, okay , I did it. have them but come on it's not okay it's okay it's okay oh my God, come on ah no no no what I owe you a hundred dollars no no I'm not going to beat the ender dragon you no no no you're not no you're not, I'm here and I have a dream, no, I do have anything to do with it, so I'm just choosing my way back, thank you, it's okay, it's all gone, it's all over, no, I'm here, I'm here.
I'm ready, I'll tell you what I think, it's okay since we both cheated to get here right now, fair fight, fair fight for 100, that 500 is off the table, okay, I'm sorry, we cheated both of us here. It's not realistic, I go out, okay, you take this and this, okay, and you have to kill me, okay, you're ready, I'm ready, okay, oh, that hurts, do you do it now?, yes, you really do . I'm going to run until your region is out. Win even though I'm an absolute god in the game. Yeah, you can't beat me.

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