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COOKING A HEALTHY DINNER *i'm an adult now*

May 31, 2021
I'm having a really bad hair day. Let's address the elephant in the room. Don't ask me what's going on. I tried braiding my hair. I tried putting it in a bun. I tried putting it in a ponytail. I like it. I basically wanted to shave my head but I decided it was a bad idea and now that we have this situation it's not good and I know it but we'll continue with the video anyway okay I've recently been


for I like all the days, which is crazy applause. I never used to cook for myself. I literally asked for pose partners for every meal for a year, but recently I realized it was bad for my health and also fun to cook, so I've been doing it.
cooking a healthy dinner i m an adult now
I've been


a lot lately, but I don't tend to cook things that are very complicated. I feel like I always cook easy things, so today I wanted to challenge myself to cook a fun


that has more than two steps to cook. as something a little more complex we are going to make a rich and balanced meal we are going to make some brussels sprouts although for some reason everyone hates brussels sprouts I really don't see the problem I don't know why they are so bad, but we are going to make Brussels sprouts and we're going to do roasted chickpeas because I love chickpeas too, they're a little underrated and then we'll make some furrows happy.
cooking a healthy dinner i m an adult now

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cooking a healthy dinner i m an adult now...

I feel like when I cook for myself, I tend to cook. healthier because it's easier, not that it's not easier, but it's like I can too, you know what I mean, I'm putting the Morgan on it. Maybe we'll get


too, so let's cook. I'm not going to do the first. u-haul, but I'm going to show you that I got more plums, I tried one. Wow, I didn't even wash it, that's not right, okay, let's cook. I'm going to start with the Brussels sprouts, okay, don't use knives like me. I'm not very confident, you know, oh my God, what bothers me the most is when I have to walk, oh God, this is going to be a problem.
cooking a healthy dinner i m an adult now
Declan update what he's doing. I'm awesome, okay, that's a lot of Brussels sprouts. I've been really I'm enjoying cooking recently and it's been fun or whatever, but the problem is that I don't think I'm very good at it and what makes me think that is that every time I cook, it always comes out like, knowing like not . As good as I'd like to be, I usually end up a little disappointed, so I hope today is good because I'm like following a recipe, becoming an


, and becoming a woman. I mean, I'm a mother now because I'm Declan.
cooking a healthy dinner i m an adult now
You know, while I'm doing this I want to have a drink because I'm a little thirsty, so I bought this young coconut. Now I look like a schoolboy. I see a lot of things I still do, but I used to hate coconut. and now I'm obsessed with them, oh my god, I'm going to start buying them, they are delicious. I probably should have planned better with these Brussels sprouts and I probably shouldn't have chosen to make Brussels sprouts because I'm having to cut them all into small pieces and clean them and it's an ordeal, but my mom used to do this to me, she leaves Brussels sprouts every weeks and then I would like to eat them all week, breath and she would like to peel them. every Brussels sprout for me every week she's too good a woman honey mom one of the reasons I like to cook on camera is because I loved cooking shows whatever on the Food Network. dives I loved Cupcake Wars I loved the dive I hope people know about these shows or am I just talking about something no one knows, they made me relax in a weird way like there are certain TV shows that make me anxious eg oh god mine, my strange addiction.
TLC, that show gave me anxiety, whereas anything on Food Network made me feel happy, calm, collected, there's a lot of things I think I shouldn't watch when I was younger, like I literally watched movies like Alfred Hitchcock when I was 7 years. What I've learned from this experience is that once you get into the rhythm of chopping vegetables, we can be a little meditative. I mean it would be nice if you could get pre-cut Brussels sprouts like this, maybe you can if I can't I'm going to start that trusty company don't take the idea please now that these, oh wait I need to preheat the oven.
I've never made this recipe before, but my mom sent it to me, so if mom likes it, then. The oven is probably on right, no literally Declan is sitting on the floor right at my feet it's like he wants me to step on it and I have to move him so he can't know that cooking is dangerous when you have pets. I feel like he's going to like to get into something. I'll start mixing this. Oh my god, he's crazy. You know, I did a little bit of lemon pepper, which can be too much or too little.
I don't know, salt and olive oil. I'm just going to make a lot, you're going to make some lemon juice, okay, that was a lot, I don't know if it was too much, I'm starting to lose hope, I need more olive oil, oh, I was doing that too, why what is crazy? that, oh my god, what are you crazy, maybe a spoon, they look great, look at that, look at those Brussels, now we have to make our chickpeas, this is going to be a little easier, Brussels sprouts are something like that like Brussels sprouts. the hard part, the chickpeas, is easy, let me remind you that you can make these recipes although I am not telling you how to make anything, so you can't really make the recipe, but you can make this meal for your loved ones parents because it is a classy meal, okay, I'll shut up now, let's get to work while I cook, though before I start on my chickpeas, I want it, I did it, I did something, I bought a bunch of


chips and salsa so I can eat chips and salsa while I'm cooking because in my family for some reason everyone likes to eat chips and salsa while cooking, it's just me, I don't know, it's weird, I have some salsa here, I don't know if it's good, I'll never try it.
I don't care, these are not coconut flour tortilla chips, my expectations are low, I don't hate it, it's okay, they are actually two types of salsa and I want to try both. I give the comb enough power once I get 4 out of 10. one good day, what about these cauliflower tortilla chips? Crazy old foods you can find there. Oh, so what's my hair doing? What is this hair doing? Kyle, our tips are good and I give them an 8 out of 10, no that's not good. ok, those coconut flour chips, these suck, last but not least, these are the seven lime chips, cool, free, whatever I've tried before, I know they're good, these are great, but we will come back again, polléame. time, this is so easy, it's really easy.
I never knew how to properly use a can opener. It's definitely not one of my strong points. Yes, I'm washing my beans because I'm supposed to do that. I guess the beans are full, oh God. God look, I'm not even going to be hungry once I'm done cooking because I find so many chips, I don't know why I always put so many in my mouth at once, that's what she said, olive oil, salt, pepper, I'm not measuring. I'm so sorry, I'm literally so sorry. I know I'm supposed to be measuring, but I don't because I don't really care.
Looks great. Let's mix it up. Where is my? Why are you losing things? It's crazy that being a parent means you have to know how to cook, you know what I mean. If you're a parent and you don't know how to cook, you'll get roasted at PTA meetings. I do my hair. This is so ugly. What is this? Okay, I'm changing my hair. I have bad hair days like once every two days and then we're left with this. Could I just give up? Oh my god, it's great. Oh, look at that, I'll explode. This in the oven, what's stopping me?
I was so intimidated by the idea of ​​cooking and this really isn't that hard, it's actually really good and nice and fun, look at the eggs, they're amazing, they go in the oven, okay, originally I was going to do it. rice with this I even bought my favorite rice from my childhood this is brown Spanish rice this was my favorite food so I don't know why and I haven't had it since I was literally seven years old but I'll do this in another


prep episode If this happens again who knows, probably not, so now let's wait, let's take a look at what my kitchen looks like.
I mean, it's not too messy, these will be for cleaning, but whatever before I go to bed. my bed while this cooks I bought this honeycomb and I always wanted to eat honeycomb so let's try to see if it's good I always wanted to try it I mean it tastes good, it's too sweet for me lesson learned It was fun though, I'll see you when it's ready. I'm going to eat my chips and salsa, it's ready, everyone is ready, look at my masterpiece, delicious, let's try it. I'll be the judge, maybe Chitty, oh, those are good, oh.
Omg these are really good, definitely try them, a great way and source of protein for us vegetarians, this meal is vegan. I'm proud that it's like the first time I cooked for myself and it worked. I'm turning into a woman now it's time to dry the Brussels sprouts it smells good actually no way these are good tips Wow guys I can look at this it's crazy not to mention I ogled everything. The question is what am I a never desert? Well, not you guys, let's talk about what's going on in my life, uh, okay, there's literally nothing to talk about, but let me talk about these Brussels sprouts.
I actually didn't expect them to be good because Brussels sprouts take forever to cook and usually don't end up being that good, but I did. a good job maybe not so bad after all they are doing this every week. I'm going to be so healthy that I'll like to live to be 90, although this was a necessary part of my development because if I want to be a mom someday I need to at least know how to do something like how am I supposed to host dinner parties? Know? Whatever the point of being an


is, this dinner doesn't look as good as it tastes.
It's good for what it is Brussels sprouts don't taste like macaroni and cheese I wish they knew that but they don't I don't look good when I eat like some people look good when they eat I'm not one of those What is that? Let's go for dessert. I deserve it. I work hard tonight. Oh, ice cream milk. This shouldn't be legal. This is what keeps me active. It's so good there are like pieces of oatmeal cookie. Literally midnight right now. I'm going to do it. go to bed I hope you have a great day I hope life is treating you well thank you guys for watching this I hope you had fun I did it I mean now I have leftovers for at least 3 days this is amazing catch me Food Network just kidding, on Actually that would be a lot of fun.
Food Network, if you're watching this, put me as a contestant, thank you everyone for watching. I love you guys, have an amazing day, be yourself, follow your dreams and keep them real, oh yeah. oh no, let me make that man say goodbye. I'm obsessed with him, I can't stop talking about him, let me say hello, you know what I'm not going to make him do? It's very nice, goodbye. guy

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