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Content Nuke - Keemstar

Jun 06, 2021
Hey man, I have no idea what you said about me because I personally haven't seen it yet. All I know is that a bunch of people are tweeting at me and saying you were talking about me. I really hope that's not true, because if it is true, oh man. We are going to have to expose another snake the doxé what are you going to do about it? He has lost his mind telling you right now that it is impossible not to laugh at you. Do you touch children? people need to know where this guy lives. the fate of the doctor.
content nuke   keemstar
Where is the big story? He is one of nature's most efficient killers, the Keemstar killer, once his venom is injected into his victim, he can cause psychosis within minutes and in some cases even death can't wait to report his death and today He feeds on his pain. We hunt the camellias reptilius the deadliest in the world hello ethan cline ethan clyde is a liar he is alive a liar that is not the truth are you okay brother? I'm actually worried about you brother, I think maybe you're having a mental breakdown. I found one down here, oh he's everywhere, man, he finds you anywhere, that's why we have to be super safe in this discreet underground place.
content nuke   keemstar

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content nuke keemstar...

Harry Potter is just a movie, but I don't think I've met a real-life Slytherin until


. as if I were the magician of being many of you may have seen my last video in which I defended myself against accusations that I am the most evil man in the world and the explanation we gave was suitable for everyone except one man, the also known chemio reptilius. As a problematic


assassin, I'm here to tell you that Ethan Clyde is a liar, he's a liar, that's not the truth, that's just not true, I'll tell you why it's not true, like three years ago there was a very popular game called Payday 2. the creators of payday 2 basically came out and said look we're going to make a dlc pack of h3h3, we'll sell it for five dollars and all the money we make we'll give to h3h3 for the lawsuit and h3h3 will live now like a lot of things that says keemstar, this is 100% false and please let's continue to appreciate the gravity of what he is saying.
content nuke   keemstar
He is accusing me of felony fraud for theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars and keemstar exposes him without a second thought and with complete confidence. he says you're a liar ethan clyde is a liar i want to quickly bring you up to speed on all of keemstar's past transgressions before moving on to his illustrious future he told totalbiscuit that he was dying of cancer that he couldn't wait to report his death I want to be like I can't wait to report your death falsely accused an elderly streamer of being a convicted pedophile oh I mean how can he live this?
content nuke   keemstar
He wrongly accused the guy of being a pedophile, but God forbid if he has to stop playing a game to investigate it and you know what his evidence was, wait, he looked like the guy in the photo, yeah, that's it, he didn't. I'll call, I won't tell him my phone number I don't want that guy to bother me no matter what I don't want his money I don't want his apology because you know what I know who and what I am and my real friends know who and what I am Now to Keemstar he likes to act like he and Tony are all good, but here's a clip of Tony talking about the incident a year and a half later, describing how this mishap on Keemstar's Dramaalert ended years of endless harassment for him.
Listen to it once. I had, I don't know, hundreds of thousands of people threaten to kill my family, harassed my sister, my nephews, I mean me, I mean, you know it was just them, they hacked our runescape account, they hacked our YouTube channel. , they made more garbage than you. I can even imagine, okay, that whole thing about me being a child molester and a pedophile anyway. I sent out a little Twitter saying I was just saying keemstar so you know your nonsense from a year and a half ago is still giving me trouble every day and keemstar.
I know he's evolved from where he was before. People said it has changed. You know he's a better man. This is how he reacts to Tony. I'm not going to tolerate you blaming me for the people who troll you anymore because I'm not guilty. I'm guilty of that video being wrong and what I said about you, but I'm not guilty of being trolled in 2017. If this happened once or twice, I just let it go, but you've done this for me several times for the last six months and I'm holding back every urge to say just go, go yourself, I'm holding back oh poor keemstar, he's the victim of poor tony's bullying, the way Tony is bullying poor keemstar is unacceptable.
Who is he? He's heading here with Tony, the guy he publicly accused of being a pedophile. Go yourself. I'm holding it back because you want to be. You know, hey, you know he's angry. That clip with Tony was intense. I need it. What balls do you have to tell this guy to leave? Keemstar has a bottle of G-fuel somewhere in his house that is actually a horcrux. How come G-field still sponsors this guy because of the way G-fuel brought him to you over false accusations of pedophilia? Ah chugachew get it now on now after


cop there was a period where keemstar was flying under the radar for being a good guy and everyone thought wow this guy has really changed yes he has changed for the worse a lot , worse, now guys, before I come back. until the beginning of this video where keemstar accused me of felony fraud.
I'd like to catch you up on all of your accomplishments since you've been


police, so walk with me here into a museum of hate and destruction. I'm white. He runs this world you're black you're my slave understand I would hang you the first time he gets a gun he shoots his brother I've never heard you're so angry in my life this guy is so embarrassed that black man look at this reaction I'm kidding he's so angry because he knows who is a second class citizen because the only reason you want a white girl is because no one wants a black girl just fate is a youtuber who made the very unfortunate decision of using underage girls in his thumbnails, keemstar took that and followed him by insinuating that he is a pedophile with no evidence that you touch children oh my god really but do you touch children after losing 3000 subscribers in this interview keemstar declares war on destiny dude I got a lot because of that guy, I lost almost 3000 subscribers.
I'm going to war with this just for the sake of it. Keemstar publishes all public information about him on the Internet. Here is an example of what my document container looks like. has my name, birthday, home address, all my phone numbers, my parents' phone numbers, and my parents' home address, this is posted for the express purpose of harassment and often leads to swati as well , here he is admitting to having doxed, I doxed him, what are you? I'm going to do about it. What do you mean? I'm literally telling you right now. What do you think is going to happen to me?
You told Auggie. This is going to be a great story. Keemstar docks destiny. The fate of the doctor. Where is the big story? Yes. He doxes people all the time. I run a news show like it's literally part of the job. He brags about fooling many people because he runs a new program. No, I don't know what kind of news program Keem starts publishing, but I don't. I can't remember the last time Anderson Cooper had to find out someone's mother's phone number and post it online. I need to know who and where he lives she. I need to know where.
I'm sorry, but I'm talking and you're talking when. I'm talking shut up here is keemstar doxxing a youtuber known as smiles4youtube in his live stream his skype is literally a smile for youtube take note of all this that is his skype right there giving my home address giving all my information because this is his phone number the guy is from Canada this is his wife's phone number right here this is his wife's phone number right here and I can totally see how that guy's wife's phone number is newsworthy and why you need to post it publicly we need this guy's address we need to drop his address you can hear someone on the stream saying that swatting is when you call the police and report a violent crime, hostage situation or terrorist attack to provoke an armed police response at someone else's address, this is our house last year, this is what smashing looks like as if doxing leads to smashing keemstar clearly knows this, he is fully aware of the consequences of saying this, we need this guy's address, we need to leave his address and smashing sometimes leads to death, as we will find out later in this video, people need to know where. this guy lives now they are going to crush me look at the mall there they are everywhere these cops are everywhere thank you I wonder who did this I'm sorry I'm recording for this situation because it happens a lot yes I am I'm sorry I called them Guys, I told you, listen, it's fake, it's not true.
Keemstar is surprised that people think he is responsible, of course he never called the police, that would be illegal. He simply cheerfully put the information into his broadcast challenging any of his followers. Do it for him like I'm now being accused of crushing people. I can't even believe this exists and I can't believe people actually believe it. His Skype is literally a smile for YouTube. People really believe it. This is yours. phone number people really believe it this is his wife's phone number people really believe it we need this guy's address we need to leave his address people really believe it people need to know where this guy lives people really believe it look at them all there they are It's really so hard to believe hearing keemstar talk about him after leaking all his private information on stream.
This kid is a loser in every sense of the word. I have never dealt with a loser like this in my life as this guy has no friends. My friends and I have trolled him so hard that his life is consumed thinking about me. Now they accuse me of crushing people. I can't even believe this exists and I can't believe people actually believe it. Keemstar. claims that smile for youtube crushed him first smile for youtube the guy is a liar okay i never hit him he hit me and he hit basher and even if that's true does it really justify leaking the number of your wife's phone?
What did she have to do with it? this is his wife's phone number and his home address endangering the lives of his children dealing with a father father father father father father father father this is a man who is willing to endanger children for a little internet problem i'm fast as a kid we need this guy the address is still fast as this is his wife's phone number dealing with a father look at them all there i don't think you have any idea how fast i really am yeah doxo to people all the time. I run a new program for these people.
I need to know where this guy lives. Curious idea of ​​how fast I am. I think this guy has no friends and I have trolled him so hard that his life is consumed thinking about me. A man in Los Angeles is arrested for an alleged prank that originated in the gaming community but turned deadly in real life in Kansas John Blackstone with the way it unfolded Wichita police officers believe they were responding to a hostage situation when Andrew Fitch was shot and killed after he appeared to be reaching for a gun it was all a mistake it started with this fake 9-1-1 call I'm just pointing the gun at them making sure they stay in the closet my mom and my little brother is fine, is there any way you can wield the gun?
Police do not believe that the call was actually made by Tyler Barris, 25, 1300 miles away in Los Angeles, we contacted him and asked if we could get an interview with him and we did, and this is what What did the person who made this fake call to the police say? one really went unnoticed, but I find it really disturbing that keemstar, the day after this murder occurred, was able to get this kid to appear on their fully monetized show, keemstar charged him a lot for this whole ordeal and so did I, if I remember wrong the interview brought for you by the swat murder was also sponsored by g keem fuel usage code for 10 of your life expectancy you hit in that right direction sure okay so you hit in the direction that you put in the fake hostage situation, right, yeah, and then this A guy gets murdered, that's what happened, I guess, and you take any responsibility for what happened.
I don't think I'm the only culprit involved in this whole incident. You could point the finger at the cop who killed someone. You could point the finger. to the guy who made the call, you could point your finger at the person who provided the address and say oh look, this is where I live, go ahead and change me, so it's really debatable in my opinion, isn't it great that Keemstar is giving you giving this murderer? the opportunity to blame others without any opposition, there are several people who caused this to happen whilethey were still on the run from the police and can we appreciate the irony of Keemstar having all the people sit here and pretend to be outraged when he allows this kind of behavior all the time what do you do? what would you say to the family?
We need this guy's direction, I mean, this family doesn't have a, you know, these kids don't have a father dealing with a father, father, father, father, father, you know. the mother has lost a son this is his wife's phone number his family has lost a family member because of your actions people need to know where this guy lives this kid is a loser in every sense of the word I've never dealt with a loser in my life like this guy has no friends zero friends he went on dramaalert and made fun of a suicidal youtuber's tweets that's it, that's all I need to say about that today's story it's about basher he had a breakdown on twitter and frankly he's suicidal this is what he said on twitter i almost killed myself today on the way home not sure why i can't move on with those constant ups and downs i can't stand this on its own , this clip is pretty bad, but to understand where our story is going, you have to understand Keemstar's position on mental illness in general.
We don't believe in depression in this home. We believe that if you are sad, work harder if you affirm that. You have mental health problems People automatically support you They feel bad for you They automatically pay attention to you Do you understand that a lot of this is because depression and mental health problems are the biggest shield in the world? FYI everyone gets depressed but only the weak let it define them and you are weak if you want to be left alone here is a block pharmaceutical companies invent all these mental illnesses so they can sell drugs to morons social anxiety It's 100 a fake disease invented so they can sell you drugs and make you millions stop being weak society is literally going to die if you keep going like this talk for real if you suffer from panic attacks and are old enough to drink the best way to stop a panic attack very quick is taking a sip of beer alone I need like three sips brought to you by Dr.
Daniel Keemstar sponsored by G Fuel. Well, unfortunately we are learning new details about the death of popular YouTuber Etika. The medical examiner's office says the 29-year-old drowned in the East River by suicide. Etika whose real name is. Desmond Emofa was found on Monday near South Street Seaport, NYPD says some of his things were located along the Manhattan Bridge two days earlier, fans became concerned about the YouTuber last week when he posted a video of eight minutes saying it's been a nice life, it's the news attica has lost her mind like the third time etika is a youtuber who unfortunately took his own life, it shook many of us to the core and caused a lot of introspection in the community from YouTube.
I believe he suffered from bipolar disorder and was known for going through extreme manic states and doing a show on YouTube and Keemstar of course was very quick to capitalize on these shows. He started tweeting crazy things yesterday once again for the last time. I am God and so are you, oh my God, wait. I am God I am God he is God we are all God when you are bipolar you are in a manic state you have to understand that you can get very far from reality and what this person needs is certainly professional help and tenderness and by not being fueled by his mania , you could see, for example, how worried Keemstar is about him.
Attica has lost her mind and has lost her mind. I mean, don't get so excited about it, man, it's a bummer, I doubt he will. and his fans and his family are happy about that. At one point, he was arrested by the police and Keemstar noted that he couldn't help but laugh at that. Someone and we don't know who called the police. The police showed. to his apartment and this is the video he posted on Twitter, turn it around, yeah, I think someone is trying to hurt me. I don't know, people online, people online are trying to hurt me online, people online, don't let them hurt me, okay?
They keep calling the police on me, the people online calling, they hate me for some reason, I don't know why they hate me, even though everything I do, no, even though I earn, I earn a lot, so I'm very rich, I have a lot of money, i make a lot of it, so that's probably why it's impossible not to laugh at it, during a previous manic episode, keemstar had tweeted the address, the location of the psychiatric hospital he was admitted to, you're in a manic state. Say the last thing you need is to be fed more energy, excitement and mania, maybe doxxing someone is bad enough, but a guy in a manic state having a meltdown at Dox's metal institute, it's just me I found myself staring at this tweet in total disbelief the day before. keemstar doxed his mental hospital, he tweeted that etika fans are tweeting me saying that I shouldn't stream Red Dead at a time like this, he's not my friend, I barely talk to him, I'm worried but there's nothing I can do and It's red.
I'm dead, I'm so sorry, but I'm streaming it no matter what, three days later, Keemstar is tagging the tag and putting as much stress on it as possible. Retweet if you want an interview with Etika and then people start hitting him in the comments, leave him alone. some time to rest, suck a cock, I have a news channel. I'm going to give my viewers the news. I don't care about your fake social justice warrior emotions on Twitter for attention. This really shows how Keemstar views Etica more as a commodity. that a person's performance on the keemstar channel is much more important than the well-being of ethics during one of his manic states the police broke into his apartment I'm scared I'm scared I'm scared I'm very scared I'm very scared I'm really scared I'm very scared right now Look, can you see me? it's okay, it's okay, I'm glad your hands are okay, it's okay, it's okay here look, look, it's okay, turn around, turn around, it's okay and I let go a couple of hours later, now Keemstar is He hurried to pick it up.
In the vulnerable state of his, the manic state that he was in and I immediately put it on his program, so there you have it, that was the end. They took Etika to the psychiatric hospital, but only a few hours later he was discharged. I jumped into his dms. and schedule this interview and let me tell you things got crazy, you should also notice the nice little meme featuring him that really shows how little he cares about etika, crazy, that's what's going on, it's me, the antichrist , I've come. To purge the planet of all human life, I will soon launch nuclear missiles on every human being.
Death means nothing, why are you so afraid of death? Because it means absolutely zero meanwhile, why do you think I made Trump president? We are about to have some fireworks very soon, yes ladies and gentlemen, Etika is on the line here now, Etika when you say that death means nothing, are you basically saying that life is a simulation? video game we are all in a video game and I am the one who is putting together the pieces of everything you have done in your life. Keemstar was everything leading up to this moment where you can stream the beginning of the beginning of the rise of the known antichrist I am the antichrist I am the one who brings death to all ethics is clearly having delusions of grandeur and at the peak of a manic state keemstar has no concern about stopping this interview and getting you help, he is only interested in the Attica show has lost its mind by feeding on his delusions and broadcasting them to millions of people.
What is your purpose? What is the general purpose of the antichrist? Stop repeating to me what I said to purge all life. This is the absolute worst thing he can do. It would be good for Etica to charge him with more intention and feed his manic state. He knew he would get a lot of views and did so at great cost to Etica. The scariest thing is to think that the world is a simulation and it is predestined and all that is then. there's no reason to live, why not, why are you afraid of death, Keemstar's best moment comes when he asks etika in a manic state, why don't you just jump off a cliff, if you really think about it, then...
Why live, just jump off a cliff, just jump? off a cliff if it's just a simulation who cares of course hypothetical but it's quite a coincidence considering that just 51 days later that same youtuber jumped off a bridge to his death popular youtube personality and gamer from Brooklyn is missing tonight and a video posted before his disappearance has family and friends worried Desmond Imopha, 29, also known as etika online, posted an eight-minute video yesterday apologizing to those he feels he has let down , no one has been able to contact him since and, of course, who he was. there to collect the revenue in the news, we have a lot of news for you today, but first Attica disappeared, no one can find him and who was there to tweet that he thought he was lying, that he was weak and that he didn't believe. him, there is a possibility that this is something publicity, what bothers me is that etica now 100 knows that the internet is worried about him and 13 hours later he does not notify his fans that he is okay, maybe it is because he killed himself same, but I doubt I sound like a guy who really cares about his friend, how about this tweet from just a couple of months earlier, dear etika?
Normally I'd say stop freaking out, but there's no news, so fill in on July 15th, baby, I've got kids to feed. Once the NYPD finds Etika's body, he suddenly turns to her friend and rewriting history quickly begins to cover his tracks. The bastards are trying to blame me for my friend's death. I can't even cry for my friend. Yes, I'm sure Keemstar cared deeply. for etika attica has lost his mind folks, they were idubbbz had a great segment on police content about how keemstar considers people his friends, I'll let him tell it, I wouldn't be surprised if keemstar thought he and I were friends, you know.
Since I follow him on Twitter, you're probably thinking that idubbbz referred to me as a friend in the DM. He must be my friend, so if he ever makes a video about me, I'll say we were friends, we were supposed to be friends. We were never friends, people don't understand and they don't ask me questions, they just point their fingers and say that you are to blame and there are many more things that happened in private that you don't understand and I just want to cry My friend, so please Stop making me defend myself. Some people are posting a tweet from October 2018 and where I said: You know, I've only talked to Etika a few times, we're not really friends and that was true.
The truth is that at that time we just became close and you know, we had extensive conversations in private about life in general, YouTube, Twitter and all that, just at the time when we did the interview, the interview, the interview, the interview. I never showed you the end of that interview with his good friend Etika and his friend. I recorded an interview with etika. He started yelling and got angry. He got angry because I called him out for being weak. Keemstar loves to call out people who suffer from mental problems. weak illness, but let's go back and see how he ended that interview with his good friend etika of him.
I've been on this platform and I've done everything I can to not step on anyone. I have always tried my best to consider other people. I don't want to hurt anyone. I never wanted to do it. I've always avoided it when people made fun of people and just felt bad. It's like why would you take that person down? Be nice to people. I know I always thought he was. weird because why would I ever want to hurt someone? I always just wanted to create content and have fun and now I realized, oh you can make jokes about people and still have fun, it's not being bad, yeah, but you're bad about it.
I know you're mean about it are I sometimes you're heartless sometimes I'm mean about it but it's still funny yeah that's still funny that's so funny it's funny though look I do dark humor and I don't kill people like you sometimes do you killed that old man by calling him I've never done anything get out of here get out of here that's ridiculous listen shut up shut up I'm not going to shut up we have the wrong story for about 45 minutes The video was deleted. I offered the boy 20 boys. I know the place. Shut up and then apologize.
I will not shut up. I will not shut up. Sometimes it sucks to look in the mirror, right? It doesn't hurt, Keemstar. It hurts when you feel the same thing that you don't know, doesn't it in the mirror every 20 minutes? That's what happened 20 minutes after it happened, weakling, record this and put it on Dramaalert tonight. I'm recording it right now. I'm recording it right now oh my god what the hell that job people don't understand and they don't ask me questions attica has lost her mind like the third time they just point the finger and say it's your fault it's possible not to laugh at that and there's a lot more that it happened in private than jumping off a cliff if it's just a simulation who cares justyou guys don't understand this was a publicity stunt and I just want to cry for my friend so please stop making me defend just we became close and you know, we had conversations about that job, you know in detail in private, about real life in general , crazy, YouTube, Twitter and all that, just at the time we did the interview, before, before the interview and after. fouseytube is another youtuber who is a frequent target of keemstars.
He also suffered a manic attack and here he is talking directly to keemstar. Hey, I'm just telling you, as a 28-year-old man, how I feel like you made me want to kill myself last time. year I wanted to commit suicide because of all the attention you gave me I rewatched videos that went viral after the attention you're giving me now when you say Lucy is the biggest selfish person on this earth, I have bipolar and depression, what? what you put in my head made me want to kill myself, but ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to tell you that ethan clyde is a liar, he's a liar, you liar, that's not the truth, you didn't spend fifteen thousand dollars of your own money and in The video that went up yesterday again it said that I spent my own money on the slot machine, that is simply not true and I will tell you why it is not true because about three years ago there was a very popular game called Payday 2 and the creators of Payday 2. he basically came out and said look, we're going to make a dlc pack of h3h3, we're going to sell it for five dollars and all the money we make we're going to give to h3h3 for the lawsuit, the lawsuit fire, here we are back.
At the beginning of our video, Keemstar was accusing me of felony fraud, but ladies and gentlemen, I'm here to tell you that Ethan Clyde is a liar if what he says were true. Not only would he be a terrible person, he would also be in legal trouble. with Starbreeze, the producer of the game, and I'm sure the federal government makes me proud to bring you the facts, but surely with such incredible claims, a journalist like Keemstar I have incredible evidence to back it up. I take pride in having done this well, otherwise it would simply be slander.
Let's see what he has. Payday 2's new h3h3 themed DLC sells for 4.99, which the developer will receive 0 of the cut. It is a question of protection. ip and your test is to get this article from kutaku that you claim to quote, it's a question of ip yes that is your full quote you will go to a million people and say that ethan klein is a liar and guilty of felony fraud because kotaku said it's an ip issue it's a matter of protecting ip blah blah blah blah blah blah, they're giving them the money for the lawsuit, bro, blah blah blah blah, you're a news guy, no, blah, blah, blah, you explode with the whole article maybe. you didn't do blah blah blah blah the article, you would actually know that what you're saying is that the boss will apparently be blah blah blah your whole story when they decided to sponsor you blah blah blah blah blah blah, they are giving them the money. the law next time you see keemstar remember what his investigation entails right now.
I guess keemstar wouldn't invent something like this. I pride myself on giving you the facts, so let's give him the benefit of the doubt and call someone. Who would really know? So I called Almir Listo, the global brand director of Strawberry Studios. They played the game and he negotiated the deal for us. Have you spoken to Keemstar? Not well. Oh, he didn't ask you right. Did I commit fraud? Did that money mean? for us it was 100 meant for you and villa yeah so I didn't commit fraud no it's okay I just wanted to make sure because he was saying I would like to steal hundreds of thousands of dollars but you're saying that's not true and you're the guy who set up the deal and did everything, so if anyone knew, it would be you, not Keemstar, it would be me, yeah, it would be you know, okay, great, well, I feel a lot better, I feel like the FBI will be relieved . know that and um, there's no fraud, okay, thanks man, take care, man, thanks, this is a breakthrough, this is a breakthrough to the point where I feel embarrassed, I feel embarrassed, I can't believe we had done this. reported a story that a Massachusetts man, John Phillips, had sex with a teenage girl and that she married an online gamer on Rudescape in 2011.
Okay, and then he got out of jail and is streaming on Twitch again. Now the problem with this is that that's not John, that's a gentleman named Tony and when we reported this video, a group of you went and harassed this guy, called him a pedophile, sex offender, whatever, this guy didn't do nothing, he didn't do anything wrong and, thanks to me, I am proud of having done this well. I don't want to do it like that again. I don't want to fail you like that again. I pride myself on being right and I was. It's not right this time and Tony, if you're watching, we'll fix this with you no matter what we have to do.
I'm not going to tolerate you blaming me for people who troll you more. I don't think you have anything. idea of ​​how fast I really am and I'm suppressing every impulse to say just go, go yourself, I'm holding it back. Any idea how much better I am. Go find a lawyer. I'm fast and stagnant, boy, every day. a death threat in email because I'm a pedophile, go, see yourself, well, I mean, you know whose fault you think it is. The reason I showed you this is because he hasn't changed, he never changed. it only took him a year to turn on Tony.
This is a man who pretends to be in the news but comes out and calls a man a pedophile based on a picture or accuses someone of felony fraud with absolutely no evidence. I don't kill. People like you sometimes kill that old man by calling him a hateful, spiteful person who can't differentiate between personal revenge and news. He is angry. This guy is angry at the world. He uses his audience as a weapon that hits anyone who dares to do so. criticize him we need this guy's direction we have to leave his direction and if the facts do not fit his mission then he will alter them he will manipulate them and create them like children until the harassment becomes so unbearable you just give up keemstar I apologize and No I'll send you more tweets and you know, no matter what I do, I'll do everything I can to make sure your name never comes out of my mouth now on my show, when people bring up your topic, I'm just going to tell them hey, I think you're a good guy and I don't want problems.
I don't think you have any idea how fast I am, just to give you an idea of ​​how Keemstar torments and harasses the people of his enemy. list, let me show you some of the DMs he sent me over the years. These are cold DMs. I've already unfollowed him and he's sending me these unsolicited DMs out of the blue for the express purpose of harassing me, so really don't feel bad sharing these tweets currently working on a h3h3 man-child salty liar video. I have some questions. Have you ever bookmarked another youtuber creator's video? I don't respond and he persists.
Can I get an answer here? I am trying to comply with your request to defend yourself non-stop because your baby cannot defend himself. Keemstar will make insane accusations, unfounded accusations, and then he expects you to defend yourself. In fact, he likes you to come on his show and defend himself that's how his operation works and that's how he says oh well he didn't say anything in his defense so he must be guilty have you ever lied to someone on YouTube what are you the FBI? I don't have to answer you, you idiot brother. Honestly, I'm starting to think you're having mental problems.
I want B to take a number for you to call for Erica Costella. He's making a reference to some drama like Team 10. It's like bro, this is the next day. This is the night and then the next. The morning he says, have you ever lied about someone on YouTube? And then two days later, can I still say sorry or do I have to continue defending myself? It's like an abusive spouse punching his girlfriend in the face. I have to continue? defending me, are you going to apologize? We made a cs go lottery video about how these two guys from the t martin pro syndicate intended to bet on a cs go lottery site they owned.
It was very crooked and we made a video about it. keemstar texts me out of the blue and says I've known about CS gambling investing for a while. People are talking. I told him: are you accusing me of having invested in CS GO games? He tells me, no one else, maybe, though I'll go. oh interesting, I said: did you invest? He said yes. I also made a lot of money. He goes on to say: Well, did you invest under someone else's name? I guess that leads me to believe that's the case, although I didn't find any evidence from you. investing, did you break the law under someone else's name?
I could tell you which ones I could report on and there are so many other examples that, frankly, I could make a whole new video about it. Tweeted an anonymous letter about how I hired a PR firm to remove videos criticizing me for being anti-Semitic an anonymous letter was posted online saying that h3h3 ethan klein was going to try to create a scenario that hate against him was anti-Semitism. He retweeted people saying he was faking it. our hundred thousand dollar giveaway and this video that is honestly so golden i think you should watch it ethan klein h3h3 trying to shut down comic con now recently there has been a coronavirus outbreak in seattle, washington and in the middle of the march comic con goes to be in seattle washington and apparently 100,000 people are going to show up from all over the country around the world really and ethan klein h3h3 i mean he's trying to shut it down he's tagging the governor he's tagging the politicians he's demanding that comic -con it got shut down for the safety of the human race now i'm looking at these tweets and i'm like bro, this is not something right, something had to have happened behind the scenes between h3h3 and comic-con, there had to be something some grudge maybe i was planning to go no le they were going to pay the right amount something happened behind the scenes he's trying to shut down comic-con something true i am but a man probably isn't even the most hated man in keemstar life and have you seen the lengths he's gone to harass me, slander me, rewrite history in every way imaginable to make me look evil and, frankly, it has worked on a lot of people.
I have a wonderful support system. A wife who loves me. stable financial system I am lucky and blessed in every way imaginable and this kind of targeted harassment from keemstar actually takes a toll on me mentally and when I am already going through a tough time, keemstar will surely dig deeper and give me even a At the worst time possible, are you okay? I'm actually worried about you, brother. I think maybe you're having a mental breakdown. What happens when someone who is in a less stable situation than me endures this targeted and sustained harassment from Keemstar?
For them, you know, the streamer who Keemstar falsely accused of being a pedophile had a beautiful way of putting into words what really drives this whole video. You know, in life we ​​are responsible for our own actions and you know we should. be a little more careful about what we say and do because you know actions have consequences and they hurt people, it's really that simple, I mean, you know, and they destroy lives, you know, they always say loose lips sink ships. You know, the fundamental thing is you. you start a rumor and you know one person tells two and two tells four and two until eight and the next thing you know the whole damn world is believing a lot of it isn't even true and you know that's exactly what happened in this case and look Hey, you know I'm 64 years old.
I'm not really internet savvy. I don't like all this, but I'll tell you something I'm not used to. I'm not used to being called a pedophile. I know if you accuse me of being bald, fat and ugly, I'll agree with you, okay, hey, but yeah, I'm not a pedophile and that's a terrible thing to say about someone, period, anyway, I sent out a little Twitter on the one I just said keemstar. so you know your bs from a year and a half ago still gives me trouble every day and it's like this, you stand behind your desk like a red king and say you report the news that would make you constantly become a

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