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Conservative Comedy Destroyed My Life

Apr 11, 2024
Hello everyone, I want to show you a clip from a video I made just a few months ago. Oh, I'm, I'm gay. I am a homosexual man. I'm just a gay guy. I'm a straight gay guy. I'm gay Mickey, that's from my short film called Gay Steamboat Willie, it's 8 minutes long and it goes on exactly like that the whole time, the same joke over and over again. I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm gay, get out of here. okay sir, I'll go, so the reason I mention this amazing video from my past is to make one thing clear.
conservative comedy destroyed my life
I'm not here to judge you. Turn on this video. Maybe he's eating a good lunch. Maybe I'm procrastinating on something but you're here to have a fun time you know you're here to have a fun time with me and now I'm just going to play you a minute of shitty


and explain why it's offensive, no I don't think that be an honor to our time and it's not the kind of thing that really interests me that much either. The discourse around


, particularly liberal discourse, focuses on these types of moral questions. Who said something offensive?
conservative comedy destroyed my life

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conservative comedy destroyed my life...

Why was it offensive? Should we react to its offensive nature? And I mean, okay, those questions can be good sometimes, they can even be vital, but there are other questions we can ask. Other reasons to be interested in this material. What exactly is


comedy? What is in game? This genre, what does it mean to its target audience and what does it mean to me? Over the past few months, I've spent a lot of time watching and thinking about reactionary jokes, so I hope you enjoyed this video, it's a bit complicated. guess just a few stories about comedy and conservatism and the strange places they intersect one of the most viewed videos on the idea that the earth is flat comes from YouTuber J P SE welcome to the 21st century the earth is no longer round because it was never because it's flat this was 7 years ago 2016 Mark Sergeant's influential series proving that the flat Earth had come out about a year earlier and the flat Earth theory was just starting to make waves on YouTube, how do we know that They were extremely worried about the sky because the United States and Russia immediately began firing nuclear weapons.
conservative comedy destroyed my life
Sears was one of the first people who wanted to laugh at the whole thing and got a lot of attention for doing so. The video is lighthearted and fun, a good reflection of his I think that while conspiracy theories were always a part of American culture, at least in my experience, they weren't always taken so seriously before qanon, before accusations of voter fraud, before the pandemic, conspiracies were simply less relevant in our political landscape, my main cultural touchstone for conspiracy. The theorist was Dale Gribble, a guy who lived outside of politics and just believed random nonsense for fun.
conservative comedy destroyed my life
D Gribble doesn't vote, he doesn't see the point. All voters are the same simplistic fools who think their vote makes a difference. the system is broken Hank, the election baby peed in the bathwater Caption based on Dale Gribble Anti-election king by Dale Gribble I don't know if I'd go so far as to say I like this video like JP is working with good material right, It's funny to believe that the Earth is flat, but this in itself is not so good, the only argument that round Earthers have is the line they always say that the Earth is not flat, the easiest way to refute this argument is to cross out the word no.
So your theory that the flat earth theory is a wrong theory is actually easily disproven, think about it, the earth is not flat, the subconscious mind doesn't pick up on negatives, so what round earthers are actually telling us is that the Earth is flat. Earthlings like it, I understand what you're going for here, but it feels too basic, clunky and slow, like it's milking this part for too long and that's true for the entire video. Okay, okay, but there aren't that many. He laughs as he should, so what's going on here? If it's not exceptional or strange in any way, why am I talking about this Flat Earth sketch from 7 years ago?
Well, that's for a reason and maybe it's a little more interesting than it seems. When you watch that video today and when you look at the more recent comments, people don't get the joke. The JP series started on YouTube in 2013. I wanted to be a spiritual coach to give people


advice and consult with clients and honestly with their channel it was pretty cute, their first video called how to thrive as an introvert is exactly what As you would expect, it's just really normal advice on how to live as an introvert and when we look at it, it's actually a beautiful gift to be an introvert.
There's something so serious about the channel in its early days, so much so that even in moments that feel over the top or cheesy you can't help but smile. Hello friends, I wanted to share with you something I am working on in my


. because maybe it will help you maybe it won't, but what I'm working on is becoming more like Forest Gump. Look, I'm explaining to you that going to college because it's a safety net might be a bad idea. There's something funny about the Nets while they can provide security they can also provide entrapment just ask a dolphin trapped in a trick net how safe he feels he could just tell you he's trapped he doesn't like it like it's not true I don't know if uh The Tuna net catching dolphin is very similar to college safety net or similar to college safety net, but for some reason I'm glad you say that.
Like, look, I'm not really trying to sell. You talk too harshly to this guy. I am not a new person to the Agy spiritual coaching type. I don't care about his title as a holistic coach. Advanced practitioner of the Wisdom Journeys Workshop, but I can still see that the first videos of him come from a genuine. place and I agree with a lot of them it's nice to have gay people around it's wrong to be an overbearing parent it's cool to have your shirt and your video thumbnails disconcertingly ripped off and ripped off because you know you look hot, and you're just, you're, you're so mad, the place where JP really got his start, although where he really made a name for himself was in a video called how to be ultra spiritual, funny, if you can guess from the title.
The video is a satire that mocks the worst and most performative trends of the new age. The community talks about energy. You're going to want to integrate this into all your conversations. To other people it will seem pointless because it is a decent video. Obviously, Sears cares about these things and that simple fact makes his opinions more interesting. He somehow he claims to be using your intuition when you're actually thinking about things like yeah, it's funny how people say they're using intuition when they just mean they are. Thinking about something for a moment and it feels really satisfying to hear this guy, this spiritual guy, make that observation.
This video was important to the channel, it got a lot more views than anything else he had done, so he started making this series of parodies. Ultra Spiritual Life there is a sound that starts in this first video of JP hitting a copper bowl and even though it's been 7 years later, even though it doesn't make any sense anymore, all the videos on JP's channel still end with the sound of that bell . The ultra spiritual life was, I guess. what you'd expect the videos to be were poking fun at Kookie's different beliefs and for what they are, you know they're fine, he picked good targets to biohack flat earth conspiracy theorists, yet the sketches just feel Like I don't know a bit generic.
Well, the series began by talking about the excesses of the new age. Community lover. Iasa is too interested in gurus. Etc. It quickly became much broader themes. The denial of climate change. Unfortunately, it can be clearly seen that objectively speaking, the climate is changing. I mean, why climate change? but like the spiritual type, people aren't particularly known for loving those things that love climate change, so the sketches lack a sense of specificity or direction, at some point you're just watching a person say stupid things with a silly silly voice, oh this is just on you. I should buy Bitcoin and well, I guess it's some kind of Comedy Foundation, it doesn't excite me either, it doesn't excite my Elite palette, but my opinion doesn't matter.
JP was quite successful and seemed likeable and believed in good things and his work. Frankly, it was a step up from a lot of YouTube comments at the time, the word radicalization sounds good, it has a gravity to it, like you're a radical and you're looking for these fundamental ways to transform society. The word puts emphasis on the ending. Point out the political goals this person has and how seriously he takes them. I don't really have a problem with the word radicalization, but when you see the political change of JP's seers, it just doesn't sound quite right, what happened to him feels smaller.
Sadder, I have spent days of my life trying to find any possible answer to a question that seems quite simple. What happened to JP Sears? Why did he become such an extreme


? But the truth is that I don't know him. I don't know the answer yet, there are some things we could suggest, maybe it was personal in a recent Babylon B interview. JP talks about leaving his New Age Community. I was so into New Age spirituality for a long time and honestly, I got a lot out of it. benefit from it and as I move away from that world like I move from California and I start to realize that there is a lot of propaganda in this new age spiritual movement, Seir spent a lot of his life fully buying into this spiritual identity believing who had the power. answers that he needed but it seems like he became disillusioned with that Community about a year ago he made a video called when yoga people get conservative and it just reeks of grievance the feeling that these people rejected him rejected his masculinity or whatever yeah, my old Community was all about love and acceptance, they rejected me for thinking differently than them, yeah it's strange, now I feel like I no longer have to hide any signs of my true masculinity from my new community, man, it's good to be in Texas, Yeah man, I'll tell you.
In California there are still people completely oblivious to what's going on, but I recently started seeing it because I'm awake, so I moved. I feel sorry for those idiots over there who still don't see what's going on and I'm not surprised. when he lost that group he went looking for another one Steve Eel, a cult researcher talks about this idea of ​​a cult leading how people who leave one cult often look for another one to fill the void and while I'm not saying JP was in a literal cult way, it's not hard to see the similarities here, maybe it has something to do with covid-19 on April 5, 2019, months before Co started, he made a video called vaccines, an episode 4 of the winner from the Fendy award in which JP comes out and calls Bill Gates a hypocrite. because he says he loves the jab but didn't vaccinate his own children, but things turned on the hypocritical Ville when the Gates family's private doctor came out and revealed that Bill allegedly refused to vaccinate his own children. he.
This statement comes from an article. of the publication defends the democratic press but reports that a doctor at a symposium says: I don't know if Bill Gates had his children vaccinated when they were adults, but I can tell you clearly that he refused to vaccinate them when they were children, so this statement was discredited. The newspaper that originally published it, their news wire stole it from some blog and then retracted it, but also because in their version the story is written so strangely in the second paragraph that is read, the comments caused a stir among doctors at the Symposium with claims that he was breaking up.
Patient confidentiality reportedly, however, while he spoke to other doctors, he was not violating the industry code of conduct. I guess the original blog wrote that to make it seem more legit, but I don't really know why they bothered, they obviously don't. The hippo works, it's not easy at all for doctors to expose all their juicy gossip to each other anyway. JP, by sharing this article, makes it clear how sympathetic he was to anti-ac sentiment, how willing he was to indulge in misinformation, and of course that sentiment would only do so. it only gets more intense with time.
I think Covid-19 was a radicalizing moment for many people, people were inside all the time looking at their computers and they were scared deep down, the pandemic demanded that the public at least be willing to trust. the claims of large government institutions, the death count, they reported the safety guidelines, they defended the vaccines they produced and if that confidence made you uncomfortable if you couldn't understand the size and significance of this pandemic, then I think it was something easy. become extremist if these institutions are literally lying about everything, if essentially every country in the world is rolling out dangerous, fraudulent vaccines and falsifying the effectspositives from those vaccines, then you have to find out why they lie and what they get out of this strange scam and because everyone is involved in this because everyone is against you the conspiracy must be massive and terrifying this is all to say that the psychics of JP entered a pandemic already believing that vaccines were scary and that elites were trying to control us with their medications.
It makes sense that when the pandemic hit, denialism became the centerpiece of his new conservative politics and, without a doubt, it was a little anti-va, but you know, in the last three years I opened my mind, my eyes, I made my own thoughts and you. Now I know that I am completely against, in any case, whatever the reason for JP's political transformation. The transformation he made when you watch his channel in the last 3 years feels like a light switch went off inside him, he used to affirm trans people. at least to some extent now the main thing is to laugh at them, used to make fun of climate change deniers now completely agree as soon as I arrived in Florida I went straight to the beach to check the sea levels and my measurements revealed something disturbing what that my measurements show that sea levels had risen devastatingly to exactly the same level they have been for 300 years, that's very scary, yes, I like how you so confidently say that sea levels have not risen yes, they have JP , have increased.
I'm starting to think this guy didn't actually measure the sea, what the heck, it's not just the things that are important when you have a Conservative Woke either, every belief you had needs to be flipped to fit the new paradigm. You didn't like cryptocurrencies before, well now you love them, it's your favorite thing and you hate fiat currency. I love fiat currency, storing your value in US currency is like holding melting ice in your hand and I say well you used to not like biohacking, now you love Hawking's heart and soil organ supplements. Today's video is brought to you by Heart and Ground. supplements, so it's just a fun fact.
The guy who founded the heart and organ supplement company called him Paul Saladino and when I found out I started screaming because I love this guy's Tik Toks. Is incredible. All he does is eat raw organ meat all day. every day no problem with raw liver is that it's a little gelatinous and weird but if you freeze it then it's not so bad to chew it so one thing I will say is that I'm a little disappointed that this organ supplement company runs clearly This guy thinks that consuming raw meats has great advantages, otherwise why does he do it?
Why are you selling this vitamin? There's no way it's good. You should sell Cowarts Paul Saladino. You should not. be selling a pill you shouldn't give people an easy way out it's beer that gives you man boobs maybe the thing about JP's new content is that it's just not fun, that's probably not a good way to put it because actually I never thought He was very funny, but the thing about his new job is that some of it doesn't even seem like he's trying to be funny, don't get me wrong, he still makes jokes in a video called When Conservatives Fall in Love, It Looks Like JP.
Like he's in love with a woman, but this is the joke, he's actually in love with a gun, will you marry me? because conservatives like guns is the main idea the sketch explores, but every once in a while new gp videos don't even rise to the level of what if he was dating a gun like him? He has this satirical news show called we li to you news, good night and welcome to we li to you news tonight, we will tell you reliable lies that you just need to betray your own. Consciousness to Belief is exactly what JP's attempt to criticize the liberal media sounds like, but when you actually watch the videos, he barely engages in skits or jokes and news of someone with testicles who pretends not to have them, a freshman . on the women's cross country team somehow annihilates the competition by taking home first place at the conference championships.
Do you hear the problem here? If the point of this sketch is to mock liberals, then why does this news anchor simply agree with JP Sears' position? call a trans woman A man, I should believe she's a woman, right, that's the point, what's the name of the sketch series, we lied to you, news, but if the media doesn't lie from a conservative perspective, then what? what is it, then, what, then, what is the sketch? that case and this series is full of these little oddities like I'm talking about Dana White, a conservative businessman, and not saying anything until you learn from it, unless you want to be a strong person who runs a successful business, why What would the liberal media say that?
They don't think otherwise because they are evil and biased and lie to you all the time or at one point he says this about Gavin Nome in California why hasn't he bothered to clean up the streets of his degenerate state sooner and not the news? The host should like that stuff, that's the idea of ​​the joke, but it seems like JP doesn't want to do that anymore, it seems like he's not interested or here's another video example called if conservatives ran the schools then JP's grammar Sears videos and basically the grammar of comedy sketches in general is that the title of the sketch tells us the theme of the Comedy how to be a woke white person makes fun of woke white people how to be gluten tolerant makes fun of people who aren't They do eat gluten, you get the idea that this isn't rocket science and you'd expect this video to follow the same pattern of mocking the idea of ​​a school run by a staunch conservative, but that's not the case here, although even when presented to this guy Kind of weird, cruder than you might expect a teacher to be, the sketch is basically about how right conservatives are about how cool it is when they bully their sjw students.
Your father is a faggot beta male who is allergic to discomfort, he probably still wears a mask he still wears a mask and regularly pegs him your mother whose mind is degenerated by feminism has probably had at least five abortions and is proud of them you're lucky you're not one of them this is the full video and it's very hard to watch it's not that I don't think this sketch is funny it's just that I don't think it's a sketch exactly conservatives hate progressives and trans people and abortions like the idea of ​​people how they are running their schools and they say that in comment after comment I love this guy as a teacher.
I approve it. I've learned a lot from this beautiful video, so if this guy is supposed to be amazing, this is how this video reads to me. and for JP's audience, then the main thing it offers is not so much a comedy as a power fantasy: it's an opportunity to enjoy the pleasure of abusing a made-up child. Try it, stop crying, you have objectively weak parents, they have failed you, but you. being a bland and weak piece is your fault, not theirs, we generally don't think of bad comedy as a stylistic decision, we think of it as a flaw, jokes are supposed to be readable, comedy is supposed to be funny and when it's not she's funny, that's a problem, but there's something that feels meaningful about these failed JP psychic jokes because here's the thing, if you took this haical liberal news anchor and had him correctly classify this woman, even if It's ironic, I would have to say that a real breathing trans woman is a woman, if I made this conservative teacher really dumb or stupid, even in a dumb and non-controversial way, then I would have to show conservatism as something imperfect, be willing to laugh a little at it and of course, I don't know, but it seems to me, he's not willing to do these things to be in on the joke, so we get broken comedy sketches that feel empty if you really want to. understand JP Sears, although I think there is a video you should see and, unlike almost all of his.
The most recent content is not comedy related. The video is called. I changed my mind about God. Here's why. Wow, is that strange? So I asked why people are becoming more Christian without even trying. You might expect a video like this to be about big ideas. Faith, devotion, belief in Jesus Christ at the core, that's what Christianity gets right. A belief in Jesus thinking that he's, uh, I think he believes that he's God and stuff, maybe I made that up, although maybe I got it from some kind of fever dream because, as it happens, neither of us the word Christ Not even Jesus appears in this video.
Not once, it seems that for JP Christianity is less about Christ than it is about Satan. The presence of evil and Satan from whom evil emanates has never been more obvious, at least in my life, in the last 3 years. Evil is no longer hiding, it is coming at us through authoritarianism, movements, ethnic groups, companies, governments that try to invade our minds, invade our God-given free will, and as that becomes more obvious, I believe there is a natural polarity that occurs in essence. He became more Christian when he saw the devil around him there is something so strangely mechanical about this that it really saddens me like if Cirrus believes in all these conspiracies woven into an intricate global web he believes everyone is lying about vaccines and global warming and the Deep State has flirted with Wilder Things theorized that some wildfires in Hawaii were caused by space lasers that elites know never let a good crisis go to waste and at other times seem to cause the crisis they don't let go. waste Is this the case on On Maui, some speculate that a directed energy weapon or DW was used to intentionally start the fire so that a 15-minute city that combats climate change and is friendly to the World Economic Forum could be built over the


city of Lahina.
However, this doesn't make sense because in January there was a meeting in Maui to turn it into a 15 minute city, wait a minute, that would actually make more sense, but what you need now and what you can't understand It is why, what all this is for, why the world changed. against him and he turns so quickly and here Satan, this transcendent and totalizing evil, shows up and unifies all the conspiracies under one horrible banner, so no, I don't think JP's new beliefs really arise from faith, from some love deeply rooted in Christ or whatever, but instead come As a matter of absolute political necessity, JP has gone too far and dark magic and cleansing light are now the only things that can hold the world together.
JP Sears' Flat Earth video, the one from 8 years ago, was a little worse than he imagined. to be like let me show you one of the first jokes in the sketch on October 13, 2015 a flight from Taiwan to La a woman's water broke she gave birth so they had to make an emergency landing where do you think they landed in Alaska if the Earth was round they would have never landed in Alaska because based on this flat map of the round Earth you can see that they would have to go further out of their way to land in Alaska compared to just going to La, why did they land in Alaska. because if you look at a flat Earth map you will see that Alaska is directly between Taiwan and La.
There is no other explanation for this other than the fact that the Earth is flat. Did you understand the joke of that joke? It's right there on this line. because according to this flat round Earth map, the problem with that Flat Earth character's point is that he's using a map, a 2D model of around objects, and that map distorts the reality that when you fly between the two Alaska is roughly Talking on the way from Taiwan to Los Angeles, okay, so there's Taiwan and then there, there, there's Los Angeles, okay, so intuitively you might expect the root between those two places to be like this , just this line from one place to another. the other, but that because of mathematics, that's not true, that's wrong, the fastest route actually goes in a circle through the sphere like this, like this, like this, like this, and you can notice something which is that in that road in that direction is Anchorage, Alaska, right there, so that's it. why the plane stops and Anchorage, Alaska, because the Earth is round.
I'll leave a link in my description to a Wikipedia article that explains all of this, if you're interested, it's a bit of a complicated idea, a bit deep, and while that's not a bad thing, I don't think Sears conveys it correctly. He puts the joke right in the middle of the joke, so it doesn't really feel like a joke and he doesn't make his point as clearly as he could. There are other jokes like this in the video clips that just don't rip off as well and back then in 2016 that didn't really matter, no one would have thought Sears was a flat earther because that's not a normal thing and Sears was a pretty average person , but look at him now, the man believes in all theconspiracies you're supposed to and you believe in the evil God that makes your stories make sense, you sell t-shirts that say it's not a conspiracy anymore, why would you?
Being a flat earther, he actually represents case f quite consistently, almost makes you wonder if he himself is actually a believer and is using his sarcasm to get around censorship. If so, I'd say he's a smart individual after all these years. I saw this I thought it was the typical Fe mockery, it's satire of course, a backwards trick, a clever trap to lure the globes into his web of math and logic and the viewers fall for the diadem and the copy reverse, well played by JP in a time of universal deception. truth is a revolutionary act George Orwell JP is a closet flat earther, he knows our theories very well, wow, the cool thing here is that people think this is a parody when in reality he is intelligently sharing what he knows to be TRUE;
In reality, he is arguing the case. for the Flat Earth, it goes on and on and on and on and on like this, it's been a long discussion to get a little idea, you might think that talking about this, talking about conservatives and comedy, is nonsense, but I don't agree, jokes mean There's a lot at stake in jokes and who makes them and what they're trying to say and who tells them there's also something profound in understanding a joke and something revealing in not understanding it Almost a decade ago JP Sears I made a joke and today that joke is a tragedy and the fact that that is possible is terrifying, electrifying and exhilarating, that's why I'm making this video so well with that in mind, let's get into the nitty-gritty, let's talk about how jokes work, so this is basically the first moment of Ricky D's stand-up special supernaturalness of 2022, what's with all the funny comedians like um no, no, right, no, no, no, I'm not doing that, okay, That was irony, okay, here goes? aKeep a little bit of that throughout the show, see if you can spot it.
Now is when I say something I don't mean for comedic effect and you, as an audience, laugh at the wrong thing because you know what the right thing is. a form of dazzling attitude, it serves an important function in the act because the first 15 minutes are basically about how everyone is too offended by stand-up comedy these days, but there is a virtue to these that indicates that the point of the part is Obviously everyone is upset. no one can take a joke that sometimes comedians say offensive things but you shouldn't take them at face value, that's the point of comedy, so I think Ricky saying this berating the audience for not understanding his amazing jokes is astonishingly stupid and that's because no one Who has ever been offended by Ricky?
Jes was confused by the way irony works. A few minutes later, Ricky says this. Oh, they used our bathrooms, why shouldn't they use their ladies' bathrooms? They're ladies, look at their pronouns, what's up with this person? A lady likes his penis and sees that no one who doesn't like trans people would ever be offended by this joke, only trans people would and that's because they understand how irony and sarcasm work, they get the point. That it's silly to think a woman can have a penis, it's not that deep, right, Rick isn't playing 4D chess here. Ricky Jas does this a lot, he acts strangely defensive about his own material, like he says this super naturally and when someone tells me about another comedian, he goes oh. they're not funny even if I agree with them I stand up I say well you can't say that you have to say that you don't find them funny you know and I hate when people say that joke was offensive I don't understand you have to say that you found it offensive and you know that he thought he was cooking there because he says the exact same thing on a podcast.
I want people to stop saying that joke is offensive. I want them to start saying that I found it offensive, but what are they? You talk about Ricky, that's dumb when someone says you're not funny, they're just saying they didn't think your joke was good, of course it's their opinion, who else would it be? And when someone says something is offensive, they usually just mean that they disagree. with you intensely about some political issue they take seriously, and both statements are completely normal responses to a politically charged comedy act when you're making what I identify as helicopter jokes that would make Ted Cruz die of laughter.
They're going to say that's not funny that's offensive and there's no point in correcting them Ricky they're not wrong to say you're not funny so when I watch these first few minutes of Ricky's special all I see is struggling like he really wants to promote himself as someone who does this super deep work of telling the truth acting as a kind of public intellectual who pushes social boundaries. I also like to make them think and I like it to resonate and I like to make them think about it. the next day, but when you look at ACT, especially its more offensive politically incorrect material, it's not doing any of that, its bigoted penis isn't pushing social boundaries, is it, it's policing them, reinforcing the traditional social order , men are men, women are women and so the idea of ​​trans people is inherently ridiculous, it's simple, it's really putting monsters in their place so we can see a dissonance here right between Ricky D's Ambitions and the content reality of some of his jokes and to resolve that dissonance he pretends that what he is doing is more intellectual than it was irony.
Okay, there will be a little bit of that throughout the show. Let's see if they can detect it. Okay, guys, you don't know how comedy works. They don't understand my incredible irony. you shouldn't say funny you should say you don't find me funny okay whatever it is here's the thing. Ricky Dvas isn't just sure that some of his jokes are annoying, but like much of comedy, perhaps most of comedy is about setting boundaries that enforce social media compliance. rules that punish unacceptable behavior and speech and doing all of that in a way that manages to look like a transgressive covert secret, let's talk about the office for a minute.
I know the office is also owned by Ricky J and that's great for him, he killed with that. but for our purposes I'm more interested in the American version, so Michael Scott is kind of a deviant actor, isn't he? He's the person at the party who thinks he's your friend, but in reality he's not. He's selfish, he's bad at reading social cues. he's insecure, I'm not worried about HR, you know, the only thing I'm worried about is him getting a boner, he's also offensive, he makes a lot of racist and sexist jokes, not because he's a real bigot, but because he's desperate to call the shots. attention, what if Pam was? a lesbian, what if she brought her partner to work?
Would that be crossing the line? No, what would happen if they kissed in front of everyone? Basically, Michael is a satire of the anti-woke comedian, he makes shitty jokes and then blames his audience for not laughing. my Googy Googy my cookie cie try my Googy cie try my Jim is the other main character of the show, of course, and he is the opposite of Michael, what do you say? Jim, no thanks, I'm good, the world was made for people like Jim, it's funny. The charismatic, handsome and intelligent Michael lives in awe of Jim, everything Michael works to be works too hard to be Jim, he just naturally is and in real society, people like Jim usually have power over people like Michael, that's not the case. is the case here, although in Thunder Mifflin the authority is in the wrong hands and this cannot simply be corrected, Michael is the boss and will remain the boss as long as the program is relevant and furthermore, if JY really corrected this hierarchy, he did getting Michael fired, put him in his place, that wouldn't be funny.
I saw something like that in The Dundies episode and it makes you sad, you know, guys, we're just having a little office party, so if you want, hey, you know, cool, guys, you really suck, man, you suck, so, what does Jim do? do well the one thing that Michael can't, he looks at us, he's fat, what is it that in that moment when Michael does something stupid and Jim addresses the audience with his iconic Jim look, the power over the office is reaffirmed Michael can do whatever he wants to be the boss and treat people horribly but at the end of the day we know where the real Authority is, we know that Michael is a weirdo and we can feel that laughter about that because we are in community with Jim, that's the joke, right, that's the punchline, it's not just Michael acting like a, but Jim is on our side telling us what it is.
You might think my interest in conservative comedy comes from problematic people and the problematic things they say. but that is not really the case, rather I am interested in these things because comedy is political and shares a form with politics, comedy in many cases is about the formation of internal groups, about who decides what reality is, what perspectives which are legitimate and which are illegitimate. Comedy is about the power of turning toward the camera, and I'm interested in how that power works, and in particular I'm interested in where it fails, where the joke doesn't work. We already talked about a case of this that didn't work. we have JP Sears in 2016.
Sears wanted to set a limit: the Earth is round. I'm part of the group that calls it round and together we laugh at people who wrongly disagree, but a few years ago that line didn't work. JP's audience is now the people he used to make fun of and so his sketch no longer reads correctly, but there are other examples of this, more subtle, more nuanced, to explore these ideas further. Now I want to talk about two very different moments. of failed conservative comedy, but I feel the need to say something before getting into it. It's easy for these conversations to get bogged down in questions about who is and isn't conservative.
I obviously don't like conservatism, so it's easy for me to use it. The word seems like an insult, but the thing is, if we want to have a productive conversation about this, we actually have to get over that stigma. My purpose in the following examples is not to tell you that this is a bad person or even that this is a totally conservative person. I don't mind litigating anyone's identity, in fact all I care about are the jokes, all this to say. , let's talk about Nostalgia Critic. About a year ago I had the idea to do a shot-for-shot remake of The Nostalgia Critical review of The Wizard, Nintendo's 1989 product film, well there's no doubt about it.
Nintendo games. Rock movies based on Nintendo games blow up, therefore movies about Nintendo games blow up. I didn't end up doing this, it would have been too much work. and in any case I think it would have turned out badly. You might think I wanted to make that video just to poke fun at the critic of this strange online figure and the mixed legacy he left behind, but the truth is, I like that video. I think it's very funny and where could we find Lucas in the twilight of the full moon when the sky is dark but starfire pierces the night?
That's where you'll find Lucas like: Sorry, Doug Walker got it right. With that, I know this may surprise you, but he wasn't a particularly popular 12-year-old. He didn't have many friends in high school. He was a chubby boy and that's why. I spent a lot of time as a kid resigning myself to the world of media to be clear, I don't mean good media, great books, fancy media, I mean I just watched a bunch of reruns every day after school. I spent hours watching old movies. episodes of King of the Hill and avatar The Last Airbender and South Park were so heartwarming that it's hard to explain the reason I say this is because when I discovered the Nostalgia Critic in 2008, when I saw his wizard video, it meant something to me, Doug. wasn't the first person to make funny media about TV shows and movies, there's Mystery Science Theater and Charlie Brooker's screen erase and Orson Wells' remarkably weird and wonderful documentary f for false by way of introduction, this is a movie about fraud with deception, but Nostalgia Critic It was the first time I experienced something like that and in his videos in his obsession with the banal art of his childhood I saw something of myself and that was really cool, I mean what were they thinking?
I'm not losing sleep over this, no. Get me wrong, but there's something that seems sad to me about Doug's Legacy over time. I really think his videos have become more formulaic. Now you seem less interested in his material than before. There are small problems with the timing that make his jokes feel less dynamic. in these little pauses at the end of his sentences, if that didn't make you laugh, don't worry, they have like eight more tries, add that it still has more chemistry than most of Sandler's romantic comedies, like these movies cost millions, but they are seen. like a Nostalgia Critic review, you know what I really need to leave out a little bit here because this is very important to meDoug, you need to change the way your videos are edited, you need to fix this Doug, I'm not trying to Let's say I know everything about comedy, I'm some kind of comedy guru, but I do know one thing and that's that comedy It comes from a sense of spontaneity, joy and tranquility, and the rhythm, you know, comedy comes from the feeling that you are understanding your friends are laughing that you are enjoying something together and what these little pauses do is communicate loud and clear. to the audience that you're just sitting in front of a camera going through a bunch of lines with nothing of your soul in them.
It's just that there's nothing about this that tickles your insides and the audience can sense that you know people don't like going to open mics because of the feeling of desperation in the room because of the awkward silences after the comic. He says his shit. joke and that's what these pauses are simulating, that empty feeling after the comedian wants you to laugh but you don't, you need to cut them, you need to get rid of these pauses if you watch this video, I want you to understand that. that this matters to me personally thank you so much for listening too to be fair I'm just not 12 anymore I've changed the media landscape has changed and a lot of your opinions on movies just don't work for me now What do you mean Truman is being creepy when he makes a collage of the woman he loves who was taken from him?
But you could argue that this is a little creepy, it's the beauty of love, it's creepy for you Doug, you hate love, what are you? Speaking of what do you mean the new Little Mermaids Under the Sea sequence looks better than the old one, so again, to the film's credit, this is the only part of the film that I actually like more than the original. That's crazy, Doug, it's crazy to think that anyway. This is what I'm trying to say and I'm taking a long time to say it despite the affection I had for the Nostalgia Critic.
The sad truth is that when I think of its content I now think of the video wall that has become comfortable. DB Dan Olson already made the definitive video about Doug Walker's wall, so I won't reiterate any general criticism. Suffice it to say that the wall video is iconically bad, not just bad but bad in unique and special ways. The idea is bad. the reviews it features are bad the songs are bad the jokes are bad and it's so ridiculously entertaining to watch. I've watched this video like three times let me show you what happens when your dreams don't need you anymore let me show you what happens when your dreams don't need you anymore so obviously Doug Walker is not a staunch conservative.
In fact, I Googled Nostalgia Critic Politics and the only thing I could find was a Facebook post from 2013 in which he posts a clip from Chris Rock and adds: I love when politicians talk about the gang problem. No, no, they say never join a gang. They are nothing more than stubborn individuals who simply set their identity. aggressive thoughts against other people's aggressive thoughts now, which side are you on, republican or democrat, damn that's true, even though one moment people say gangs are bad and the next they say be a democrat, they are Politicians, what were you thinking?
I mean, what were they? Thinking anyway, yes, he seems like a kind of toast with milk, centrist liberal type and that's fine, it's his prerogative, but when you look at the video on his wall I don't think it's difficult to see a reactionary tendency, not one born of a sincere policy but of laziness. The basic joke throughout the video is some kind of vapid, smug appeal to the goodness of authority and how shameful it is to express sadness for society. Someone wants to criticize the abuses of education and Doug stays silent. LOL damn, someone wants to sing about the horrors of World War II, this event that devastated a generation and Doug shuts up, you're so annoying, why are you complaining so much?
It's all like that, but there is one moment in the video that stands out to me as transcendently horrible. reactionary comedy and that's doug's parody in the flash that one seems stressed wants to feel oppressed the song is simple enough it's about how cancel culture is bad and how the people who interact with it are so terminally online that one seems to really wants to be out now with social media you have the stage so why does this song stick with me so much? Why do I think this is the worst, least funny, and most embarrassing point of the entire review?
Well, my answer might surprise you. I think it's because it is too. emotionally vulnerable to reveal I have some Weir news for you, honey, this was this administration, but it's vague enough to put anyone you fear, politician, showman, just put their face here. Doug begins his song with these words, but simply put, it doesn't make any sense. It's almost incomprehensible no, when you listen to In the Flesh you can't just replace the evil dictator with any politician or showman you don't like, it's quite explicitly a parody of right-wing authoritarians, is there anyone in the audience tonight? putting it up against the walls is pretty intense and honestly on the nose you look Jewish that was a c so the moment Doug says this he claims the song is lazy so we can make this tedious point about cancel culture, we realize something like that. it's not about the wall it's not about making jokes about the movie it doesn't even look like he saw the thing it's about doug and the things that doug wants to say about 2 years before this wall video was released, several dogs Walker's former employees made a doc about their experience working for their online media company's channel.
The incredible news of the document spread quickly online and people began using the hashtag change the channel. I'm not saying here that I know Doug knows why he made this joke, but when you see the characters in this Nostalgia Critic fever dream replace the inaudible fascist chant from the original I my way I all of your shot with the words ashh hasht hashtag hasht you can't help but think about the hashtag that changed doug's life think about the critic and the haters on the internet don't care as long as they don't see me as a human being they can hate me all they want maybe we could accept before that Doug simply found the more adolescent qualities of the wall ridiculous, corny, but here with this song We realize that lying is Doug's problem is not that the wall is melodramatic or that it makes exaggerated metaphors Compare British education of the century XX with WWII or whatever, yeah we're really comparing this to high school no no, it's just meant to look weird and creepy, they're not implying that he's literally right now standing on a stage comparing the experience of be canceled with that Administration's movie treatment, a metaphor literally couldn't be more ridiculous or self-contained. - martyr that's not the dividing line here it's genuinely an uncontrollable emotional identification with power and a refusal to engage with anything that challenges that power challenges him, no matter what the wall says, Doug is unable to hear it, comedy can be about an identification with authority The Authority Ricky Jas has to establish how the genre works the authority that Jim has over Michael but for that to work you need a feeling of connection a sense of distance from the subject you are making fun of a feeling of community with the person making the joke, but this video wall is too intense and driven by personal grievances.
Doug watches a movie about a Nazi screaming about murdering Jews and says that guy is just like me. I'm going to make a whole song about how much I love that guy and that's not funny at least not on purpose it's sad so Doug Walker made a joke and no one laughed and look we can talk a lot about that joke I find it fascinating but at the end of the day the reason the joke doesn't work is because it's obviously not funny, but here's an idea of ​​what happens if a joke might fail because it's too funny because the comedy is too good, everyone has a very good, let's talk about the Team America World Police, the puppet of Matt Stone and Trey Parker. movie about the war on terrorism, so this is the end of our story and everyone is dead from AIDS.
Team America focuses on actor Gary Johnston and his cooperation with a US anti-terrorist squad. At its core, the film seeks to answer one question: if the Thunderbirds puppet had penises and balls and stuff, and although that may seem stupid, sometimes it's cool too. I like to watch puppets make love. I like it when they fight house cats. Most of the jokes in this movie are puppet-oriented. They're jokes about puppets, uh, and that continues to increase my interest in Team America, at least for the purposes of this video, it's less about the puppets and more about the things they do, uh, conservative practice.
Defense of war. I've gotten in some trouble in the past for saying that Team America is a movie that's fundamentally about how good the war on terrorism is, like I tweeted about that years ago and people got mad at me, said it was stupid, that It was stupid, they said things even worse than that, huh. you watch this movie, yes, I saw it. I always thought it was a little strange that people got mad at me for this tweet because, honestly, I think my opinion is quite reasonable when you look at the movie Team America was made in 2004. the height of the neoconservative movement the ideological tension that justified the Iraq war under the Bush administration who advocates for the goodness of the American military and the importance of global intervention and I assure you that this will not be a half-measure campaign and we will not accept any results, but Victory now to be clear, this movie wants to make fun of the US military, we're a bunch of idiots who make big mistakes, but ultimately it's still a neoconservative movie.
I mean the resolution of everything, the big moral is. that we need those penises that the US military is essentially a necessary and positive force for global peace and that liberalization should learn when to get out of the way oh no, we are not Weir penises, we are stupid, arrogant and reckless penises and the movie Actors Guild are vaginas and sick Kim Jong is nothing more than vaginas penises because vaginas have sex with penises penises also have sex with butts but they just want to shit on everything. I'm trying to keep this video monetized so I removed some of the bad language. but I think I did a great job keeping the spirit of that scene and look, you can say that Gary's speech at the end of the movie is ironic or something, but no, it's not and I'll give you four reasons why I think.
That first Mattstone and Trey Parker have made this point before that people who oppose the Iraq war are stupid and that America needs these kinds of interventions even when we like to complain about them. The strength of this country is the ability to do one thing and say another. Yes, if it weren't for all of you protesting, everyone in the world would hate the American people instead of just the president, and if it weren't for you people flexing your arms, America could easily be taken over by terrorists or China, in second place. That's just not how Parker and St operate as creators.
Have you seen an episode of South Park? The moral is usually played extremely straight. Third, the creators were pretty clear with their intent. There are interviews with both Parker and Stone where they reiterate how much they agree. with Gary's speech or I don't know watch the speech watch the movie I think it's pretty clear what he's doing honestly so I can admit something to you. I hate that as I write this. I wonder if that section was too. too boring to even include, don't get it, I think I'm right, I think I understand the themes of Team America World Police perfectly well, but I'm not sure I totally agree with the project of this kind of review.
I recently rewatched Team America World Police and one thing that surprised me about the movie was that a lot of the things I remembered from childhood, a lot of its most iconic moments happen in the first 30 minutes and a lot of those jokes are so iconic because They do a great job making fun of the United States and its war on terrorism. Who can forget the opening moments of the film where the team destroys all of Paris because they are trying to thwart a terrorist threat? Okay, Sarah, yes, you understand. It's a scene with a very obvious meaning, but it's still really memorable and funny, and when they repeat this scene a few minutes later, when Team America blows up Cairo to stop some terrorists who aren't even doing anything, it's still funny, More effective than However, the film's direct criticism of the US and its actions is the film's cultural criticism.
Freedom is not free, call people like you and there is the song Freedom is not free, this parody ofAmerican recruiting propaganda, the country's theme, a gibberish released the line. The cost of freedom for bucko 5 has this interesting double meaning, right, yes you have to, to fight for your country, you have to pay your dues, but also maybe our freedom is getting cheaper here, maybe the word freedom is being used as a meaningless distraction from American reality. Military intervention, after all, who got their freedom when Team America blew up Paris and then, of course, there's the song America, Yes, the most famous thing in the entire movie, America, Yes, saves the day again.
Once again it is grotesque military propaganda and again it works. undermine America's view of itself, the song starts with these lofty concepts like freedom and terrorism, but very quickly it changes course and Trey Parker starts singing about Marks, yeah, wart, yeah, it's like the song says that these brands are what America really is, that these are the entities our soldiers fight for abroad after the first 30 minutes, although the movie changes completely, as if Team America blew up Cairo and that's bad, but they never really do anything else bad, and in any case, it's time to get serious and introduce the real antagonists of the movie.
Kim Jong Eel and the liberal celebrities who support him salute our new partner. Hi, now we're starting to hear more about how Gary, this symbol of America, has an enormous amount of power and how he has to use that power to bring peace and justice to the world. world why am I the only one because you are the one who has the power of good I don't want the power I don't want the guilt I don't want the shame and I don't want the responsibility and all this brings us to the end of the movie where our criticisms of the US must give way to general support.
Here's the problem with this change in tone, although I think it's a problem that a lot of people must have. I don't think so, it's hard to buy. On the one hand, the way the movie defends America is less shocking and less funny than the way it argues against America, like we have this whole thing with celebrities, right? How stupid, fake and effeminate are they to follow the rules of the movie? actors guild, the world can become a better place that handles dangerous people with words and reasoning, that's the homosexual way, it's essentially the main joke of the movie, if we focus our performance on global politics, we can change everything and those things and that's fine, whatever the celebrity is.
Dumb, it's fine to say, but who cares what Alec Baldwin thinks about Team America doesn't really mean much to me, so the movie coming close to how bad it is just doesn't impact much, given the logic of the movie, he's really not wrong to hate Team America as much as he does. We must take radical measures against fascists in our own country. Take it down. Tear down everything. If some foreign country were to blow up Paris or Cairo, I don't think I would trust them. them to fight terrorists, so I'm not sure why I'm supposed to trust the US.
I get that Alec is super gay and stuff and gay and gay about global warming and corporate America, but in They don't really seem that As stupid as the movie seems, the joke doesn't sound as good as there could be a similar kind of problem with this final speech that Gary is giving now. I think this speech is pretty funny and I especially thought it was funny when I first saw it when I was 8, I mean this guy talks straight about pooping, we're going to have our dicks and everything covered. I didn't think he needed to whistle that, I thought I'd stick with it. one as a special treat for the swear word lovers in my audience but it's not funny as the first 30 minutes are America yes opening scene of Paris these moments are genuine works of satire make you laugh with the points What Gary's moving speech raises about the United States, although it is not satire, the comedy does not arise from the ideas he expresses but from the fact that his moving speech has bad words and all this creates an interesting asymmetry for the audience because even when at the end From the movie we were told to revise our thoughts about the Iraq War to come to this neocon conclusion, that conclusion is not what brought the fun it brought to Joy on a basic level, the more conservative is much less memorable and makes sense. that modern audiences who saw the movie decades ago can erase it as actors, it is our responsibility to read the newspapers and then say what we read on television as if it were our own opinion.
Wow, these actors have the nerve to get their information and opinions from the newspaper to form their opinions on what's going on in the news, not like we, not like Matt Stone and Trey Parker, understand. straight from the source straight from George W, but also leaving out all this narrative and tonal stuff. I want you to really think about the experience of watching this movie when it was released, as if Team America went into actual production in 2003, but came out a year later, on October 14, 2004, and coincidentally only about 2 weeks before its release. publication, the American Iraq Research Group issued a report of its investigation into Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and found nothing, no evidence that Iraq had these weapons, of course America's World Police Team is all about weapons of mass destruction.
The existential threat that terrorists pose to the West around the world there will be massive explosions with no one to guide them, people will burst into panic and riots will occur across the Earth. Weapons of mass destruction will appear again and again in history. They are the central justification for the goodness and necessity of the United States team. I will detonate the weapons of mass destruction that I have given to terrorists around the world and that did not exist in the real world. Now let me ask you, given that context, what message do you find most resonant? the US team that lukewarmly supports the US military tells us about its goodness and importance or the US team that despises the war on terrorism mocks it and the culture that justifies it and I don't know, regardless of what Let him make the movie Looking for that second answer.
It makes a lot of sense to me, you know, it's obvious, but a lot of comedy is about showing the audience something crazy or ridiculous and then recoiling, what's with all the funny comedians like um no no no no no no no no No Ricky D says women? they're not funny, but he's just joking with you, he's so smart and you're so dumb that you don't even understand that he's actually being a woke hero with this joke, that's when I say something I don't really mean for comedic effect Ricky. Here he wants to make a misogynistic joke.
He wants to explore this taboo, but he wants to do it in a safe way, one that ultimately affirms the goodness of that taboo. Team America follows a similar pattern, taunting the US and then looking at you. and says we didn't mean anything by it, but in the end the movie fails because the jokes went too far to come back Matt Stone and Trey Parker can write this speech but they can't force us to accept it as the central theme. idea of ​​his movie, so we have these two stories right, The Nostalgia Critic and Team America America World Police and obviously these two things couldn't be more different from each other, one is fun, it has an extremely unique aesthetic, it has songs from Banger, the other one is Team.
America World Police got it, I just wish they gave us more time to do it, but in the end these works tell us the same thing: that comedy is about identity first, there is the identity of the author, Doug Walker and his connection to authority Matt Stone and Trey Parker and their identification with the US military and secondly, there is the identity that we have in relation to their work. Do we accept the author's position? Do we agree with them? We are in community with them when a joke does everything he wants. These structures are often invisible, in fact, I don't think there is anything as invisible as a joke that works, comedy brings people together, right? does not achieve what it proposes that connection falters we come to see that we are not the community that the joke describes that we do not fit into the limits it establishes and from that perspective of difference we can observe so clearly how the The machine operates where what places us is saying why we didn't get it or didn't like it if a joke represents society that a failed joke represents society in tension in Breakdown and I guess that's why I'm so fascinated by conservative comedy because at least for me, often It leads to those moments of profound difference and discovery and conflict, so let's talk about some conflict, so there's a question that looms over the videos about conservative comedy and it's obvious: why is conservative comedy like that?
Why is it like this? To be honest, I don't really like this question and that's for two reasons: First, there are funny conservatives. I think Matt Stone and Trey Parker certainly have conservative leanings, particularly on the economy and foreign policy, and are good at making jokes. and then we have Nick Adams, that guy who tweets about Hooters all day, every day, you know he's an icon, there are three guys in there and he could probably go second in this line. Conservatives are not funny. What is it? It's an insult, right? A sense of humor is like the main tool we use to make new friends and get along in social situations.
I mean, according to the website your, a man who is irresistible to women is a laugh out loud, and often my point is when we say conservatives aren't. It's not funny most of the time, we're really just expressing that we don't like conservatives and that's fine, it's fine to say that, but it's not a deep political commentary either, still, I'm not going to deny something that conservative comedy has. potential to be one of the worst you've ever seen, not just bad but bad in a deeply fascinating way and for that reason I now want to dive into some horrible conservative cinema, explore how it works and why it's so bad, let's talk about the most triggering comedy of 2023 lady ballers in a world where women's sports are transforming lady Ballers was made by the Daily Wire, a conservative news site founded in 2015 by class icon Ben Shapiro and film director Jeremy.
Ask yourself right now who Boring Jeremy is, what he directed, was he the guy behind The Flower Moon Killers, was he the one who made Jeremy Boring, Shocking, Island, no, it's actually Martin Scorsese, Jeremy Boring, on the other hand hand, he is most famous for directing, writing and starring. In the most triggering comedy of 2023, Lady Ballers, Lady Ballers is about a basketball coach, Rob Gibson, Rob used to be on top of the world, his high school basketball team won a lot of games and to top it off, he had a wife, but that Splendor. it was 15 years ago and now he's done he was fired from his job as a high school coach and now he works at the rec center his wife left him and now he's dating a hippie guy played by matt walsh my body is a sacred temple of that I'm all physical fitness uh insect-based foods mRNA vaccines to get back to the top, start a basketball league where men pose as women so they can beat the CIS women make a lot of money and go back to be winners, so obviously this movie is a great social activity comments about trans women, sports and liberals and we'll talk about all that, but first I think we should take a look at the less political jokes in this movie, the jokes that wouldn't trigger me so much and it's good the more You got shot, we promised you'd get shot, so if you get shot, then I guess we kept our promise, yeah, so I guess we wanted to make the most provocative comedy of the year and I thought, because look, I might be biased against this movie.
I'm willing to admit it to myself, but I really think it's not funny at all and poorly told, as if it were a competent comedy. There are two moments in Lady Ballers that made me smile. The first is when this woman says this, oh God. Shit I tried now, the second one is the Ben Shapiro cameo where he just gives it his all for the role Technician and shut up, the transphobic mother absolutely kills it and I can't deny that fact outside of that, although the jokes in the movie are just are as boring as, well, there are these two twin brothers and they're always interested in the same girl and they're always fighting, she's not into you, no, she's into you and their interactions are played as a joke, but for me Life, I'm not sure what the fun part is.
These guys also keep appearing fighting. It is funny? Because they are stupid. I guess it's either that or there's some random guy trying to buy a man. prostitute and his whole thing is that he's creepy and a country boy and he's like how much, how much, we're not really ladies. I said it, how much, okay, I guessExcuse a joke like this in the movie, it's not funny. first time, but I get it, the joke is that you think he's a weirdo, but he's actually gay and that's awesome, but here's the thing, um, this is actually like the main joke of the movie, it keeps coming up , oh, how much, oh. say, why who is it?
There's nothing in this joke or let me zoom in on what I see as Lady Ballers' lowest comedic moment for the baller boys going into the woods to find a basketball player they want on their team. His name is David, they are talking to Dave trying to convince him to play basketball again and when he says no at first they call him fat, disgustingly fat. I miss you, buddy, you're not that, so whatever the joke is going on in this. scene is completely incomprehensible and that's because the movie doesn't give us the tools necessary to make sense of what's happening here.
Dave wears this big, bulky fur coat and he's usually filmed with media, so he can't see his body to do. Worse yet, he doesn't actually respond to the accusation that he's fat, he's not offended, he doesn't deny it, it just seems to wash over him and because of this lack of a frame of reference, the audience has no idea if this guy is fat. fat and therefore we have no idea what is going on, is it funny that they are calling a skinny guy fat or is it funny that he got fat by watching this scene, we can't tell so we literally can't locate the joke now, the Lady Ballers fan.
He might argue, look, they call him fat three scenes later and it's obvious he hasn't gained any weight. David is too afraid to even leave the forest. He is so fat. I have gained 3 pounds since high school. You're fat, so there you go. You have your clarification, but that's not good enough for me. Comedies are supposed to be funny or at least readable while you're watching them. South Park already made this joke and when they made it, okay, come here, Clyde, I'm not fat. With that, friend Carman is gone, so now you're the fat kid, yeah, fat ass, get your fat ass on the sled, you were able to understand what the joke was all along and, frankly, I think it's better as a result. .
I can also only say one last thing. that Rob Gibson, the protagonist, is literally one of the least funny guys I've ever seen. I don't want to have sex with you either. Quinn, I really, oh no, I love him, I really do, but I think our time together has come to an end. oh no, I do, I really do, but I think our times are coming to an end, even at the end of the movie when you're supposed to love him and support him, he just comes off as a big idiot, you're a good mom. Garb, I was thinking about the three of us getting together this weekend and having a little picnic.
You know, it's hard to get behind a comedy lead like this, it's hard to accept, this is the fun thing, writing this kind of review and of course I do. Wait, Mrs. Ballers, it's not funny, it's poorly written, there's a literal ad in the middle of the movie. I feel like I should mention that people spend $15 a month on daily cable, and presumably they do it to watch this movie. like it's one of the only things there and now they have to lower themselves by watching this 202 shaver ad, it's horrible, it's not a good movie and don't forget Jeremy's shampoo and conditioner, but I still think that all this It's kind of distracting because, honestly, Lady Ballers isn't about her shitty jokes or her terrible acting, no, it's about making up a bunch of conservative buzzwords and cramming every last one of them into your incredibly bloated experience. of 2 hours.
I would not do it. I normally do this, but I want to say that my video is already too long and I think almost no one in my audience has seen Lady Ballers, so what I want to do now is go through a list of the times this movie presents a completely irrelevant conservative virtue . Pointing out that you need to understand what this movie is like so one thing before we get into this from this point on in the video, for some reason I called the protagonist of the movie Gary even though his name is Rob um so you should know what that is. that's the same guy I'm talking about, Gary Gary is the guy, Gary is the main character, which is Rob, who cares about Rob, this guy is Gary, so Gary is done and gives him a little pep talk to his new bad basketball team and tells them to stop.
I'm stealing car parts from him and a black student says he can't talk to him like that. Please don't steal my catalytic converter again on your way out. You can't talk to us like that, you're right Kevin, I'm sorry, but he drops the tool he presumably used to steal the part, hey buddy, you dropped your cordless reciprocating saw about a minute later, Gary gets fired from his coaching job. because you can't say it. your black teenage students don't steal anymore, it's racism to steal, you can't tell a group of teenagers not to steal, which honestly sucks because they're always stealing.
Gary goes to pick up his daughter Winnie from school and this woman has the nerve to wear a mask. Gary calls it an obedience trap because he's like a rebel. She is the mistress of the obedience trap. I can't hear anything through it. She asks Winnie what she learned in school today and it turns out that she learned that communism is good and even. I was able to witness a trans girl's penis for some reason a boy showed you her penis what no, he's not a boy, disgusting dad, Mary Margaret, she's a girl. Gary drops Winnie off at his mom's house and his mom's new boyfriend is a bug-eating, vaccine-loving liberal. insect-based foods mRNA vaccines I don't know what's up with the conservatives, but they're so obsessed with this bug-eating thing like there's another reference to bug-eating in this movie, why who eats bugs and why do you care, so we move forward 10 minutes. and Gary is talking to Alex Alex was on Gary's basketball team 15 years ago, but now he's a drag queen because he failed at acting and that's because he's a white man.
It turns out that a white man of non-exotic sexuality is the only ethnic group that is not selected. around Hollywood these days, yes, I heard that Disney is going to make the new Snow White and the neurode, the divergent lesbian. Gary and Alex get to talking about their Glory Days and Gary suggests they go running again. Alex runs out of the bar and some people say we're definitely homeschooling, no. like a funny joke or something, just a random statement about how good homeschooling is for making your kids not gay. Later, the fake translady basketball team is starting and since Winnie is a wakelet who received a public education, she teaches the kids all about gender. fluidity and Demi boys, that's called genderfluid, one of the guys asks the question what is a woman, an obvious reference to the Matt Walsh documentary of the same name, that's literally the reason they said it just for the movie, remember that, remember that movie later.
Alex and Gary are drinking together again, but this time the beer tastes unpleasant and bad. What is that Bud Light? Now I'm sponsored, oh friend. They give that to any guy in a dress, of course, that's because it's Bud Light and conservatives are boycotting Bud. because Dylan Mulaney, a transom, once announced it. I know what you're wondering. How many references to Dylan Mulany are there in this movie? The answer, and this was a surprise to me, is the first day of being a girl athlete, two winks to a random trans. lady who will even understand this joke in a year Gary has a girlfriend in the movie Gwen and she, for nothing, talks about how she loves to abort, but a baby in me, what not, you're right, the last thing I need is another abortion.
This year you're a monster, they just needed to put that somewhere. I guess let's end this list with my favorite example, so towards the end of the movie, when she goes and talks to her father about how she wants to be a boy because boys are better and you know, let me play the I want to be a boy scene, I want to be a winner like you, dad, what does that have to do with being a child? Boys are better at everything, oh honey, that's just not true. You're better at basketball, yes, basketball and swimming, okay MMA, that goes without saying, and running and javelin, weightlifting, shot put, hockey, karate, soccer, all the Vault, driving, parking most of it of St Fields rock and roll, opening jars of pickles, so this makes absolutely no sense, as I already did. he said that Winnie is really woke like she's the most transpositive character in the entire movie and there's no indication that that's changed in this scene, so why would he then think that men are better at basketball than women?
In her opinion, she is seeing extremely good women's basketball. team no, this interaction doesn't come from the characters at all, it simply exists to establish that men and women are completely different from each other and that men are superior at driving, park the most stem fields, women They can't drive, they aren't. well at the root, just unhinged, spontaneous misogyny, this wasn't a complete list of the insipid conservative buzzword scenes in Lady Ballers, not at all, but I think you get the idea and what a strange series of moments it is, look, such Maybe someone finds it funny when the lady wears too many masks or when Matt Walsh talks about eating bugs.
I'm not trying to say that anyone would enjoy it, but when you take a step back and look at the project as a whole, it's obvious to me that being funny or telling a story isn't the point here that in many cases the point is simply to name and affirm a particular conservative belief we want someone to shout that abortion is murder we want someone to say homeschooling is good we want to support Bud Light Boy Cott I want Conservative Cameo after Conservative Cameo to remind us that yes, this is what What conservatives believe and aren't they great for believing it?
But the question then, of course, is why, what good is comedy for Lady Ballers? What's the point of presenting your movie as a silly, fun comedy if you're not that interested in making jokes, and honestly I think the answer is a kind of simple comedy that allows the movie to say what it wants to say, it's the most efficient method you can use to capture and assert. conservative ideology one of the most famous stories surrounding Lady Ballers is that it began life as a documentary. This is kind of an exaggeration. Lady Ballers was never in production as a dock, that was just an idea Ben Shapiro had and they briefly explored it. you came to me and said we should make a fiction film about this topic now to be fair.
I think I actually suggested to the big boys that they do this as a documentary. Yes, I originally went to them and told them that you guys would like to go. I tried out for a bunch of women's leagues and that wasn't possible because it turns out that most women's leagues don't allow real men in and weren't willing to go the distance in terms of what it would require, yet I find this. valuable moment because it reveals something about the movie Lady Ballers, this movie is basically how conservative you view reality, the Daily Wire team really believes that women's sports face an existential threat that men would find it easy to participate in women's competitions and that lie about your gender.
Taking down women in basketball is a pretty reasonable thing to do, even if reality is not on your side, with this you can't just pretend to be a woman and start playing against women, like Ben says, trans women need to take hormones to compete In women's leagues there is simply no credibility to this story, even if it seems real to many conservatives, so if you want to tell a story about something ridiculous but you want the audience to take it seriously, engage with it as a major issue, what? you do? make it a comedy, paint a caricature of trans people and their beliefs and actions and then treat that caricature as your central antagonist, the force that oppresses you and everyone else, and this kind of logic permeates Lady Ballers as the conservatives who obsessively criticize public education and they I've been doing that for a long time, legitimately believe that teachers prepare students to be trans, that critical race theory is evil, that they are coming for their children and the movie can go in and make those claims without worrying about actual educational practices.
We learned all about the Cold War oh yes, our history teacher left us a moment of silence for all the workers exploited by the capitalist system. It's a joke. The jokes are supposed to be hyperbolic and ridiculous and so the movie has more freedom to just. present the strange beliefs that conservatives really have. I think the most interesting case of this sense of victimization can be seen in Gary, the film's protagonist. 15 years ago, Gary was doing very well and now he is doing poorly, but it is not at all clear what happened to him. him to make him a failure, why he lost his job ascoach in high school first, same kind of thing for Gary's wife, like why she left him, wife says this line towards the end of the movie, I never cared if you won or lost I just wanted you to be happy , but what does that mean?
What did Gary actually do? Was he mean to her, and if so, how, but the thing is, Lady Ballers doesn't want to answer those questions, she just wants Gary to be a victim of society, a world that punishes winners, discriminates against amazing traditional white guys like him and because there's no grounded or thoughtful way to tell that story because it's a conservative hoax, we can skip it in the second part of this video, we talk about how a lot of comedy is about inverting power structures by taking on characters that we think they should have power and placing them in an absurd world that deprives them of that power and because it's part of the structure of the comedy, that reversal usually doesn't require much explanation while the office is going on. eventually gives us an idea of ​​why Michael is in charge of this branch, these explanations don't really make sense and that's okay, that's the premise of the show and you can see in Lady Ballers how useful that gender convention that conservatives believe is.
What are they. a marginalized identity that the world has abandoned them unfairly pushed them to the bottom and through comedy, Bored Jeremy can tell that story effortlessly, but as we know, comedy not only works to invert the social order but also to produce it to create boundaries and of course Lady Ballers is also very interested in that project, so one interesting thing about this film is that it presents its world as a liberal dystopia, but in the end it is a very fragile dystopia, it is a dystopia that is easy to break , as if everyone in this society is fine. they really support trans women they love watching them compete they rally around them the movie is all about how trans women actually improve women's sports uh because women are bad at sports so they don't go to basketball Guys Nobody looks but sees that no one really buys into it With the exception of Winnie, the literal kid, and Matt Walsh, the dopey hippie boyfriend, there isn't a major character in the movie who really agrees with this Trans Sport plan.
Gary is not his ex-wife and his players are not my ex-lover. In the territory, liberal journalists are paying lip service to the PC police. I think Stacy is referring to the obvious fact that Alex is a what? So the PC police are scammers trying to make a profit on the trans agenda. Don't you see that men are faster? stronger, badder, the only reason we created women's sports was to keep you out, but now soon the best women will be men. I didn't have to replay his whole little speech here, but I just wanted to show it to you because I think this is the worst edit I've ever seen, just look at that look, how disgusting it looks, look at those horrible cuts, why do they do that.
This is kind of the ultimate conservative fantasy that the movie talks about, even if it's liberal. Society is irrational and evil, even when it twists natural hierarchies in bad ways and produces bad results, it is also superficial, somehow non-threatening, trans people exist and are piercing all layers of society, but in the end their existence It's just a joke, a punchline. At the end of the day, we are the silent majority, the world is in community with us and not them, and our power will prevail. Lady Ballers is not a good or funny movie, but of course bad, unfunny movies are a dime a dozen, like most.
What sets this movie apart for me is that it's lying to us, it plays like a comedy, it has silly scenes, it's funny in a family friendly way, but it doesn't play the part, it feels sterile and empty. We're invested in the structure of the comedy, but not in the way it can actually be funny, and I think what really kills the movie for me is that it ultimately doesn't even believe its own jokes. Let me talk about the most memorable scene. in Lady Ballers it happens right at the end Alex, one of the main characters, the first athlete to pass as a woman, says this to Gary.
I'm a woman, I mean all those years playing basketball and I never felt like myself for a decade in Hollywood trying. to find out who I really was and then I started working at the dollhouse and this is my real coach this is the one I'm proud of for the first time and Gary takes a moment and punches them in the balls how can you be so? I'm sure I'm not a woman, good talk, I find this moment very ugly, since Gary and Alex are supposed to like each other, their relationship is essential to the movie and this is how it ends with Gary hitting Alex to get him to go back in the closet and leave.
It doesn't even work that's the crazy detail in the last scene Alex is in therapy talking about his dysphoria with Jordan Peterson the punch clearly doesn't solve anything Gary just did it because I guess that's what you do to trans people no matter how weird it is be. Is this moment obviously of crucial importance to the film's ideological project? If Lady Ballers had just been about a series of imposter drag athletes, I'm sure it would have been a conservative point but not a very strong one, we all know or at least know some trans people. women are right and are not like these male athletes speaking personally here, my trans friends are not scamming anyone with their gender, none of them compete in professional women's sports, a fact that frankly blows my mind given how easy it would be for them .
How fast and strong they all are. That's why the movie can't just say that all trans people are faking it to get money no, you have to add something, say what you really believe on the subject, by the way, even if trans women are authentic, even if they really think who are women and want to live a normal life, we cannot allow that to happen. We can't accept it and what surprises me is how this moment goes against the whole feeling of the movie The Way It works as a conservative comedy. They want to tell this story about conservative victimhood and Triumph.
We are normal people with normal lives. beliefs and honestly, no one disagrees with us, but you know that's not what this scene is about. Gary is not a victim of anything, he is not being pushed around or mistreated and his best friend, someone we have obviously become sympathetic to, is not. If we see things her way, in this interaction we realize the simple truth, Lady Ballers is not a movie about common sense or protecting women's sports or whatever, it's a movie about what upsets men. conservatives and what conservatives can justifiably do to not be upset, so we've Come on, this is the final part of the video and I guess it was a little negative, right?
There's a lot of talk about bad jokes, bad politics, wrong connections, broken communities, which is why I thought it would be interesting to end our time. here with a discussion about some conservative comedy that I really like or at least find really interesting, let's talk about Roseanne's 2023 comedy special Bar cancel this, what is a woman? I'll tell you what a woman is, it's me, okay, let me explain. In 2018, the hit sitcom Roseanne was rebooted, they brought back most of the previous cast, the first episode was received with a huge audience, everything was looking great for Roseanne, until she made a tweet about the advisor main Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Muslim Brotherhood. and many apes had a baby just like VJ Jarrett was a black woman, this tweet was, of course, very racist and Bar's career, her tenure in comedy came to an end, essentially overnight, Roseanne has been a polarizing figure for a long time, I mean, until now.
In 1990, she sparked a nationwide controversy over her performance of her national anthem. This was great news. It's great that in 2012 she ran for president with the Green Party and made a documentary about it. Another iconic moment around 2016, though she started getting really involved. Donald Trump is getting deeper and deeper into the pizzagate kinon and these days Rosanne is basically an extremely angry spokesperson for Stalinist communist conservatives. I don't think it will surprise you when I say that this woman is unwell, that is not my opinion which Rosanne has spoken about at length. Her struggle with various mental illnesses from being institutionalized throughout her life watching her waste her talent and her legacy on this conservative nonsense is really sad to me, but she had talent.
I think it's important to remember that I already showed you that clip of the national anthem. You already saw how great she was, but she was also a very good comedian, she has great stage presence and her material was solid. Ros, why don't you ever try Tred to be more aggressive in bed? Do you think someone tells you something so personal? Anyway, TR you're more aggressive in bed, so I thought about it and everything, then the other night we were lying there and he attacked me, so I told him: I'm not going to tell you that all the jokes from his special 2023 are good. there are a lot of absolute Honkers what's my gender mom what's my gender your gender is getting a job that's your gender but when you compare this act to something like Lady Ballers the difference is obvious like I already said Lady Ballers is about posturing as if its purpose singular out of being the trigger for a conservative movie and he's so impressed with himself that canceling this, on the other hand, still oozes the authenticity of Roseanne Bar, its intensity, even if it's not always or usually funny, still feels somehow real . right now, right at the beginning of the ACT, where she's talking about the consequences of her racist tweet like we could have, we could have had her come on my show and she could have read to me who she is and I could have dressed me. down we could have had a teachable moment that everyone is talking about she could have come I could have had 15 times the ratings and I could have learned something on behalf and shown America something that I always wanted to Find something deeply This is refreshing because in one It subtly goes against the conservative party line when conservatives talk about comedians and cancellation, they tend to use a lot of buzzwords, people have freedom of speech don't they?
The goal of comedy is to be offensive. It makes sense in that context that Roseanne would stand by her tweet to say that it was just a comedian being funny and that public outrage is immoral, but she doesn't believe it, even though she says she wanted to apologize, she implies that her tweet was obviously Racist, it seems. to the audience and in a moment of strange and uncomfortable vulnerability, she says, so I walk in and it's on CNN that they canceled my show just 20 minutes later and not only that, but they killed me, they killed Roseanne, they killed her, It's not genius. comedy or anything, but at least there's a sense that a real person is talking to you here or let's listen to another moment and this one is completely different.
What's up with all that quarantine? Remember everything you know. I realized it means quarantine. no one from that is going to be arrested it means quarantine Q the Great Awakening you know why because you had to be with your damn family in the house and you couldn't get out of there do you hear the absolute silence in the audience? when Roseanne says it means quarantine, that's a punchline, obviously, she even pauses for half a second, but not a single soul laughs and Vibe stays the whole time, sure people make some noises, but the energy in The room seems markedly confusing to me.
If I had to guess I'd say there are two reasons for that first, the joke is pretty confusing, I think the idea is that Q the Great Awakening is like quarantine because during lockdown you woke up and realized how shitty your life. You couldn't go to the gym, you couldn't go to a restaurant, you couldn't escape, you couldn't go to anyone else's house, you were stuck there with your damn family and you couldn't escape, and I guess that works like It's a joke, but It feels dense and I'm not even sure I have the right interpretation.
Secondly, this is just my opinion. It almost seems like she's being too public with her beliefs here, as if public-facing conservatives don't usually speak out. about qanon there is no daily article or prageru video that says that pizza gate is real that the elites are inhaling adrenochrome these types of conspiracies are generally forced to the margins of conservatism an important part of the movement but that we do not air However, in front of everyone, Roseanne doesn't play that game and I guess that's the appeal: she'll get on stage and talk about her fringe conspiracy beliefs and just assume that her audience sees things the way she does and that there's some freedom in that, right? ? something unmanicured I find these moments where Rosanne displays her extremely conspiratorial mentality to be some of the most thought-provoking of the entire special, like listening to this part, so I quit and I know what happened as soon asstop smoking.
I quit smoking, got Co the moment I quit and then read that smoking cigarettes actually protects you from getting Co. That's when I knew it was all a really weird sequence of thoughts, like she quit smoking because of Covid and then. she got covid and the reasonable reaction to that experience is like you know my life, how ironic and horrible, but that's not her conclusion, no, she immediately has to link that experience to some evil narrative that doesn't even make sense, so read something article saying that smoking protects you from the virus is fine, on the one hand, something that doesn't actually seem true.
There were some studies that reported those findings, but they are apparently very suspect and have some major methodological problems. I will link a nature article. in the description, but suffice it to say that it is never a bad idea to quit smoking, smoking is not good for you, but also to say that those findings were accurate, why it is so important, why that would mean that everything is and that they are I'm all lying to you, but that's when I knew it was all like that. No, logic simply does not exist. This is very obviously the expression of a pure emotional reality.
Or let's see this other part. I think it's probably the most haunting and memorable of the entire act. a little long but I think it's worth it these young wearers of pink hats want to be lied to they want to be lied to because they are so used to it that you can't wake them up because you can't wake up people who are pretending to be asleep that's what I thought a no one in their lives has cared enough to tell them the damn truth it's our fault we baby boomers ruined their lives we lied to them all the time we lied to them and ruined their lives this one really gets to me because it's so raw when she screams It is our fault that we


our children by lying to them the world is broken and we broke it that is cutting and strange and it moves in its own way but it is also completely incomprehensible How did you ruin your children?
What did you lie to them about and how exactly are they so broke just because they take some vaccines? There's this desire to sit her down and tell her that people have been taking vaccines for a long time. Roseanne, it's okay, she's going to be okay, we've seen this all before, right? None of this is particularly new. One of the main things I wanted to talk about in this video was the way conservatives process grievance and social tension. JP Sears felt some hesitancy about vaccines and allowed it. that grievance to become the center of his world in order to make sense of it he had to invent to Satan an evil so great that it could justify his feelings of confusion and fear because I don't know about you, but living in a world where Satan Reigns and you, me and our families have to suffer the consequences, I really don't find it attractive that the creators of Lady Ballers Jeremy Boring and the Daily Wire have this intense and obvious hatred towards trans people, they seem to really believe that they present a huge social problem. threat and since they cannot coherently articulate what that grievance is, they need to produce some harm.
Other trans people come for our sports, our children and our wives. Rosanne of course has many complaints, she is not happy that she contracted covid. Even though she quit smoking, her career was ruined and that's why it stands to reason that the world is rotten and full of and that she lied to her children and destroyed them, but the thing about Sears and Lady Ballers is that they can always back to the safety of a joke Sure Sears believes that the government might have weather devices and that some political cabal is sucking the blood of children, but he also seems to understand how strange those claims are and that's why he makes jokes, even bad jokes , empty jokes, half-jokes.
He can offer you a kind of freedom, the ability to express these dangerous or scary thoughts. Sure the Daily Wire thinks trans people will destroy society, but they also don't think they know better than to put those ideas in a movie and call them out. movie movie A comedy But ultimately Roseanne is alone on that stage and she has no security, she's not hiding behind anything, the audience is mostly quiet and doesn't seem to want anything from them, not really and it's powerful to watch because it doesn't it is. a joke, so I guess that's the end of the video.
I guess that's all she had to say. There's no real reason I'm on the Nostalgia Critic team. Right now I figure, you know why not give the people what they want? What people clamor for when they see me wearing the Nostalgia Critic costume I also criminally subverted, I didn't like it, it was like 30 seconds of the video. I bought all these objects just to look as close as possible to my oldest son. Nostalgia Critic and I barely use it anyway, if you want to become a patron it's pretty fantastic right now. In fact, I have a video on different Nostalgia Critic takes that I don't like and I'm also doing like a podcast series that goes over all eight. episodes of the new live-action Avatar series I Don't Like Being the Avatar.
I like to play and have fun with my friends and Frolic. By the time you're looking at this, there should be at least two or three of those up there. um and there will be all eight in the next two months, so I hope you enjoy it. Other than that, I guess all I have left to do is my patreon question about the video. Mary asks if you were suddenly the son of a billionaire and everything. free time in the world, how would you fill your days? I'm glad you asked Mary, so I figure I'd wake up at 2:00 AM. m. covered in the fluids and oils that will keep me young and vivacious forever, people. who are waking me up I know you're asking those are my masseuses these are two big meatball guys they're not just giving a massage I mean they're really leaning into it I spend two or three hours just them just rubbing me and it's absolute agony , but I know it's for the best, so what time is it?
It's 5:00 a.m. m. Now I guess it's time to have eggs for breakfast, not chicken. I eat the eggs slowly and delight in them. knowing that they are exotic and priceless, they taste good, I go to sleep for 2 or 3 hours and usually wake up around 2:00 p.m. the masseuses are eaten again they are rubbing me but this time for longer 4 hours 5 hours I don't know what Normally it happened I would probably pass out but I wake up around I don't know 5:00 p.m. dinner time I'm eating this disgusting this illegal you wouldn't even imagine you haven't heard of this type of food I taste it it's 3 hours later 8:00 p.m.
It's time for me to take my nights, my night dreams. I go to bed in a new bed every day. I burn my bed. I dislike old things. I want to be new forever. I go to sleep until 2:00 a.m. and everything starts again. so that's what I'd do, that's my life, billionaire dad, life ain't that bad, bye, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, woo, oh yeah, I'm the last one everyone thinks they know .

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