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Confronting Grant Cardone On Fraud Allegations And Billionaire Status

Apr 04, 2024
million or 160 million or one billion. dollar real estate transaction and then 10 minutes later on Christmas Eve you're launching a nine-dollar product. I know, I know how much money you just made on this transaction, she saw me do it. I made a deal. I bought it, it was summer stone apartments. bought those fixtures on the property had a red eye had a phone call on a thursday right on a red eye thursday night on site on friday bought the deal I don't think I think I put 400 Grand down 350 units 360 units 400 Grand was just the EMD or what I don't even know how I did it, I sold it and made 23 million dollars hmm, okay Elena, look how the money comes in, this was like a quick turnaround, this was, it was uh, 34 months, okay i have but there's a lot of money for 34 months oh yeah so i had had income the whole time and she says look you get a phone call you don't know the person you changed all weekend you flew to charlotte , North Carolina, with red eyes. commercial I'm not flying I wasn't flying private right and you make $23 million on the deal what do you do to celebrate? you're going to sell a 99 ticket she says you deserve it man yeah and because the work The ethics there is that just because I got rich doesn't mean I stopped working well and for me, the reason I do it, what What motivates me is the man of service to help people.
confronting grant cardone on fraud allegations and billionaire status
I see it, you know, and I know that I don't help anyone when they don't pay me well. I only help people who pay me well. I have tried to help people who don't need help. Yes, they are not interested. They have nothing to do with the game like me. I tried to help drug addicts get off drugs before they know they need to get off drugs, they don't do it well because they don't want them enough yet, so, yeah, I would definitely tell you, man, you should have a billion. Dollar Target, maybe a 10 billion dollar Target and start mapping it like you would any other Target, and there's a big difference between being a millionaire and a


man, you know, yeah, you know, it's five thousand, it's a million dollars, five thousand. times after taxes well I know from you that to become a


you have to think how do I get to 10 billion yes that's right so how would I get there?
confronting grant cardone on fraud allegations and billionaire status

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confronting grant cardone on fraud allegations and billionaire status...

Well, look at those funnels, I mean, look at those funnels, I mean, when I hear about funnels at 50,000, I'm like, okay, you know, I know we channel every day. I know it can be ten times bigger for sure, yeah, if I could make 500 a day, I know I can make 5 million, right? I know, I know. what is Amazon doing every second, every second of the day, what are they doing, man, it's crazy, I know, I know how much money BlackRock raises, uh, I know how much they lost in the last second quarter of this year, right, they lost 1.7 billions of dollars. institutional money and no one says they are


s, right, there can't be a bigger


game than that, so I know the money is available, so what I would do is start saying, "Okay, I know that the money is available, but 10 billion." Dollars on planet Earth are nothing.
confronting grant cardone on fraud allegations and billionaire status
I think we already sent it to Ukraine. Yes, all you had to do was understand it. Yes, you could have been the Ukraine siphon. You know, but you won't because you're not a bad guy. I just have to figure out, okay, how can I help 10 million people? Right, 10 million people give me 10 I think that's a lot of money right there 100 million, that's what it is, yeah, yeah, I guess it is, I have to get them. to tell me what would happen if they did it every month, yeah, every month, yeah, so you know it's like you have to figure it out and then you have to get your spouse and your kids on the same page, all supporting dad to Let him become a billionaire, right?
confronting grant cardone on fraud allegations and billionaire status
What's the meaning and then get rid of all the haters and the detractors and the people who don't want you to get there because I promise you I won't offend you? I did this with Mike Tyson, they never invited me back. Someone on your team who doesn't want you to do it. I told this to Mike Tyson. Yes, in the tobacco shop with the hot box. Yeah, they never played the podcast. Wow, yes. That's right, so there will always be someone on your team, brother. Empires. They are broken inside, not outside, so what would be the meaning of becoming a billionaire? a difference, okay, then I'll probably buy before the end of the year.
I could buy another plane for the team, okay, so they can move around well, you know, that becomes different, my wife and I play a little game if it's the lottery game like if we have so much money, what would we do right? Then you start thinking about the things you would do, man, have you ever rented a yacht for two or three weeks? It's no use, it's sick, bro, I mean, I'm sick, you seem to enjoy the experiences. of being a billionaire, yes, but I mean, have you ever given uh, you know, 20 million dollars to charity?
No, yes, it's amazing, it feels better than the plane and by the way, I don't want to give away the plane, the Law of Attraction. I'm a little worried about that, but or the yacht, but I gave 20 million to charities like that. You know, you inspire a lot of people when you do it right, so you know I'm funny on these 10 TV shows. I couldn't do that if I was struggling, right, I'm not going to sell them to the networks, right, and they're not going to tell me what to do, so if I could become a bank, you know and and actually protect people's money. sending them four million dollars every month that depend on a need.
I couldn't do that if I didn't have the ability to buy the real estate and then replenish it like the ability for me to go buy a property, pick it up for my money and then tell people, hey, I'm going to buy this anyway. , you want to come in and they say, oh yeah, you're going to buy it anyway, yeah, anyway. brother, it takes a lot of heat out of my life, right, if I didn't have the surpluses, I couldn't do that. I'll tell you that I really don't like being under pressure, yes, exactly, I hate it, yes, because I am. you don't have the right deal and then you know you have whatever to close and you're like shit we have to raise the money yeah I left in February we had two deals under contract in Houston Texas a million dollars non refundable In both I have already passed the non-refundable period, it was already their money by contract and I walked away from both agreements.
I walked away from two million dollars, and we went back and got it anyway, but so I could walk away. That money Fu, I heard the guy from uh uh Axelrod about billions and he talked about your money, your money to say: I don't want to do business with you, right? We will be able to leave for that kind of freedom. It's not about Billy right, you know he's there, right, you know it, right, you've got, you've got the talent, bro, you've got the talent, the looks, I mean, you've got the whole damn package going, why not? right, you don't know, there isn't, because, what if?
You don't know you'll regret it if you don't try it um yeah you're making me think man you know it's out there bro it's out there yeah you're a better guy than most of these people. you're doing it right, you know you should go to New York and go, walk into the Goldman Sachs building, walk in once and look around and be like these guys, they have elevators, they have elevators that are this big. Their banks go up, you know, 117 stories, they don't, they're not changing the world, no, no, they're not educating people, they're not going to stop and help people, they're not going to.
For example, go online this weekend, you know, and educate someone, a kid you don't know from nowhere, on how they could build a funnel and have financial freedom, so look, those guys can print billions of dollars and not even be like them. No, they are not changing the world, no one knows them, there is no one, there is a machine, right? So they pay a lot of fees, a lot of taxes. I'm sure, I'm sure they do a lot of good things, but I also like it. way you use social media and don't let them use you hmm, you know you're not sitting there watching reels how many, how about, how bad is that a habit, although honestly, I don't watch that much social media, yeah.
I'm just friend, I never want to see, what do you see there? I'm like Sabrina, I read a lot of books, I like to read, yeah, I like to read, listen to podcasts, but I don't watch a lot of reels, man, I just kind of lose their attention span, yeah, that's what they want, even though I told my wife the other day that it's because one of her teammates said, Hey, Grant, there's a tendency where you know you do this and you go from this to that, you know? that thing, yeah, you know, and I'm like, yeah, well why are you telling me that she's like that because she's getting a lot of views?
I said she didn't need many views. I'm like I don't even know it's done. but I'm not part of a trend, I don't work for Mark, I work for me, you know that's for them, you guys are just jumping on this damn speech talking about Mark and I know we have to get out of here. soon, what do you think about the metaverse and cryptocurrencies? We were talking about that above, what do you think about all that? Well, I think we are very far from metaphors. I think the metaverse was a distraction from a lot of bad news for Facebook.
I was right that they all worked, by the way, but I think we're a long way from any metaverse, right, hey Siri, play, play Kanye West, oh yeah, yeah, it worked half the time, it doesn't work, you know, I can't get My Google map is working correctly, you know, it's taking me to another place. I think I can't get pins to share. I think we are very far away. Will there be Internet 3.0 at a thousand percent? It's real crypto, I think so, you know, if someone could show me how to do, you know, 250 million dollars in real estate deals and turn it into an amputee, I'll be the first to fund the project, yeah, and you.
The boys figured out how to put the oogie-joogie around yeah, turn the whole thing into eight boards I'm dude, I'm holding you to that rat faces, half my face and half your face or something, I'm okay, you know, I told you. You know, at Tykes, that's our goal. Yeah, so let's create the innovation and then I'll bring it to you. We have to be able to do it. We have to be able to do it without him. The SEC puts us in jail I know that's the top priority, it's the SEC's man, right? I trust the nft.
I try. I trust. I trust technology. Yeah, you know, I know I'm going to deliver more. Yes, I will put enough things around. that there is value, but I worry if the SEC and the Fed and the IRS and all the acronyms want to do this right and if they don't they will hunt us down now we will do it legitimately, we have lawyers working. Okay, I'll send it, come on, let's be the first to make it big. I will, so I will send you the honorary guy because you are part of the real crypto. Estate Revolution, now come on man, and we'll do it, okay, we'll be the first ones to get the financing.
I would love to do that man, that would be part of my legacy, I was involved in something really. Really big, you know, I mean, he wasn't a close-minded guy, okay, I'm telling Jared that he's done, well done, man. I appreciate you coming to Las Vegas, I had a great time, as always, you inspired me. m I'm going out to find Billy so check out the chat below man if he kills one billy or more that's fine I gotta go for ten so from now on I'll refer to him as a hunter from billy, he is a billy hunter from now on. and then once he gets it, then he's a killer and until then I'm a billy goat, okay, so we gotta do it, man, okay, bro, I appreciate you, man, I appreciate you getting the Wife and kids, it's your birthday, buddy, oh well. happy birthday what's your wife's name Mindy Mindy happy birthday thank you thank you so my sister turns 80 oh wow yes same day yes amazing well guys follow Grant as always look for Cardone Capital doing amazing things uh thanks for watching make sure to subscribe we'll see you in the next one, peace, I hope you enjoyed this episode of The Wealthy way podcast.
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