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Complete MCU Recap: Everything You Need to Know

May 30, 2021
Hey everyone, Ryan, you're here in case you don't have time to watch the previous 18 movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Here's






before watching Avengers Infinity War. Thousands of years ago, these ice aliens invaded Norway but were stopped by super. powerful and handsome aliens from a kingdom called Asgard, the ancient Norwegians were so grateful that they began to worship you as guardians, the king of Asgard Odin hid a really powerful object, the space infinity stone on earth, there are six of these stones and all They have different abilities and are very important, so get used to hearing about them later.
complete mcu recap everything you need to know
In 1942, a super-powered Nazi with eczema named Red Skull finds the stone and uses it to make laser guns. Red Skull leaves a group called Hydra and remembers them for later; Meanwhile, Steve Rogers is a weakling with a heart of gold, but after some super steroids and a really dangerous tanning bed, he gains superpowers and becomes Captain America. Steve leaves behind a career in show business to fight Nazis with his friends, including his best friend Bucky. hashtag brings back Agent Carter and swashbuckling inventor Howard Stark Howard uses vibranium, the strongest metal on earth, to make Steve a bulletproof Frisbee, fights Red Skull, who makes the classic Nazi mistake of heading too long towards a celestial object and then Steve saves the world by crashing. an r.i.p plane steve peggy and howard are going to found a spy organization called the strategic division of national intervention and logistics or shield for short, fast forward about seventy years and howard stark's son tony is a fun-loving man who enriched Scrooge McDuck manufacturing weapons for the army but one of his own missiles puts shrapnel in his heart and he is kidnapped by terrorists.
complete mcu recap everything you need to know

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complete mcu recap everything you need to know...

He escapes by making a super suit powered by a small reactor in his chest that also keeps him alive. Then he has what alcoholics call a moment of Clarity. He builds a new suit to fight evil and calls himself Iron Man. He fights some bad guys, including his evil business partner who was behind it all, and along the way he falls in love. from his assistant Pepper Potts and meets Phil Coulson, a SHIELD agent. and Nick Fury, leader of the shield, a few months later, Tony is being poisoned by the arc reactor that powers the Iron Man suit and keeps him alive, but otherwise, things are going pretty well until Mickey Rourke, a evil genius who hates Tony because dad, joins Stark. his business rival Justin Hammer to make his own Iron Man suits Tony gets into a bit of a fight at an amazing birthday party and fights as best he can and Colonel James Rhodes Road says we're fine and beats him up and snatches a suit for him.
complete mcu recap everything you need to know
Peppers' assistant is played by Scarlett Johansson, but it turns out she's actually a SHIELD agent named Black Widow, which you'd only


if you'd seen an Iron Man trailer, poster, or any other piece of marketing; With a little help from a video of his dead father, Tony invents a new item that saves his life, he and Rhodes defeat the bad guys by crossing streams, and Nick Fury is dealing with problems that happen in other movies. . I have bigger problems than you and the southwest region. Do you remember Odin well? He now has two children. Thor, captain of the University Space Vikings and kind of a jerk, and Loki, a know-it-all that Odin found on a rock.
complete mcu recap everything you need to know
Odin wants Thor to become king so he can finally retire, but the frost giants invade and ruin his coronation. crazy angry and leads his space brothers to kill some frost giants, but that's an act of war, brother, so Odin takes away his powers and sends them to New Mexico. Thor meets a group of scientists including Natalie Portman and the two smile at each other. Elsewhere in Asgard, Loki discovers that he is actually a frost giant and yells at Odin until he falls asleep. Loki becomes King and Thor's brothers discover that Loki was behind


that happened on Earth or sacrificed his life to a killer robot. and his powers return, he prevents Loki from committing genocide and his brother falls into an abyss in another place, the military is attacking a giant crane.
Jack Nicholson's monster called a halt. The monster is actually Bruce Banner, a scientist who can't afford to get angry or have sex. or he will become a slightly smaller version of Brock Lesner Bruce is in love with Liv Tyler but his father Thunderbolt Ross remembers him because he later hates the banner because it raises Tyler's father's hatred of his boyfriends Ross gives another soldier great superpowers greens, but that The guy isn't even bigger than the falcon, so they throw him onto 125th Street and destroy Harlem, something no one on the Luke Cage show mentions. Banner goes into hiding and now maybe he can control the Hulk, sometimes it just depends on what he


s the script to do. him and after this he has a whole new face, oh and Shield finds Captain America's frozen body and it turns out he's still alive and has a bad case of "All my friends are dead." Loke returns to Earth with a mind control scepter and uses it to brainwash a shield archer named Hawkeye together they steal the space stone Nick Fury recruits the Ironman banner and Captain America to find a stone Thor appears, they capture Loki and, like his father before him, stands behind glass and says creepy thanks to a female protagonist, the heroes. argue that they are attacked, Loki kills Coulson and puts his master plan into action, the space stone opens a portal and the aliens go through the defeat of a hero, they call themselves the Avengers and then leave briefly to star in their own movies Meanwhile, in space it turns out that Loki was actually working for this Thanos guy and that Thanos was behind everything the whole time so Thanos really wants all the Infinity Stones and uses his two adopted assassin daughters, Gamora and Nebula. , to help find them.
The sisters hate him and the others. There are two planets ending a thousand year war, the Kree Empire and Xander, a Kree radical named Ronan, the accuser hates and wants a nose in destroying the planet. Thanos is great, but first you have to get me this organization, but a guy from Earth. named Peter Quill catches the order before Ronan's thugs Peters enters rock and roll and was raised by a space pirate named Yondu Gamora fights Peter for the orb, but then they both go to jail with bounty hunters named Rocket, a talking raccoon, and Groot, a talking tree. in prison they teamed up with Drax, who hates Ronan for killing his family, and they all escaped to sell the orb to the collector, also known as the space hoarder.
The Space Hoarder says the orb actually contains the Stone of Infinite Power explodes, and through a series of mishaps, Ronan ends up. with a rock, then this unlikely band of misfits band together to stop Ronan from destroying Xander. Groot dies but is reborn as baby Groot and the Sand Aryan collects the power stone in his safe space where I'm sure no one will ever find it. A few months later, on the Guardians, they encounter Peter's long-lost father, Ego, the Living Planet, the Guardians befriend an alien named Manthis who helps Ego sleep and hides his rampant childhood killer rocket and Groot is captured by mutant space pirates and then they help. yondu takes control of the ship from him and a scene that gets much darker when you change the music.
The nebula tracks down Gamora, they fight for a while, and then they like each other. He just wanted a sister. Turns out the ego is an idiot. of a lazy father who killed Peter's mother wants to conquer the universe and breaks his children's toys when they don't want to help him end his existence. Everyone united to fight the giant planet Yondu dies and celebrity guests appear at the funeral the nebula leaves behind. He goes to kill Thanos and the group becomes teenagers in another part of space. Loki is an Asgardian prison and Thor is ending a war by killing the strongest soldier on the battlefield and a scene that is a direct copy of the movie Troy and also the Bible Jane slips through a dimensional portal and is possessed For another infinite stone, this one is called ether, which controls reality.
The Dark Elves, these ancient enemies of Asgard want the aether so they can throw it into a space eclipse and in the universe, Thor takes Jane to meet some space doctors in Asgard, when the Dark Elves invade, kill Thor's mother and They then break Loki out of prison and take Jane to a desert planet to destroy the Aether, but instead the dark elf steals it. Loki dies and Thor and Jane walked through a convenient plot hole back to earth there they team up with their scientist friends to launch a ship on the ninth doctor and everyone is safe the war rejects the throne of Asgard so we can kiss with his girlfriend the Asgardians give the space hoarder the ether and it turns out that Loki is alive and pretending to be his father.
Thank goodness his mother is dead. Meanwhile, on Earth, Captain America is working to protect himself alongside Black Widow and things seem to be going well until Nick Fury is falsely murdered by an undercover agent named Winter Soldier, meanwhile, Robert. Redford, head of the world Security Council, once Captain America is arrested, so Cap and Black Widow flee and befriend Sam Wilson, an Air Force veteran who uses robot wings to fly, they discover that Hydra is has infiltrated Shield and they are going to blow up the world was blowing up aircraft carriers, then it turns out that Robert Redford was actually behind everything the whole time, not only that the Cape's best friend, Bucky, is alive and was brainwashed into becoming in the Winter Soldier in the final brain. city ​​shield Nick Fury fakes his own death and Bucky flees to the west coast Tony has PTSD from almost dying in outer space.
He spends all his time in his basement building new suits until a terrorist named Mandarin blows up his house. Tony goes to Tennessee to carry his suit and reluctantly mentor the kid from Jurassic World. After some investigation, he finds out that the Mandarin is actually an actor and that guy Pierce has been behind everything Tony Rody and Pepper beat up the guy Pierce saved. the president and Tony stop being Iron Man and bring their story to a satisfying conclusion. Damn, just kidding, he's back for the next Avengers movie when the team is taking down a Hydra base and retrieving Loki's scepter.
Hydra used the scepter to give Wanda and Pietro superpowers. Maximoff, her powers are: he's fast and she's weird. Tony uses the scepter to bring to life a murderous artificial intelligence called Ultron. Ultron recruits Wanda from the Maximovs and gives the Avengers strange visions and Ironman stops a Hulk rampage with super special armor. Then they all have a sleepover at Hawkeye's house. While Thor takes peyote from space and has a vision in a cave, Ultron opens Loki's staff to reveal the mine stone, another of the Infinity stones, uses the stones, vibranium and artificial tissue to create a new body for himself that the Avenger uses as steel.
Wanda and Pietro learned that the evil robot is actually an evil robot and they join the good guys. The Avengers bring the body to life and it is now called vision and they all come together to stop Ultron's evil army from destroying the world. Pietro dies Hawkeye Tony and Thor leaves the team and Hawk goes to space and oh yeah he and Black Widow were kind of like that now but he's leaving so it doesn't matter now there's a new team of Avengers with the war machine of vision, Wanda and Falcon, all joining together. Oh, but not soon after, Falcon gets into a fight with a new superhero named Ant-Man whose superpower is shrinking and talking to ants.
His real name is Scott Leg. He is an ex-convict computer hacker who only wants money to pay his son. They support him like kids, but his shrink suit was invented by a scientist named Hank Pym who used to work on Shield with Howard Stark and Peggy Carter and hires Scott to break into his old company and steal a new shrink suit from the bad guy. A newly minted guy to sell to Hydra along with Hanks' daughter Hope and some colorful ex-cons plan a suit heist, but the heist is a bust and Scott ends up defeating the bad guy by shrinking himself so small that he enters the kingdom. quantum where the laws.
Meanwhile, time and space don't matter. Thunderbolt Ross wants to register all superheroes to work for the government. Tony feels guilty for creating a murder bond, so he signs, but Steve refuses and the issue divides the Avengers. The UN is bombed killing the king of. Wakanda, which is the only source of vibranium in the world, the news reports that Bucky did the bombing, so the new king of Wakanda T'Challa puts on a cat costume and chases him because T'Challa is also the guardian super powerful of Wakanda the Black. Panther, but it turns out that a guy named Zemo framed Bucky and he's been behind it the whole time.
Cap recruits a team tochase Moe and Tony recruits the team to chase Cap. This team includes a teenager from Queens with spider powers that he calls himself. Spider-Man has a big crushing fight where Rody is paralyzed, then Cap and Bucky escape while Natasha switches sides to help them escape. Half of the heroes go to the underwater jail while Tony flies to Siberia to help Cap and Bucky stop Zima. All Zemo really wanted was to break up the Avengers by showing Iron Man a video of Bucky killing his parents, which is a pretty plastic move to get everyone to fight against breaking up the Avengers.
Steve bails his friends out of jail and Bucky, like Dave Chappelle, goes to Africa to clean up. Now he is no longer brainwashed and the Wakandans call him the white wolf, which is the nickname this guy gave himself. Conda, by the way, is a hidden realm full of super science. They use vibranium to do what the plot needs. make weapons, bullet trains or heal people. The princess of Wakanda is smarter than Tony Stark and can invent almost anything the script needs. Charla becomes king of Wakanda and everything is fine until his angry American murderous cousin shows up and kicks his ass. and takes the throne, the assassin wants to go to war with the rest of the world, but T'Challa shows up to claim his kingdom.
There is a brief civil war in Wakanda that T'Challa wins with the help of Shuri, his tough bodyguards, the bedroom of logic, a spy named Nakia, a tribe that worships white gorillas and, in the end, Bilbo. Chawla decides to open Wakanda to the world and share it. Meanwhile, Tony tries to groom young Peter Parker, who is actually Spider-Man, to join the Avengers. He gives them a suit that monitors his daily superhero routine. Peter isn't very good at being a superhero and sucks at keeping a secret identity. He and his friend Ned are tracking down a flying guy called the Vulture who is stealing technology left over from the alien invasion in The Avengers.
Peter destroys one of the Staten Island ferries and Tony gets the suit back, but the timing sucks because it turns out that the father of his date back home is the Vulture and that he has been behind it all. Peter leaves the ball early to prevent the Vulture from robbing Stark Tower. He then decides not to rush into being a superhero and finds an opportunity to join the Avengers in another part of New York. really famous surgeon named dr. strange, that's his real name as the proto Tony Stark, he's good at his job, kind of an idiot after a horribly detailed car accident, his hands are destroyed, his career is ruined, he travels to Nepal to receive some healing oriental and is instead met with a powdery look. also called the old man who does magic she teaches him to summon energy from other dimensions and perform magic tricks liusia Michael he learns to teleport, make energy weapons and become a force ghost.
He also gets a cape that helps him blow up the bad guy Mads. Mikkelsen wants to let an evil monster called Dormammu destroy the earth. His friend Baron Mordo and a librarian named Wang stop Mads Mikkelsen with the agamotto eye containing the infinite time stone. Strange uses the stone for Groundhog Day and Torchic's mother, who gets so bored, gives up, which is a pretty dumb way for a villain to go out in the end. The strange thing is protecting the Earth from extradimensional threats by living rent-free in a huge house in Greenwich Village. He soon helps Thor and Loki find his father. in Norway they recover Odin just in time to see him enter the force, Luke Skywalker, then his long-lost sister Helis shows up, breaks Thor's hammer and quickly conquers Asgard and kills some supporting characters.
Thor and Loki end up on a trash planet where Jeff Goldblum makes gladiators fight. Hulk is on the planet and he's actually a gladiator. Now it's a shocking surprise that you would only know if you saw the toy video game poster trailer or bought popcorn at the theater. Thor meets Valkyrie, an alcoholic Asgardian warrior who became estranged from the city afterwards. hella killed his friends all these crazy cats fly back to Asgard and Jeff Goldblum's orgy bus hella rips out Thor's eye Loki looks at the space stone and Hulk fights a giant wolf Thor realizes that his hammer it was like Dumbo's feather and it actually had lightning powers inside Him all the time Thor kills Hella by manipulating a fire demon to destroy an Asgard, then a few thousand Asgardian refugees get on a spaceship and head to Earth, but are stopped by an even larger spaceship that likely belongs to Thanos. summary of every Marvel movie so far.
I hope it prepares you to watch Avengers Infinity War. If you're here for the first time, hit the subscribe button and don't forget to check out all of our other great Marvel or Screen Crush content. I'm ryan arry

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