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Every Avengers: Endgame Easter Egg

Apr 11, 2024


one, welcome to Screen Crush. I'm Ryan, AVENGERS


is a reward. It was made for fans like you and me, people who have spent years obsessing over


detail, even in these movies. In many ways, the film is a great Easter. Egg, so get ready, we have a lot to go over and of course there are major spoilers ahead for the end of the Avengers and every other Marvel movie that ever made it to the top movie line. Well, Clint is trained and his daughter, you see, we are. Come on now, let's worry about how to get there.
every avengers endgame easter egg
This is a meta commentary for the MCU. Marvel has been planning their interconnected universe even before Iron Man was released, so they had this massive plan. They saw where they were going, but they never let it derail them. They mostly focused on making good movies first and putting them together later, so they were always worried about how they would end up and the kind of stories they would tell. Also in this scene Clint calls his daughter Hawkeye for the first time. The codename has been heard in these films, except for a very brief line in The Avengers, where Agent Barton is.
every avengers endgame easter egg

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every avengers endgame easter egg...

Oh, notice that Hawkeye has an ankle monitor like Scott and Ant-Man's in the Wasp. Both heroes are under house arrest after the events of Civil War when Clint's family disappears, thunder can be heard in the background like in Wakanda and Titan in Infinity Ward, then we hear the song dear lord. fantasy for traffic the lyrics go dear mr. fantasy, play us a tune, something that makes us all happy, do anything, get us out of this darkness, now, this is very appropriate given the way we all feel after the end of Infinity Ward. I don't feel so good, but that's also what these movies are. trying to do for us to help us forget our problems and live in fantasy for three hours full of Flattr.
every avengers endgame easter egg
The song plays in the benitar, which means it was by Peter Quill Zoom or one of his incredible mixes. 300 songs. Tony is playing paper soccer with Nebula. and this is a great character moment for her, she was trained by Thanos to be ruthless and competitive as a child, my father would make us fight each other with Gamora in training, every time my sister prevailed, my father would replace a part of me with machinery and that even applies to the games we played in high school and Tony's message to Pepper says not to post us on social media.
every avengers endgame easter egg
This is a tongue-in-cheek reference to a very outdated reference in the first Iron Man movie, but I want to watch this on your MySpace page and Tony records his message to Pepper with this helmet that is a callback to Iron Man 3. Tony has been stranded in space for 22 days and this is the 22nd film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Tony is basically ready to die. at the beginning of the film and goes to sleep and this is one of the many ways the film will foreshadow his eventual death, such as when Ant-Man has a heart attack, he later calls Nebula a blue evil in reference to villains. of the Yellow Submarine in that movie, the Beatles, who were referenced in Infinity War, the Avengers split up as bad guys, as if the Beatles traveled in a magic ship through different realms, including the sea of ​​time, when Tony is working on the ship with the nebula he is wearing. a black tank top like when he created Iron Man's Mark 1 armor from the first movie and then his message tells Pepper Choi that I'm sure this is a callback to when he made Pepper CEO of Stark Industries in Iron Man 2 , it's you, it's always been you, after Captain Marvel rescues the ship and they return home, the nebula and the rockets share a tender moment, holding hands without saying a word, similar to when Drax comforted the rocket after of the death of groots and the guardians of the galaxy and speaking of rockets, their new costumes from the Abnett Landing guardians comics that inspired James Gunn's version of the team when the Avengers assemble and take stock of the dead, we see that several people did not survive the snap, including Erik Selvig, after Tony gets home he is even angrier at Cap than he was at the end of Civil War. quotes some lines from Age of Ultron.
I see armor around the world and then quotes this exchange almost word for word. How do you plan to beat them together? We will lose and we will do it together too. He tells everyone that he had a vision that is another callback to the Age of Ultron when he saw the Avengers dead when Thanos invaded Earth. He calls Rocket a constructed bear and we will later call him Ratchet from the Ratchet and Clank video game series in At the beginning of the movie, Tony is almost reverting back to how he was before he became Iron Man.
He is cynical. He is arrogant. He just wants to live his life for himself and his family and not for the rest of the world. The Thanos fish retreats to the garden and this. fits very well with the many, many religious symbols and infinite war in that fantasy film, come to God and rest on the seventh day and the last line of the film is even okay, there are numerous references to gardens in the Bible and elsewhere religions. It is often a place of eternal reward, rebirth, or paradise like the Garden of Eden when the Avengers go to space.
The honeycomb array that appears is also seen in the Guardians of the Galaxy movies. On that trip, Cap wears his old Winter Soldier suit and rocks it. in his compass by Peggy Carter from the First Avenger, the scarecrow fanatic in the garden is straight from the comics and this shot is a direct reference to the classic movie Christopher Robin and also the gladiator, the main character of the gladiators, Maximus, is seems a lot like Vanos, they are both warriors who dream of retiring to a peaceful life on a farm when Nebula says that her father is not a liar this is actually supported by a line in infinity war when Thanos tells Gamora I never told you that lied then the Avengers attack Santos and with the benefit of hindsight and the YouTube channel how it should have ended, they cut off his gauntlet immediately in the threat and finally Thor goes for the head and then we get to see the full consequences of the annihilation.
Co-director Joe Russo has a cameo in this. scene as the first openly gay character in the MCU, also one of the men at the meeting is Jim Starlin, who created Panos and wrote most of Marvel's major cosmic stories. The turning point of the film is when Scott returns from the quantum realm thanks to a rat he randomly hits. buttons it's strange to think that the fate of the universe depended on this rat maybe in the other 14 million futures that strangely saw the rat just didn't press the exact sequence of buttons the security guard is played by Kenji ankh who directs Joe and Anthony Russo worked in the comedy community where he briefly played a security guard.
His co-stars Jim Rash and Danny Pudi also appeared in Russo's previous Marvel films, while another community vet, Yvette Nicole Brown, will later appear in this film alongside Joe McHale and Donald Glover. Almost every member of the Greendale Seven has appeared in a Marvel film. Anyway, the guard is reading a novel by JG Ballard, famous for writing post-apocalyptic novels. We then go to the Avengers compound, where Black Widow is monitoring world security with the help of a rocket. Okoye, a nebula from Captain Marvel and Rhodey, communicate with the same Polygram technology we saw in Winter Soldier. Carol Danvers has a new haircut that comes straight from the comics page before heading off to do space stuff, she shares a look with Rhodey and tells him. to be careful in the comics these two were an item and seemed to be fighting, there is some kind of spark here.
I wonder if these two Avengers have a military background and will appear together in its sequel, then Scott Lang appears in the Wheezes man from the Ant-Man movie is complete with The Cockroach Hawk, sorry, tells you that time works differently in a quantum realm that was actually created and Ant-Man the Wasp, and don't get sucked into a time vortex, we won't. I will be able to save you when they go to recruit Tony, we will see that he has fulfilled the promise Ultron made to him. You'd better read a page from Barton's book, they'll splash a farm, I hope no one ruins it.
His daughter Morgan was named after a Dream he had before Infinity War last night I dreamed that we had a boy, we named him after your eccentric uncle, what was Marx's name, but there is also a Morgan Stark in the comics, who is the cousin jealous of Tony, when we first meet Morgan she is wearing an Iron Man helmet like this little rascal in Iron Man 2 years later, Kevin Feige confirmed the fan theory that this kid is actually a young Peter Parker in the Stark Expo, the team is trying to get Tony to agree to their time heist, which is the title of an episode of Doctor Who maybe a time wobble wimey oh, that's an appropriate reference since this movie includes a lot of time, why me annoying when the team members go over the rules of time travel, make direct reference to the future to say don't bet on sporting events or meet your past self, the poster throws a little shade at the film and says that time travel time doesn't work that way, but then the ending of the game directly copies the plot of Back to the Future 2 with teammates sneaking into the past and causing more problems by accidentally giving the villain the secret of time travel and both movies said the villain disappears and we're actually going to cover how the time travel mechanics and the Avengers work in the game in our next video, so don't worry.
About that for now, then we get a sort of montage of getting the team back together similar to the Blues Brothers getting the band back together, then we meet Professor Hulk, a concept taken from the comics and Peter's long-standing career. David in the book, presented an intelligent character. Hawk who had banners with dirty intellect banners, except this application of Hawk was about infinite war. Oh, we have a lot to discover. Friend Bruce says that he once saw that Hulk is something that needs to be cured, which was his goal in The Incredible Hulk when Scott's age starts to come and go, it could be a callback to this scene from Ant-Man and the Wasp when he pretends to be a boy to escape from Cassie's elementary school.
Tony decides to invent time travel after seeing the photo of him introducing Peter. with the internship certificate, but that photo is directly behind an image of John Slattery as Howard Stark, who will appear later in the film. Morgan tells Tony that he loves him 3,000 times, which is thinly veiled product placement for the Ironman 3000 inversion table I mentioned. Before, Tony returns to his pre-Ironman personality of not caring about the world, saying he wants to rest, but Pepper says he won't be able to remember that in Iron Man 3, he literally couldn't sleep after the Battle of New York altered the movie Tony is talking about the dream and he is talking about his dreams.
This is another theme that will continue to foreshadow his death when Kaif and Tony reconcile. He is next to Tony's sports car. Remember when these two technically stopped being teammates. Tony left in a very similar car when he presents the cap with the shield, the First Avenger theme plays one of several musical references in the film Tony says he made this for you, referring to Howard Stark who first made the shield for Steve Rogers and then we travel to Asgard's new set for The Jetson of Kings, this song is about a ship that is a refuge for people who are not it and where there is no repression of minorities.
He has the Guardians escape in a supersonic rocket of their own at the end of Thor Ragnarok, now that they have created a new refuge on earth it will become a refuge for all the people and aliens of the universe this also happened in the comics when as Guardium to the earth floating above a small town called Broxton and Oklahoma Norway was an appropriate choice for the gods to settle because that is where the Norse legends originated and also because Odin suggested it, this could be a scud, so we have one of the biggest surprises of the movie.
Thor is rocking a Jim hopper style dad bod and it looks like Rob Zombie Tony even calls him Lebowski for reference. To mr. Lebowski I am NOT Mr. Lebowski you are mr. Lebowski, I'm the guy Thor had the hardest time dealing with failure because he's always been defined by his arrogance, sadness is just the latest in a long line of Boston and will be the last to fill my destiny with revenge, if it were like that, but later. in the movie, his mother tells him that failure is more important than success, the teacher's biggest failure, he is meek and fourth, and also they will play together tonight, not only does Tyco play the cable, he is a TD, but even He is dressed as Clint, the director of Thor Ragnarok Rider.
Going around the world killing criminals who deserve to die, his new costume is straight from the comics when he became thevigilante Ronin after the events of Civil War, also the Yakuza member that Hawkeye kills as a character straight out of the comics, then Natasha saves Clint from this. life just like years ago he saved his agent Barton was sent to kill me he made a different call again there are a lot of characters coming full circle in this movie then the heroes planned their time heist after spending a lot of extra time recapping Thor the dark world because that It's one of those Marvel movies where no one remembers every detail, basically, Natalie Portman gets trapped with kool-aid inside her and, by the way, the photo they show of Jane is the same one we see in The Avengers when the rights Coulson's are out. from the movie with one line has to check there suddenly yesterday while they were planning the team meets Ben and Jerry's ice cream, a callback to Infinity War and I gave up dairy, but then Ben and the jury members named a flavor in my honor, so I'm starting to wish not the hazelnuts.
Ben, did any of you notice what the flavor was? If you let me know in the comments below before we pass the time, the Avengers put their hands in a circle. This is similar to this New Avengers cover. They are all members of Marvel's Illuminati. agreed to use the Infinity Stones to reassemble the infinity comma or it could also be a reference to the origin of the Fantastic Four when they first came together during the Battle of New York, the old man is fighting aliens. This moment is a cool retcon for all the fans who wondered why the Wizards didn't help during the Chitauri invasion.
The answer is that they did help secretly. In Asgard 2013, we see Loki in a cell throwing a cup in the air, which, of course. appeared in the movie and we see Natalie Portman taking a nap. Natalie Portman's return to the franchise is a big surprise because she was unhappy with the studio after they parted ways with Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins, so she was hastily written out of the films. Sorry, I heard Jane leaves you and in the game we see her get up and then Rocket shows up later and says "Hey, I got it" so I'm wondering if they cut out the sequence where he takes the ether from her or if This was just unused footage from Thor The Dark World, either way Portman made it to the Endgame premiere, so apparently no hard feelings.
Thor's mother Frigga has a lot to do in this movie, she barely had any lines in the Thor movies so it was nice to see René. Russo had a moment to shine in the MCU and asked Thor what's wrong with his eye, which is a reference to when Clinton Natasha is flying off to war. Mir can't help but smile and how wonderful she is, he tells her it's a long road. From Budapest, a callback to the Avengers when the 2014 nebula is fighting, you can see Chitauri leviathans flying out of the current nebulae. The memory is tangled with his 2014 self, an ant-man and the wasp.
Scott and Janet's minds were linked through quantum entanglement in 2012, present-day Tony is standing near the team as they stand next to Loki. Tony distances himself from the seriousness by saying, "I'll pose up a storm later," he makes fun of the caps, the Avengers-era costume, just like Tony did, the people in this room, which one? wear a shiny suit and don't abuse it, then Brock Rumlow, who will eventually become Tibia, appears to take the scepter. He is with fellow Hydra agent Jasper Sitwell, named after Hydra agents Dr. lists that he is Baron von Striker's chief scientist who we saw studying Loki's scepter in Age of Ultron when Captain America enters the elevator.
We're expecting a callback to this Winter Soldier scene, but instead of fighting, he outsmarts the Hydra agents by telling them to say hello to Hydra. This is also a callback to a very recent controversial comic storyline where it was revealed that Cap was originally a Nazi agent. Loki becomes Captain America just like he did in Thor: The Dark World, and then we see how he got the gag out of him at the end of the series. The Avengers later, Robert Redford makes a surprise cameo as Secretary Alexander Pierce, the secret leader of Hydra, tries to take the tesseract when the cat fights with himself, saying "I can do this all day", which is the closest thing he has to a slogan.
Plus, Steve has really relaxed. the years he went from cursing Starks to admiring America's butt when Tony jumps off Stark Tower is very similar to this scene from The Avengers Bader spoke to the old woman after she pulled him out of her body like she did with Stephen , strange, this is where he explains how time travel works in the movie and that they are basically creating alternate timelines when they change the past, this is actually in line with the comics traditionally in Marvel books, whenever a character travels in time, they create an alternative universe as we all know. with the timeline is dangerous, temporal manipulations can create branches in time, unstable dimensional openings, special paradoxes, time loops, but they should really put the warnings at the beginning of the book in 2014, Thanos calls the Avengers rogue because that's how The other one called them in the Avengers.
In the mid-credits scene in Morag, we see the opening title sequence of the Guardians from a slightly different perspective instead of a fun musical opening, we see a dipwad singing to a lizard. Rhodey is worried about trapped spikes with skeletons stuck to them, a reference to Raiders of. the Lost Ark, then Tony and Calf travel back to 1970, where we get our last Stan Lee cameo. The famous co-creator is just some kind of angry, peeing snake with enough of a bumper sticker. This was one of Stan's famous lines that he used on the pages. From Marvel Comics, Base Cap and Tony traveled to their Camp Lehigh, where Steve was first trained in the First Avenger and was destroyed in the Winter Soldier's Cap.
The shirt has the name Roscoe, named after Roscoe Symons, who was briefly Captain America while the hero gave up the title to become a nomad at the base of the shield. Tony pulls out an MIT visitor's badge that he would have earned for his MIT lecture on Captain America Civil War. He notices the old shield logo on Tony's jacket when he meets his father, Howard, whom he is searching for. Dr. Arnim Zola Zola was the chief scientist of the Red Skulls, but later joined Shield, but was secretly working for Hydra throughout the time he was last seen as an AI in the Winter Soldier.
Tony has always had problems with his father because his father seemed cold and distant. These problems have been. hinted at in past movies say goodbye to my father my greatest creation is you, but here he sees a lot of himself and his father, he is a scared man trying to do what is best for his son and the world when Howard leaves the base that held him she drives. Jarvis from the Agent Carter television series, AI Jarvis, who later becomes Vision, is named after this character. Tony's childhood butler, we then see young Hank Pym in a retro Ant-Man helmet, when Cap sees Peggy's desk, there is a framed photo of him that we saw. her grip on him at the end of the first Avenger is great that she loves him for him, not just his muscles, maybe a little like muscles when Natasha and Clint go to war.
Mir, the Red Skull, gives them the exact same speech he gave in Infinity War. making me wonder how many times she's had to say this the heroes fight like in Captain America Civil War friends of glass just she's in our army before Natasha sacrifices herself she makes it clear that she owes it to Clint for seeing a hero in her instead of a murderer is fine, she tells him a lot of things like visions, comforting words for Wanda and Infinity War. There's a lot you could never hurt. One of the reasons Austin's heroes were in Infinity War was because Thanos was willing to make sacrifices and no, we didn't trade. lies, but in this movie the heroes win through self-sacrifice, first Natasha and then Tony, later, when they argue over who should wear the reassembly glove.
Thor says that he is the strongest Avenger. A callback to Ragnarok. The strongest Avenger. The strongest Avenger. Before Banner puts on the glove. she says the stone's radiation is mainly gamma it's like i was made for this now this goes back to the


she's spewing interference radiation nothing harmful low levels of gamma radiation that can be harmful remember bruce was recruited to help the team because he an expert in gamma radiation before the snap Tony uses a hollow shield similar to the one Agent Coulson used as a shield agent when Hawk puts on the glove, it burns his arm Tony wants to turn it off, but Cap says to wait and ask him to Banner if he can. handle it this is very similar to the experiment that first gave steve his powers after the most sensible attacks the composite hulk holds up the rubble with everyone trapped underneath this is a reference to secret wars number four then the sanctuary of the thanasis ships suddenly It's in orbit around the earth and you have to wonder why they didn't, it just launched a full invasion and infinite war.
I have my thoughts, but I want your theories to tell me in the comments why Thanos held back at that moment while the big three confront Thanos. he tells them that he has now decided to erase all reality and start over, this is more in line with Thanos from the comics who is just a nihilist who wants to destroy all life, then the battle begins and honestly it's 40 minutes of glorious fanservice fun. At one point in my notes I wrote the words "so happy", so let's get into it during the battle. Thanos tries to push Stormbreaker into Thor's chest, the opposite of what happened in Infinity War when Cap wields me or nearby.
It's my favorite moment in the movie. This has happened in the comics, but the MCU hinted at it. An Age of Ultron that breaks the fan's nose. The shield on the cover is taken from the Infinity Gauntlet comic and also from the vision of Tony and the Age of Ultron, when all seems lost. The cover is about to take on everyone. Thanos' forces reminded me of Luke in the Last Jedi, but then we hear Sam Wilson say it's a double callback to the Winter Soldier on your left and then Doctor Strange throws everyone into battle from all corners of the world. universe and, by the way, Stevie Strange.
He can teleport armies across galaxies and can presumably expel the Hulk from his body. He is officially the strongest Avenger. Well, maybe Captain Marvel. I don't know who you think is the strongest Avenger. Let me know in the comments. The battle begins when Steve. can finally say the Avengers' battle cry, Avengers Assemble, which was teased at the end of Age of Ultron. The Avengers, the Wakandans show up complete with Sheree and Baku and a koi, yay, they repeat the war song, we hear an infinite war and then there are multiple Wakandans. The warships in the battle we saw carrying weapons to other countries and the black panthers culminate, then there is the Asgardian through South Korea to Pegasus, the guardians of the galaxy, the Ravagers and all the wizards that Baron Mordo still has not killed, then there is the wasp and the pepper tree. appears as the rescue of his comic book alter ego and a giant man beats up Leviathan, basically the last fight is like all your toys and all your friends' toys coming together for one big battle.
There are so many great moments in this fight that Drax stabs a monster. on the back like you did with Ávila's skin Guardians vol 2 the wasp tells Steve we're in it cap after making fun of Scott for calling him a cap and ant man the wasp is a matter of national security the necessary cap helps the Captain America Captain Tony gives Peter a hug after giving him this fake hug and Spider-Man honks his horn, that's not a hug and he just grabs the door there yet and then Spider-Man will activate his instant death setting that movie activating instant death at one point, Cap will be called Peter.
Queens, a callback to this moment from Civil War, please Brooklyn, in this battle everyone has a hero moment, but no one is bigger than Captain Marvel, she takes down Sanctuary 2 and turns the tide of the battle When it appears, you can briefly listen to the song. his movie Wanda confronts Thanos before all the heroines rise, yes, at one point in the room, then Thanos calls in the artillery on his own people, like King Edward and Braveheart, we hit our own troops and We hit them too at the climax of the battle, Tony. tell Stannis I'm Iron Man a callback to the moment he started his career I'm Iron Man after Tony takes away his strength Thanos sits like he did at the end of Infinity War before he's also dusted off when Stark dies Peter is standing he is a reversal of his own death in Infinity War and, by sacrificing his life, Tonyfinally proves Steve wrong.
You're not the guy to make the sacrifice. He plays lie on a wire. Let the other crawl over you. Pepper tells Tony that he can. rests now a callback to the sleepless nights he had in Iron Man 3 after the Battle of New York and then at his funeral Tony's courtship says that if you had told me a few years ago that we weren't alone in the universe I wouldn't would have believed it To some extent, this is another Metacomet for Nick Fury to introduce us to the shared universe and the first post-credits scene of the Iron Man movies.
Stark, you've become part of a larger universe, you just don't You know it still back then, who would have thought that this little superhero movie about post-9/11 militarism could become such a strange, sprawling epic? Lane in the center of his crown is Pepper's gift from Iron Man, the arc reactor that he says is proof that Tony Stark has a heart. The funeral is attended by almost all of Marvel's heroes and supporting cast members Thunderbolt Ross from Incredible Hulk and the Civil Wars there, as well as Aunt May. Everyone at the funeral is pretty. easy to spot, except maybe for Harley Keiner's character Ty Simpkins from Iron Man 3.
I can tell you how I can tell Nick Fury is watching the proceedings because he's kind of the Godfather who first brought all of these characters together. Wanda tells Clinton. Natasha knows it. they won and she says that they both know that she is referring to Gamora, who was also sacrificed to obtain the soul stone. This confirmed that both Matt and Gamora are in Soul World, a pocket dimension within the soul gem. We see that they were there at the end of Infinity Ward. now Wanda knows this because of her connection to the Infinity Stones. Iron Man director Jon Favreau's happy Hogan has a nice moment with Morgan.
He tells her that his father liked cheeseburgers, which we know is true thanks to Iron Man. Thor is going to join the Guardians of the Galaxy, which is hopefully part of James Gunn's volume 3 script. , you're doing a godman impersonation, that's weird, I'm not, I can't wait to see Chris Hemsworth let loose and a full blown comedy with these guys, the name he goes by as Guardians of the Galaxy is an actual Marvel comic and finally Steve embarks on his final journey through time to return the Infinity Stones and Mjolnir. Steve tells Bucky not to do anything stupid until he gets that line back and Bucky's response is from this scene in the first place.
Avenger, don't do anything stupid until I get back, how can I take all the stupidity with you? And when Steve transports the stones to the Past, he carries them in a briefcase just as the tesseract was originally carried in a briefcase when we first saw it. In Thor's post-credits scene, old Steve Rogers appears just as he did in the Marvel comics when he gives the shield to Sam. We also hear the First Avenger theme, he briefly plays Sam, once Captain America in the comics, but in this scene Bucky nods. For him, this is a way to acknowledge that Bucky was the replacement hat in the comics before Sam Steve got him the dance and a happily ever after with Peggy, but there are so many other questions, where did the show come from?
Did Steve just relax? As world events unfold and what's going to happen in Marvel Phase Four, we'll be answering all of these questions in the coming days, so be sure to subscribe and let me know your favorite moment in the game in the comments below to smash the screen. Ryan Arry

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