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CIRCLE (2015) Explained

Jun 07, 2021
Yes, whats up? Everyone, welcome to found movies. In this explainer video, we're looking at the winner of our latest viewers' choice poll. Circle where 50 strangers find themselves trapped in a mysterious environment and forced to play a twisted game in which they will have to decide which one. among them will die and finally choose the last person who lives, but you know we have to vote first for the next viewers' election. The entry


that your first choice is the hole in the ground where a young man disappears into the woods behind his family's rural home. When he returns, his behavior becomes increasingly disturbing as his mother begins to believe that the boy who returned may not be her son at all and her second choice is the girl on the third floor who follows a man trying to renovate a house. in ruins only for his growing family.
circle 2015 explained
To find out that the house has other plans along with a sinister past that is slowly starting to be exposed, let me know which one you would like me to cover in the comments below or by voting in the polls. Now the


is technically science fiction. horror movie that sees the kind of alien invasion at the core and everything that happens, but really uses this setup to remove and draw attention to many of the problematic aspects of modern society and how people are treated, which , considering the current climate, is even more relevant than This is the most successful side of the film and does a great job of exposing people's underlying prejudices and the critical nature that arises when the gloves come off and your life is on the line. .
circle 2015 explained

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circle 2015 explained...

It also makes you unable to avoid it. Consider how you, the viewer, would be forced to participate in a similar scenario. I'd say this guy sucks, shut up already because that clever way they explore this is by not giving too many character names, so you're forced to automatically say, um, this is him. the one-armed guy, the black doctor, the sweater, the vest, the dick or whatever, every time I admit that I felt uncomfortable, I was already assigning names based on appearance alone, but this is certainly on purpose and , for the most part, the actual character credits are the same pregnant girl. girl or whatever, there are actually fewer characters and more archetypes that represent the particular part of society as a whole that they represent and we repeatedly see how characters instantly box other people in a particular way based on judgment solely on the level superficial along with your own personal beliefs this is what good science fiction does holds a mirror to our broken society and exposes these downfalls in this case a black mirror interstellar lens certainly does this and The Twilight Zone too there is always a grander thematic concept what the creators are trying to convey, so in this sense Circle excels, but when it comes to the story and how things develop, it's a bit basic and straightforward, but still in the end it leaves us thinking, what was it supposed to do?
circle 2015 explained
What did all that mean? Well, that is. What we're here for today, folks, so let's check out the


that breaks down the story and its broader thoughts on society, as well as the reason and meaning behind who ends up surviving, as well as explaining the ending and what the hell these guys were doing. Aliens anyway. Inside a large dark room, 50 people are gathered and in a long shot passing by them, looking asleep or drugged, you realize that this is a fairly diverse group of people of all ages, ethnicities and certainly styles. of life. A younger woman is the first to wake up clearly having no idea where she is seeing a circular radius adorned with dots below each person and triangles leading to an ominous object in the middle.
circle 2015 explained
She tries to get out of her circle causing a loud alarm to go off until she tells him to go back to her place trying to knock. The guy next to her receives another alarm when someone else intervenes telling her not to move and that they can see us. She still doesn't understand what is happening in a black machine rising from the middle of the room and the game has officially begun. Other woman. she gets to yell at John and goes out of her point, she is immediately killed by the machine in the middle, damn it, don't go out of those points, people, a bell rings followed by a much louder one and the overhead lights turn on, another black guy learns the hard way to follow perimeters leaving the point and instantly dies and a glowing circle appears in his hand and an invisible force drags him out of the room more bells ring one guy yells not to lift his feet off the floor another he shouts not to touch anyone a strong pulse is heard the machine starts to glow red inside and another guy gets hit everyone going crazy and talking at the same time someone trying to calm them down an asian boy starts trying to figure out what is happening by moving his hand and playing with the pulses watching the triangles on the floor go around the group when closing the hand the triangle pointed at a lady and they hit her they are killing us someone explains but the child realizes that they are actually voting pointing to the light on the floor and how it moves when you move your hand, however everyone can only see their individual voting triangle, making their choice unknown to everyone else and concluding that we are the ones who choose who dies, another turn begins to build up with the telltale chimes and another person is suitable.
Everyone is like what happened, someone must have voted for him and he convinces everyone not to vote, but the next mandate comes regardless of seeing a guy waving his hand, resulting in the death of a lady who no longer follows the rules. rules. People won't do well with a shorter red. The girl with hair understands that they are voting, whoever gets the most votes is taken by the machine, so they quickly try to come up with a plan to vote again for the woman who just died. Another thinks it won't work, but everyone follows his example and votes. for her, but someone else gets attacked anyway, well, one guy admits that he accidentally picked the wrong person, which resulted in the second highest vote getter getting killed, they try again not to vote, everyone keeps their hands flat and do not close them, which blocks them. in their voting, as expected, it is useless that all the triangles light up and a random lady ends up, so if they don't choose, the machine chooses itself, a younger guy in a hoodie speaks trying to formulate some kind of order and silences everyone watching.
He does this in a certain way, he estimates that each round lasts about a minute or two, offering them to spend less time worrying about who is going to die instead of working to figure out how to stop this. Someone else asks what it is. She suggests that you select a Some older people in the group, in their 70s and 80s, offer them to go first to buy them some time. People are still a little hesitant, but hey, they'd be the next people to die in real life, so what's the difference? okay, sounds good, six in total, buying them about 10 minutes again, someone announces their plan feeling like there has to be a better way, but when they ask for suggestions everyone goes suspiciously quiet and it's time to toast some old people, the first man who begs that he has so much. a right to live like any of them, the round counts down and they kill him, too bad that mom's mentality sees clearly here, for the first time, that there is a girl among the group, oh, geez, the Asian boy is as if the first day I had any idea to postulate that. the soldier must know something thinking it's an alien vision or something, but the soldier swears he doesn't know anything more than anyone else here asking the others about the last thing they remember if you share their last memories. in traffic trying to get out of the gridlocked city, even getting out of his car and starting to run, then suddenly things went dark, the next round started, they continue trying to remember considering they were swept towards the ship by lightning tractor, someone else wonders if there are others in the same scenario as them, another remembers being in a Red Room with tons of bodies stacked on top of each other, assumed they were dead but they could have been unconscious as if concluding they must have been drugged and awake.
Up here and they bring out another old man, someone else speaks up saying he remembers the Red Room and saw the boy there describing the aliens as big, black, dark green and wet, and he even heard them speak what he describes as almost sounding Chinese, everyone calls immediately. him for foolishly drawing attention to himself, realizes he's next to go and desperately begs the other guy to admit that he saw them in the red room too, but he refuses to let him get any more frantic. As the round counts down and guess what you did. They've already quickly made their way into their top choices, so now they have to once again determine who will be next.
They point to a lady with a hat and discover that she is 52. The rest are everyone. Hey, we said 70 or 80. That's a pretty big difference. They asked why. the hair is white the woman admits she had cancer immediately pounces on this too you're going to die anyway she clarifies that she's in remission and better now considering she could come back a woman who's actually a doctor says that's not how it works oh well, a lot for her, who will be next? Instead, the policeman speaks angrily about the age issue and, just like before, drawing attention to yourself proves disastrous in the next vote he chose, again led by the soldier they try to work together to figure out what's going on. here the cancer survivor thinks they were chosen for a reason and believes that if they try to learn more about each other this will all make more sense and Lady Beth volunteers by revealing her Monday in the story, which provides no substantial answers and the vote is your chosen one.
Then again, it's best to keep your mouth shut in this scenario. It looks like Julie Bins just called her wife. She's doing great, at least she didn't have kids, so it's not that bad. She didn't agree with how she is still a person and maybe decides. It's best not to use names as the personal side makes the decision to kill even harder, asking a black guy to be next; he's smart enough not to volunteer after what just happened and another guy chooses to talk instead of introducing himself as Craig, whoa! Known Craig. as dad remembers, you are finished and says the reason he is talking is because his wife is standing right next to him and thinks it can't be a coincidence, he asks if anyone else here knows each other, the doctor knows another man , stutters that they were co-workers, hinting at an affair or something they're not interested in divulging to Craig again, please spare his wife and her sad vote for him.
Everyone take this into consideration. The next to be investigated is a middle-aged Hispanic guy, someone who asks. If he speaks English and doesn't get a response, everyone says he's a failure, but the lady behind him speaks Spanish called the translator and speaks to him to reveal that he has three children, others are already discarding them if you can't contribute to the conversation, they They're wasting their time, right? Some jerk in a vest and glasses makes her ask if he's here illegally. Turns out he's not a sweater guy, all right, he's probably hanging out in front of Home Depot trying to get a job.
I would have done it already. chose this penis after this little outburst, but the vote goes through the roof and a random woman suffers the wrath of the machines, instead the cop thinks he recognizes someone else, the tattooed man, as they call him, and remembers having him arrested accused of hitting his girlfriend, defending himself that he was only 16 he admits to hitting his girl saying he got what he deserved the cop feels his point is proven they never learned and this guy is obviously next to go to criminals sorry you hit your wife you are not good enough for society by another woman called the pretty woman thinks maybe the idea is that they are supposed to find out who is good and who is bad among the group after the criminal matter, but there are too many gray areas, the others say and a nervous-looking boy responds that they are already deciding as a group who goes next thinking that they just want to see them kill each other a long-haired guy clarifying what he means is determining deserves live instead of die based on what the soldier asks you know moral values ​​what do you have what have I done or not done in life while the Machine speeds up feeling like they must be here to do something, yes, die while another lady falls, the black man Consider, oh, you're sure going to kill all the blacks, aren't you, the rich lawyer he's complaining about. he plays the race card, that everything is opportunity and every man for himself, he suggests that the hung guy shouts that nothing is happening right here, looking at the other black man who blames him for taking things in a racial direction and that there are many races. that were already killed were not even based onthat.
I understand that the doctor agrees that once again, saying anything is putting a big target on his back trying to get him to shut up. The Asian boy agrees that no one counts. The Asians, the rich guys, say no one cares that he's black and then they show all their personal feelings. The cop throws his personal feelings into the mix, jokingly telling everyone to feel bad for the black guy for fighting harder than him, and continues. a pretty racist rant declaring that it's social, yes I'm a cop, well the true feelings of these people towards each other are really starting to come to the surface here, the soldier tries to keep social prejudices out of this process as It doesn't matter anymore anyway. another saying, of course they do, and they say okay, all races please step forward, it's not that simple, the soldiers still try to keep everyone working together as a team to play their game, they decide a new tactical, forcing a tide at the beginning, trying to vote. for themselves, but the system doesn't allow it, then everyone will try to vote for the person on the right, if done correctly, everyone should vote.
It ends with one vote each, the round counts down and another person is immediately eliminated upon realizing realize that they screwed it up somehow and try again more carefully, this time a bearded man defies orders who are seen forcing a tie for both him and the girl in a bright tunnel of light everyone votes again and he is already apt their plan completely upended well this is not going well Society you're ruining it the other kid in a sweater Luke apparently admits that he changed his votes in the tiebreaker to the bearded guy since he saw him vote for the pregnant girl, then they tried to consider what will happen when they arrive to the last person left if you can't vote for yourself, bearded, thinking that a musket lives and understands that it will most likely be reduced to a pregnant woman and a little girl and wants to get rid of them now to give to others a better chance of surviving to the end and well, one would have to die anyway at some point, the vote comes to another time between the girl and another lady, the rich man tells her.
They don't do anything, but they know they have to decide. The hung guy says it's too dangerous for both of them now that they've been exposed and the one-armed guy is upset lamenting oh she deserves to live because she hasn't heard of birth control. Regardless, the soldier feels like they should be protected, the sweater dick wonders how we know she's a good girl and we find out she doesn't get good grades in school, oh so yeah, kill the girl, plus you're a boy useless, bring them back. choosing between the two, another guy yells to kill them both and guess what makes him an easy target to follow, the husband suggests trying something else, he asks people to volunteer to be voted on, which everyone thinks It's crazy and surprisingly no one offers. die at least at first until a younger boy named Sean makes the decision to volunteer, they want to know why and the rich man argues that he is old enough to make his own decisions, but another smartly dressed gentleman steps in to be next , getting off their platform and they kill him, well, they didn't buy them two minutes, but who will be next now?
Back to Sean, the rich idiot, calling him a hero and offering to name his son after him if he makes it out of here while he walks away calling after him. with the wrong name, Scott, what an absolute pair of one-armed guys calling them because they knew his name, then they all start looking in the soldier's direction and he is angry at the assumption since he was fighting in Afghanistan for two years risking his life. to keep them safe and he literally came back two days ago wanting to see his family and a 17 month old boy he hasn't even met yet, the cancer lady and others declaring they won't vote for him, time is running out and he needs it. a volunteer a woman raises her hand and divulges that her son died last year some guys say you'll see him again and she swallows her platitude telling everyone she's leaving in peace and gets out of their circle the nervous guy makes fun of them for letting her die but a minister agrees with what they said that God is taking care of us we just have to have faith in his plan his refutation have faith in the machine since it is his God now he does not have too many supporters in his beliefs what the husband 95 % of people believe in God.
He replies that everyone is an idiot when the votes start coming in. He cries if there is a God, how would he allow this to happen, resulting in another bond between him and a random woman, she cries because she didn't do it. does something wrong and criticizes himself, the one-armed guy tells me he's a theist, it looks like God just gave you a break, yes, for two minutes, maybe obviously desperate, he tries to divert attention away from him, focusing on the beautiful lady who He pretends to recognize her. As a porn star who calls herself a big fan, she is angry that he is wrong, but he keeps asking her if her breasts are real and if he paid her for them, it turns out her employer and she admits that her boss obviously had a adventure with him. leaving her crying after this comes to light and the next round begins someone thinks they should at least take people into account I have a family or a wife the guy in the sweater claims he has seven kids others make fun of him with more outrageous numbers someone brings out the reality that obviously everyone has families who are currently asking each other if they have kids, the guy in the sweater complains if they don't have kids and they should volunteer for the girl from the start to be randomly attacked hmm, it's Well, I thought she would have more.
What to do since she was the first to introduce herself, I guess it doesn't matter in the circle, without missing a beat, they continue their interviews by turning to a short-haired woman who, based on her charity work and other background, such as raising her siblings with drug addict parents, she's like a perfect person, they push her further and she finally reveals that he has a wife. Well, I have a feeling that some of these idiots will see that it's a problem for rich guys to jump right into this by asking if people want a child raised by two women. admit that at least it's not as bad as two men, but not much better, consider her a sinner and maybe the real goal of the game, he says, is to choose the one person who is supposed to die and inside this nightmare, she is Disturbed like literally everyone. a sinner in some way and in reality the aliens want her to die because she is gay, everyone votes fortunately, in the end it is the rich penises who die after practically hanging themselves there with their obsolete ideals, the husband thinks that maybe he did have a point Even the one who wants to die, finishing this, the blonde boy thinks about the concept of one making it out since you can't vote for yourself, what happens when there are two left?
That means you can only vote for the other person, which they then consider would perhaps mean that a sacrifice is required, meaning that one doesn't vote and sacrifices themselves to save the other. The cancer lady wanted to choose someone they could trust to make this difficult decision to save one of them. to a tie between the doctor and his former lover, he dryly comments that she should never have gotten married, that they both agreed to go together and go out to the circles at the same time, this shows that there are no inflexible tie-breaking additions that his idea of ​​sacrifice does not works with the sweater.
A guy who declares that both the child and the pregnant woman cannot live, so one has to go. Things start to get heated as they accuse him of just trying to save his own ass and then he tries to decide. The guy in the sweater asked the pregnant woman what she does for a living. living like another saying that she is trying to start some class but he defends himself that contribution to society is something important to consider and he scolds her for her baby daddy and for not being married where is she in prison? God, I would have smoked this guy a couple of rounds. back at least what if the asian boy dies unceremoniously next?
I don't even know what it was about. He questioned the guy in the sweater and learned that he works for a bank that lends money for people to start their own businesses and contributes to charity. A lady who writes. this is easy to do when you make six figures and then we turn to her and find out she's a psychology student, the one-armed guy asks us what you do to collect welfare checks, someone interrupts and says they need some kind of general metric for determining someone's worth. Here, yeah, good luck with that gang. I'm sure you can figure it out in two minutes and the psychology student falls.
Because we don't really know who everyone votes for. An obvious split is starting to occur into two factions among the group. Luke, on the one hand, protects the girls, while the blonde boy thinks about whether it's going to work and tries to get others on his side. He approaches the lady with cancer and the one-armed boy, who unites them to his cause and tries to plead with him. A couple asks for help, but how they ask for it they know that the other side will constantly vote for the girls at all times, so by blocking their vote and getting the majority they can prevent the vote from becoming another tiebreaker between the Hispanic boy and the girl. girl he chooses. sacrifice himself for her, the soldier calls the boy in the sweater pathetic.
I'm a bad boy for not wanting to die the size, I'm just more inclined to choose to keep targeting girls to possibly help them make it out alive. The blonde surfer agrees that they only need six. the ships on their side are now trying to get the others to come back to their side the couple is getting their attention telling the husband that if he stays on the other side he is basically sentencing his wife to death and finally giving in to do so they want the black man to be on board agreement stating that they are all the same: the soldier tells them next to him to vote for the penis in the sweater while a surfer calls three more and tells them to go for the boy.
It's a tie for him and the girl. Everyone is confused as it means someone changed his vote and his wife stays. helping the girls, she admits that she did it the second time and everyone tries to influence her again as eventually one will have to die, the only boy is sure that no one is going to win and that everyone is going to die too. He comes out with some dignity and maybe saves two people. Instead, the surfer insists that they just need to rip off the band-aid and now asks the pretty girl if she wants to live.
She, of course, says she does, but she doesn't want to kill the child either. It is better to vote for the one-armed man than to buy them more time. If he manages to even the votes between the divided groups, the black man tries to turn the tables by choosing to start with the soldier, as if they lost his leader, the rest. The cancer cave lady asks what they can do and replies that there is nothing you can do since they have the majority now. The soldier offers to vote for his wife. He tries to get the husband to change sides.
He is sure that he will not vote for her. Time countdown asks. Whether he loves his wife or not and everyone goes for the black guy just in time, well, he should have predicted the girls. I guess the surfer yells that he just killed his wife and at least offered her a chance considering the possibility of them. We're not even married feeling like it's too random that they made it up just to get sympathy they were asked some basic questions like when they were married but when they just asked him his name which he said before Greg but White freezes him screaming , of course.
She knows my name but she doesn't want to play his games Beard He's suggesting they put them up for a tie He cries They made it up but she blames him for the idea Her intern blames him The vote falls and Craig is stupid She breaks down in a mess, bearded man, egging her on to cry, asking her why she says she has a husband and a daughter, but not him. Prague is further away, everyone else here has a family, she said, and you had no problem killing them all, clearly trying to lure her back to her side.
They still have a chance to get her vote, they offer to join her side and promise to keep her alive. The soldier argues that he is just trying to use her and asks if he wants to see her family. She nods shakily and there's one more guy we have. She literally hadn't even seen him until now asking which side she's on and he doesn't answer her assuming she must be on her side. She turns to the lesbian. Sorry, that's literally what is attributed to her and her family, but she sides with the bearded guy wanting to go for the army guide, others suggesting the lady with cancer, which resulted in a tie to five bands, the pretty girl, lesbian, the lady with cancer, bearded and the soldier, all roasted but bearded, oh that was a pretty tough beard.
Oh, she checks on the remaining survivors and another decides to stop writing it off as okay, so now it's three or three, there's no way to protect the girls. Now Luke and Beardy decide to make a deal by asking one of them and they offer the wife and trade for the deal and vote to trust him. the wife is going crazy,but the bearded man confidently asks to trust him, one by one, extending his hands and the wife feels good about the bearded man's promise to Julie Benz after seeing him not vote, which nullified her plan.
Luke realizes that the man must not have been voting this whole time and has been hiding in the shadows warning that there is nowhere left to hide, the only reason he survived until now is because he has not been willing to participate. , offers to vote for him and Beardy accepts, maybe if they vote for him right now. everything will stop, consider the machine speeding up and the bearded man realizes too late, screams, he shouldn't have trusted Lou and it's his turn to be attacked, of course, with fewer and fewer numbers left, it's finally time for the other man participates, well, more or less, buy it finally. his time and is eliminated in the next vote leaving only Luke among the two remaining girls.
She wonders why they are doing this. I guess it must be some kind of experiment to learn about us and see what we would do along with who has it. chosen and why understand what we value and what we don't by making us kill each other, he asks but it's more like killing them judging others they said something is wrong with them wondering what to do now he admits he doesn't know how to choose, but once is gone, someone will have to step forward saying they can't decide for them, yet their time begins to run out.
The girl shouts that she will go. Luke calls her brave and offers to go together, but. Here he does a complicated Winky as the girl leaves the circle. She votes for the pregnant woman. She brings them both out sighing and relieved to be the last survivor, but the bells scream again. Isn't this what they wanted? kill each other, congratulations, they were all, yes, it's pretty much the takeaway here, times of the white tunnel surrounding it along with another of the pregnant woman, apparently her unborn child is still alive, that was unexpected , any vote, the machine came to life one last time cutting to black and with that final vote selfish and heartless Luke is officially the winner of the game coming towards you outside and what looks like the Los Angeles River seeing several large spaceships floating in the sky, well, definitely, aliens, so he doesn't start walking, listens to earlier comments he made throughout the game about the last person standing making it out alive, and joins other people watching with their mouths open. on a ship and hearing him say that the girls have to decide for themselves and then he can't do it for them and conclude that he has to end it this way, so what were these aliens trying to do with all this?
Anyway, it certainly seems to be an invasion scenario that they remember a bit before they were in the circle, they were marked caught in a crowd of traffic, probably trying to flee the invasion and then they were randomly picked up and taken aboard and There are a lot of other ships, so obviously there are more games than the one we saw. The intention seems to be an experiment on human nature itself and, through this deadly exercise, learn about the many facets of humans and what makes them who they are, which, as we know, is not always a good thing, especially whether it's him or me, humans are selfish by nature, as we saw time and time again in the circle and ultimately the victor lied repeatedly to gain favor and save his own ass, turning with the tide like It seemed better to him. himself was this the reason he won, he was willing to play along with the majority or what people thought was right to side with young and pregnant girls, but he didn't really give a damn about anyone else, Anything was ready to kill her.
Unborn baby in the end, so if it was about morals and blah blah and who deserves to live, you'd think the baby would be, you know, they haven't even done anything wrong in the world, but he doesn't care, he kills it. Anyway, the point is that the one who is the most scheming wire among the group and is willing to do anything at the expense of others is, in a sense, the winner or the most successful in our society, so yeah, doing a good job of pretending and being charismatic when necessary. is the so called best human or winner certainly sounds similar to how things are today, the biggest cheaters and weasels make it to the top and it's because they really only care about their own success and literally have no interest in helping others. , as Luke repeatedly claimed to do on his own, it also appears that, as far as the aliens are concerned, they are possibly using this as a form of population control on Earth and eliminating the weakest of the species, leaving only to the winners of each circle behind morals, ethics, all that. stuff, forget it, it's about being number one at all costs, way to go humans, you'd do it again with that, we've come to the conclusion of this video


in a circle, well, I could have used more on these science aspects fiction of the entire concept in general. it does admirably what it really sets out to do, make you think about how people in society actually behave, even when I was watching this again for the video I thought, damn, these are some exceptionally relevant things right now and this is from


I'm like I'm out of aliens, this is basically like looking out a window into the present day, not into something dystopian future. You know, the reality is that our society has been for quite a long time, but maybe even longer than ever today, so you know, no. be a jerk to others it's really not that hard I promise and stay safe people I mean honestly would anyone be surprised if it was an alien invasion right now? Oh, aliens, yeah, sure, why not? What a year, geez, I'll tell you. What did you guys think of the rising circle?
How would they have played the game? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. Make sure to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE and FOLLOW, thanks for watching the conflicts, until next time.

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