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PARASITE (2019) Explained

May 31, 2021
What's up, everyone welcome to find movies in this


entry. Although we'll see a lot more than just the ending, we're watching my favorite movie of


, the surprising best picture winner at this year's Oscar Parasite, I honestly thought it was 1917. I'd understand, you know how we Americans love our wars. Imagine my surprise, they chose a Korean film about the crushing nature of capitalism. How about in the exciting tragic comedy Parasite we follow the struggling Kim family as they form a relationship with the wealthy Park family? and soon their greed, along with healthy class discrimination, threatens to undo them all, not only taking home the best picture award (the first foreign-language film in the academy's more than 90-year history), but also for best director, original screenplay and international film, sweeping practically all the awards. major categories it was nominated in, which in my opinion was completely deserved, although it didn't get any acting nominations, which is unfortunate.
parasite 2019 explained
I feel like at least Patriarch Kang Ho Song deserved a victory or at least dominance here too, this guy has been killing. for years and a ton of awesome Korean features like sympathy for lord revenge, the good, the bad and the strange, the wonderfully strange vampire story, the thirst, plus several previous works from writer and director bong joon ho, as memories of murder, Snow Piercer and the host, thank you. For the two who have worked together previously, they have obviously established a relationship over time and their casting fits perfectly with Bong's artistic vision, once again delivering a multi-faceted and heartbreaking performance.
parasite 2019 explained

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parasite 2019 explained...

Well, I guess they'll have to settle for a pittance. Instead, four Oscars, sorry, bong, and if you haven't seen any of the movies I just mentioned, do yourself a favor and watch them all right away. You'll thank me later or maybe wait until after the video. Yes do it. Is the movie really worth it? All the praise and awards it has absolutely been receiving because the story of the film addresses a lot of important things happening in our society, telling them in a universal sense that everyone can relate to, regardless of where they call home, as opposed to saying something like knives, which I feel like I got too much credit and it was all very black and white about who we were supposed to root for, while


, on the other hand, plays in many more shades of gray with our social classes represented drastically different and, as As a result, it is much more. a more complicated and compelling story, painting it so that no one is blatantly good or bad, real life is not so simple, the


also manages to jump almost seamlessly between a multitude of different tones and styles, like the bong itself Overall, it's a tragic comedy that manages to instill real tension and suspense at various points, while also being incredibly witty and quite funny, and ultimately the entire film falls somewhere between comedy and tragedy. , the stakes develop to a dizzying height as things get deeper and deeper for the ever-scheming Kims, suffice it to say.
parasite 2019 explained
There's a lot to see in this one, so let's delve into the fascinating world of Parasites, breaking down the overall story of the film and analyzing the important themes explored throughout, as well as analyzing the potentially hopeful but uncertain ending and what it really means for us. Family: Our first scene immediately plunges us headfirst into the desperate, difficult world of the struggling Kim family, even their semi-subterranean apartment speaks volumes about how low you can go without literally being a mole and illustrates where they are in the scheme of things. de Things in society are in a constant state of turmoil and this time it's because their neighbor changed their Wi-Fi password, which they need to access apps for menial jobs thanks to the technology of the patriarchy.
parasite 2019 explained
Once she is forced to wake up, she has a plan to tour the entire apartment. with their phone until they find the signal getting salvation in a small spot in the bathroom with their raised toilet which is a really unfortunate design for sure, I don't even know how, I guess if you're short it would be fine. We come to understand that this is a typical day in Kim's family life who barely manages to survive and every time their situation seems insurmountable, they rely on key technology to come up with a plan that at least temporarily solves their problems and gives them some kind of hope.
Let's say when. The streets are being fumigated above. Sister Kion is going to close the window. Dad suggests keeping it open. Hey, free pest control. Additionally, they have a bed bug problem in the apartment, although they are certainly being defeated by external circumstances. There is another layer that they seem to be a little unmotivated or lazy when doing a job folding pizza boxes, they obviously go too fast and most are unusable. It's about how to do the least work to get the greatest reward, even with a deduction of 10, the Kim family is fine. spirits thanks to food and reconnected wifi, but their celebration is marred by a drunk man urinating on the street above, which really puts a damper on the night, which unfortunately also seems to be a regular occurrence, although the entire family trajectory of Kim is about to be permanently altered.
Kiws old school friend, the men who attend the university arrive on a small motorcycle and have a certain heir about their presence, even his sister noticed that the university students have a real vigor with them, unlike his brother, Oh, thank you sister, you give them a gift from you. grandfather, which has some importance to the theme of the story, what is known as a scholar's rock, these are natural rock formations that have been prized by Chinese scholars for centuries and are said to bring good luck to whoever owns them and it seems that they are already working. ki wu a life-changing job tutoring a young daughter of the wealthy Park family while she goes abroad to study.
Minh has plans for her young student and intends to officially ask her out when she returns from class and not trust her fraternity buddies. Her old friend Ki Wu will keep things strictly professional while he's gone, although there is a potential hiccup. Kiwi will have to pose as a college student for the job, but Min reminds him that he's actually pretty smart and assures him that we'll have his recommendation anyway, and Ki Yong also has some impressive skills creating a transcript that looks pretty legit on an arcade computer, even his father was impressed by his forging skills before heading to his interview, a newly emboldened Kiwi tells his father that this is just a temporary forgery. while he intends to go to university, his father is smiling, his son is beginning to make big plans, just like his father, upon reaching the park almost invisible from the low paths, we see that it is located on an always sloping slope upwards, a stark contrast to Kim's house, which is also completely barricaded from the outside, almost creating its own personal bubble around the grounds, completely separated from the interference of the outside world, including the poor like Kim's, and Apologies for the interruption but I have to praise bong once again as this entire house was a set built to his specific needs, he honestly had no idea this was all built and he was impressed.
In fact, he had the entire design in mind from the script stage, similar to someone like Robert Eggers Bong who really goes out of his way to have it. complete control over every aspect of the cinematic world, creates some pretty impressive things. Here we also have our first example of the idea of ​​crossing a line that should not be crossed, which becomes extremely prominent in the story, the fainted lady refusing to wake up. until the housekeeper Moon Guang slaps her hard on the ear, surprising her, something it probably wouldn't be nice to do to her employer, and she also sees here a more symbolic line crossing the actual window, after a quick tour of the house, meets some crazy Mrs.
Park and the interview is mostly a formality and she doesn't even bother to look at her fake transcript because she has a recommendation from men after all, what else do you need real credentials? Pusha, but not everything is easy. Young Kyo wants to supervise her first lesson with her. daughter, if you don't measure up, then this opportunity will be over before it begins, you perform admirably in training the young people on the importance of staying calm during tests, which, although almost referring to Mrs. Park, ultimately He impresses her by handing over a wad of cash. adding even more for inflation, oh that's how it works, it sure sounds good ma'am, she also assigns him the American name Kevin, which I will also refer to as from now on to kill the Korean language as little as possible in the future, turns out to be the youngest in hai.
Brother Dasong has become a big problem and finds that he can't concentrate. She shows a painting of the boy and Kevin acts impressed, guesses that it is a picture of a chimpanzee, what she corrects is actually a self-portrait and without missing a beat. pretends to be surprised by the boy's obvious artistic genius, she is also looking for a teacher for him, which gives Kevin a devious idea, he suddenly remembers that he has a perfect candidate, actually his sister, whom he calls Jessica, speaking of his impressive art school experience completely fake. and an unusual but effective teaching style as well, he has also brought his sister to the park residence, which causes some concern in de hai, thinking that jessica must be his girlfriend and it seems that a little crush is already developing here and They even go for a kiss well, that didn't take long, no, Kevin, what's up with your brother?
The only thing you weren't supposed to do was fall in love like you did with kevin. Mrs. Park hopes to attend her son's lesson, but Jess acts very authoritative and doesn't allow him to join them, which we see Mrs. Park having some problems with her leg shaking uncontrollably not knowing what's going on upstairs. and to her surprise when she sees Jesse Dasong, he has already been molded for submission, giving him a proper bow when he apologizes. she's good, her whole art therapist persona is taken to another level when she does an analysis of Da Song's newest painting, that something must have happened to her in the first grade.
Mrs. Park gasps at this enormous revealed truth and there is more cause for concern. -called schizophrenic corner in the drawing, the same scroll appears in each of her different works. Jessica says she can help with this but of course it will cost her extra, which is no problem for Mrs. Park, who considers herself honored even just by the help she provides. all especially hilarious when jess later reveals that she made it all up after a simple google search on art therapy which shows how easily manipulated mrs park really is, so it's no surprise at this point when she jumps at the chance to open another new position with The family places his underwear in the back of his private driver's car when they take him home.
Mr. Park then discovers them, although he's a little confused as to how anyone would give up their panties if he had sex in the back seat of a car instead of an earring or something. Anyway, he crossed a professional barrier and instructed the horrified Mrs. Park to make up some lame excuse to quietly fire him and keep all of this a secret. Fortunately, Dad has some experience as a valet several years ago and first mentioned that he went afterward. Her bakery went bankrupt, this seems to have been another in a long series of unfortunate plants cooked up by key technology, although the bakery specifically seems to have been what started her general downward spiral into the inescapable poverty she easily prepared to present.
Her father, while still worried, Mrs. Park asks Jessica about the driver and how to get her home. She doesn't reveal any details, but still she is disappointed to lose him and she liked having a young and modern driver. Jess considers the alternative that she would actually make an older, more experienced driver. be better and of course she knows that the guy Mrs. Park is totally interested in this and even makes reference to how all this has been done through recommendations that she actually prefers to believe is creating a circle of trust or In this case, quite the opposite, now there are only lies. one more, but also their most difficult obstacle to completing the total infestation of the house, the long-serving housekeeper moon guang, who has been there so long that she has, in fact, worked for the previous architect who built the house, who recommended it to the parks, anotherrecommendation more than They blindly accepted, so she won't leave without some difficulties and fortunately, they discover a solution during a lesson with De Hai.
She mentions that she wishes she could eat peaches, but Moon Guang is allergic and an intricately written plot is born to make her appear mortally ill. with tuberculosis triggering her allergy with finely shaved peach powder along with a well-timed selfie that includes her in the hospital in the background, key tech feeling obligated to tell the lady all about it listening to an alarming phone call about her condition Much to Mrs. Park's distress, how could she also bring home one more bout of peach fuzz and some hot sauce on a tissue or all the evidence she needs to get rid of Moon Guang quietly and without knocking?
Attention once again, what we understand are the long-standing rules of the house. They don't want to cause a fuss, just eliminate the bad and they'll hire someone else this time. It's a key technician who drops off a car at Mr Park under the name of a supposedly exclusive cleaning services company and voila, he meets the new housekeeper. Mom brings the kids some fresh fruit, including the previously forbidden peach. It's impressive that they were all able to cheat their way into jobs they normally would never have dreamed of, but the problem is that they are all complete frauds and their balancing act takes on new levels of difficulty.
Now that they all work for the family and still have to pretend that they are not related, their first news is something extremely subtle but their smell also comes to have tremendous importance and meaning, the little dasong smells each of the parents and identifies that they smell the same. , it's almost like you're smelling their pore, you can somehow smell that they don't really belong here among the upper class despite the ridiculous farce they've made of their lives, they're happy for their key technology success by pointing out that a similar position yours would normally attract hundreds of college educated applicants showing us how rigged the system really is unless you get one of those sweet sweet referrals you're lost in the crowd just as they have been up to this point the odds are always exponentially against your success, even though they refuse to tolerate the same shoddy treatment from their water-spraying pissing friend. and the man defends himself with his own stream of water, then is completely drenched by a bucket of key technology.
At this moment he feels that they are freeing themselves from the limitations of poverty that burdened them and will soon be able to live the great life they believe in. They deserve it when the Parks go camping for Dasong's birthday and the Kim family makes themselves at home on the huge estate helping themselves to expensive liquor and bubble baths. Yeah, sounds like a good time. Kevin, on the other hand, takes the opportunity to get. some internal dirt about his friend diving into her personal diaries and when he mentions De Hai, he reveals his feelings for her to her family and tells them that he intends to ask her out before college, which is verbatim what the men's plans, clearly Kevin is jealous in some sense. of her friend's friend and sees himself trying to put himself in her place as the family enters a fantasy future where Kevin marries her and she becomes the key to the family's house. her in-laws.
Tech approves of her calling her rich but still nice. but mom clarifies that she is kind because she is rich feeling that she would also be kinder if she had money to which dad accepts the rich have money to fix everything as we have seen they are surprised with a bell on the door is the previous one The housekeeper Moon Guang, looking a little worse for wear, rings the doorbell repeatedly until an annoyed Chungsuk answers, she claims to have left something in the basement and requests to be let in and despite Kevin's concern that this is not part of the plan, he let her in.
Anyway, she descends into the darkness of a lower level after waiting a while, the family urging her to check it out and she finds Moon Guang strangely straddling the wall in a cabinet. Jung-sook finds something stuck and dislodges it, causing the cabinet to quickly slide dropping moon guang and revealing a sturdy metal door that leads even further down to an underground bunker more layers again people levels and levels and levels her. explains that it used to be fashionable for the ultra-rich to have their own bunkers in case of a North Korean attack or what have you, but the architect was later embarrassed and didn't tell anyone else, so only she knew. and he never mentioned it to the park family?
However, what's even more surprising is that there's a guy living in a cot there, Moon Gwang's husband, who's been locked up here for four years, jeepers, dude, when the builder of the house moved to Paris. , she snuck her husband here to escape her debtors. Coincidentally, he lost everything and opened his own bakery using loans from loan sharks. The end result was living. in a bunker for four years to escape his debts. Wow, I guess the lesson here is don't try to open a cake shop in Korea. You're totally screwed, even if you're sure you have the best suites, like Gwen says, you poor bastard. she tries to appeal to chungsuk by telling him that they have nothing and hopes that she will continue leaving food for him down here, but things change when the rest of the pratt family falls down the stairs.
Kevin absentmindedly calls Kytek, his father, and reveals himself completely, causing a Moon Guang. gets a recording on her phone switching power to her and her husband who lives in the basement, the couples then take control by making fools of the Kims and threatening at any moment to send the damning video to Ms. Park and end her all when they are lost. a previous flashback to his own time using the house, the family takes the opportunity, everyone fights each other for the phone, they just throw peaches all over Moon Guang, taking her out, allowing Kevin to take the phone and delete the video, well that's it a crisis.
I've heard it when something new, even more alarming, happens. He rings the house phone. Mrs. Park explains that they are back because the camping trip was rained out and that they will be home in eight minutes ordering some ramen. When I get home, they have to do it. cleaning all this up and taking care of a couple and making some dinner in eight minutes. Things are getting tense around here, key tech deals with the couple dragging them into the bunker and tying their hands and feet and the brothers barely managing to hide as the family gets home Moon Wang takes a break to go up the stairs and they almost see her. the parks, but a well-timed kick from Chungsuk makes her stumble backwards, fall down the stairs, and smash her head against the wall, oh, that's not good. probably after sealing the door key, the technician gets to know his new friend a little better and it's obvious that being stuck here for years has taken its toll on him singing a little song about Mr.
Park being home and hitting his head with the respective switches to turn on the lights. upstairs, as Mr. Park walks up the stairs, he actually has great respect for Mr. Park and says that he has been feeding him and giving him a place to live even though he doesn't know who the hell he is and even sends messages through the lights in morse. The code tries to communicate with the boy scout da song with his flashing key. The technician wonders how he can live in these conditions, but points out that many live semi-underground and, hey, this isn't much worse, which of course we know the Kims do, proving that there are. a small, very slippery slope between their two situations as the conversation upstairs turns to the important episode in first grade in which Mrs.
Park feels that she changed her son's behavior by seeing a ghost on the night of his birthday. , Deson snuck downstairs at night and gorged himself on cake and caught a glimpse of an admittedly terrifying figure who Gwen actually says sent the boy into a seizure, although to be fair, he actually looks pretty scary here. and for kids, seeing a random guy living in their basement would probably be as scary as any ghost. A well-timed argument allows Kevin to flee, the three of them now trapped under the living room table and are discovered almost immediately when D'hai begins texting Kevin, the message ringing just below the table, but when a sad song wants to continue camping despite the weather, he set up his tent in the pouring rain, his parents decided to stay on the couch to take care of him, leaving Kim trapped for the foreseeable future and totally unable to say anything or getting trapped, another important revealer.
The sign almost gives them away, Mr. Park catches a faint hint of Mr. Kim's smell and clarifies that it is not an old man smell per se, but something more like an old radish or a boiled rag. He again mentions the concept of crossing the professional line, which he says, Mr. Kim doesn't, but unfortunately his putrid smell does, which also reminds him of the smell of people in the subway saying that people who ride the subway They have a special smell again. What he describes is basically the smell of people's pores as the key technology that these people would make. never be that close in general, it's only by being in very tight spaces like the car or inches away hiding under a table that these two very different kinds are close enough to smell each other and Mr.
Park, the poor smell is certainly disgusting. One of these strangely intimate and voyeuristic moments is taken to uncomfortable new levels when the Parks decide to get frisky on the couch and almost immediately the normally demure Mrs. Park demands the correct way to rub her nipples counterclockwise, of course. is, and when Mr. Park suggests that she put on the panties they found in the car, she moans strangely for her husband to buy her drugs, which is quite shocking and, again, a much deeper level of intimacy than anyone should witness, not that the Kims really have a choice. matter, although they wait until they fall asleep, they escape after their little taste of luxury that was immediately shattered by reality, they are symbolically forced to venture to the depths where they seem to belong here, really showing us in detail that literal descent from rich to poor a endless descent of stairs always going down the trio stopped for a moment to ask about the captured couple jessica wonders what their plan is and is still deluded kevin considers what would make them scold him as if he were their own A well-to-do friend would obviously never find himself in this situation, but don't worry because, as always, dear father has a plan and they continue even further down, although Kevin hesitates to take the last steps towards poverty and his situation is incredibly worse.
Finding the entire level where they live flooded with sewage water and unfortunately their window was left open, their entire apartment is now filled with serious sewage, if only they had been home instead of getting into all these demented quack shenanigans, their Lives here were basically destroyed, they take what little they have. valuables that matter, some ancient medals for key technology and of course the scholar stone for Kevin, just floating between them, that thing doesn't really seem to have brought them the best of luck after all, but poor Kevin, Eternally deceived and still hopeful, he believes it.
Has power back in the bunker, Moon Guang has managed to free herself from her restraints and sets out to try to free her husband by using her teeth to break the tape, but the effects of being knocked down the stairs have given her a concussion, informing her that It was Chung Suk who threw her down the stairs before she fainted and shortly after she died and now her husband has a new vendetta against the Kim matriarch, the rest of the family is not doing much better having to take refuge in a local gym with others. The displaced families and Kevin asked what his father's plan was, as he always hoped he was cooking something, but the key technician eventually gave up and lamented that the only kind of plan that never fails is no plan, grimly concluding that nothing it matters.
Kevin still has hope. in the power of the stone, confident that he has everything figured out and believes that the stone is actually following him, his disillusioned father thinks that he just needs to get some sleep despite his increasingly precarious situation, the family returns to work in the park house and are put on overtime when Mrs. Park decides to have an impromptu party seeing here in a more substantial way the disrespect of the park family towards their employees by soaking pieces to assemble an elaborate table inspired by a battleship without anyone's help, even shining a light on her for being too strong in moving the tables while upstairs, Dehy and Kevin are busy exchanging saliva, but he is distracted by looking out the window wistfully at the well-to-do people gathering below and wonderinghow they can look so natural and he wonders if he really fits in here.
She returns a perfunctory nod, but knowing that he doesn't belong and that he has other matters to attend to, he pulls out his favorite stone and descends to the basement to solve his problem. A still broken key receives further humiliation through Mr. Park. Recruiting him to dress up as an Indian for some sort of skit for Dasong, having Jess take the cake out of her, the duo will show up and scare her, allowing Dasong to go out and save the day. Keytag doesn't feel it and they line him up. when his boss tells him to get in shape and consider this part of his job.
Keitech looks totally dead inside having to humiliate himself for cash for a kid's amusement. Kevin sneaks into the basement at least at first until he drops his rock down the stairs making a noise. Loudly as he walks down the stairs, he comes across a hooded body, unaware that a bitter Gwen Say has a noose around his neck from behind. Kevin breaks free, Gwen Say chases after him and almost comes so close to reaching the top. the stairs before the rope pulls him back in and he has the good luck to have the scholar's rock hit his skull.
Yeah, this doesn't really seem like any kind of good luck to me. Gwen claims to leave a bleeding and spasming Kevin helpless. On the floor he's not done yet, though he grabs a kitchen knife and heads to the party. His arrival is perfectly timed with a little parody of da song. Jessica makes her way through the crowd carrying her cake out of nowhere. Gwen says he attacks and stabs her in the chest with a knife but it's chung suk, he's actually looking to prepare for battle with an axe, there is instant chaos, the crowd runs in terror, kitek sees his damn son being carried away by dahai .
Mr. Park begs her to give him the keys to take his son. who passed out in the hospital worried that there is no time for an ambulance struggling to even understand what is happening, gives in and throws the keys, which get deflected in the fight between gwen say and changsu mom, ending their battle with a spike of grill stuck in his side, it even has sausages and everything, since he has the keys, Mr. Park approaches him and Gwen says that she is happy to just be in his presence, but of course, Mr. Park does not have idea of ​​who the man is and when he smells that stench par excellence. he is disgusted to grab the keys and get as far away as possible, his actions here clearly illustrate the true feelings of the park towards the poor and its employees, they basically don't even consider them people, the reason is that we know that the person's boiled rag smell of the subway is crossing that sometime. important line, I mean, Jessica is bleeding to death on the floor, this guy is dying and he's just worried about his son who passed out, that's all, he'll be fine, you know, dude, but Mr.
Parks just can't be bothered to care about the poor and this makes that 100 percent the case here, witnessing their key behavior. The technician has had enough of taking the knife and plunging it into Mr. Park's chest, sending his wife to the couch, and a wave of realization suddenly washes over Kytek when he sees what he's done and runs away. Well, alas, his whole dynamic became, unfortunately, terrifying. and with a bloody head there and both families having suffered irreparable damage by entering each other's lives, proving, as always, that the rich and the poor simply cannot mix in today's society, although, as we saw here, everyone They were linked in a way, the knife was not.
One, no matter how rich, can escape violence and, in a strange way, the knife acts as a way of unifying them all, capable of breaking all boundaries between rich and poor by being stabbed in the face miraculously when we lift A month later, Kevin managed to survive the savage blow from the rock. He appears to have some lingering effects from brain surgery on him. He laughs uncontrollably at what should be a horrible misfortune. He laughs when detectives question him or when he hears his and his mother's crimes read aloud to him in court. Even when he finally gets to see his sister's face in an urn, unfortunately, Jessica died in the attack.
It seems less likely to be the surgery responsible, but he can't help but laugh at how horrible everything in their lives turned out, all thanks to his infiltration of the park. At home, as for his father, a search for his whereabouts was finally called off when the trail went cold and Kevin and his mother returned to their same lives as before. This all reassembled pizza boxes, while now he's also followed by bumbling detectives. Still drawn to the old park house, a new family has moved in and frequents a nearby mountain that offers a good view of the property.
One night he is surprised to see what looks like a Morse code message written in clear blank spaces, just like Gwen Say did before. and after a while, Kevin is able to translate the message and realizes that it is a message from his father and finds out what happened after the party. Fortunately, Moon Guang had cut off the security camera when he first arrived at the house and instead of running away, the key technician knew the best place to hide in the bunker that the park family was unaware of, making his location unknown. Unknown to anyone outside of her family, back down that slippery little slope from before, down the stairs even further, Dad assuming the role of Gwen Say forced into hiding.
In the bunker due to pending deaths of nasty loan sharks, while for key technology murder charges are inevitable, a newly energized Kevin writes to his father laying out his new grand plan to go to college, get a good career, and make money. to be able to buy. The house allows his trout father to simply climb the stairs to freedom and join his family, place the scholar's stone in a river from which it came, mixing with the other seemingly unimportant ones on the riverbed, and he returns tumbling down. his great fantasy. Snow falls outside Sumi's underground apartment as he concludes the letter by telling Kytek to take care of him until then, so we have this lovely fantasy of Kevin becoming legitimately successful.
Is there any chance of this rosy future becoming a reality? I have to say that based on everything we've seen up to this point, I don't think so, the fact that we transition from this nice family reunion to Kevin's reality in his old apartment says it all, like his dad always had a plan or plan to cook. Kevin's problem is no different: they are always pipe dreams, nothing that can probably come true and there is also a trap of sorts at play, and it is established early on that Kevin is actually a smart kid and it applies to several.
The obstacle with schools is how to pay for them considering his family's situation. He also seemed to idolize men as a result of this and tries to emulate him even at that crucial moment by wondering what men would do, almost wondering if I could have the chance. He could also succeed at everything and in his future fantasy his appearance looks a lot like that of his old friend. It's certainly no coincidence, even her relationship with De Hai follows the pattern of her friend telling her family exactly that he'll ask her out when she goes to college.
Whatever the reality of his current situation is, then there's the other problem: without the financial means to succeed, he's essentially doomed to folding pizza boxes with his mother and to misery for eternity. The broken system never gives them a chance, which is why the family tries so hard immediately when they step foot in the parks door, it's the best chance they've ever had and they even feel lucky that there is this rich family that they can They can exploit for their own personal gain and they also don't really consider family. be people in this sense, as they are disconnected from them and the world at large due to their wealth and status becoming even more brutal, as if they had not orchestrated their master plan to infiltrate the parks, none of this would have happened, It was his greed. that doomed them, which brings us back to the parasites of the title.
Now it's clear that the Kims aren't the best people who lie and cheat for even a small taste of success, but on the other hand, the Park family is finally exploiting them too, unlike Kim. having to deal with basically being a mole to a drunk guy who peed outside his kitchen window on a regular basis. Parks lived in his charming and well-intentioned castle completely isolated from the trappings of the outside world, which has skewed his perspective as a result. They also employ these servants to help them with the most basic daily chores and chores. They have a personal driver who cleans and cooks in the house and even Mr.
Park specifically mentions that his wife doesn't do so well with housework. like washing dishes and cleaning super basic things again but somehow she can't do it by hiring these people to take care of them, they are also sucking up the poor because from their perspective they are very happy to even have the opportunity to clean yourself. unnies and making you ramen noodles, it's a little crazy, so I wondered if this is all because the wife has a problem with drugs, you know, like pills or something, since when we first met her she passed out sitting in the yard and Moon Guang has to like clapping to even wake her up the whole time I was like this high, although other than that mention of buy me drugs during her weird sexless scene, we have no other indication of this possibility, but that would be at least At least it explains more about her peculiar behavior and why she can't do anything, I mean she doesn't work or whatever, you can't even wash the dishes, how do you screw that up?
You know what I mean, something's going on there. We are all parasites for drastically different reasons, but the parasites are the same rich, poor, they all suck for their own reasons and it's all thanks to this crushing capitalist society we live in haha, isn't it so reassuring that we are all doomed and with that we have? I came to the conclusion of this in-depth explainer video of Parasite. I'm glad this type of film has received so much attention and I hope that means we're leading to a more open and interesting type of mainstream cinema in America. but yeah, it's probably not just a coincidence, it's also interesting that Bong is hard at work on a parasite TV series for HBO and at first I thought, huh, but according to the director, he actually had too many ideas for the movie to fit in a standard duration of two hours.
The runtime and limited series would actually act as an expansion of the story, essentially a six-hour movie, while the film feels quite complete on its own. I'm beyond excited to see this world expanded, but I was also wondering if it would end up being Americanized and when I saw the recent news of Mark Ruffalo making the rounds in the series, it looks like I got my answer, albeit an inherently disappointing one. I feel like making an English version might lose something, but with Bong still at the helm, I'm sure it will be great. Hi, Snow Piercer was in English and that was great, so I'm not too worried and I'm curious to see what aspects will be explored further in the 6 hour TV version coming soon.
What did you guys think about the parasite and its end? What is your favorite john bong? Hoop Bong Boom Bang Bang Duo and what is your favorite Bong Jun Ho movie. Let me know your opinion in the comments below. Make sure to like, subscribe and follow. Thanks for watching found movies. See you next time.

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