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Chase suspect in stolen car leads CHP on wild, high-speed pursuit through South Bay area l ABC7

Jul 01, 2024
Yes, what has changed Philip is the


at which he travels through the surface streets and how desperate the


seems to be. You know, we're seeing him in custody now here in Avalon on 238 and we just relayed that information to the sheriff's department so that I'll be on top very, very soon here, but you know the


is at risk of being locked up and there you see that no I wanted to, I didn't want to have anything to do with being stuck in that intersection over there and he turned around in front of that truck and now I've gotten to Sepulveda Boulevard, so at least the


has slowed down a little bit, obviously after following these things along.
chase suspect in stolen car leads chp on wild high speed pursuit through south bay area l abc7
Over the years you will see someone slow down and take it easy and then for no reason just take off, there are no patrols behind them, there are no air units. above and it's almost impossible to try and guess why, but at least the speeds have slowed down because we saw extremely


speeds in oncoming traffic and almost hit a couple of cars, the speed has slowed down a bit and the driving is erratic. has decreased a little. a little bit compared to what we saw 10 minutes ago, yeah, yeah, then accelerating again, you know, we had speeds that were about oh look at that, look at that, oh my gosh, well we almost had an incredible accident right there that they have been bad, I mean, it seemed like I was inches away from missing that vehicle that went through the intersection that we approached, we're taking the 110 freeway northbound and now we're traveling through the Compton


, the Torrance


, so on. say it, and you see the damage. on that right front fender and boy are we lucky we didn't see a horrible accident at


speeds just now at that intersection, we lost the iap, well we lost the ib, I think we have it.
chase suspect in stolen car leads chp on wild high speed pursuit through south bay area l abc7

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chase suspect in stolen car leads chp on wild high speed pursuit through south bay area l abc7...

Back up, now we've lost it again, you'll have to get it on top of a different mountain, I'm afraid the sheriff's area is up, jen, they're here, check it out, yeah, we've got your back, come on, yeah, there's no rhyme or which is why there is no patrol car behind him now the sheriff's airstrike is upon us so they won't be looking at our feet anymore we are on 110 north which was a 405 freeway that the vehicle just passed traveling north by the port here and then chp will take over here, it will be interesting to see exactly how they want to handle this, you know, they don't even want patrols behind a vehicle going 110 or 120 on the port highway and as I look ahead, you know that we're going to hit Highway 91 here in a moment and then from what I can see, I can see it beyond the 105, the 110 northbound doesn't look too bad, but once we get to South of Los Angeles or Los Angeles that is certainly going to change and when we see more traffic is when we really see the desperation to continue, the suspect does not want to stop, that is very evident, even with no one behind him, you can see that he is hesitant. to get to a situation where his vehicle stops, he wants to continue trying to move, maybe he thinks that will allow him to elude the police, but it certainly won't be the case, but yes, 100 miles per hour almost cuts the vehicle.
chase suspect in stolen car leads chp on wild high speed pursuit through south bay area l abc7
And you know, Philip, the real danger is an area here where you have that top, it becomes very difficult to see the vehicle, so we are trying not to lose them, but the danger at 100 miles per hour the other vehicles don't realize it. how fast it comes through this area and then all of a sudden they could turn in front of it and we could have a horrible accident, so yeah, yeah, that's certainly the case on the surface streets, you know, you hit potholes. There are unevenness on the road and then you lose control of the vehicle.
chase suspect in stolen car leads chp on wild high speed pursuit through south bay area l abc7
You've seen many


s end that way when the suspect simply hits a curb or plummets at a high speed, flips the vehicle, or simply loses control. I don't think we have to worry too much about that, at any kind of speed, on the highway these highways are pretty smooth, but what you really worry about when you're driving erratically at over 100 miles per hour and someone tries to get out of the way is that indecision. , what should I do and other drivers who see them passing by and just turn the wrong way trying to get out of their way and all of a sudden you have a really bad collision, a lot of weight, a lot of momentum, a lot of inertia and people get hurt or even killed and that's certainly the sad aspect of these


s now that we don't see a chp right behind him, it's going to be a chp chase right now because he spends a lot of time on the highway. in a jurisdiction and the county sheriffs will be on top of it or possibly controlling it depending on where you can get off the highway, it also gives us some problems if you like, we have airspace problems and we are laid back, so if the suspect remains on the 110 highway until downtown and until downtown we can follow him if not, if the suspect does so and sees a curve there.
I think we're going to take the 105. There's one area we can't. fly and cover chases inside what they call bravo and boy look at that phillip he can barely negotiate that turn and it looks like we're going back to this transition, this may be on the 105 freeway westbound so we're out. From what I was trying to explain to you, there are areas along the 110 freeway that we cannot cover


s due to loosely packed airspace, but we are now on the 105 freeway heading west and as long as he stays on the freeway he won. It won't be a problem for us to continue covering this, but at very erratic high speeds, they have an aerial unit overhead and it will be interesting to see how the CHP handles this if they want to take patrol cars out onto the highway and follow the I suspect if they just want to follow it from the air, I think it's close.
What happens is that if we reach certain angles, the GPS simply does not align correctly. I think these speeds of around 90 miles per hour seem accurate to me considering the traffic. It goes around 70 and you can see how fast they go by, I mean, normally on the freeway, you know, 65, but people even know 70, 75 when you have very low volume on the freeway and he quickly passes by those vehicles, like this This seems pretty accurate to me at about 100 miles per hour, but it's not always specifically accurate, but it really is a great indicator for us, it keeps us really interested in what the speed is and gives us a really good idea of ​​how .
These chases are dangerous, but it's not like we suddenly hit a point where it didn't accelerate to 115 and it may be due to our altitude, our angle, but in most cases we're seeing a pretty accurate number appear. I'm not surprised if we're over 100 miles an hour right now, yeah, it's terrifying, there's no doubt about it, there's no doubt about it and look at that look, how abrupt that movement was, you know, you start to wonder when you keep going. these things. It happens inside the suspect's mind and at least just following his actions thinking well are they just trying to escape?
Are they so indecisive? They have no idea what they are doing right now they just realize I'm driving. I'm going to do everything I can to try to lose the police, even if there's no one behind him. Drugs and alcohol are involved. Now we don't see the kind of movements from this vehicle that you normally see with someone who is drunk. It seems like this guy has it pretty good. car control able to negotiate corners, swerve in and out of traffic, but you never know and what we're going to make a decision for the suspect if he stays on the freeway, uh, gets into the early reserve 405, continues towards west towards the The coast is just


of Lax.
If he took the 405 north, it would be a problem for us. We just can't travel north on the 405 because of the approach, of course, to Lax, but yeah, the speeds are high and certainly. he has no problem going right next to the vehicles, now here we go, things have changed a little and you see that the chp cruiser is right behind him, uh, yeah, no, I think that's a good observation, you know, We followed this up and they picked him up on the 405 going through the Carson area and they had a patrol car, actually a motor unit right behind the vehicle on the 405 northbound, but once the suspect got out in a Carson they couldn't follow it, that's how radical it was. driving and there was no air unit so for about 10 minutes we were the only ones shooting and we kept an eye on the suspect and they were watching us until the sheriff's air 8 went overhead so he headed towards the area of Hawthorne.
The police may start to get involved, we're just


of La Ok so we understand Hawthorne police put this copy of the broadcast on, oh boy look at that, okay we're back, well we saw some pretty high speeds here right at the end of Highway 105 that we're coming on, right on the coast, turns north, which makes it complicated for us because the extended channel we have to go down 500 feet here to go north, actually We have to go lower. 150 feet along the shoreline so as not to impact traffic entering and exiting the lax zone, so we will follow this.
We are heading north in Vista del Mar, right along the coast. We are starting to descend very quickly so we can get permission. Yeah, we're in transition, laxatives open up a little bit of CHP there, we still have the turnaround signal, yeah, you know, I came north on Playa Vista and then went south on Pershing, personally it runs right up the west side of Lax and then once. Again we have to go down along the coast to 150 feet so we can transition from one side to the other and now we're going back south, we came north, we made a couple of U-turns in that area in the area from Playa del Rey and then we went. perched south and that will take you back to Imperial Highway and Highway 105 if you continue going the way the suspect came in, but we lost him there, we apologize for that, it's really hard to keep a signal at these low altitudes.
I just have to hit a repeater and sometimes it doesn't work. We understand that it is a


vehicle. Hopefully we have gotten over the center line in lax so we can start climbing very quickly every once in a while it looks like the vehicle is getting closer. Coming back towards us when we picked him up, it seems like he came towards us and then turned north so well that he is making it very difficult for us, if we have to go back north laxly it will just be a struggle, yes no they are going to be able to stay with them and the CHP is still behind them, but I think you know another authority will be taking over here very soon and who is very familiar with the Playa del Rey area, I think it's going to be lapd and you can see all the units there because it went north, then came south, then turned around and came back north, you can see they were coming south, but they don't want to get in their way, they realize that.
This is a suspect who doesn't want to stop, he's probably willing to ram a vehicle or patrol car from what we've seen because he has driven into oncoming traffic in several situations so there are a lot of patrol cars in the area . This is actually heading east, heading east, away from the street, right there, and then a tremendous U-turn. Now this is an area I hadn't been to before going up to that area, but not in that one. street, we could see it. before we lost the signal, but certainly, but there is a lot of concern about this neighborhood, they will want to stop this.
You know, someone walks his dog, someone rides a bike. A lot of that happens here and you can see it's difficult. Keep the camera in the right position because we've been going back and forth a lot, but we're going to see it go down one of these surface streets again in a moment, but this really took a bad turn because we're seeing erratic driving in these residential neighborhoods in Playa del Rey and you know, you just hope this ends soon and no one gets hurt, but right now it's extremely dangerous. Yes, we have lost it for a moment.
I'm just trying to look out the window, it looks like it's heading back south now and, uh, that's following, so it's the same street it was on a moment ago, open it up a little bit and you'll see a perspective of where it is. lax. On the left side of the screen you see the plane, so it's a little difficult for us to determine what we should do. Stay here and shoot him or go south. We almost lost the signal. Let's stay here for a moment. I think and see exactly what happens. Because we came down the coast, we have a hard time seeing this.
It has taken a turn there and if it continues now we have to turn around. Now we have to go ahead and go down. Well, we have to make a decision. We can cross. in Sepúlveda, but we have to climb quite high, so due to the erratic nature and the almost lax north-south and north-south waves, it makes it one of the most difficult activities I have covered from the air because it's very difficult to stay on top of it so I think we're looking at the Imperial Highway you know the sky map at this angle won't really give us the exact streets and that's where the suspect came in if you remember 105 to Imperial Highway and then untilPershing and we'll see now that it's not Imperial Highway, it's hard to know for sure, I think it's Imperial Highway, it's just that the angle is hard to tell, so this will return the suspect to the correct position. right, yeah, so we're going up, we have to go at 2500 feet, yeah, absolutely that's where he came from when he turned to go east on Imperial, so you know, a dangerous high speed chase with a suspect that He is desperate.
Coming from distance he almost hits a couple of vehicles, now the chp is involved right behind him, the aerial unit over his head has been a little tricky due to the location, but it looks like at this point they are not going to back down from the suspect who they are going to want to stop this guy once again if you just started looking, we understand he's wanted for


vehicle, but yeah, another close call. We've seen a lot of those, well that's Pullman Boulevard, which is right, and I'm heading south on Sepulveda. So now we have to get a permit to cross and I think we got it from the tower in Lax so we're going right above the airport so we're heading south on Sepulveda Boulevard and you can see some. traffic ahead, yes, just for a moment, yes, it seems like he stopped.
No, no, I couldn't tell if he hit another vehicle before stopping there, if that's why that's fine and it seems like this is probably going to be the case. around here it appears that the suspect is obeying the officers orders they have their weapons in their hands they are hiding behind the doors of the vehicle they are talking to the suspect at this moment they will most likely tell him to turn around keep his hands high and Then we lie face down on the asphalt and it seems that why don't you come a little closer. We have to be careful in these situations, but it seems that the suspect is obeying his orders.
It looks like there might be another person in the back seat. I initially thought it was just the driver but it looks like we may have another person in the car for now yes yes you certainly could and they have to treat this person as a suspect at least for now they may not be. Wow, there might be more there. There may be several there, it's interesting because the initial unit we heard that picked this up on the highway said only one, so maybe they were ducking, maybe it just wasn't noticeable because of the windows, but it sounds like there will be at least one. three are those hands on the right side sticking out, yeah, so it looks like at least three people were inside the vehicle, yeah, can you imagine, can you imagine the conversation, what they're saying to the driver?
Please don't stop, just stop, uh, you have to understand. Yeah, yeah, so we're on Sephora Boulevard, just south of Highway 105, south of Lax, so Sepulveda is closed right now. The southbound lanes are open and it appears this will be the last person who was on board backing up toward the officers. but obeying their orders now once they have him in custody they haven't told him to lie face down it seems like they are going to rush him very quickly here with their hands up they still have to clear the vehicle so they are leaving to get in make sure that don't have anyone else inside that car before they leave you know code 4 and this is all really over but it looks like luckily no one got hurt they just cleaned it up yeah it's all clear so boy I'm telling you, You know Phillip.
This was yeah scary in custody yeah no one got hurt well that was a challenge ah no problem man it happens what are you going to do well do your best or go home we're clear to the banks. Good job.

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