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CHAD in DISGUISE as SPIDERMAN (Undercover to Prank Comic Book Hacker to Learn about GKC School)

Jun 04, 2024
He's wearing a


mask Daniel can't be trusted I have to


more about my past oh this is driving me crazy he seems to know a lot if he has files and files of my old



s I'm pretty sure he's the guy who used to sell me all of them my


s when I was a kid Daniel, if you think I should do just one bird call, if you don't think I should do it because of bird calls, damn those two. /Tolls, that means you don't want me to do it. Oh damn, a very rare bird.
chad in disguise as spiderman undercover to prank comic book hacker to learn about gkc school
I know there are a lot of chickens around here. Daniel heard your chicken, so be careful, don't make so much noise next time. I don't want you to train a song. It's a stupid idea, don't do it. I don't know, Daniel, I think he should do it. Sage, he's walking into the kitchen of course. He's drinking his milk He's saying something but I can't hear him He's revealing some secret Let me improve the audio I'm a


I could use that piece of food He was brave He did it for this game guys listen at home see if I can understand what he's saying this is the best answer this is wrong this mother knows what the hell I'm not getting anything from this guy okay he's getting his laptop this surely means he's going to do something where I can find out more about what projects or the girl has been up to see how sketchy it looks, she's like looking over her shoulder making sure no one sees it right, this is going to be good, this is going to be great - actually yeah, you got a deal oh yes exactly oh no how could he?
chad in disguise as spiderman undercover to prank comic book hacker to learn about gkc school

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chad in disguise as spiderman undercover to prank comic book hacker to learn about gkc school...

Doing this right for life, yeah, so now take me to your secret hideout and show me all this secret information you have about these children's comics. He will take me to a secret hiding place and show me everything I need to know about my childhood. It's a horrible idea, leave. I have every reason to trust him. I met him when he was a little boy. I think he is trustworthy. You know, oh, yeah, yeah, I'm coming, I'm coming, yeah, what are you doing? go, just follow me, it's okay, I need your help, man, he won't do anything bad to Spider-Man, I'm his hero, okay, I'll be right behind you in case something goes wrong, but you know, neither I don't even need myself.
chad in disguise as spiderman undercover to prank comic book hacker to learn about gkc school
You know, if you're listening to me, this is the back entrance to the black pyramid. Osage, yes, this is the black pyramid you are taking me to. I thought you were leading me to information about the comic. Yes, in the basement, my secret. hidden in the basement of the black care, yes, I thought there were usually hacker bodyguards protecting this place in this, none here at the moment, no need for actions, the hacker bodyguards say to call ahead, you called ahead, okay, The haters, no one goes, okay, okay, Chad, guys, okay. so we're just going to walk through these doors, you know, maybe it's a good idea because if projects Dargo has been chasing Chad since he was a little boy, then they're obviously not the ones who have information about him when he was a kid and now they don't know how to check it, he just thinks he's


in the black pyramid, huh?
chad in disguise as spiderman undercover to prank comic book hacker to learn about gkc school
Where exactly in the black pyramid did you say they were in the basement? Yeah, the big meters I've been down there, the basement of the black pyramid, I got it, hey, let's go, he's going incognito, what's he looking at photos on a David Hasselhoff? This is too strange for me, oh, he is receiving a phone call, okay, he must be another member of the project circle. What did he do? He says spider in his own web, what the hell does that mean, if you guys at home know what that means, leave a comment below, help a girl, say it, where are you taking me?
I told you the base mix: the secret hiding place, yes, very. everything is tricky to do how deep we have to go, let's say in a basement, it's very deep, so yes, I would love to hear more about the children's comic, what the child drew, that's really interesting, make the time. Oh, it kinda came to a snap, we must be on our floor, let's move on, oh sorry, I must be dreaming, oh my god, it's early, it's his eyes, the man also known as beanburger, the amazing spider-man, live in person, oh my Dennis, this is just a dream come true.
I've never been to a comic since Amazing Fantasy 15 Wow, do you have a copy of Amazing Fantasy? 15 oh no, oh god, if he could get it, he'd be living on cloud nine, look at this baby, look at that. eh, this is amazing and you are more amazing, Spider-Man, oh my God, our floor now none of this, oh yeah, what are you going to the basement, are you going to come out, oh, so you have to keep writing. I guess I could change my plans, can I come with you two? Oh yeah, I think I'm going to be busy.
Don't turn off Peter Parker. He's okay, I'm coming here, come on, man, he sure is dark here. Can you turn on the light or something? No, this is it. I'm getting a little creepy. Thank you. I see the secret hiding place. It's about the children coming. Let me get the file. Oh, you're leaving, you're leaving, no, to get it, okay, you didn't think you'd see that secret? stash, I said it, rested you, yes, I'm the boy you have, let me see here now. I remember it originated from a child. I wonder how special a really special child must have been, as if he had such a good drawing in front of us. we have to go to the gcg case center if there is synergy for gifted children Oh, what is that? some kind of score or something.
Yes, you are my score. Hey? I am the standardized test. Any information you have in this folder here. Oh, you can bet the wise are fools. Know? Yes, very wise, very wise, in fact, what else do you have there? Everything you need to know is in this file. Yes, thank you very much. Well, first we must train. Okay, if I give you this comic that is very valuable. He will give me this folder that contains all the information about GKC children's drawing and everything else. Yes, use the research in this folder. Okay, you can keep this.
Wow, this is very thick. There are many papers here. Oh, drop it, something, wait, what do you mean? I'm not stupid, nothing, those are pretty good, they trade off value for both me and the communist kid, yeah, let's get old, there better be something good here. Oh

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