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MY BEST FRIEND vs HACKER - Justin vs PZ9 Battle Royale in Real Life Challenge Event - Wins $10,000

May 22, 2024
thin inches great news Justin I can't believe you've ever doubted me you guys are my



s. I just saw a group of


s who were talking to the


Pz9 and they are going after us all for $10,000 each, don't worry. five of us can defeat those


s, wolf Daniel, how many hackers are there? There's like at least eight, oh we're totally outnumbered, okay, okay, what if I go get the DeLorean? Because the DeLoreans are hacker proof and that will make them scatter and we can defeat them easily, oh they took my backpack with that key for the DeLoreans in my backpack, yeah I think we should split up and look for the key to the DeLorean, that It will also make it easier for us not to be found by the eight hackers, okay?
my best friend vs hacker   justin vs pz9 battle royale in real life challenge event   wins 10 000
The hackers took my backpack, my DeLorean keys, and then a $10,000 bounty on all our heads. Much money. You know what I'm worth. 10,000 dollars. Maybe I should turn myself in. They're looking for all of us for $10,000. They used to look for me for $10,000, does that mean I'm worth $20,000? There's a $10,000 reward on my head I'm worth at least fifteen thousand that's nonsense I don't know what you're talking about We're all priceless Other good engines are priceless. I can't wait to teach them a lesson. I need to track that backpack, get my DeLorean, that's what's going to stop these hackers.
my best friend vs hacker   justin vs pz9 battle royale in real life challenge event   wins 10 000

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my best friend vs hacker justin vs pz9 battle royale in real life challenge event wins 10 000...

The hacker just stole the key to Chad's DeLorean. This park is so big. Oh, meow, if you see the key. I know we have to go get those keys, guys, the DeLorean is a stick shift. Do hackers even know how to drive? What's the point of stealing the key if they can't even drive the DeLorean? I guess they know it's the only way. we can stop them, okay guys, keep an eye out for some hackers, one of them has to have the key, but I have to be very careful. I have to find a way to get the key without being seen because there is $10,000 for me and my capture.
my best friend vs hacker   justin vs pz9 battle royale in real life challenge event   wins 10 000
I'm so glad Justin isn't busy, no. I'm so happy about that. I always knew he was a


ninja spy. I think they do it all the time. Justin, guys, I have to keep an eye on all these hackers. I have to watch them closely. they actually hold the delorean key and what better way to do it than with my handy dandy drone daniel let's fly this baby okay my drone is up there okay oh look at this i have an overview of the entire area. Okay, there's a bunch of hackers next to you, very close to you, in fact, here's a hacker all alone, oh, you know where he's headed towards a DeLorean.
my best friend vs hacker   justin vs pz9 battle royale in real life challenge event   wins 10 000
Okay, that guy just has to be the one with a DeLorean key, Chad, I think. he's actually the closest to you so head east man you gotta catch him that's the hacker over there with my DeLorean keys try not to let him hear me I can put my hand in his pocket , grab my keys, go to the skate park, I have to get in within my reach. Pocket it and take the key. Oh, Justin's there, all those girls there, what are they doing these hackers? Gotta get this comeback, okay, shoot, go catch it. I am going to keep searching.
I won't give up yet. Ah, man, you were so close. Okay, that hacker actually looks like he's meeting up with the rest of the group, Justin. I think that hacker was walking past all the other hackers like I had the key to the DeLorean, so Be is there, she's very close to the hackers. I know she's a sneaky ninja spy, so if she could find a way to distract the hackers, she could get past them and get the key to the DeLorean. I will send you a mr. She beware of all the hackers phones right now and hopefully that will distract them so she can get through with the cool sounding hacking attack. send them all the bears, yeah, yeah, they're doing that silly salute again, maybe they're done, oh oh.
Now they're exploding, the hacker just dispersed, so it's going to be harder for V to get through them, so what I'm going to do is send a Hawk attack to each of those hackers. I'll go one by one, boom, boom. boom and while the hackers are distracted, that will give V a chance to run through and past them. I spy on the ninjas as if she were going to see them closer, the hackers are scattered everywhere, the first hackers are right there. I'm going to send a hacking attack three two one good idea Regina now it's time for stealth mode yeah take that hacker okay keep playing with your phone nice nice she got completely distracted by mr. bears, oh that's amazing, it worked, that's very good, Regina, but hackers are so confused right now.
You did it? So the second hacker we are going to chase is the one next to the tree, sending an attacked hack. A second hacker. The hacker goes for his phone. okay, let's go now, okay, things are going well, we're halfway there, let's keep it up Regina, we have to get those keys to the DeLorean, there are only two more hackers to distract, I'm going to hack that scandal right there, it's okay if I'm going to send Back to the next tiger right now working perfect opportunity haha ​​I just passed David look at me good job good job this hacker is different he has a ninja device with him we must be very careful it's like training or practicing it actually looks pretty good uh sending hack attack in three two one yeah okay just continue to the end even though we completely escaped she will lose there you go who is this man?
Bear's Co, but you try to act really tough with your ninja devices, yeah, the hacker with a DeLorean key, he's pretty close to you, he's right on the road ahead, okay, where is he? I don't see it, okay, beep, the hacker sitting right on those. bleachers right there, okay, just go up a little bit forward, okay, he's not looking, he's playing with the key. I'm going to be a spy ninja, don't sneak up on me and get caught, yeah that's it, keep going, yeah, stay low. keep going dr. Hannah in the stands, you got a man, he's on the phone, he looks like he's distracted right now, oh man, that was really close, don't be discouraged, we didn't see you, he's walking away, he's going to yourself, yeah, just stay out of the digits. for now I'll tell you when to go, let's see that a piece is not going to decorate just amazing and always works, but stay back, don't look at his hands, he still has the keys, he is heading towards him with nice soft feet.
We're almost there, oh god, oh no, my drones are almost out of battery, hey V, my drone is losing all its power. I'm going to have to fly this baby back home, so I won't be able to see you anymore, V, but you have. Okay, I have to go. I'm going to have to go around it and I'm trying to use my spicy ninja skills and get a key out of this pocket. I almost got it last time, this time I'll get it. Failure is not an option, oh, he has the key to the DeLorean. That's great girl, he's on his way to give it to Chad, now awesome guys.
I love this drone so much, wow. Oh pretty hackers, ah, oh God, okay, I'll be on my way. Back at Chad and Regina's feet oh oh run for a while guys I haven't found that hacker again so I hope someone else can run and catch and get my keys why did they get Dorian's key? Oh my gosh, thank you. Okay, I'm going to go get the DeLorean. Okay, I'll meet up with the other guys. It's my turn. Just give them a gray mouth and I'll stop with the DeLorean. Let's get into this guy. Let's save a spy. ninjas eh it's time to fight we have to find Chad I'm here at the meeting place the prickly jacket the DeLorean is yes nice we have to do something all the hackers are here now yes you guys ruined my


and I'm ready to ruin yours versus 1 :59 hit it right now, that's right, I'll fight everyone right now, let's go 5 on 1, bring him here to fight, hey, you don't have a chance, please, yes, but today I'll fight you fair and square, one on one , I'll show you. who is the


ninja 9 yes he was very cruel when he said he had bad posture no one really hurts you Gina what are you going to do about it?
Daniel, you know which shoe Milly ate me with at the leaving ceremony, well, now about that. humiliate yourself humiliate yourself you know why don't you pick on someone your size obviously you're taller than me yeah you're right I mean I'm surprised no one noticed that yeah and your eyes are a lot bigger than him mine, that's true, that's true, they look a little different, don't they? How is it possible that people confuse us? That's not even close and I have all these people bothering me because of you, they all think I'm the pz9. hacker, what's everyone thinking, I'm Justin, well, we're going to sell this right now, yeah, yeah, just to show them what you've got.
What am I supposed to be impressed with, yeah? Oh, big scary gun deal, why not? just fight me with your hands oh he's a wise guy eh maybe I'd rather fight with my feet yeah very good moves too thanks Louie just said this isn't your fight with me and he would have been dealing with this guy pv9 for a long time. Okay, he look, this whole thing has gotten out of control, okay, it's about the dough. Great, you want the masks here, look, I'll give you the masks, give me my phone, okay, oh, you mean this one I've been fooling around with. despite the ninjas with all this time, it was you all this time doing that, yeah, well we don't even look anything alike, I don't know how they fell for it, so give me the phone without a mask first, first, all right , at the same time. ready time, no mask first, not fair, you have to play fair, okay, so you'll probably sweat all over.
I'm going to spit on this if you don't swap at the same time, I'll lick your phone. No, stop doing that right now, you guys are too similar. I see why people confused them. There we go now, let's get out of here. Yeah, come on, it was good. Ethan, Justin and I are not that similar. Yes you're right. They are very similar, yes, are you sure they are not working together? Justin, guys, first of all, I don't think we're that similar, but if you really need me to clear my name once and for all, let's do one of your dumb little lies. -The detector tests are fine, yes, then we will know for sure and we can leave this alone.
That's right, spy ninjas. We'll be giving Justin a lie detector test in our next video, so be sure to subscribe to chat. to Regina to Daniel and watch this video right here and I'll see you at the lie detector test next time. Oh

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