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Carl the Super Truck and the Ice Cream Truck in Car City, Trucks Cartoon for kids

Jun 09, 2024
of you know it, well. I'm sure you can find a perfect place for Edgar, Baby Amber's birthday, the castle is ready, team, great job, the castle looks great, surprise, Baby Amber, happy birthday, so do you like your gift birthday? Impressive, we are very happy that you like it. Well done, everyone sees it. we can do anything when we work as a team thanks again for your help hector see you later see you next time hi tyler how are you vahoy ok i got it charlie ethan edgar tyler needs your help with a construction job do you want to know about the project? okay tyler what's our mission today ooh a new ball pit for fun on the playground we will do it tyler but you have to promise you will never be bad again let's go to the team so this is a tough project guys you're going to have to work together as a team to make this happen.
carl the super truck and the ice cream truck in car city trucks cartoon for kids
Well, this is what you have to do. Team, step one. Dig a square hole in the ground. at the entrance of the slide step two build a wall inside the hole step three fill the hole with balls okay Edgar first we have to dig our hole let's see what you can do hmm okay Edgar good job now Edgar and Ethan , can you clean up the dirt, good teamwork, guys, this looks great, now we need to build the walls of the well, look at all these construction materials, what should we use for our project? The rope will not be strong enough for this project and what else might work.
carl the super truck and the ice cream truck in car city trucks cartoon for kids

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carl the super truck and the ice cream truck in car city trucks cartoon for kids...

The cement will also take a long time to place charlie, you are right Edgar, these plastic blocks are just what we need and the hem at the top will allow us to get out of the hole. Great idea Edgar can you place these plastic blocks around the hole to hold the ball pit okay Charlie looks good come take a look Edgar great teamwork guys look what you did , this is amazing, excellent, the ball pit is really taking shape now we just need to add the balls, oh my goodness team, how could we have forgotten about the balls?
carl the super truck and the ice cream truck in car city trucks cartoon for kids
Let's call Hector the helicopter. I bet he can bring us something from Hector. We need your help. Can you bring the construction team some colored balls? Oh, well, you have something. Hello, Hector, we need those balls to finish our mission. Can you pour them into it? Well, darling, quick, push the balls into the hole before they roll away Edgar Charlie Ethan, can you help him? Thank you very much, team, amazing, the ball pit is finished. Hi Tyler, what do you think of the new ball pit? Do not forget. I promise not to be bad again. Well done everyone, Tyler will never be bad again and this mission is complete.
carl the super truck and the ice cream truck in car city trucks cartoon for kids
Look, we can do anything when we work as a team and thank you very much for your help. Hector, see you later. See you next time. Hi Carl, you look very serious today. What's happening? Oh, you're going to see Tom Tom. Hi Tom, are you there? Good morning and welcome to the painting workshop. Everyone Tom Carl wants to look like Batman. Can you do that? Yes, Tom, let's start with him. gray paint what's next tom you are right we will use the big brush and the yellow paint that is a big yellow belt tom what's up tom a cool bat and a mask batman thank you very much tom see you next time

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