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Police car for kids - The Ghost scaring the babies in Car City Special HALLOWEEN - Car City !

May 31, 2021
the patrol car hello


having fun tonight what's up? This is a




run, this is the phone to call the car patrol and here come the baby cars, let's call the car patrol babies and only they can save us from this. matt frank hector car


needs you there's a


haunting the playground make a joke no matt absolutely not this is not a joke there was a ghost what guys this is so dark here oh no it's the ghost you're right matt there's no need to Let's panic, let's stop this ghost, this is a perfect plan, Matt Hector, you will fly all over the


trying to detect the ghost.
police car for kids   the ghost scaring the babies in car city special halloween   car city
Once you do, you will call Matt and Frank and they will join you, Frank, once Hector spots the ghost. I'll drive behind him and chase him, then Matt will drive faster and betray the ghost at the end of the road. Patrol car, get ready, go there, this is Hector, Matt, Frank, Hector found the ghost, now you can go after him and catch him, this is it. it's not a ghost this is charlie matt stop this is not a ghost this is charlie charlie charlie break now of course guys this is


charlie was wearing a costume well friends, i think it's time for you to enjoy tonight and start collecting candy, good night friends, see You, next time the car patrols the busy night, huh, how good, the city feels so peaceful to me.
police car for kids   the ghost scaring the babies in car city special halloween   car city

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police car for kids the ghost scaring the babies in car city special halloween car city...

It seems like all the troublemakers are sleeping. someone crying oh okay hmm let's wake up gary the garbage truck he might know something hey gary sorry to bother you but did you hear someone crying oh okay nothing here let's check that street that's susie the pink car hey susie what are you doing? Here, what's going on? Oh, the lights don't work and you're afraid of the dark. I understand we can't see much. It's okay here, Susie, you're in good hands, but you can use your headlights. Oh, the headlights are broken, no wonder. You were afraid, don't worry.
police car for kids   the ghost scaring the babies in car city special halloween   car city
Susie Matt will get you home safely. Hi Matt, where are you going? I understand. Frank is just two blocks away. He will be able to hear you. Hello friend, we need your help. Susie needs to go home, but she. The headlights are broken and the street is too dark for her. Could you help us? Frank. Thank you. Frank. Could you walk Susie back home? Do not worry. Suzy Matt and Frank, do you have it covered? Did you hear that noise where it comes from? Look at that shadow. looks like a scary monster hmm, should we turn around?
police car for kids   the ghost scaring the babies in car city special halloween   car city
Oh, that's Billy the bulldozer, he's sleeping driving. Hey, Billy, wake up, wake up, Billy, Billy. Can you tell us how to get back to the city center? The incredible Billy. Thank you very much and please don't do it. drive when you're asleep bye billy see you later susie you've made it to a safe place bye susie and don't forget to fix your headlights first thing tomorrow morning matt frank see you next time bye patrol car hello flaccid that's it you're carrying a heavy load are you Are you sure it is safe to cross the bridge? it may not be strong enough limp looks like that heavy load was too much for the bridge and now flavi is stuck we better ask matt and frank to come and help guys we need you to come to the bridge it collapsed when Flabby, the flatbed truck tried to transport a heavy load across it and now it's stuck and Charlie the crane can't cross the bridge either, don't worry flavi matt and frank are here now and it looks like they have a rescue plan hmm, It won't be long until you're safe now limp oh dear it looks limp it's too heavy for matt and frank hmm have you had an idea frank of course you should remove it? some of the heavy things that Flabby is carrying and then tries to get her off the bridge, but how cool you think mm-hmm, can you do that?
Charlie Easy does it one, two, three, four five, that should make it a lot easier for Matt and Frank to pull Flabby. outside the broken bridge wait a minute maybe you can use the material flavi was carrying to build a new bridge charlie do you think you could do that yet no charlie first you need to put the blocks in place? That's right, first put the blocks in place. Now it's time to place the metal sheets across the blocks. Well done, Charlie. You have made a new bridge. Good team work. Everyone is safe again. There is now a new bridge in its place until the old one is fixed.
See you next time the patrol car arrives. the patrol car the city is safe with Matt and Frank keeping an eye on things Frank seems to be warning Matt about something oh there's a brick in the road and now Matt has a flat tire and won't be able to patrol the city with a flat Tire Frank maybe You can use your hook to take Matt to the crane garage. Hey guys, aren't you forgetting something? They should remove that brick so no one else gets a flat tire. Great, that's strange. Tom has many clients today and everyone.
It looks like they have flat tires just like Matt. It looks like they could have walked over the bricks and been damaged as well. Let's hope Tom can fix Matt up quickly so he and Frank can start investigating. Sorry to disturb you. Tom, you look very busy today, but Matt really needs it. With your help, he ran over a brick that was left in the road and now he has a flat tire, Matt and Frank need to find out who is behind this and stop him as soon as possible. Is there any chance you can fix it below?
Come in now Matt, that's it, take it easy, now it's time to put a new tire on. Thank you so much for fixing Matt quickly. Tom and thanks to all of you in line too. Now Matt and Frank can go and find out who's been playing. all those bricks in the road hey there's ben the tractor maybe he knows something about bricks maybe you should go and ask him ben doesn't know anything about the mysterious bricks but he gave you a clue ben is waiting for flavy the flatbed truck and Edgar was given some bricks by the excavator to build a wall.
I think you've discovered something. Let's go look for them. Thanks for the information. Ben, there are Flavie and Edgar, but they don't have any bricks to take to Ben. Maybe they dropped it. them on the city roads, let's ask them someone stole the bricks, don't worry guys, Matt and Frank will find the thief. Wow, that was close. It seems that whoever stole Flavy and Edgar's bricks deliberately planted them around Car City, but who would do such a thing? Oh I should have known, it's Tyler Tyke, he's usually up to no good, you've been caught Tyler, we know you were the one who stole Flavian Edgar's bricks and scattered them around the city.
It might have been fun for you, but it hasn't been fun. to anyone else, good idea, Matt Tyler needs to learn his lesson, maybe I should make him pick up all those bricks and return them to Flavian Edgar Frank. He's absolutely right, Tyler. He should also help the construction team repair damage to the roads. Good job guys, now Car City is safe again and Flavia and Edgar will get their bricks back, which means Ben will finally build his wall, hmm.

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