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Car Patrol - Special Avengers - Avengers save Jeremy - Car City ! Police Cars and fire Trucks

Jun 02, 2021


car hello


, how are you today? Oh, what was it that's getting louder? oh, it's Hulk, oh, what are you going to do? Good idea, the


car will help you, uh, oh no, you can't answer the phone, uh, Matt, Hulk. is attacking Jeremy's house, can you help? What are you going to do? Hey, I never noticed that button before, it just says emergencies. Wow, what does that do? Man, it's just that you, um, Frank, Captain America needs your help. Hulk is attacking Jeremy's house. Wait, Jeremy, you have to go up to the roof. Your house is very cracked.
car patrol   special avengers   avengers save jeremy   car city police cars and fire trucks
Look, the Hulk has chased Captain America. It is now safe to save Jeremy. Good thinking, Frank, you can hold the house while Hector saves Jeremy from the roof. Good job, Hector, good idea, Hector. I think you'll need to fix up Jeremy's house. Wow, it's Spider-Man and Iron Man, it's the Avengers and look, you've caught the Hulk, it's no use, Hulk, you can't beat them all, do you have an idea? Spiderman, be careful. load wait what happened i see a great idea spidey you caught him in your net oh now hulk you have been a very naughty boy you could have hurt


marley is it you i think you owe jeremy an apology you almost knocked down his house hello hector do You have some cement to fix the cracks, hey Jeremy, I think Marley has something he'd like to tell you, that's nice Marley, you can help fix what you broke and maybe next time you turn into the Hulk you should stay out of town . great job frank and hector and thanks to the


for stopping hulk see you soon car patrol hey there's susie she looks like she's having fun there on the forest road oh no the wind has blown down a tree susie are you hurt?
car patrol   special avengers   avengers save jeremy   car city police cars and fire trucks

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car patrol special avengers avengers save jeremy car city police cars and fire trucks...

That tree hit you in the back we have to take you to the hospital and get this trunk off let's call the car patrol hello frank susie here is in trouble she needs your help matt could you go get amber frank? could you come with me? come on guys, come on here's susie man and frank are here to help thank you frank, let's wait for amber now don't worry suzy matt went to ask amber for the ambulance to come help here she is the lights turn green now you can come in susie If you take it easy, get in the ambulance.
car patrol   special avengers   avengers save jeremy   car city police cars and fire trucks
Great, we're at the hospital. Poor Susie, your head must hurt so bad, but Amber will take care of you now. I guess we should clean that wound now. Amber, ready, Susie, close your eyes, it's okay. suzy amber has some cotton you will soon be clean and dry oh, that's what tickles susie, let's put a bandage on you now suzy, there it's all settled, that makes you feel better, susie looks like you're ready to go , so Susie still hasn't done it. look happy she amber do you want to make susie smile again okay let's see what we can find it must be someone in car


that can help us hey look amber it's matt the


car and he has some balloons it looks like matt is giving amber balloons thanks matt son for susie amber has something else for you susie don't worry there's no water to spray on you this time you can open your eyes it's great to see you smiling again susie good job amber it's time for amber to get back from the hospital bye amber and thank you car patrol here the patrol car is coming the


is safe with matt and frank keeping an eye on things frank seems to be warning matt about something oh there's a brick in the road and now matt has a flat tire that he won You won't be able to patrol the city with a flat tire, frank , maybe you can use your grappling hook to get Matt to the crane garage.
car patrol   special avengers   avengers save jeremy   car city police cars and fire trucks
Hey guys, aren't you forgetting something? They should remove that brick so no one else gets a flat tire. Great, that's it. Strange Tom has a lot of customers today and they all seem to have flat tires like crazy. It looks like they could have walked over the bricks and been damaged as well. Let's hope Tom can fix Matt quickly so he and Frank can start investigating. Sorry for bothering. Tom, you seem very busy today, but Matt really needs your help. He ran over a brick that was left in the road and now has a puncture. Matt and Frank need to find out who is behind this and put an end to it as soon as possible.
Is there any chance you can fix it below? You can come in now, Matt. That's right, take it easy. Now is the time to put a new tire on it. Thank you so much for fixing Matt quickly. Tom and thanks to everyone in line too. Matt and Frank can go and find out who's been putting all those bricks in the road. Hey, here's Ben the tractor. Maybe he knows something about bricks. Maybe you should go and ask him. Ben doesn't know anything about the mysterious bricks, but he gave them to you. A Clue Ben is waiting for Flavy the flatbed truck and Edgar the excavator to deliver him some bricks so he can build a wall.
I think you have discovered something, let's go find them, thanks for the information, ben, there are flavy and edgar, but they don't. I don't have any bricks to bring to Ben, maybe they dropped them on the city roads, let's ask them, someone stole the bricks, don't worry guys, Matt and Frank will find the thief. Wow, that was close. It seems that whoever stole Flavie and Edgar's bricks on purpose. he planted them around Car City, but who would do such a thing? Oh, I should have known he's Tyler Tyke, he's usually up to no good. They've caught you, Tyler, we know you were the one who stole Flavian Edgar's bricks and scattered them around the city.
It's been fun for you, but it hasn't been fun for anyone else. Good idea. Matt Tyler needs to learn his lesson. Maybe I should make him pick up all those bricks and return them to Flavian Edgar Frank. He has all the reason. Tyler, you should help with the construction. The team also fixed damage to the roads. You guys did a great job. Now Car City is safe again and Flavy and Edgar will get their bricks back, which means Ben will finally build his wall. The car patrol. Oh, hello babies, you're having fun tonight. What is it? uh this is a ghost race babies run this is the phone to call the car patrol and here come the baby


let's call the car patrol babies and only they can save us from this Matt Frank Hector Car City needs you, there's a ghost haunting the playground hey, okay, joke, no, mate, not at all, this is not a joke, there was a ghost, guys, this is so dark, oh no, it's the ghost, You're right, mate, no need to panic, let's stop this ghost, this is perfect. plan Matt Hector you will fly all over the car city trying to spot the ghost, once you do you will call Matt and Frank and they will join you Frank once Hector spot the ghost you will drive behind him and you'll chase him, then Matt will drive. faster and double cross the ghost at the end of the road patrol


get ready go there he is hector matt frank hector found the ghost now you can go after him and catch him he is not a ghost this is charlie matt stop this is not a ghost this is charlie charlie charlie rest now of course guys this is halloween charlie was wearing a costume well friends, I think it's time for you to enjoy tonight and collect candy good night friends, see you next time the car patrol hello tom hello Baby Tom looks like you two were enjoying a fun weekend camping trip where you were toasting marshmallows, it looks delicious, you've had a full day outdoors, guys, are you going to bed soon?
Baby Tom wants to relax by the


a little more, oh boy, it's getting very windy, be careful, baby Tom, the


has spread, get away from the campfire quickly, Tom, wake up, the campfire has spread and It's moving towards your tent, don't worry Tom, we'll get you out of there, come on baby Tom, let's call the car. Patrol for help Hey guys, there was a fire at the campsite where Tom and Baby Tom are camping and Tom is trapped in his tent. Can help us? Great, let's go abroad, hurry up, follow Hector, he will guide you to the camp following the smoke of The Fire, don't worry, baby Tom, the patrol car is here, you better stay away, you should always stay away from the fire , it's very dangerous, Matt, how are you going to get Tom out of the store if the flames are so high?
Great idea, Matt, you could. Move the tent away from the fire and try to get Tom out. Now let's see what the problem is with that zipper. The tent and zipper have started to melt. That's why Tom can't go out. Matt suggests using a small screwdriver if he has one. the tent with you if you make a hole in the tent we can tear it to get you out good idea buddy great job tom you're free you were very brave baby tom good job calling the patrol car there the fire was completely out thank you to Frank, thanks, patrol car Tom and Baby Tom are safe and can go home to their garage tonight, maybe you can save the campfires and the marshmallows for a day when it's not so windy, guys, bye everyone , until the next patrol car, hello Frank, happy birthday, what's up? bad, you can't find anyone to celebrate with, dear, I'm sure they're around here somewhere hmm, those speeding drivers need to be stopped, that's a great idea, frank, your friends in the car patrol They could help you catch them.
Hey guys, frank needs your help to catch some high speeding cars, okay let's go abroad, uh, we're almost there, hey Hector, can you spot the high speeding cars from the sky? They are fast there, catch them, so hurry up Matt, use your booster power. Oh no, they ran away, Frank, can you stop them? Bring it, come on guys, don't let them escape, why are they stopping at the playground? Frank, it's a surprise birthday party just for you. Hector and Matt, did you help plan the party too? They are such good friends, happy birthday Frank, goodbye everyone. soon guys, follow us on our great adventures by clicking on more videos, download our app to play with your favorite friends, thank you for traveling with us, I hope you liked our video, click here to subscribe and join the Car family City, see you on the road.

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