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Apr 16, 2024
we're cooking now we're cooking right, oh we can barely make it to the Magus perfectus Magus, is it Magus or Magus or Mages? Okay, we're actually doing pretty well on the face, we're doing well. I don't want to level this guy up yet until oh he doesn't have natural camouflage detector. I literally have to buy Monkey Sense from them so you can see it. It is funny. Yeah, he's getting some. They won't like him. Get any number of pots. I'm not doing anything, but there are no extra rounds spawning now, which seems a little strange to me, like something is a little strange about that, okay, I think I'll update it, it will be such a thing, it's literally just a level one, but man, he has no obstacles, he's doing his best, okay though, we were able to defeat them slowly but surely, we're making good progress, it barely feels like we're only around 40.
can i beat sandbox mode
I'm out of money. I'm literally out of money now it's going to be tough, it's going to be tough, okay, now we're in Round 59. I think we're going to have to face another boss. I have no idea who he will be, but he hopes. 60 and there was no boss, oh it's round 61. another scary balloon. I fear it, I fear it immensely, but we have a pretty good variety of similar towers and stuff, so I think we'll do fine. 30 million pop, 45 million Bots already. Holy cow, this is intense, okay, I think we already broke through one of the layers of them, oh no, it's running late, oh my god, the balloons are so tanky, oh, it's round 63, so it's literally like the 63rd round which has one thousand percent HP. crazy okay can we use uh oh oh man that round 63 hurts my soul yeah I don't know which would have been the best hero to pick?
can i beat sandbox mode

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can i beat sandbox mode...

I don't know if it was Gwendolyn, it would be really cool if there was a hero. That was like the only purpose was to buff Paragons as an ultra late game hero that is pretty useless in the early game, but drastically increases Paragon support, we're actually doing well. Against the Dread balloon, it's like he's now immune to magic, but that's okay because I think our big boy hitting 67 million is the boomerang monkey, the best Paragon right now. I feel like the crazy 70 million boomerang monkey pops like the Ace monkey is a higher grade Paragon, he is almost 30 years old. this guy's only 12. and he's crushing it, he's got an insane amount of pops and this guy has the buccaneer monkey drive, they're literally helping each other get over the fear, friends, the fear, the balloon, come on, there's only two left bosses more.
can i beat sandbox mode
I'm very happy. that we have the monkey here to grab the moabs because the moabs are actually as tanky as looking at how many balloons there are, it's like looking at how many pops he's getting hundreds of thousands 86 million 39 us We're only on round 79. It looks like we could really lose to the normal balloons, look how far they're going and we're only on round 79, what's round 95 or 97 going to look like, right? Like I have no idea what the bomb zone is, let's place the bombs so they're like this Elite Vortex oh this one, I'm not looking forward to the Elite Vortex is something I'm not looking forward to oh come on, come on, come on, stir 'em up . okay, there's one, there's one case where they pushed him back, I don't know how many HP bars he has, oh my god, okay, keep hitting them back, keep hitting them back, come on, come on, come on, come on, Come on, oh, he's taking damage.
can i beat sandbox mode
Okay, we push it back again, luckily we have monkey Ace with a hundred oh, monkey Ace is like he jumped on the plate now he's getting a lot more Pops, come on, magician monkey has seriously disappointed me for the last time 18 million . Pops isn't bad at all, although I think we'll be able to get the vortex out. I think we could get it out. He keeps moving forward, keeps moving forward, but I'm not going to let him stay with him, ah. yeah, you gotta let him do this to me, come on, come on, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die. beyond what I want you to accept we've defeated the boss okay we're on round 94 and there's an insane amount of balloons this is where I think the mage really comes into play if we can get him out in time like we can get this ability, come on oh my gosh there are so many balloons happening right now okay wizard okay we barely made it through that wait wait nevermind we're not done yet Bob um oh that's so nice be able to do it. i have that, yeah i only have 16,000 so i can't really do much around 95. oh no the DDT Rush, the dreaded DDT Rush, holy guacamole, that's a lot, it's like an oh look how many ddts there are, oh my god no I don't know if we can really argue that the ddts are there and they're still coming, they're literally still coming, come on, come on, come on, uh, I have 31,000 and I have no idea how best to try to use them. . these 30 what I can't even buy like a T4 with thirty thousand dollars.
I use all these skills, there are so many that I may have to sell the


l magician. I think that might be the only option I have for selling. I'm going to say that the one being sold is the worst, of course, yes, without a doubt, okay, now we have three million dollars, three million dollars, how do we deal with the ddts? I know this sounds crazy, but just get things that can slow them down. I think it's going to be really nice, so radar scanner let's get the ice monkey, let's get absolute zero, bigger radius and freeze again, let's get glue, Gunner, let's get some great glue, bigger balloons and splatters of glue, okay, let's get Ninja, okay, let's get the Great Saboteur, that will be important.
I'm pretty sure the SAR bomb isn't worth it but I'll try it anyway, I mean the Inferno ring which might be an idea uh oh I'm pretty sure the Blitz bomb because the Balloon Crush stuns the balloons , so reload the missile launcher faster, uh, I mean the sniper. For example, let's just throw everything that has a chance at it, oh this may not be a great idea, but let's try capacity and preemptive strike first, that could be great. We have 1.6 million dollars, so let's try. I'm going to get technology. Horror and Ultra Vision because that pushes the balloons back, what else is there, anything else?
Oh, and then we can have a super storm that's not a super storm, super storm, okay and now I guess it's like a Ray of Doom back to the old Ray of Doom just for a little more. Drilling damage, okay, we have two hundred thousand dollars, not much, but let's see if this really makes a difference and now we just have skills that can help, like we can slow them down, we can try to give ourselves a break. here, okay, come on, sarbamba, okay, they're passing, look we're, they're actually dealing with it now because we can stun them and slow them down, prevent the attack, push them all back now that they're all there. lined up, freeze them well, okay, are we dealing with that?
I use most of our abilities. I think we got it guys, I think we got it, holy cow, we figured it out. Look at those 10 million bursts on the big Saboteur. 10 million jumps. Infernal ring. Yes, Great Saboteur, very good skill, very good skill, but anti-balloon gunner, 11 million pops in an anti-balloon gutter, wait in the house, Tsar Bomba, three million Bops, yes, have only these towers of base is much better than hair, slow them all down, what will it be? ah you know what might be really good is pop because pop and weird likes global damage like global damage does, there we go 96 big damage, look we're doing big damage now, okay, one time we have a big avalanche I want to try to blow it up, how's this?
Yeah, a million pops, okay, so let's see what's okay, let's see what makes everything pop when we use it. Exploding is definitely not as good as I expected, that's pretty bad, actually, Tsar Bomba, though. on the other hand very good everything well rounded 97 look at this 15 the ninja monkey almost has as many pops as the wizard how crazy is that 170,000 what is a crazy tower that can help us with this nothing that occurs to me I mean unless Hey, let's take the Spirit of the forest. I have a feeling about the Forest Spirit. Okay, sarvamba, oh man, that's a lot of balloons.
Push them back. Big bombs. How's this guy doing? 51 000. He's not that crazy, but he's still very strong. There are so many balloons. I need I need a skill I'll cool down like seven days ago like now oh my god I just took the skill off the cooldown I'm going to pop Stone all the balloons come on please it's so close oh my god we're losing lives look at this, they're right there at the final. I just lost twenty thousand, no, it's very difficult, okay, it can be done right now. I use the Saboteur balloon to slow them all down.
How many boxes of our Ray of Doom have seven million bursts? Doom's ray oh man that's crazy oh man that's so many balloons like there are so many it's crazy how many balloons there are okay three million okay the monkey The Subs aren't doing as well as I expected oh this like that's so many balloons I just don't know what the best option is here, okay, blow up the vines. Okay, freeze, what's it like? A million pops, that's not bad at all, oh man, there are so many balloons in here. SAR bomb again please, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. oh no oh no no no no no don't freeze it again oh please oh please I think we're taking it as a little break I think we're okay we're hanging in there it's running out like I have Gwen I'm just desperately using all the skills I can oh my god i think it's getting clear oh my god i think we could have gotten through this oh my god we're on round 99 now holy cow oh no this oh no the iddts ford oh , wait, wait, just grab it, wait, why is there more?
It's so fast, catch it. Oh my god, why are there like 70 million of these vads? Okay, same as no, wait, no, I did it accidentally, no, I pressed some button, there are like 140, there are 100. v80s and the blue one there is a shot of its own, oh my God, holy cow, what is happening? No chance, no chance, that was the craziest challenge ever. No chance guys, no chance guys, thanks for watching if you want to see me, try again. Hit the like button, see you later.

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