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Buster's Wobbly Tooth | Go Buster | Baby Cartoons | Kids Videos | ABCs and 123s

Jun 04, 2021


just needs to help him explore out of the pond look bandit now he's trapped oh it was all just a dream i don't think the teacher is very happy look it's jessie the jeep she has a cake wow that looks delicious but here comes the bus bandits he looks naughty oh no, he's eating jesse's cake that's not fair poor jessie there's a


the bus and there's a bandit driving too fast look buster has gone to play with the scout who gave him a soccer ball as present look at the explorer go and see that digly is building a colorful tower but here comes the bandit i wonder what that horrible thug is up to oh no, he has knocked down digly's tower the bandit is a threat, oh, has he seen the explorers To fall as a bandit is to steal the ball for yourself, which a bully wants to do.
buster s wobbly tooth go buster baby cartoons kids videos abcs and 123s
Something, the poor scout is really upset. Buster wants to help his friend. He will confront Bandit and make him return the ball. I don't think Bandit listens to Buster. Instead, he will bully you. It's not fair, but wait, Jesse. standing next to buster scout is also here to help everyone is sick of the bandit being a bully there is otis the police car enjoying an ice cream oops the bandit has backed away towards otis otis looks angry serves forbidden it is okay to be mean to everyone now buster scout and jesse can play soccer in peace hello buster, you look messy today, it's so much fun playing in the mud puddles, come on buster, it's time to go to the car wash, you'll be completely clean again in no time , Hi, Tony. truck, screaming, broke the power cord, oh no, the car wash is off and Buster is stuck inside, quick, Scout Buster needs your help, he's really stuck, maybe if you give him a push, ah, no good , it won't move.
buster s wobbly tooth go buster baby cartoons kids videos abcs and 123s

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buster s wobbly tooth go buster baby cartoons kids videos abcs and 123s...

Okay, Buster Scout is going to get help, be brave, wow, here comes Scout and she brought Ashley the fire truck. Amber, the ambulance and Otis, the police car, with her. He'll be fine. Now, Buster, the emergency vehicles are here to help. I think Ashley has a plan, grab that rope breaker, they're going to drag you free all together, now everyone, as hard as you can, come on everyone, what's this scout, he saw the plug that broke, maybe If you plug it back in, yes, the car wash is back. on and buster is free oh thank God for that good teamwork everyone hello buster that is a very nice shark poster the one you have there oh buster looks very tired I wonder what he is dreaming about what is this Finn's coral oh wow buster I think You're under the sea, look Buster, go to the ocean, it's your new playground, isn't it beautiful?
buster s wobbly tooth go buster baby cartoons kids videos abcs and 123s
Ahead, Buster jumps into the sky. It's so funny, wait, what is it? It's a huge fish. It's a huge fish. Hide quickly. Oh look, it's not big at all. It's small, it's okay, Buster, there's nothing to worry about, but what is this? It's a shark hoax, look at all those sharp teeth, Hide Buster, let it go, oh, no Buster has circled around the little fish and He now heads straight for the shark, the charade which the shark seems very interested in pulling off. friends, but it seems like everyone is afraid of him, quick, little fish, hide next to buster, wait a minute, the shark looks sad, very sad, you know, buster, I think that charade is lonely, he was just being friendly, no He has friends, that's right, buster.
buster s wobbly tooth go buster baby cartoons kids videos abcs and 123s
Go and say hello. Look, he just wants someone to play with. Buster and Sham are having a lot of fun. The ocean is a great place to play chase and make new friends. Look at these. Oh. Oh, Buster is waking up. It was just a dream. You don't have fins now, Buster, you're back to being a plus, what a beautiful underwater adventure it is, he breaks his ass, he looks very happy, doesn't he? But oh no, it started raining and there's some scary thunder and lightning, uh oh. it's a storm oh watch out for scout buster oh dear buster he's so afraid of the storm he's left scout behind in the rain and now his wheel is stuck in the puddle the lightning is everywhere now ugh buster is safe and sound in the garage, but what?
About the scout look, he has seen the scout, she is really stuck in that puddle, will Buster be brave enough to go and help her scout? It's so bright and scary, yay, go, buster, he looks very determined to help explore, now a quick push should do the trick, yay, the explorer's free look, how happy he is, it's well done, buster, the thunder is still very strong, although, oh, but look, buster has overcome his fear. and scout happily return to the garage to protect themselves from the rain that thunder made them both jump bye bye bye scout hello buster that flower is very pretty what a sunny day it is buster is very happy today and look there nice juicy red apple you better hurry up , or you will be late for school, the lesson has already started quickly, dear, I don't think the teacher will be very happy with you being late, you better pay attention now to the lesson, it seems that today I'm going to have to drive through of the cones, here comes Robin, pay attention, Buster, don't get distracted, geez, the teacher doesn't look happy at all, it's time to go through the cones.
The orange bus goes first, slow and steady, that's all. The teacher seems pleased now it's your turn, good luck, slow down, you're knocking down the cones, try to stay inside the cones, oh dear, that's not what they told you to do, that'll teach you to go too fast, the teacher is very disappointed. It's the end of school time so everyone can go home. I think Buster is sad because he didn't do what he was told in the lesson. Maybe he should go and ask the teacher for forgiveness. The teacher looks very tired. It have been a long day.
I think she could use some encouragement now too, what could you do with the apple? Great thought Buster, you are very kind and have encouraged the teacher, come on Buster, this time you can do it slow and steady, that's right, you are concentrating. and you're doing great, buddy, you did it, good job buddy, well done, oh, no bus bandit is robbing the candy store, stop the thief, it's otis, the police car, he's come to investigate the case of the stolen candy bandit bus, he went in that direction, otis, not me. I don't think Otis saw the abandoned bus get away, great idea, Otis, follow the candy trail.
I think we know who it will lead to. He is an arrested thief. Look at Otis, some more clues. Follow the trail. Wow, the bandit bus is dropping a lot of candy. It's okay, Buster. Oh I don't think candy is for you Buster loves candy Oh dear the candy trail has led straight to Buster the bus Otis must think Buster is the thing You've made a mistake Otis Buster is innocent Poor Buster What are you? what I'm going to do otis is put buster in jail oh buster oh here comes scout maybe scout can help buster get out of jail you have to help buster scout prove that he is innocent that's right scout follow the trail of the sweets to find the real scout thief who is the detective in the cape there is the ringed bus caught red-handed stealing from the toy store you are going to get off this time bandit bus stop right there in the name of the law you are under arrest It's time to fix things and get Buster out of jail, come out, Buster, you're innocent and come in, bandit, thanks, explorer, you're a great detective, if it weren't for you, Buster would still be locked up, I'm sorry, bandit, but you you deserved it. law well done otis goodbye bandit you

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