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Buster Gets Sick - Wash Your Hands - Go Buster | Kids Stories

May 30, 2021
there's Buster and Scout, they're having so much fun playing in all the mud puddles, but oh no, poor scout is feeling a little


. Oh, okay, you can play together again tomorrow. Now Buster comes in and


a snack, but, my God, he's not


ed. his muddy wheels before he ate that apple that isn't very clean and left muddy tire tracks everywhere the next morning mom comes to wake up


but oh no


doesn't look good at all poor buster whoa he has a temperature he'll have to check Stay home today to get better, now is the time to take medicine.
buster gets sick   wash your hands   go buster kids stories
Buster doesn't like the way he looks, but Mom knows she'll help him get better. That wasn't so bad. Now Buster just has to get some rest the next morning. he feels much better the scouts also feel better they can go out and play again, but wait, mom says they have to




first so they don't get


again. Good job everyone, wait, mom has another idea. They can also use these masks so you don't get sick there now, Buster and Scout are ready to play outside safely, they are very happy now that they feel better again.
buster gets sick   wash your hands   go buster kids stories

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buster gets sick wash your hands go buster kids stories...

It's a new day and it's time for Buster to go to school. There is a place they can go. together to school they are going to run to school whoosh I wonder who will be faster whoa there is a duckling on the road I should be more careful there is a mother duck who is trying to cross the street with her ducklings but be careful here comes terry comes the teacher also oh no ugh thanks to digly and buster the duck family can cross the road safely oh they are going to swim in that pond uh-oh that duckling is walking back to the road good job buster now the ducks are coming back over the road , Buster and Digly are helping them cross safely.
buster gets sick   wash your hands   go buster kids stories
Mother duck is crossing very well done. Everyone to help, but Terry and the teacher want to move or they will be late. Wait a minute. I think Buster has an idea. What are they doing? With those paintings, white lines and some signs, it is a duck crossing, now the duck family could cross the road safely whenever they want. Hey, there's the teacher again, he's telling them to hurry up. The


better get to school or they'll be late. Good job. everyone, buster and digly, are having a lot of fun playing with that remote control car, vroom, look at it, look, there's mommy, she comes to tell them that lunch is ready and reminds buster to put away her toys.
buster gets sick   wash your hands   go buster kids stories
Buster is putting the controller away, but looks at the car. It's still outside, now Buster and Digly are back to continue playing, but oh no, they can't see the toy car anywhere it could be. Could it be in the toy box? No, maybe it's in the dumpster, no, maybe it's buried under the fall. he leaves, he must be here somewhere, wait, I think Buster has an idea, if they use the control, listen to the car engine, where is the noise coming from under that pile of leaves? Hooray, they found the toy car, but wait, now the controller is missing, where did it go?
Oh. There it is, Buster is now digly and Buster can have fun playing with his remote control car again, but this time he will remember to put his toys back in the toy box when he is done with them. Good job, buster and his friends. They're out trick-or-treating for Halloween Buster has a lot of tasty candy in his bucket Grandpa reminds Buster that he shouldn't eat too much candy at once Now Buster is in his room but now no one is looking at him, he's eating all the candy himself Can you touch that really hurts oh no, buster has a wobbly tooth huh, that's really scary mom has come to get buster it's time for dinner but he's hiding his wobbly tooth I don't think he wants anyone to know that dinner is ready many tasty vegetables but buster no I don't want to eat mommy realizes that something has bothered buster she is showing him her wobbly tooth oh grandpa knows what to do he tells buster to take a bite of that sweet corn look he dropped his tooth tooth to buster that wasn't so bad buster feels much better now it's time to go to bed mom tells Buster to put the tooth under the pillow while he sleeps the Tooth Fairy will come pick it up.
Buster wakes up the next morning and boy, a big gold star Buster will wear it with pride now that he knows it. There's nothing to worry about with a wobbly tooth buster and mom is decorating the house for Halloween, but she looks, they still need a pumpkin. It looks like there are pumpkins for sale. This way, Buster and Grandpa will go look for one. So many pumpkins to choose from! wants this big one now grandpa is going to carve a face on the pumpkin and turn it into a pumpkin eyes a mouth and a nose but what is the buster scene? a sheet hmm oh buster pretended to be a ghost and scared grandpa but now the pumpkin is moving away oh no he's rolling towards the road ugh he just lost it fast buster and grandpa is chasing the runaway pumpkin buster , he almost got it, oops, there's diggly building a wall, oh boy, the pumpkin scared him now he's walking away again, there's no time to stop and play, they have to keep chasing him, poor grandpa is out of breath, it's his turn Buster catch the pumpkin quick, he's heading to that pond, buster is jumping, well done buster, he rolled right into place outside the front door, phew, that was it! lucky mom looks very happy, good job, buster and grandpa, it's a bright new morning and buster looks so excited that today is digly's birthday, buster can't wait to go to the party, buster eats breakfast as fast as he can, He is an explorer, she has digly's gift ready. and concluded that exciting oh no, buster accidentally ran over the present is flat as a pancake poor buster it was just an accident but wait I think buster has an idea look the explorer is grabbing that old cardboard box and buster is grabbing that plate of sweets, hey, there's the wooden stick too and the craft box I wonder what they're doing it's another gift but what could be inside now buster and scout are heading at full speed to digly's party they shouldn't be late digly is hoping his party has already started but Ugh, explorer and buster did it Digly is opening his presents and wow it's a piñata, it's Digly's birthday so he can hit it with the stick and he


one more look at all those sweets .
An incredible birthday gift. It's time for Buster to wake up. it's a bright new day look mommy has made breakfast for buster there's already jam on the toast buster's favorite oh buster stepped over that toy okay mommy can kiss it all better there oh now buster can go out and play soccer how exciting Now Buster is playing in the park with the explorer, cute explorer, but oh no, the soccer ball is stuck in the tree, but look, mommy has freed the ball again. Well done, mom, now you can continue playing. What is this? Mom and Buster are painting a picture, it's so much fun to paint. together they look at the sun he has a face but oh dear buster he's sleepy it's been a busy day for buster to go to bed now first mom read buster a bedtime story oh good night buster it was so much fun spending the day playing with mom she really is the best look, Buster has arrived early to school today there are scouts and screams, Buster slipped on some oil, oh my, the blackboard is smashed, the scout also turned around, oh no, the clock is too Broken, what a mess, hey, and here comes the teacher.
You'll need to clear everything very quickly, but the board is too heavy for the explorer and Digly can't pick up the letters. Buster tries to fix the clock, but there are so many pieces that I think Buster has a plan where they can exchange jobs that the explorer can collect. collect all the letters then digly and buster can lift the blackboard together scout knows his abc can put the letters back now for the clock digly can fix that he loves to fix machines there everything done just in time here comes the teacher everything seems normal except that one letter and the timing is not right and number one two three four good as new buster and the cozy chicken coop are playing in the park there is iggy the ice cream truck destroyer, he is going to have some ice cream, but what is that?
He has become a destroyer robot. yellow like Buster Cozy thinks he is the real Buster and wants to play, but oh no, the ball hit the robot's switch and turned him evil. robot buster even oh no he's throwing tomatoes at iggy that's very bad cozy he looks very upset robot buster is running away now poor cozy doesn't understand while terry is playing the accordion cute oh no robot buster destroyed the accordion poor terry cozy is standing at the robot that was very bad but what is this is buster hooray there's the good bad switch cozy knows what to click now robot buster is nice again good job cozy and buster now robot buster is making up for being bad iggy is all clean and the terry's accordion is fixed hooray what a sunny day it is oh look it's worthy and cj are filling cj's blender with water what are they both doing to watch? there's buster and scout ufff what a hot day I wonder what they can do to cool off whoa digly and cj are making colored water balloons it seems that buster and scouts have an idea a water balloon fight ready, leave, go, what are you planning buster and scouts? oh look digly and cj are sneaking up behind them and splashing uh-oh, scout has been hit and bullseye now things are getting interesting who is that hiding in the bushes it's scout but she managed to hide just in time it's the second cj's chance but look here comes buster he splashes cj from behind leaves buster oh no cj and digly have buster and scout cornered what are they going to do aha an umbrella I think buster has a plan cj and digly aim but buster stays dry with him umbrella great idea buster uh-oh digly and cj are filling up again whoa look at the size of that The balloon looks like Buster is in trouble.
Wow, nice shot, Buster, that was a lot of fun.

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