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8 Days Camping & Building a Bushcraft Survival Shelter with My 5 yr old Son

Apr 11, 2024
snowshoes for the last two hours, but his fingers are cold, so I put him in a sleeping bag and gave him some toys in his blanket. It's ready if you're going to take the kids out in this weather. good sleeping bag a good sleeping bag can solve a lot of problems foreigner foreigner thank you okay the


looks pretty good just need some finishing touches I really need a chair there foreigner thank you all now that we have it Ready I think we need to cut something of firewood. The sun is starting to set, it's time to turn off our lamps.
8 days camping building a bushcraft survival shelter with my 5 yr old son
Oh, now they have my lights on. I think I need to get a little organized. This is a little messy, here we go. oh this fire has barely started it's already heating up this


just concentrates that heat so well here we go now we're cooking with gas why is it hot yeah you like trail mix buddy yeah you're probably really hungry uh I have a kid little guy who told me he's hungry so let's go ahead and get a hot dog oh no, that hot dog is really nice. Jacob, the white-bellied one, hides in his burrow and eats his prey.
8 days camping building a bushcraft survival shelter with my 5 yr old son

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8 days camping building a bushcraft survival shelter with my 5 yr old son...

You like your hot dog. Okay, it's time. to start cooking some dinner and I have this big cube of butter here with rosemary, basil and garlic in there and we're going to sit it by the fire and let it melt and mix well. I have a sweet potato here. and I broke it into long pieces and put cinnamon butter inside and wrapped it in aluminum foil. We'll throw it over the coals and let this simmer until it's nice and soft. You're getting too hot Jake, here we go, here are your slippers. and all these little camp booties are good, are you hungry?
8 days camping building a bushcraft survival shelter with my 5 yr old son
Yes, I'll bring you some crab legs. Well, the sweet potato is almost ready, so I think it's time to start cooking the main dish. King crab legs, look at these things, look at this. it's just a king crab leg it's over two feet long look how thick too much meat is on these things they are so delicious now you think about crab legs they are always precooked so all you have to do is just heat them up . I pick them up and eat them I take my handle, ah, look at this huge joint that is a solid piece of meat, right there I dip that in the rosemary garlic butter hmm, there is so much meat on these crabs that one knuckle was like a tail of whole lobster.
8 days camping building a bushcraft survival shelter with my 5 yr old son
In this, oh yeah, look at that sweet potato, oh, oh, that sweet potato is good, I also have a piece of cornbread for you, oh, okay, these are on the outside with crabs, have some of this meat, it's okay, a little bit of butter on top, king crab sweet potato. and cornbread, are you ready? I'm holding it, yeah, yeah, you can hold it, oh, there we go, look at that plate of food, oh, that's so good, hmm, that rosemary butter is so good, oh, I just inhaled that, well, guys, I got My belly is full of food and I'm exhausted, so I'm going to go ahead and prepare my bed and get into my sleeping bag, but it's too hot in here.
I have to put out the fire, otherwise I'll be roasted tonight. Oh, my socks are a little sweaty, so I'm going to take off my socks and put them in the bottom of my bags to dry. I want to wear these slippers to keep my feet warm. Okay guys, it's late, time to go to bed. See you in the morning, the sun is already rising, but it takes me a while to get up and for them it is pleasantly warm in my bag. Oh, this is the hardest part of winter camp. Oh, I'm so brave. When you first light the fire, it just fills up. the thing with smoke once the fire heats up although the smoke dissipates Out there we go, it will warm my boots a lot of ice on the inside of this tarp it snowed a little last night there is a lot of condensation and ice this tarp, how are we?
All of these are nice and warm. Oh, my socks are nice and warm and dry well since I'm up. I'm going to go ahead and put my sleeping bag away, I don't want it to fall on the floor. Fire or the smell of smoke melting into sleeping bags has been a problem lately. The weird stuff has been tidied up a bit here. I think it's time to start preparing breakfast. Hey, good morning, Jacob, good morning, dad, you're hungry, not now, Jake, you want a chocolate croissant. I have hot chocolate to dip it in uh let me try it make sure it's good um you like it that's okay guys for breakfast we're going to have steel cut oatmeal okay you have a piece of butter and some brown sugar there you have it.
The rest, my friend, will be foreigners, if I have said it once. I've said it a million times. Steel cut oats are much better than instant oats. um, it also fills you up adequately. Hey Jake, you like oatmeal, yes, it will. Oats are an excellent source of fiber. It feels good to have a belly full of hot food. Well, now that we're done with breakfast, I think I need to clean up a bit. The lace is getting dirty. Okay, buddy, bring you here. in there Hi Jake, you're good, yes, foreigner, Jacob loaded up somewhere in there, you're cozy, yes, I wish someone would take me on a sleigh while I was curled up in a sleeping bag, that would be pretty good, well, that's bear poop, right there they are starting. to wake up so many rabbit poops down there, well, today is the day we are going to put a roof on this shelter and seal it up so it gets a little hungry.
I think I could make some lunch. I have some beautiful white sausages for lunch. I love these foreign white brats, thanks foreigners, there you go, it looks pretty tight, it won't be waterproof but it will protect me from a light drizzle and will definitely keep the snow out, thanks foreigners, but I think we have it buttoned up tight. Well, oh, I have to tell you how nice it is up here, so much heat from those fires rises to this platform, warm, I think it's time to prepare some dinner. I have a little potato there, foreign, this is a Tomahawk steak and it's magnificent. one, oh, that's a good steak, oh my goodness, there's so much food, but the good thing about winter


Food doesn't go bad. I'll just put it in the snow and it'll be good for a bit tomorrow. salt and butter on a baked potato is not bad at all, it was a great meal, it is good for dessert. I have Ling hee movie flavored gummy snacks from Hawaii, anything covered in Ling hee movie powder is amazing if you've never had lingi. movie Dust, it's very hard to describe, but you should go to Hawaii and try it. It was an amazing meal, but I have a belly full of delicious food, a warm fire and a cozy shelter, so it's not a bad day.
Shelter on fire. and you better take care that setting your shelter on fire is a major problem, all this wood here is dry and warm and if a fire starts it spreads pretty quickly now, if you're awake and paying attention you can put it out pretty quickly, but if I were to sleep up here when that happened, I could be engulfed in flames before I realized what was happening and these things up here are really dangerous, if they catch on fire, I'm not going to be able to put them out. I turn it off in time when I sleep in these shelters.
I often let the fire die out or keep it very small and make sure it is away from the walls and in a shelter like this where it is a bit difficult to get in and out of. I have to be very careful, so I probably won't sleep with the fire on. It's not so cold tonight. I don't need it, but in the meantime I'll make sure The fire is a little further from the walls, well guys it's getting dark so I'll go ahead and make sure I have enough firewood for tonight and tomorrow morning, nothing worse than waking up cold and then having to go out. and collecting firewood abroad I'm exhausted, but it's not my bedtime yet, so I'm going to turn on an audiobook.
I'm going to shell some peanuts and see you in the morning. Oh, it's very cozy in my sleeping bag, but I have to do it. I use the bathroom so badly I think I'd better go out and light the fire oh, that fire heats up this place so quickly okay, okay, I think it's time for some foreign breakfast, we got some smoked pork, bacon, homemade buns they had made a few


ago Fried tomato egg not bad butter and buns it's hard to beat if you've never had them they're like thick pancakes recipe very similar to pancakes oh that was good well I think it's time to start straightening out Okay guys , I'm going home, but this is not the end of the video first.
I want to go get my son and wife, bring them over and show them the shelter, but I also need to take the shelter down, so that's another thing. I'll do it and show you something foreign, let me take out the caribou skins and you guys can hang out in bed while I make some lunch, okay? If I light the fire, prepare some lunch. Let's do it here mom, let me pass you lunch. There are some gummy snacks in there. Thanks, oh that's for you. Yes, you can't do this very often. Do you guys like to eat gummy snacks at the fort?
Well, we have something hot. dog sticks here, okay, my first, yes, you like your extra long hot dog stick. I do this, there you have it. You like it, it's a good lunch, so mom, what do you think is this shelter warm? Yes, I am very welcoming. I love it. hide, I'm sitting, it's soft, yes, no, this is very cozy. I'm fine. I like how the heat rises under your butt and warms your butt. Yes, it's nice, especially, yes. Okay, time to take down the shelter. Oh, we. Gotta get this all separated, make sure there's no paracord or junk, okay let's get to it, alright foreigner, well here we go, it's all taken down and all that Woods ready to be chopped into firewood, okay baby, can we do it? you enjoyed?
Oh, you. You're okay, you're ready, okay, come on, listen, this was fun. I hope you enjoyed watching this video if you want to see more videos from the Outdoor Boys YouTube channel. Don't forget to click subscribe. We post new videos every Saturday morning. If you like this video, don't forget to visit the Outdoor Boys YouTube channel where we have hundreds of videos just like this. Don't forget to hit subscribe so you can see other great videos every Saturday morning and hit the bell button. receive notifications thanks for watching

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