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Brother Nuri Muhammad Speaks On Malcolm X, Valuable Relationships, Economic Empowerment + More

May 31, 2021
Breakfast Club in the morning everyone is a DJ envy Angela yes everyone I mean the guy we are the breakfast club we have a special guest in the building yes indeed bro nori Muhammad welcome back Sir, thank you sir, it's an honor to be on Airways with your


. DJ Envy and the great Charlemagne the boys yes sir student minister of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan you serve you serve moss number 74 that yes sir in Indianapolis Indianapolis how was the father of the house in Indiana? How were the


s received at the end of the clan? country where the Ku Klux Klan was born, yes, unfortunately, the fact that we never went through the civil rights movement or even the revolutionary movement makes that environment a little


challenging, but the good thing is that we have been blessed. because we never went through that, there was the only game in town, so we have a facility where we have a barbershop, a beauty salon, a restaurant, a school daycare and a mosque, and we have been able to be the executive producers of everything good and strong. and black in that area no, it's a blessed situation, clear, respectful, yes, well, you know, just when the great judge said you don't know, the Klan no longer uses white sheets, they wear blue police uniforms, like the scrubs of the judges. and, of course, what we saw in vaccines and these emergency hysterectomies in the hospital: they were wearing white doctor's coats.
brother nuri muhammad speaks on malcolm x valuable relationships economic empowerment more
Hmm, so we don't know, we don't deal with or confront the traditional racist Klansman face to face, but we get racism on those other levels, I got you, yeah, you haven't been around in a long time for people who don't know what he did to you. join the nation Islam, what, what, you know this tradition is opening up what happened, what happened was, but I was when I was. When I arrived I was on the streets selling marijuana 11 12 years powder cocaine 15 16 and my partner and I sold half an ounce today on weekdays Alice on the weekends so he was making a lot of money mm-hmm and I learned about it that's why They called it crack rock because they kill two birds with one stone hmm one becomes a demon for drugs the other who becomes a demon for money mmm and it's just as difficult to stop selling like these and stop using so when I decided I wanted to get out I didn't have much strength but I was with a sister who was considered my girlfriend at the time whose father was a supporter of the nation.
brother nuri muhammad speaks on malcolm x valuable relationships economic empowerment more

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brother nuri muhammad speaks on malcolm x valuable relationships economic empowerment more...

She gave me a message from the black man to lectures about a minister and immediately my mind changed and three years later we We got married and we've been married for 25 years I gotta get you a black woman that's right I tell you like I tell the Most beautiful thing in creation you had a ministry called love one another yeah that was of course , this is a scripture that comes from Jesus and you know one of the biggest myths about the nation is that we don't believe in Jesus. and the real truth is that we believe in Jesus, the only difference is that we believe in the right Christ and not a white Christ hmm, we believe that he had hair like lamb's wool and feet like burnt bronze and of and wool is diaper, the bronze is brown. burn it is black he had olive complexion olives whether green purple or black we know that he would not green a purple so we believe in that revolutionary black Messiah and that is why every time we study we not only quote the Quran but we also believe in all the messengers and prophets and we use the scriptures of the Bible, so this love one another is a I won't call it a seminar, but it is a conference designed for us to see the two commandments that Jesus gave us, which was number one to love God with all your heart mind soul and strength then number two love your neighbor as yourself two Commandments but within them there are three loves hmm so that self-love becomes the core by which we can properly love our brothers sisters or our neighbors , so it's been a campaign that we've been able to take to about 35 cities over the eighteen months to get our people to renegotiate their contract with their self-worth and their self-esteem and start to know who they are and who they are so that we can have a higher expectation and manifest black excellence.
brother nuri muhammad speaks on malcolm x valuable relationships economic empowerment more
Always feel that you know that his first, last and best love is self-love and they say that if you don't love yourself, it is impossible for you to love. other people, but what happens when your neighbor is a devil? When your neighbor is evil, you know well that this is what you know and then you go to another scripture of Jesus, he said: do unto others as you would have them do unto you, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. One day he was traveling with the minister and the minister was traveling with him and he asked the Honorable Minister.
brother nuri muhammad speaks on malcolm x valuable relationships economic empowerment more
I told him brother what is the true religion of God and the minister said Islam and the messenger, whom I thanked, mom did not say yes. or not, said brother, the true religion of God is to do to others what you would like them to do to you hmm, unfortunately we like to put a footnote, it is the golden rule, but we become the rule of oxidized platinum or oxidized aluminum when We treat other people the way they treat us, so if you have someone who is your brother or your neighbor and they are not themselves, your job is to treat them how you want to be treated, not to treat them how they treat you.
I think it's a test when you're in human interaction, we test each other all the time. There is a verse in the Holy Quran that says that God will test us through other people so that people will know how to test you, but the test is whether you can treat them or not, despite the way they act, the way they that you want them to treat you, not how they treat you now, what about slave masters now? Because I feel like that's probably what kept the slaves' slaves in that situation. that is the situation, that is the mathematical calculation that justifies the revolution, there you have it, you know it, so never allow someone to hurt you or abuse you.
I'm not saying turn the other cheek to the extent that you end up suffering, you know, we believe that. If you attack us we fight with those who fight with us but we are never the aggressor you fight you attack me with words we respond with words you attack physically we respond physically and and yes and we have had some situations and from time to time then we have to lay hands on the people who They speak in tongues, you know, but that, just so you know, those kinds of people talk about a slave master, so the appropriate response is not to turn the other cheek and love your enemy, the appropriate response is to tune into Turner. so Marc Veasey Gabriel Prosser and rise up and overthrow oppression yes and stay here how do we stay together as a people? because you know, it seems like you know for us, yeah, we care about ourselves and not the community, how do we stand up?
Stand up like you said and start taking care of each other man, that's a beautiful question that ties back to the original statement that we talked about when we first opened the show, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said this is the solution to the criminal violence and the suffering of all black on black. Such self-knowledge produces self-love and self-love makes you do it for yourself and since you are a DJ, look and my brother base where the brother is another, you are my other self, so if I know myself , love me and I'm doing the right thing for me I'm going to treat my other self the same way I can't steal from another I can't lie to my other self I can't steal from my other self and what happens is when we see each other Like this, so as my brother, I see if I am your brother, my daughter is your niece and your son is my nephew, that's right, then every problem becomes a family problem, so we come back to our mind by just saying brothers and sisters, we go back to the old. axiom that we had before we were kidnapped from the Caucasian eyes and the Western eyes that we used, we used to say that it takes a village to raise a child, so once we get back to that concept, I think we will work together because your rise is my rise, your fall.
It is my fall that helps you helps me what hurts you hurts me and we want two of just having now we have sympathy for each other, which means I don't like something bad happening to you but we have to graduate from sympathy to having empathy for each other, which means that every time someone hurts you, it feels like it happened to me and when that kind of spirit is between us, then you will see us united, caring for each other, caring for each other. others and Put the good of the whole above our personal desires.
I totally believe in unity in group operation, but you know it's a quote. This is all your skin for the kaanchi relatives and I often wonder if they all have to get along. Well, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. in the


plan in the message to the black man said: "pour your resources", which is another way of saying unite hmm and your qualifications necessary for independence, but find six eight, have you heard this like minds mm-hmm, it's


important that the body that comes. together or the color that unites is the mentality that unites and the other side also one of the great obstacles that brother dgm-va fought for our unity is that we have a misunderstood word, we say that we want to unite, but in our mind no We are not thinking of unity, we think of uniformity and there is a difference between unity and uniformity.
See, uniformity means that everyone does the same thing in the same way, why they do it looks the same, but unity means that you do different things in different places, but for one. common cause we will never have uniformity in breaking news everyone will not be a member of your church everyone will not be part of your denomination everyone will not join your fellowship some people will do different things in a different way that is not you who is uniform We need unity, meaning we do different things in a different place at a different time and that is the way God made the body.
There is a verse in the Quran that says: surely there is a message in creation for those who believe. Look how I created us in the best of ways within the body this is not a sign of uniformity see unity you have different organs they look different they do different things in a different place at a different time but for the survival of this organism well, what? What would happen if our organ were Asian? Work like this organizations hmm, everyone does it, so you will be in double ACP, deliver the work urbanly, be the efficient work in the kidneys, be the heart, be the leader, whatever it is, play your role and let us do what we can in unity for survival.
Many of us, as a people, argue with that totally in the sewing threads because black people would love to say that we are not monolithic, but we like to say that to white people, yes, among us we feel that we want everyone to be uniform, that It is something that God blesses you. my church and no one else god bless my denomination and no one else but the latest news God is greater than your church your denomination God is greater than religion he is the Lord of all the worlds and he is the master of this day in the that we live called judgment, so he is moving the chess pieces as he does and that is why I am like that.
I am so in love with the way and word of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan because he represents to me the perfect representative of God in the way he should be as a human being. he thinks big and never isolates himself to a denomination or religion, he sees God in everything and brings out the God in everyone and that is the kind of spirit we need, we need more of us to have as much Jesus in us as the Minister has Jesus in it. mm-hmm what was the effect what were your thoughts? they eliminated a band a band oh yeah it comes down to sexy well of course we are we knew at some point it was going to show up now we knew because we know social media the value of technology is that technology eliminates space and time, but not only that social networks eliminate the middleman, we had to always filter our information if we wanted to reach a wide audience through the six traditional networks that were available.
Social media allows you to avoid all of that, so what was happening the minister was getting direct access into people's minds where they could weigh it up for themselves in the privacy of their home or in their car and it was changing the way the people sensed it, so we knew that in To a certain extent they were going to make that attack, but there's an old saying that big mom used to say, you know big mom has a gospel, the gospel, big mom, someone stop. Big Mom said yes it's true like Matthew Mark Luke and John Birds. from a flock of feathers together, I praise together, yes, yes, you lie down with dogs, you will wake up with fleas.
Big mama knew what you were talking about, but she said, look, honey, look, if someone makes you, they can break you. The media didn't do Farrakhan, so they came. breaks Farrakhan, we, he has soldiers and every time he was turned off social media, we as his soldiers turned it on to make sure that while we were there, he was there and every time we are on the streets, we are a little more aggressive. pass on this man's way and word to our people, so I mean it was a small blow, but you know, the greatest attribute of a soldier's adaptability we make the adjustments and we keep him moving, we will be successful.
Know ifGod is for you, may you come into existence again, no weapon formed against the righteous will prosper, so let's press on, let's talk about you, do you know some of the misconceptions about the minister, what are some of the misconceptions that you personally feel like one of them? his soldiers you have to clean you have to clean well, of course you know the label of an anti-Semite from Tyson the label of hateful the label of intolerant these some of you yes homophobes all of these look, we learned something maybe the The only thing I learned well in public food is I mean the school system when I was growing up was there was an argument.
I read a discussion in our history book where the anthropologist, biologists and scientists were meeting with Adolf Hitler and trying to tell him how are you getting ready to sell this idea, his blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin are superior to blacks when you know They are the fathers and mothers of all the sciences of art and it is nonsense how you are going to annul them and the alien law is that you can become recessive from dominant but you cannot dominate from recessive black skin brown eyes are dominated white skin how do you does? override that and listen to what Adolf Hitler said that if you repeat a lie long enough it will become the truth hmm, so they knew that the science of the mind is what you feed the mind the most it wins, so what the enemy has been doing is putting the minister out there with all these labels and repeating many times over and over again that it can become the truth even if it is not the truth, so we have the truth, even if it is not, that's why you see these, yes that's fine.
I get you, it doesn't become the truth, it becomes the perception of truth and the perception of reality for most people is their reality, so we're always, you know, debunking and detoxicating the environment. that the main media and the government have published. this dear man that's how you know we have to deal with it and we do and by the grace of God as we have seen that no weapon they have formed against him no matter how badly they have vilified him. he's been successful and when you look at this man, I mean, look at him, he's 86 years old, he's beautiful, so he doesn't flinch, he's an unflappable black man, mm-hmm, so he's an example for us, but like his Soldiers we will remain on the battlefield.
They hurl truth and falsehood until we take out their brains a falsehood they still love disputed the conversation about who killed brother Malcolm pushing the narrative, yeah, that was the nation mm-hmm, how can you turn that down? Well, of course, this is one of those other recycled lies and, if you know, notice that every time people's consciousness increases by ten. or fifteen years old they always come back with this recycled lie that you guys killed Malcolm and I always say it when he was fine. I also saw a godfather for them, but I remember in the first episode he said that the events had been fictionalized for dramatic effect, yes.
I don't know what other people think but fishing means we lied about some things to make this more exciting mmm, unfortunately that disclaimer they put about the Godfather issue should have been in Betty and Coretta, it should also be in the Malcolm X movie made by Spike Lee and even in the autobiography of Malcolm Alex at this point that Alex Haley wrote Wow but he excluded them because he didn't want one of his worst incendiary Malcolm speeches to be in there and the other is the fact that what he put in the book exonerated the Nation. of Islam, so Manning Marable said that whenever the lawyer in Memphis used to own these files before selling them, when he met with the lawyer, the lawyer gave it to him in 15 minutes alone with the documentation and when he looked at the documentation went away and said I'm sure the nation didn't kill Malcolm translations and previous translations.
I've never been told the real truth about any of them, including Malcolm that and it's not, it's not a real fact Malcolm say the same thing that the nation did not kill him - I lost my train of thought, but also brother Malcolm said that I know what I was part of inside, I know what can take away a loved one, see, see, when when Malcolm X he was in Mecca, he was being followed by the CIA, not F. Why was it that every time Malcolm tried to land his plane in France, the French government told him he couldn't get off the plane because they didn't want him to be murdered on French soil. ?
Do you think we could call? there and tell the French president not to let Malcolm get off the plane, you know? and Jane. On January 4, 1957, wiretapping of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad began and he was placed under 24-hour surveillance. Well, if Malcolm of Malcolm , they don't stop production, they come back, make some adjustments and produce something new and better, you don't see a A person drives a Nissan like someone has crashed: Nissan Maxima and they say, "What was I? The Nissan Maxima was defective "We didn't go back because now they figure out a way to make a new and better version, so the Honorable Elijah Muhammad made Malcolm X." and if he made it and defected surely he has the ability to make a new one that is better and he made a newer and better one in the perfected representative of the Honorable IG Muhammad, the honorable minister was Farrakhan, so there is no reason. for him to do that, he gave him an instruction: I am obliged, Muhammad, so do not touch Malcolm, do him no harm, we followed the instructions with loyalty to the obligated Muhammad, as we do with the Minister now, so no one would have done that since then.
It's interesting that every time he was shot, two of the gunmen arrested Thomas 15x Johnson and Norman 3x Butler and then the only one who admitted to shooting was a man named Thomas Hagen or Talmadge, hey, I said man, why are they coming? the X on all of them, but then I put the X on his. I went and started doing the research on COINTELPRO and that's another problem for us lazy students with a Google brain, especially none, yes, we Google brains just search for things and live off of sound. bytes we are not going to dig and that is why the slave masters said yesterday that the best place to have something to put in the book yes sir and then steel supports so we have not investigated, we just go, I have seen the I heard the movie III, but rumors in a movie are not a real fact, a historical document is and when you look at it, you will find that Thomas Hagen, the only one who admitted to pulling the trigger, said number one, the two you were talking about, Thomas 15x and a huge return OTT there.
I was there with someone named Lee or Leon and I was there with someone else named Will and I was there with someone else named Ser who we had met at their houses before this move we were making. Assassinate Malcolm X and then said I wasn't in the nation. His mother said he was not in the nation. He is a cousin. See this affidavit within the court documents so you know we weren't. It's a bit of a summary that men have been mixing. You know, on the streets they say they stepped on it on the road, went to the health food store, got some B12 isotones and some baking soda, fattened it up and rewrote it and added soda to it like it was pure, no it's the truth.
Will they never approach anyone after the documentary coming out on Netflix that killed Malcolm X? I think not in January they will ever approach the nation to make comments that are too similar, yes, it is too much. I like it, and I would have hoped, especially with this Godfather of Harlem, that they might have reached out to us. You know, every time Hollywood portrays us, we walk around in eight-size suits to have fun haircuts and wear bow ties. They have Malcolm. there walking with shoulders slumped on hands in pocket we don't get up screen now we don't believe in those hands in pockets a mark of laziness the code of a foi is to think fast fast move clean inside and out Until modern times , in the film they had, we said that we were getting people off drugs by chaining them to beds.
We've never gotten anyone clean in the nation by chaining someone to a bit. We cleanse you by giving you knowledge. in your head hmm, that's the transformative power, but they always find a way to undermine what we've done, so I would challenge the listening audience not to be a lazy learner. Do some research. I arrived at Cohen Tail. Professional data. Go study J. Edgar. Hoover's counterintelligence program read documents that celebrated the assassination of Malcolm to Malcolm gives mouth to mouth to a gunshot victim, covered the wound so that no air can get into mouth to mouth he wasn't trying to save him he was trying to make sure he died hmm did you know that Malcolm the nation before dying? no and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told him if if you want to come back you have to put out some of the fires that you have started, who knows, that day in the Audubon Ballroom Malcolm could have been standing on a stand ready to put out the fires, but before he could do it. put them out someone opened fire on him, not the nation, we didn't kill Malcolm , they set up the Tuskegee Experiment to kill.
Dr. King, these are the same government that murdered Malcolm MEC and the Devil's Throat road, a stone hides your hand and in this case they not only threw the stone and hid the hand, but they actually threw the stone, hid their hand and then blamed. throwing the rock at someone else and it's us, but we didn't throw that rock, we didn't kill Malcolm happening in politics? Kamala Harris Cory Booker and everything that is happening in the Democratic Party, what are your thoughts? Parlor tricks and it's difficult. You know if it's the demon Kratt, so the republic is just a challenge.
You know how to really get involved. I mean, because everything seems to be the same. flavor with a different label in hmm unfortunately we have I think that as a people we have invested too much in politics and not enough in the spiritual reform and


reform of our people, we made a big mistake. I believe in the '60s and '50s and '40s they fought for civil rights when we should have been fighting for silver rights, yes, we should have been doing more independent economic affairs instead of wasting so much time trying to get accepted.
We had at the time before integration, we had black hotels. taxi companies black bus companies black restaurants and as soon as white people say they can come and eat with us and sleep with us and ride in our cars we all went out of business integration meant disintegration because we misappropriated civil rights in place of silver rights today we are doing the same thing with politics, we are putting too much of our vested interests in electing a benevolent white person to office or a black person who will be the administrator of white affairs to become the most high in the land we need. invest more time in spiritual development and economic development as a people, so I'm not really personally enthusiastic about this based on the scriptural lens that you use, Lu.
I have never read in the Bible or the Holy Quran. You are a politician always free with the people, in fact, every time I read the scriptures, the politicians were always in cahoots withthe rulers and the kings who were enemies of the messengers of the prophets, so I believe in my humble opinion that the Scriptures where it says speaking of Jesus in Isaiah says that he will be the wonderful counselor, he will be the mighty God, he will be the Prince of peace , the eternal father and on his shoulders there will be a government of peace, well, what sits on the shoulders of a man.
It is his head, so in this figure of Jesus you can find in his head the system of government that we need not only for the United States but for the world. I believe that the man on the scene today, that messianic man of the moment that has that government on his On my shoulders is the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan listening to that man who really saved America, that is the solution, so any president who Be willing to bow down, repent, make amends, and follow divine guidance. I think we can have a better future, but that's not the case.
It does not seem, and it is not written, that America will turn in the way of God and what we have seen with Rome, Egypt, Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah, whenever you have a nation where anything goes, that nation will soon disappear, so is, yeah, I like what you said about economic


because I've been reading a lot about dr. Martin Luther King Jr. You know I'm reading a lot from his lawyer Dr. William M and everyone knows dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as soon as he made that shift from civil rights to silver and silver rights, that's when they killed him, I mean, whenever they can, his wife said it hmm, before he died, he said they killed my Martin because he got involved. in economics, see the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said that business is the activity of life, this is the responsibility of any person, Billie Holiday said so mom can have and dad can have, but God bless a child who has his You can translate that into spiritual politics that you can't see.
The Jews may have the Chinese may have cocaine, but God bless the people who have theirs right now. Do you know that we raised 1.3 trillion dollars last year as a people in 226 nations on earth? That makes blacks in the United States the eighth richest nation. We earn six hundred billion dollars more than Spain, seven hundred billion dollars more than Mexico. Yes, Spain has 46 million people like us and they maintain an area of ​​280,000 square miles and have their own. All of Mexico has 131 million 700,000 people and they maintain seven hundred and seventy-one thousand five hundred square miles with half the money we have, but they have entire countries and we have nothing we can turn to. go back to what they call financial education today, but we have to do it quickly because we have to start doing something for our sales, we have the dollars, we just need a little more common sense to accompany them.
Dollars absolutely need some more meaning because right now what we erase is an unnecessary expense we always buy things we don't need we are money we don't have from people we don't like to impress people we don't even know and the black the black The mind in this moment has been wired where happiness is connected to spending when it needs to be wired to investing and saving and if we can renegotiate the contract in the black black psyche, well, happiness to spending, investing and saving, I think we will be able to build a bright future for our people have you ever studied the relationship between Martin Luther King Jr. and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, you know you saw pictures of them together, but I always wondered what their real relationship was.
I always wanted to ask the minister that, but they, of course, you know the Honorable Elijah Muhammad met with dr. King and when he met the same FBI that was responsible for conspiring to produce factional disputes in the nation between Malcolm little tells us a little publicly about his conversation and talked about the way in which dr. King agreed with several aspects of the teachings that he had never shown publicly. My mind said it has always been there every time he left the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and told the world. I've been to the top of the mountain.
Hmm, I always said that should have happened. He meant that you know what the mountain lifts up for you. He met someone who elevated him in intelligence. Look at Dr. King's language is: I have spied the promised land. I may not get there with you, but we as a people will see the promised land and graduated as a dr. King is not a dreamy integrationist, he matured into a fully awakened revolutionary and that is why they had to get rid of him because he had already galvanized so many millions to support him and was preparing to evolve them into more independent thinking for her .
I'm not sure all of that happened there, but my inference, deduction, and mathematical reasoning computed. I think when he met the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I think he had been to the top of the mountain and that was what changed the perception of him and made him go. after revolutionary independence instead of being a dreamy integrationist what does relational malnutrition mean relational quantity in other words we interact with each other but we don't know how to love each other properly and by not loving each other husbands and wives are not getting the What children need they do not receive from parents we do not get what we should offer each other as brothers and sisters so this was a term and a concept that I tried to develop in two books that we have been blessed to write the calls before saying yes, and after saying yes, and you know this, I don't know if people are aware of this, but the most important decision you've ever made in your life after choosing to believe in God. is the partner you choose to spend the rest of your life with hmm your partner, or we inspire you to grow towards your greatness or we can find you too in places hmm there may be your other half or they make you have the Honorable Minister Falk for yourself was for sale as if a good relationship makes you younger and brings out the best in you and a bad one ages you prematurely and brings out the worst in you so choose wisely but malnutrition in the relationship in the sense of husband and wife means that We as men do not know how to properly love our women and they do not know how to love each other properly, so we end up suffering from relational malnutrition and you know when a human being is malnourished, an illness and finally death visits him, then, because?
So many


breaking down between siblings while so many


between husband and wife, black people have the highest divorce rate in America of any person on earth, a seventy-five percent divorce rate, um, relational malnutrition, so we have to start digesting the information and knowledge that will give us the proper nutrients that will teach us how to properly relate to each other, so that I have in me what I am supposed to have and that I can give to others when I come into contact them and after you say yes. You talk about the first functional relationships or what defines a functional relationship, well, there is a verse again in the Bible and another in the Quran, but there is a verse that says not to rely on your own understanding, but on all your ways recognize God and him.
He will direct your past and he will show you the way. The way we can get an adequate definition of how to relate is that we have to subordinate the way we feel and think to what God said and the description of a man and the role of him as a maintainer. protector and provider and the description of a woman is a man's consolation, comforter and helpmeet and whenever two people follow those roles and strive to be the best at it, no, no, it is not a relationship that is it's 50/50, relationships are not 50. /50 is 100 100 who you have to be one hundred percent of what she's supposed to be and then she has to be one hundred percent of what she's supposed to be that's right how to have the ideal functional relationship but we have to not lean into our own understanding, but relying on what the Lord of the world said, a man and a woman should properly interact with each other and help each other to be the best we can be and then the homes we live in, this is what hurts me, brother DJ.
MV is there, we have been invited to speak by different types of organizations and what hurt me is that after we finished, no matter who it was mmm, the organizers always had relationship problems, so we were always in the hotel lobbies going. back and forth trying to figure out how we can help them and I said, man, if you're out here fighting for freedom, justice and equality in the streets and then you have to come home and fight again, you'll never have the energy to be. The best you can be and the last thing a black man wants to come home after fighting in this world is to have to hang out with his own wife, yes sir, and the last thing a woman wants to come home.
After fighting in this world it is coming home to a man who has not been fighting at all hmm, like this, like this, when the marriage is done well, our house has become a spiritual recharge center where we can disconnect from this evil one and evil racist world. and get to a place of pure love where we can draw peace and power, so it hurts to see that these leaders, these organizers are suffering at home, fighting at home and fighting in the streets, which means they are less effective, so I said man. of me having to keep doing these little side meetings all the time and him being friends in hotel lobbies photocopiers closing a business office.
I said well, this is before you say yes, and here it is after you say yes, now we try to like the old. The doctors at school tell me look, take two calmly, they called me in the morning and so far they have been a great blessing to those who have studied these books, what do you get them after you say? I make them, how long before you say? I do it before you said nori Muhammad, calm is the easiest way to do it, nori Muhammad, calm down and give me your Twitter and Instagram, brother, nori is my Twitter neuroma.
Hamid, everything else on Facebook and on Instagram, and you know, come visit us, no. Brick, I'm glad you came because I always like that you know how to empower yourself and your brother Wesley Mohammed because you always talk about that, oh, there's only Farrakhan in the NOI, so there are some soldiers out there that I have to pretend. you should be just as powerful the minister always tells us of course we say no sir but our job really is not to be teachers we are bearers of testimony so I always tell people you know I'm not trying to teach. so that you become my student, I am testifying so that you can move your desk closer to mine, but we can both be in the same class learning from this great teacher that God has given us the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, so I hope that if you liked everything I said, if you like me, in love, what I like, what I said, you will love what my teacher has to say and I hope that our time together inspires people more. want to hear it then listen to me yes sir okay thank you for joining us thank you sir and Charlamagne you see brother Norris I hear you say real my brother I see you see the stress free life you ate bacon this morning Boykin is more in decades okay you say there is a solution, brother Mohammed, thank you for doing it, thank you sir, okay, it's the Breakfast Club, good morning.

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