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Bonanza - Ponderosa Matador | Episode 149 | AMERICAN SERIES | Cowboys | Wild West | English

Apr 15, 2024
I'll understand, oh bully, don't make any senseless moves, it's not right, buddy, give me that, yeah, I'm going to get in there and get it going. Hey, well, let's have some lunch. and then joe joe go in there and catch that bull, keep an eye on him, I'm watching, go ahead, that's right, joe, hey, come on, pulling how much spirit house joe you're supposed to talk to him like that like it says here in the book on page 80 it says right here you're supposed to say aha bull haha ​​bull that's what the book says say you toronto oh horse I feel stupid telling him anything I can't hurt anything the book says do it, go ahead, that's something you want to hear, yeah, it ran strong, okay, here we go, hey horses, isn't that good?
bonanza   ponderosa matador episode 149 american series cowboys wild west english
Yes, he didn't want to do anything, let's give another one and see if he cooperates with us. Hey, hey, bully, hey, hey, could you give me some attention? Please, that's supposed to get you. Oh well, what's the point? I don't know, what is a horse question? Maybe I'm using the wrong accent. That's the fourth bug we tried. We're going to have to go through the whole pack before we find one that charges the cape, yeah, maybe if I got behind it and pushed it towards you a little, eh, well, whatever, I don't want a big charge, just a little . charge, move in front of him, I'll push him, see what happened, oh bully, are you ready, just charge at me, horse, I think we'd have a little more luck if we could find an angry chicken, oh, come on, oh, I'm. scaring him the death toll oh I discovered a bit of a joker yeah boy this will suit you I must chase those bulls a hundred miles today yeah well it wasn't your fault they didn't fight I'm telling you for sure oh I feel like a twisted bit of barbed wire oh oh that's cool first oh oh yes oh yes tomorrow will be as good as you joe I guarantee that chimpanzee oh that feels good no, you know we have to find a braver bull somewhere where we have a we have a couple more to hurt you oh, hey, those things are getting a little hot, you know, I could, I couldn't pay back that advance money in the whole world, oh, you know, I want to talk to you about that advance, oh, hey, hey, these things .
bonanza   ponderosa matador episode 149 american series cowboys wild west english

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bonanza ponderosa matador episode 149 american series cowboys wild west english...

This is getting really hot, yeah, well, that's what I'm supposed to do, that's why this works. Look, you must be doing a trick. Yeah, oh, it's really getting really hot. You know, no, Joe, you're just young and tender, oh, horse. The energy is getting hot, you know what, hey, don't get any more of that, they say it's hot on us, hey, you know it's getting hot in there, your back is getting awfully red, it's getting red, yeah, oh, Oh, oh, come on, let's get it. out, shake it, shake it, shake it, it's getting hotter, it's getting, ha, joe, I'm cleaning myself right there, it's hot, oh, hey, what was that?, oh, I feel better, what was that What did you rub on me?
bonanza   ponderosa matador episode 149 american series cowboys wild west english
Look, it's liniment. Look, can't you read here? Use as directed, not recommended for humans, that's me, human, this is only recommended for ranch and farm animals, yeah hurricane, I didn't read that, oh hey, see if it has blisters, no I don't. I don't see any joy, yeah, I think it just stung you a little, oh sergeant, it's too far from your heart to kill you, hey, good afternoon, hello ma'am, where's little Joe?, oh ma'am, I don't I know exactly. I don't think I've seen him all day. Well, why don't you turn around? Hey Joe, you fool, what are you doing at that trough?
bonanza   ponderosa matador episode 149 american series cowboys wild west english
It's part of my training for bullfighting, actually sitting in the water, oh yeah, that's it. part of the training technique, like chasing fat steers around the corral, now on to Lawrence, like taking candy from a baby, I did it, that did it, now I'll go all out to get you a fighting bull, hey Austin . You are probably the bravest bullfighting promoter in the world. You know it is, thanks to the fact that you have to defeat that atom. I'm going to round up the cruelest, cruelest, bloodthirsty, fire-breathing fighting bull. The baddest one burns the dead. They ever created him there, he's a guy, well, he's big, okay, jer, but you don't seem very bad to me, in fact, he seems more like a lover, yeah, see what you mean, hey, do I know that the Idiot fool leaves with my blanket in front of?
He, yes, he sure would, he wouldn't be this tall, with sad calf eyes and a carter's mark on him, would he? Little Joe, he'll be the


, don't worry about him, he's been practicing and He's ready, there's no skin on my hybrid, are you sure little Joe wants to go in with him? Oh, he's chopping anyone up enough to want to waltz with that bull. They deserve each other. Go ahead, thank you. I'll pick it up. The day after tomorrow, Cartwright came up with one of the


est dogs that will go dumb. Thurman's bull, well, Joe, that burns him.
We have to have one, right? Yes, but no, don't you think that bull is a great bull? Oh, Joe, it's you. I know he's oh, he's big, oh, he's very impressive, maybe maybe he won't, he won't even fight Joe, you're not going to ride, how can you say a thing like that? It's just that only because he's big. Thurman's bull and bullets doesn't mean he's going to charge, you know you want to make him look stupid, he'll charge, don't worry about it, I guarantee he will, in fact, charge if he doesn't come. on you like a


engine hmm, I'll give you that hundred dollars that was already done in the deal, huh, oh boss, well, you found a fierce one but only the fiercest Thurman bull, oh, you're getting in a little deep, are you?
No? I don't know, of course, the bull hasn't been tried or tested, but Joe is afraid that the bull isn't even fierce enough for it. You already know more jokes. You won't laugh like that when you see what Joe does to him. bull you know you gotta get out in the sun boy you look a little pale oh she just make sure you get that bull look on time yeah I think you got a winner he needs to have about two classes he doesn't come nice here. soon with that bull the show will begin with Adam it would be a shame to miss the debut of America's first or last


Thank you very much, aren't you excited, little Joe? Just think about America's first husband, I'm just a beginner, you know? I can't expect much from myself the first time, but where does all this modesty come from? Since the horse came up with the idea of ​​using Thurman's ball. Well, if it's not braver than the ones you've been testing. from the ranch I hope that the animal has the fierceness and courage of my father's animals, perhaps you will be lucky and the bull's house will bring you the most difficult qualities, madam, the way my luck runs, I think they may be absolutely sure, friends, what do you do?
You think he's a lot bigger than I realized, well this curtain is a bit of a joy, it probably makes him look bigger than he really is, and what do you have him riding backwards for? Listen, I was lucky to have him there anyway. to take him to the corral see you there later Joe, hey, get up, how did you get it? I'm sure I'll cut you a piece big enough to chew on. I'm very glad I picked up the guitar. Is very large. Joe, I'm sure people would understand if you wanted to cancel it, what do you mean by cancel it?
Cancel it just because the bull is big and ferocious, probably the cruelest thing that little Joe is going to do. fight, that's the one he's an absolute destroyer in form, in fact I feel half guilty for putting my little brother in a pen with him, I'm sure I'm doing it right, wait a minute, there will be no turning back now that I You sold a bill of goods and I got my money up front I hope my money's worth there won't be any turning back You'll get your money's worth Let's put on the show This town won't forget I wouldn't get up there Too close to his head, he can carry it, ah, he's safe behind bars, that's nothing with the wood, well, you don't seem that fierce to me, in fact, I think he looks a bit like a lover. oh no, not that handkerchief, hey, he's coming back, get out of here, oh yeah, your kids can take care of everything, my kids can take care of everything, I have to see this, bull, my kids can take care of everything, thanks, Adam Someone help me with something.
I can't help, don't worry buddy, I'll save you money, yeah, they take care of everything. Okay, tell that brother you used to bring that ball here, don't give me back my hundred dollar advance, who's going to pay? for my living room I don't know I just play the guitar oh boy I have the idea that what you did today in the city is going to destroy a beautiful house I just can't understand at some point I feel like I've been led astray and I followed you thank you very much, It was your help that sent him through the last barn.
You know, that thing felt bigger when I was wearing it. Oh boy, I hate seeing old Charlie Slam. I hate to hear what Paul is going to say. Well, I'm not. I don't say a word uh-oh you think that bull did something to us where do you see this? Do not touch this animal. I don't want a stampede throughout the territory. Yes, call him hello. The bull gave us a terrible tax. Tried to bring him back to town, but we were lucky to get him to the corral, that bull tore down old Garvey's new fence, yeah, well, that helped him see when we too tore up Mrs.
Snaverly's chicken pants, her chickens They do not put. eggs for a month if he can find the chickens oh, that old ball is full of tricks that old bull harvested a field of wheat he single-handedly smashed two barns he stampeded a herd full of dairy cows what you've done to the The territory of Nevada in one short afternoon will reduce 25 years of the Apache race to a footnote in history. Paul, it was, it was, ha ha, and all his action man ideas, yes, it was his idea. It's okay, it's okay. I'll kick that hundred. dollars that I got from Troutman, oh, could you do it, Mr.
Troutman, once that hundred dollars didn't deliver the bullfight, oh, it wasn't right, it's uh, it's sharing and sharing like brothers, right, right, I don't Does it matter how you three take each other? Take care of it, but take care of it, you can start. I apologize to our guests. We had a very nice ride on your cat. I'm sorry I had to leave you. The boys tried to get the ball back but they couldn't hurt you. them, except here, it's a good thing they didn't bring them back to Virginia City, they probably trashed the whole city.
You were gorgeous, oh okay. I would like you to know that you were the strongest, bravest man I have ever known. yeah, the way you grabbed the bull's horn and led him out of the tavern oh man, I didn't know, didn't you know you were magnificent, as brave as any matador, that he held on to for dear life and not even braver than a killer. I've never seen a man do what you did today. I'm modest if you want, but any girl would be proud to call you a hero. Well, I didn't really do anything that any other man would have done.
You were magnificent. You just walked into it. saloon and I grabbed that old bull by the horns and got him out of there before he really hurt anyone oh, did anyone get hurt? Well, uh, uh, I have a bruised shoulder, oh, there's nothing really, you know, I have a liniment that will take. Take care of that for yourself, take the pain away right away, everything will be fine, everything will be fine, Jill, if I can get Miss Dolores to help me up on that, a chair on the porch certainly jumps, be careful, Adam, no you do it.
I don't think Carson, well, wouldn't you do such a thing as what you think planned all of this now, before you guys get into that area of ​​discussion, I think you should take that bull back to Thurman's ranch, that's cool, right? why not? Don't you try to serenade him with your guitar?

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