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Blox Fruits But Our Fruit Randomly Evolves After Every Battle

Apr 19, 2024
Today our Blox




after each


, we both start with an arugula


and after each round we will roll a die to decide what our fruit


into. The winner is the first person to land on the children and win a


with her. it's a rocket rocket V it's a mirror match a little showdown you brought me to my domain sen you shouldn't have domain expansion sen eventually you have to land okay look at you I'm trying to predict and I just can't this fight By the way, it's going to continue for always, unless you have something to say about it.
blox fruits but our fruit randomly evolves after every battle
Every time I say this fight will go on forever, by the way, you just win instantly, so I have to stop doing that. Oh, actually DOD that fair play. Yeah, yeah, you know what I'm actually building differently, this could go on for another 5 minutes, although it could go on for 5 years at this rate. I'm going to regenerate before you can harm me again, you dodged it, ooh, oh, you. You're lucky you stood still there, boom, come on, you know what you're really starting to believe, it's time for me to crush your dreams, dreams aren't allowed though, where I come from.
blox fruits but our fruit randomly evolves after every battle

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blox fruits but our fruit randomly evolves after every battle...

Okay, so play time's up, that's what you always say. This time it's real, okay though, let's see it then, how was that? Miss, what do you mean? Okay, he didn't teleport behind you though, no, there we go, he finally wasn't even close. Okay, since you won that first round, let's see what your fruit evolves to first what's the point of even winning brother actually got chop that's unfortunate let's see what I get because it's going to be better four five 1 2 3 4 5 It's better than chop but it's good Spike versus chop you see although winning might not completely change the game.
blox fruits but our fruit randomly evolves after every battle
I want to win just for bragging rights. Well, that's exactly why you're trying to win. We just need to win the last round to win the video, but at the same time I don't want to lose to you, uh uhoh. uhoh uhoh oh that was the cleanest slashing combo this world has ever seen that's the only slashing combo this world has ever seen come on, tackle, how do you stop all my moves? oh come on yeah you didn't stand a chance the cut is so halfway you're cheating you're actually cheating you're cheating I'm not cheating I'm winning well since you know I'm clearly the winner right there let's see what I get next I have six I go Straight to today's children, look at this 2 3 4 5 no, oh, it's rubber yes 450 or 6 450 or 6 I have two what's your luck?
blox fruits but our fruit randomly evolves after every battle
It's a 50/50. I get a decent number or so, actually, I think it's a one in six chance. rubber versus smoke, you are literally already eating weird


, this is annoying, when are you going to roll better? That's your problem, okay, oh no, no, no, I actually hate this fruit, I hate this fruit, I hate this fruit, it's so bad, it's so bad. Easy dodge Easy dodge Easy hit Easy hits I'm going to kill myself I think that's the easiest way I hate this fruit no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you know what rubber is, so average, why What is the worst fruit in the game?
They don't do it well it's the main fruit and it's that bad well sir winner let's see what he throws this time oh a four that's still a little bad you have sand what are you talking about that's good give me three give me three give me free give me fre there is no way for you to catch up hey barrier, although you know, barrier that barrier is better than rubber yeah, I actually agree with that barrier versus sand I'm actually scared, okay, you should be, you should be really scared. You should be really scared, yeah I'm on the stairs, what are you doing?
I think I'd better finish you off with a sand coffin just for the LOLs. Oh, be careful. Okay, GG, no, oh, the V sand is too strong. good


you're spinning you know these weirdos are really helping you when you're bad you get low rolls look at this oh nobody two 3 4 5 yes I'm ahead you're ahead for now but one again no I'm, I'm rolling Stop, look at this boom i got five 1 2 3 4 five love GG it was fun while it lasted love vs. ghost it's time for the spooky then okay cry my minions cry best friend uhoh the minions launch okay okay oh. no I'm really going to lose, I'm really going to lose, I'm really going to lose, I'm going to lose with love, minion speed, minions die, oh wait, he doesn't have minions, I'm my minions, no, it was. three on one was three on one the minions were always me, always have been now look you're winning too much right now but it doesn't even matter because if I win the last match which one could just win, no you won't . because I said it three 1 2 three you have Buddha you are still behind me although I want Sen to get four for no particular reason no I will win six wait that's bad for you too 1 2 3 4 5 6 wo wo wo wo wo wo wo , you didn't suddenly grow 3 extra feet and take that step right there.
I'm going to feel pain, it's pain versus glow stick, man you know what I don't even need, hcky, he's a loser. And no, no, you know. how are people always oh pain is really good you just need to be good at the game no it's average no that's something i will defend pain is really average there's nothing good about that fruit there's no way i can beat this glow stick glow stick sniper you actually shot me there's no way I'm winning it transformation no I made that move I killed you with the transformation you know what look you may be winning now but it just doesn't matter it doesn't really matter and to add to your streak of losses, give me a three or a four, well let's see, you actually have three, yes, you're on it, no, I need to turn a two or a four, give me three, give me three, give me three, please, five.
Oh no 1. 2 3 4 5 come on come on and I'm so close wait if I roll a six I can win a one in six chance of you winning it's doing counter sound oh no I just have to dodge and weave Dodge and weave and now I have Tempo, your fun time is over, okay, throw it to Disco, that's right, I stopped your movement with some disco disco, yes, but you stopped this movement, you didn't, okay, let's go this way until later. I'll see. I'm going to start a new life, a new family, you do that. I'm just going to have fun on Skull Island, yeah, I just dived into an unexpected disco, bro, he said unexpected disco, as if that wasn't the most anticipated thing in the world, come on, come on. come on, come on, come on, I'm actually taking damage, this is not good, wait where are you going, where are you going, Luke ow the Disco, I wasn't even close, yeah, where am I attacking from, I don't know and no.
I don't like it, boom for Deimo. I can find you, oh what a fool, you have to run away and hide like a stupid idiot. You were camping on the water. How I turned around and fooled you instantly. You immersed me. Okay look I hope you roll a two that's what I hope I keep winning those three oh No 1 2 three that's Rumble okay I just need a six and we're Gucci come on we got three oh no two three Spirit could be J, it's Spirit versus Rumble if I lose this People are going to laugh at me.
I literally can't allow that. I'm making sure it happens. No, no, no, no, no, no, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I'm spamming Spirits right now, it's not going to help you, oh god. God, what a Sho, oh no, I'm actually bad with this fruit. I always forget it. I think this fruit is cool, but I'm bad with it, so it doesn't matter and then with one of these OMB combos I'm dead. In fact, I'm dead. I can't win today. I just decided that enough is enough. Play time is over. No, I hate the spirit. I hate it.
I don't even enjoy using it. You're about to throw three you'll never get. kits on a big boy Rollo, come on, give it one plus three, come on, yeah, that's good, I think so, it's Mammoth, right? 1 2 3 4 no wait it's T-Rex it's even worse yeah so give me three. I could finish it with five, no, wait. 1 2 three and then I have to go back four five Dragon no kits a for you I don't care if I lose this is okay we could be here for a while it's dragon versus T-Rex I'm done, there's no way I beat the T-Rex I can't see you you were like in the sun you're in the blind spot you almost killed me it's time uh God please hey you know what two can play that game little dodge little me Actually, I'm camping in Sky, I don't even care, I don't even care , I'm camping in Sky, he's in his Arc L villain, please, no, no, this is so scary.
I just need to keep dodging, no, please, come on. can we talk about this can we talk about this no no no no no no no no you're so low come on oh yeah yeah it's time it's time no oh oh Sky camping worked I don't even care call me in the comments no I don't care well I I go first and you know I want a two. There's no way I have one. It's almost impossible for me to get another one, but I have a leopard, so I'll take that one. I'll take a two. It would be good for you to get a low number here, honestly you actually have a two, there's no way we're looking.
The shadow during the day is not a leopard. Just saying it now, yes, you might be right. Well, it's a leopard. I know I don't win this so I'm going to make your life really annoying versus Shadow, bye, I can hear you so close to me, oh no, I'm moving right now, uh, oh, I always get confused if it's the move that in actually something like teleport or not i almost caught you it almost wasn't a good idea just poorly executed honestly i'm spamming i'm spamming i don't hate leopard fruits man all i'm saying is i'm sorry but you weren't winning that honestly.
Yeah, you're not wrong, right? I need a one, give me a one, give me a six, a two again. I'm on Le again, you want a six now, right, that's what you want, I want. a five you want a five okay let's see three 1 2 three it's dragon against leopard this is going to get difficult now this is very difficult leopard against dragon and honestly I need to kill you now I'm going to try really hard the leopard's movement is very strange Where are you? Where are you? I'm apologizing You look a little short Low boom yes the SE move is too strong oh that's what I needed I needed to beat you before you become the big bad I don't I don't understand it, although my luck has always been bad, my rolls losses from before are about to happen here and now.
No, I don't think so, wait, I'm throwing yours right now, look at this boom, you win, you go first. Yes, yes, that is my role. I have children named. That's fine, sure, but you still have to win. You still have to win the fight. Yes, I still have to win. Well, let's see what you throw away. Are you ready? You'll get a six right now. Feel it boom you have a six it's not even written one two 3 4 5 6 oh that's hard I win although I don't know if I win those or it's hard it's hard if I win this even though the video is over I'm Also, right now you also have a streak of wins, you just can't beat Sen Pirates luck, subscribe, get lucky like Sen Pirates, that's all I'm saying, oh wow, I don't care about your subscriber's luck, I'm here to win. and that's it oh oh no oh no it's time to sweat it's not necessary because I look bad actually I was joking don't be kidding funny joku coming closer send close we have a nice gift inside Good gift come on your mod is over it's okay it's okay, okay, that's right, step on the spicy water, spicy water hurts, come on, track, track, it's time.
I'm going to make this the most annoying fight possible for you, come on, come on. Come on, I still have a lot of things left in my way. It's so op. Yeah, come on, that hurts. I know it hurts. One of those boom. Oh no, Venom, please, I don't have left clicks like you, one of those, yes I do. On the cloud, the spicy cloud didn't do anything, kid, so he busted all those losses on the video, they didn't mean a thing 'cause I won when it counted.

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