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Blox Fruits But a Board Game Decides Our Fruit, Then Battle!

May 09, 2024
I have turned Blockx


s into a



and we are going to roll dice and any space we land on is the


we get in a 1 V


. Each


you win counts as one point and the first of five points is the winner okay I'm hoping for a big roll for the first round come on get a couple of ones oh 11 that's huge okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 revive that's not bad look at me somehow get Rocket. I'm going to get one and zero oh I know what that is because it's one behind yours it's one behind yes you don't have a barrier wait no surely I win that yes yes yes surely it's ghost against barrier come on, that's right tactical stairs I'm at the top of the psycho stairs ow bro that's devious with the barrier it's actually crazy we're fine we're chilling we're chilling that was a bit risky Boom The big damage didn't even hurt honestly it really was weak bro it keeps disappearing it's actually irritating no no no no Ghostbusters I see which one you are so easy Dodge the move that moves you it's annoying by the way oh big damage come on come on they're bending you right now where am I?
blox fruits but a board game decides our fruit then battle
I actually don't know what's in the Air Boom yeah I was that far away no that made me sick by the way ghost is actually some kind of operation okay roll number two come on I need something good take me to the sign of question mark seven oh could I get there 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 seven sound come on good so I need seven yeah if you get seven you get the question mark come on I want to see it I want to see it you have 10 no it will be like pain or something 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 portal brother is sound versus portal is Jova that's what it is yeah it's not good for you honestly look I'm just playing here Building Tempo and


I'm going to do this that move is so broken Dash all lost cool oh no no no no no you brought me to the funky world wait I can't do anything here this world sucks yeah wait where is he bro oh there he is oh you're already gone yeah, I left right away I just left the movement and I left.
blox fruits but a board game decides our fruit then battle

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blox fruits but a board game decides our fruit then battle...

I'm not stupid. Come through my portal. There's no way you're gone. I'm not going to arrive on time. boom boom. Oh, you activated me, now you come back. Okay, oh no, he did it. Okay, nevermind, I'm so confused, I'm being fuff, I can't even what now, conf fuff, I'm confused, I just don't know what's going on anymore, ouch, ouch, I'm actually going to lose. I'm going to lose against a portal user, just kidding, what are you kidding about? I'm going to lose, I'm just kidding, you're everywhere, I'm everywhere and nowhere, okay, sure, I'm playing, I'm not losing.
blox fruits but a board game decides our fruit then battle
I'm not losing to Mr. Portal. I am loosing. In fact, I'm losing. The sound is so broken that I can't understand it. I can't figure out how to beat you, come on, big hit, okay, okay, come on. go, go, go, go, go, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, why can't he do anything about it, he just used his move, not like that, me I go later, he keeps doing that to me, it's so frustrating, he's using the move we just dodge for a moment, everything's fine, there it is, go and take me out, yeah, yeah, oh man you actually put up so much fight there bro, GG, man, GG, but that's 2 N, it's not going to end like that. wait, okay, I'd like a seven or a nine a seven or a nine or a 10 oh all those are cool let's go get two I have a five no, not really, that's good, that's good 1 2 3 4 5 blizzard, are you serious?
blox fruits but a board game decides our fruit then battle
I'm doing well if I get two. I'm all F forging and leaving this video. Oh, let's see, come on. 11. Oh no, what is that brother who goes to the mythicals? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Dragon, yes, it's time for him to come. He comes back, yes, but you're so close to Rocket, let's not talk about that blizzard against the dragon. I'm actually scared. I'm actually scared. I need no, no, no, I'm not here to play. In fact, I need to do something to you. before you get your dragon form because


it's good luckily for you I'm already getting pretty close yeah boom domain expansion wow that was cool and it totally hurt all my health oh no I don't even need do it. transform into you oh, I'm so bad, actually I'm so bad, why can't I?
What's going on? I'll do it anyway, although the Heat Wave beam is fine, now I can hit you because I can see you. Uh, okay, GG. It was fun while it lasted, but the burn damage is going to start to hurt a little. Oh, you're alive, not for long. I received a mystical drop in the middle of the fight. Oh, it's actually a weird drop, you know? No, it's more similar, brother. I had like 1,000. HP when you turned into a big dragon was J different okay come on don't give me a huge kitsun leopard roll but don't go or Rocket please 12 I have five 1 2 3 three four Shadow I could beat shadow with a rocket if I get Rocket well let's see what you're going to get it's not happening though I'm going to get a llama look at this seven wait a minute 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 llama I literally called him brother.
You just skipped all the commons, that's crazy. I told you it's my comeback season. Shadow vs. Flame, okay, let's do this, then I'm not going to joke with you. I've been soft on you all this time. I have been easy. Oh no, you. You're actually ruining me right now so I think Dodge this oh you actually did good F oh no no no no boom Oh it's over it's actually over J it's actually J yeah I finally hit you ow my first damage that hurt me so much oh you missed it, that's pretty unfortunate? oh, this is actually a bad matchup.
Okay, it's time to use my plan, okay, let's look at your plan schedule. Night please, I have a son you really dodged. I dodged these, although I didn't, but that. Still, somehow, I honestly don't know how you managed that, oh, that move just doesn't go as far as I want it to. No, they retired me, there was no chance. five, please, come on, six, six, yes, no, wait a minute, what does that mean?, wait, wait, wait, go, it surely doesn't count 1 2 3 4 5 6, no, go, it does count, no but you get Rocket anyway so yeah you know what it means it means go ahead one no no I actually have a rocket yeah okay I'll honestly take anything just the higher the number the closer I'm about to have mythical characters again, so give me like give me 12, let's see nine 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n Earthquake a little bad, but I'll accept it, it has to be better than a rocket, surely, a rocket versus an earthquake , um, I'll let you have a free attack, wow, I actually fell in love with that.
I have done it in the past, but no. oh you got into it, I did, you're kinda high in the sky, sen, yeah, well you hit me there, what are you saying like no, didn't you just go for a little trip? The earthquake is so medium, yes, it is. is not doing very well, was I predicting and did I predict wrong? I finally got a hit. Quake is so halfway there. Oh, this is such a terrible fight that you're going to win, although every time I say it's a terrible fight, you always win. here, come here, let me hit you with an oh, you saw that coming, mushrooms, I hate mushrooms in real life and that's why you don't, you hate mushrooms, huh, you can't hate mushrooms, no, that's a big one harm to you oh it's actually it's over it's over come on I can't see come here oh easy well I say easy that took a long time I'm looking at our recording time it took 10 minutes yeah the night is literally about to set it's about to being night is that 3 to have you alone you got ahead of yourself you brought it back yeah and I'm about to get another victory because your next fruit is going to be worse than mine it's a snowball Victory well let's see that I'm rolling big oh I took out a dark six 1 2 3 4 5 six is ​​okay, I can work with that but it's my turn I hope you get the question mark I hope you get the question mark no, it's not happening I don't want it 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lizard I don't care if I do I wish you got an 11 or a nine yeah I came out as good as possible I'm actually just living in the dark versus the blizzard you see I'd let you have a free attack but honestly I just want to win I don't even care It matters blro is my domain, would you say it is the expansion of your domain?
Yes, speaking of that, no, no, no, no, no, no, it is not good that we are in heat, where it is hot. your counter oh there you are ow oh no no no no no oh good Dodge fair play dodge this though oh you hit me S get over it ow yes yes yes yes big damage and then I'll get out of there no one hit me I don't I don't want to ow ow ow ow I was actually trying to get hit there so you would be in my domain. I got lost on purpose. Really?
Yeah, wait, my move didn't go up. They are cooking me. I put hundreds of hours into this


and I'm being cooked by a random skeleton for me Darkness is okay, it's time for you to relax. I'm going to start talking about the lovely table and it's over for you, come on, come on, no. no way no way big damage oh you, you flash St, that was great of you. I can't let you have this so easily oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, oh come on, no, no. no, no, no, wow, what a shot, no, oh, that was tough, let me tell you, but it's even.
Luke, it's even. Yes, but wait. I'm about to turn a mythical, oh yeah, look at me on the


long before you can turn. a mythical it's time for me to spin a 12 oh nine that's big that's big 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 spider I beat the qu I'm so glad I didn't get it that would have been scary, right? my turn here two seven is that Spirit 3 4 5 6 yeah seven wait this isn't snakes and letters okay okay oh man you know what guys should subscribe to because I'm about to feel some pain honestly , spider versus Spirit should I'm not ruling you out yet to be fair, come on you're so fast honestly, fair play for being so fast, that's what they say about Spider-Man, he's fast, maybe that'll hit the blast, no It was, come on, come on, come on, you know.
You can touch the ground once if you really want it's just a thought, although I have touched it now and now you have 10 years of good luck. I think it would be silly if it actually touched the ground. I just want you to really know that. yeah actually it might be a dumb idea that was close that was a little close yeah I got you on that I got you oh no now you now your frog called me Gamma Bunter I finished good job frog uhoh oh that hit that's what I'm talking m no oh no now you're cooking me Spirit time okay just keep your distance I have piggy speed oh no oh no no no way oh my god that V move is actually broken come on give me the smaller roll please a two five that's actually a little small no that could be bad though 1 2 3 4 five oh boom fun here we go it's time for me to cook a three boom no four 1 2 3 4 and as you landed onwards, I'm going to Kit, not this time, bro, not this time, okay, GG Rumble versus Rocket, honestly, this is probably the last round, it's probably the last round, right?
Oh wait, actually you have. You haven't seen this final form of mine before. This is PvP. Cooper. Great, you haven't seen this. Nobody has seen this. It's because it doesn't exist. No, no, no, no, like that. It's just that you're modeling me. I'm like 360 ​​oh yeah go bro you dodged it, you don't dodge this, even though I did it, I don't do all this, let's attack halfway, oh come on, I can't believe this, I actually can't believe this, honestly , that alone makes me the board game champion

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