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Blippi vs Meekah Build A Giant Box Fort with Ball Pit

Jun 16, 2024
There's so much to learn about this it'll make you want to scream it's me flipy look at this


box yeah mom and I have some exciting things planned today but we were supposed to meet here already H huh I wonder where mom went H did you listen for something, it sounded like a doorbell oh look, there's a doorbell H, let's try to press it I wonder who's home hello, it's nice to meet you and this is my best friend, blippy and we have work to do, we do it, aha. Have you told them what we are going to do today?
blippi vs meekah build a giant box fort with ball pit
Oh yeah, fool, I forgot. Yes, we're using everything in these boxes to


an epic, awesome


. The


s are great. I think a great fort needs three things. A great way to get it. in an amazing way to go out, yes, and something unique to make it special exactly, we have to use our creative thinking, how is this for the blippy plan? You can check out my purple box and get some


ing ideas oo oh, and mom, you can check out my orange box. Box and get some fun creative ideas too three 3 two noodles, look at a PVC pipe, oh, that will be a fun plastic pipe where maybe we can hang something or use it as a trumpet and, we can use this as a super cool superhero cave . maybe just the roof, well I guess we better start building this fort, let's do it.
blippi vs meekah build a giant box fort with ball pit

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blippi vs meekah build a giant box fort with ball pit...

I was working on the door right here, but there's nothing to attach the door to, so we can build a really fun door frame by stacking these blocks. woohoo woohoo a door frame post now we just need the other side and we've finished the other side we'll just put it in there and hold the door. You see, I put some string and some cardboard here with tape so I can open it. a hinge, check it out, we did it, woohoo, look at the door, the entrance door to our Fort, hey M, I finished the door, hey flippy, it looks great, thanks, oh, and M, did you know that the doors more world's largest are at the Kennedy Space Center, yes?
blippi vs meekah build a giant box fort with ball pit
Measuring 456 feet tall or 138 m wide, that's taller than the Statue of Liberty. Well, I'll see you inside, okay, I have a surprise for you. Oh okay, who got a


pit? Yes, I made a


pit so we can splash around. our Fort W, sounds fun. I made it with some plastic tubes and put a sheet like this on it. Looks great. You did a good job. Thanks my friend. I have some clips in my jam package. together we cut this out over here and then grab some pillows for a nice cushion wow, it looks really cool, nice and soft so you don't hit your head would you like to help me with the finishing touches? blippy or yeah, I'd love to for good, let's put this last bag of balls in there W, check it, there's no ball pit, balls, balls, here we go Zip Zip Zip Zip zipper here we go okay, one last thing to do what's that jump in?
blippi vs meekah build a giant box fort with ball pit
This is fun, this is fun, yeah, oh well. We have done a very good job creating our Fork, we did it, it looks amazing and it has two of the three cool things for the tab, a cool entrance which is the door, yes, and something unique, the ball pack, we just need a really fun outing, oh I've done it. great idea wait here blippy okay I'll be back I wonder what mom's idea is H look I found this in the backyard a ladder yes some stairs for a slide a slide that would be a good idea for an outing well well we have the stairs and the slide and we have some tools to put it all together oh okay let's put it together maybe around there okay here we go it's time to build a hammer for you and a hammer for me.
Wow, it looks really cool. now we just have to adjust it to be the output. Great, wow, that's awesome and I think there's only one last thing left to do now, swipe, swipe, you can go first, okay, here you go, thanks, okay, here we go, it's time to swipe, good job buddy, okay here. I mean, mom, that was amazing, that was so much fun, we did it, we made our Fort so amazing and we finished all the parts, oh, the only thing left is to dance now, okay, dance party, wo w W, well, now that We built our Fort, what should we do?
Oh, I know let's play some Fort games. I love playing. Do you think we should play a game of Fort together? Yeah, that sounds fun. So what should we play? How about we play hot and cold? Oh I like it. The game is one where someone hides a dinosaur and the other person tries to find it and gets clues that are hot or cold if they are close or far away, that's exactly choppy, sounds like a fun game, well who should go first? about: first I hide the dinosaur and you can find it, okay, okay, I'm going to go outside so you can hide it and then tell me when you're done, okay flippy, see you later, here we go, okay, where should we put the dinosaur? okay, flippy wo, okay, well now we have to find the dinosaur, okay, I'll look and see where it could be.
You're cold as Antarctica, okay, it's still pretty cold over here, maybe it's over here, oh, but you're getting warmer. I don't see it here either, but you're getting a little hot as a volcano. Wow, look. I found it, it's our dinosaur. Well, how about I hide the dinosaur and you go outside so I can hide it? Well, friends. Ok oh, I wonder where we should hide. He was very good at hiding you. No, just the place. Okay, mom. I finished well. Let's see if mom can find the dinosaur. Where is that dinosaur going? Okay, you're getting cold like a cold.
Frozen smoothie, okay, yeah, you're still cold as ice, still cold, you're as cold as an ice cube, cold as a


giant refrigerator freezer, you're getting hot, you're getting really hot, maybe like a hot panini and toasted, mmm, wo. You're getting hot like a bowl of soup or hot like lava or hot like the sun or a star it's the dinosaur here you're getting very very hot but you have to keep looking good, I think we did a good job, you did a great job, okay , warmer, you're done, this calls for a 10 cent dance party, dance party, we did it, we did it, we never gave up, we did it, it was fun, well, is there another game you think we can play together ? ooh let's build an obstacle course oh that's a great idea, an obstacle course is where you place different objects, yes obstacles, things that you might have to climb over, climb under or roll over.
I know and we can time ourselves, maybe mom, you can grab some. flowers this is going to be a fun obstacle course okay this is how it goes first you have to walk on the pill to the road and then go over this big red bumpy block yeah and it's a tunnel so then go through below through the sofa maze. In the ball pit and down the slide, yeah, okay, I'm ready to time you, mom, are you ready? Yeah, ready, see who I am, that was fun. Come on, keep going. You are so close to the finish line.
You did it. We were very fast on that obstacle course, thank you, but I think it's my turn now, okay, there you go, oh, there you go. It's stuck in my hand, okay, let me read, reset the clock, can't wait, okay, okay, on your mark, get ready, come on. here on the bridge wao you look like a turtle woo almost there wow W come on buddy, go well, now go down the slide towards the exit hideout oh we did it, it was really very fun, very fun, I think I need a little break from the fields off course, oh Okay, yeah, but we had a lot of fun and built this amazing Fort M.
You have such creative ideas. Oh, thanks Flippy. I love knowing that the largest doors are at the Kennedy Space Center and are bigger than the Statue. of Liberty wo that's really great well that's the end of this video but if you want to see more of our videos all you have to do is search my name hey can you spell my name with us? Okay, here we go, ready, b l i py, good job. Can you spell my name with us? Great, m e e k ah woo, well see you soon, bye, come on everyone, let's make learning fun, there are so many things to learn it will make you want to scream.

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