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Blippi And Meekah Pretend Play Together! | BEST OF BLIPPI TOYS | Educational Videos for Kids

Jun 21, 2024
Bicycle Cafe, that's where we are. you want one, sure, here you go, check it out, hey, that gives me a great idea, blippy. I have other stickers here in my bag. Do you want to decorate your helmet? It's a great idea. Let's decorate my helmet before we leave. ride, okay, okay, but you also said they have food and drinks, right, yeah, it's also a cafe where we should probably hydrate ourselves before we go on the trip, that's a great idea, yeah, come on, hey, hey, hello , we are about to go on a bike ride yes, we are looking for some refreshing drinks before we go yes, do you have water?
blippi and meekah pretend play together best of blippi toys educational videos for kids
I make W for you mmm thanks woohoo wo yeah look at all this stuff what great craft supplies yeah let's decorate your helmet okay I love it. decorate yes this is going to be a lot of fun looks like we have some stickers MH W look at a little star yes what's that gold gold Oo we also have silver okay oo take off it's a little tricky to take off how's that going? thereI'm going to put one here, oh, orange ribbon, one of my two favorite colors. I knew you were going to go for the orange pop and these are really cool stickers, woo okay wow look underwater sea creatures.
blippi and meekah pretend play together best of blippi toys educational videos for kids

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blippi and meekah pretend play together best of blippi toys educational videos for kids...

Great, what animal are you? I'm going to choose oh, what's up with this really funny dolphin? Can I put it here on the orange tape? Sure, cool, orange and blue


, my two favorite colors, yeah, I really like these wallers, another animal that lives in water, oh, look at this. Do you know what I'm going to do with this? No W. That's a surprise. Do you need help cutting exactly? Yes, thank you very much. Okay and look at this. Well, I'm going to put it in this hole and then I'll go. to get it out of this and then I'm going to tie a little knot and I'm going to make a really cool ribbon tail so that when it goes super fast it will fly into the air, that's a great idea, maybe we should cut it a little shorter, but what like right there?
blippi and meekah pretend play together best of blippi toys educational videos for kids
Yes, there you have it. Alright. It will look really cool, oh thank you and maybe you can try to make it a little curly. Oh great. I do not do it. I know if it will work with this tape but it's a trick this is something an adult K will help you do so your tape doesn't work okay yeah a different tape for that trick yeah and here's a green marker , woo, okay, let's do some. Doodle on that side, it's a good idea, yes, you are very good at drawing, you should try drawing. I'm going to make a big pink heart on the back, this is pink, wow, let me try another one, yeah, that would be nice. one of your favorite colors, yeah, okay, and I'll work on another tape.
blippi and meekah pretend play together best of blippi toys educational videos for kids
It's going to be a surprise what you're drawing. It's very nice of you to do that. Yes, are you excited to see what he's drawing? A blue heart for my


regards. Dude, oh mom, yeah, okay, I cut another ribbon that has stars on it, yeah, I think it will look cool when I drive really fast, we'll be blowing in the wind, yeah, okay, check it out. What does this look like? Very good. Well, hey, do you think it looks good enough? Yes, okay, let's try it. Well, let's see how you look. This helmet is fabulous.
Well, let's go for a walk? Oh yeah, come on. It's okay, we'll be back. Here later to clean up, but now let's go for a ride, yeah, woohoo, this is going to be so much fun, yeah, this is a great day to ride bikes


, yeah, we have cool looking bikes, we drank a lot of water , so I think I'm ready, I need to put my helmet on to be nice and safe. Oh yeah, and we decorated my helmet to make it look really cool. You look so great. Hey, look at this. I have brakes on my bike in case I need to stop. just back up like this, oh yeah, with your hands, yeah, oh, and look at my bike, yeah, I don't have handbrakes, yeah, I have brakes when I put them back, that's right, yeah, are you ready?
Oh yeah, I can't wait, okay, let's go. Okay, yeah, that was amazing, that was super fun. Wow, I love riding my bike too, especially with you, flippy. Oh yes, two people for two bikes. Yes, it's a lot of fun to ride a bike together. What if there was a bicycle that two people could ride together? bike, what would be cool, what, look at this, this is a tandem bike, yes, look, there are two seats on this Spike, one, two and two sets of handlebars, yes, these handlebars in the front are for the person who drives and these are for the person. back so they don't fall, yes.
Let's try? If I can not wait. Okay, two people, one bike, here we go. It was so much fun riding with you. Mom, yes, it really was, yes, we had one. great day riding my bike, yes it was so fun decorating my helmet with you, yes it looks great and I'm so happy you fixed your tire, oh thanks mom yes and it's really cool how we learned that you need to stay hydrated . before doing really active things like riding a bike, yeah, and riding a bike is great, it's good for the planet and good for your body, yeah, well this is the end of this video, but if you want to see more of my


, all you have to do is search my name, yeah, could you spell my name with me? uh-huh b l i p p I blippy good job hey mom, how do you spell your name?
Oh I'll show you it's me e e k a h ma wow that's great okay see you again bye here. Go learning and having so much fun that you will learn that it will make you want to scream.

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