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Nastya and dad in the museum of sweets

May 19, 2024
like nsta M is made of candy yes it is also made of candy even the nose wow wow ah welcome to Candy Land wow collect some you can do it wow look ah bye hello where are you? Stacy Stacy where are you? Stacy I'm here St oh here you are where have you been we did it yes hello hello hello wow welcome wow


be careful lizard it's tasty M how sweet cute next video I'm a big girl hello tell me Stacy we need your help quickly to the base okay calls of beauty come on, let's find out who needs help, help me, help me, come on, wait, I'm coming, yeah, it's time to eat, let's go back hello, who is it?
nastya and dad in the museum of sweets
Stacy, can you help me again? Yeah, well, who's in trouble, help. Yo, help me wait, I'll say save you, wait, yo, you just seen here for a while, ready, it's time to eat M, help me, help me, I'll save you, ha, give up, it's police, you're in the AR , go to jail, well, okay. Okay come on hurry up well done hey you're free to go good job Stacy yeah boo Rin I found it yeah yeah don't forget to like it bye the next video has already started. Hey guys, stop, no, no, no. No, so look at the screen, I'm just an old man, help me, help me, please, hands up.
nastya and dad in the museum of sweets

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nastya and dad in the museum of sweets...

Get out of the car, uhoh. Do you understand that you shouldn't behave like this? Hey guys, stop watching the next video, great, Stacy, Stacy, huh. Stacy where are you? Stacy Stacy where are you Stacy dad? I'm here, where are you? Stacy where are you? where are you? Stacy it's okay, I'm tired of the flames Dad, where are you? Dad, where are you? Dad, are you here? Dad, where are you? Where is dad? I got lost. Where are you? They got lost aha here you are come back quickly uhhuh young lady would you like some


yes I want yes take it run help mhm that's what's happening uh-oh watch the next video Dad, can I? get this one and this one or this one or not this one and for this one Stacy but we don't have that much money buy me this one no Stacy sorry H bye bye bye no no no no no let's go bye I want or or or what am I doing right the lesson ended the next video do you remember this something is bothering me biting oh oh oh oh daddy look let's get out of here quickly it's raining it's raining daddy look look at this and this and this oh worms uhoh there's no one's run away G get out, get out ow help help w let's run away run let's go then, where was I look oh, let's take it yoohoo, turn it on faster, faster, cool, wow, what a cool house, yeah, wow M, wow, what about me, wow, hm? uhhuh ah aha what happened the house is deflating Stacy uhoh let's get out of here in the next video la la la la oh no oh no oh no oh no aha oh this goodbye doctor when can you see us wait wait coming ok okay, come on, come on, what Come in, my goat is sick, yes, you need some medicine, open your mouth, well done, well done, take care of yourself, bye, could you also treat my pig?
nastya and dad in the museum of sweets
I take it thank you bye I need you to come wait wait I'll be back soon oh I'm so sick I'm here I'm here sit down you need an operation uh-oh you know it's too much take this honey sweets thank you Doctor goodbye you need help I need to wash them oh honey, especially you what a beauty next video dinosaurs run for your life build the wall faster faster wow oh no, dinosaur save yourself ooh, I have an idea Oh, dad, track T oh yeah, great idea ahuh, where should we run? Where should we hide the house?
nastya and dad in the museum of sweets
Yes, there H, what do you want? open, open the door, open the door, build your own house, take some more, we don't have enough materials, we don't need more. There is a dinosaur there is a dinosaur there we need these blocks please thank you very much dad looks dad dad come and bite ice cream ice cream hello what's one doing ice cream or cakes look what's there where excuse me come back you're very bad a cotton candy where it's cotton candy come buy come buy do you want cotton candy I want hello again I'll call the police hello police arrest them hello I'll be there right now what happened to you Z stole everything let's go look for them let's not move oh it's ready we have you she goes to jail for 5 minutes good job let's go to CCH next of course we'll be punished for 5 minutes come here I will give ice cream this for you and this for me next video daddy daddy daddy oh boring hm idea here you go have fun H I'm bored again Daddy let's go for a walk let's go to the sea to the sea let's go to the sea oh aha aha Daddy O O Stacy Stacy what happened where are you how did you get there Stacy where are you oh my god, Stacy, where are you?
Stacy, have some water, thank you Stacy, come here, miss, come here, wait, where are my toys? Don't be sad, let's go to the store, you will behave, deal, wooo.

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