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Blippi at the Dentist | Blippi | Kids Songs | Moonbug Kids

May 23, 2024
There's so much to learn about this it'll make you want to scream


hey it's me


and today we're here at Silicon Beach Pediatric Dental in Culver City, California this is the


's office and today I'm going to my checkup come on. excited, clean my teeth, yes, yes, here at the


, the dentist, makes sure that your teeth, your gums and your fake house, super help me clean well. I brush and floss twice a day but it's good to go to the dentist for a checkup and cleaning to keep your teeth extra clean and extra healthy hi blippi I'm Dr.
blippi at the dentist blippi kids songs moonbug kids
Ray oh hi nice to meet you nice to meet you Are you ready for the tooth party? Yeah, wait a minute, you said tooth party, tooth party. I love it. parties oh and who is this is Danny the Dinosaur oh hi Danny wow it looks like Danny has some teeth Is Danny going to brush his teeth today? We'll use Danny to teach you how to brush your teeth oh yeah that would be great. so if you look, Danny has teeth like you, check him out and we have this toothbrush so we can learn how to brush our teeth.
blippi at the dentist blippi kids songs moonbug kids

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blippi at the dentist blippi kids songs moonbug kids...

Look, that's a really big toothbrush, probably because Danny has really big teeth and when you brush your teeth. you have top teeth and bottom teeth you have left teeth and right teeth and when you brush you have to make sure you brush the outside and the inside so let's brush a little with Danny okay I like it I count to 10 when I wash the teeth, so on the front we'll count to ten, okay, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, great, are you done yet? No, because you also have to brush the back teeth, they are called the back teeth. molars, so let's brush our molars, so on the back you have to brush the outside and the inside you have to brush the upper and lower ones and don't forget the right side, we are going to brush them too and the Dr. you said the back part. teeth those are called molars the back teeth are called molars oh and what are the front teeth called the front teeth are called incisors incisors try saying that with me incisor wow good job wow, so after brushing you still have one more thing to do That's a really important thing to do and that's flossing, so don't forget to floss because sugar bugs like to hide between your teeth.
blippi at the dentist blippi kids songs moonbug kids
Wow, sugar bugs, you want to make sure you use them so that when you pull out the floss, it gets between your teeth. very carefully, very gently, and clean all the food that is between your teeth, so don't forget to floss, and that helps keep your gums healthy, keeps your gums healthy, keeps your teeth healthy and prevents you from getting cavities. That's great, yeah, you don't want cavities, so you have to remember to brush and floss, and part of going to the dentist today, blippi, is that we're going to count your tea, so we're going to use Danny and he'll show us. what I see as the dentist, so you can see too, so let's count Danny's teeth at the top, let's do it together, okay, this is the dentist's mirror and let's count here, count me in one, two , three four five six seven eight. nine ten good job, so Danny has 10 teeth on top, that's a lot of teeth, that's great and now Danny has a very nice smile.
blippi at the dentist blippi kids songs moonbug kids
Check it out now that I'm sitting down, I'm ready to get my teeth cleaned. so blippi let's go brush your teeth but first I'll show you everything we're going to do before we do it oh that's great thanks this is the Thirsty straw, it drinks the water but when you turn it on it makes a little air noise, so it's not scary, it's just a little bit of air that you want to touch, yeah, you hear it, and then to rinse your teeth, we have the water jet, this is the water jet and it throws a little bit of water, did you see that?
Wow, and then to brush our teeth we have the pro motor, this is like an electric toothbrush and if you feel it, it's very soft, oh yeah, it's very soft and you said this is called pro motor, pro motor, wow, that's cool, yeah, like a toothbrush and when you turn it on it makes a little motor noise and it tickles your finger, so feel it, it's soft, English, wow, that's good, that's cool, so Before starting you can choose the flavor of toothpaste you want, we can choose the flavor, but what? Flavor, if we choose it, looks like chocolate cake with watermelon caramel or cupcakes, grape and mint.
I think I'm going to choose mint, so now we're going to tilt the chair back. It's like going on a spaceship and we're going to count the teeth. and then we're going to brush your teeth, you feel like I'm getting ready for takeoff three two mirror and we'll use it to count your teeth just like we did with Danny's, oh, okay, do you want to start at the top or the bottom? let's make the bottom teeth let's count the bottom ones open big one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen looks great blippi whoa 14 teeth on the bottom yes, now let's count the top ones one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fourteen on the top great job living oh wow that's amazing 14 on the bottom and 14 on the top hmm that means twenty eight twenty eight actually blippi if you include the wisdom teeth you have 32. that's great that's a lot of teeth so this is the electric toothbrush and now let's brush your teeth this will be fun and very minty and here's your toothpaste oh and let's brush your teeth oh check it out Yes, the toothpaste comes in a little cup right there.
Wow, so the electric toothbrush picks up the toothpaste and then we can brush your teeth, here we go blippi, remember that part of taking care of your teeth and avoiding cavities is eating healthy, so you always want to eat lots of healthy things, like fresh fruits and vegetables. Don't eat a lot of sticky things because sugar bugs like that and remember to always drink plenty of water when you're thirsty. Good job blippi, how do your teeth feel? Oh, they feel so clean. Well, that's it for cleaning your teeth. They look great. oh well thanks for cleaning my teeth yes and they feel clean too and they feel great so no cavities today you have 28 teeth and they look beautiful thank you yes it's good that I don't have cavities but what is it a cavity?
Holes in your teeth and teeth are caused by sugar bugs. Sugar bugs on my teeth we all have little bacteria that live in our mouths and some of them are called sugar bugs and sugar bugs like to make a hole in your teeth, that's why you brush. Every day you not only brush the food from your teeth, but also clean all the sugar bugs. Wow, that's so important to brush and floss to get rid of all those sugar bugs. Look, there are so many colorful toys here after Ray. to choose one of these flippy, you did a great job today, so you can choose a toy, we have balls, ice cream cones, airplanes and a lot of other cool things, what do you want to get?
I don't know, look, look at these, for sure. They're colorful, they're a very soft soccer ball, very fun, oh and look at this, look, it's a toy snake, look at it, wow, yeah, it's cool. I think I'll go with the blue ice cream cone and I have one more. something special for you, blippi, so you can take care of your teeth at home. I have a toothbrush, some toothpaste, and some floss for you, so you can do it every day, wow, my own toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss, yeah, that's awesome, and look, it's also the color blue uh well, thank you very much for cleaning my teeth and for making sure they were nice and healthy thanks blippi, we are very brave, yes, and I didn't have cavities, woohoo, well, see you soon.
In six months, blippi, bye, oh, I guess I'll have to come back in six months for another checkup. Wow, that was amazing, no one wants a toothache, so wet your toothbrush and put on a pea-sized dab of toothpaste. your toothbrush ready and follow me let's pretend to brush your teeth for two minutes make sure you brush your teeth really well let's make some circles circles circles circles circles circles on all sides of your teeth oh, there are germs living in your mouth I have to get them out and it's because that we brush our teeth, come on, brush those teeth, okay, we're halfway there, keep pretending to brush, let's make more circles, circles, circles, circles, circles, circles on all sides of your teeth, brushing eggs, your breath smells super good, I have to make you smile. white as rice oh I love brushing my teeth oh don't forget to brush your gums and don't forget your tongue now we're almost done, let's brush the front back side to side front back and side to side all right behind side to side front of back and side to side come on run those teeth guys oh we love brushing our teeth I also left a flossing hey I had a lot of fun today at the dentist yeah we learned a lot of things about teeth and I even They cleaned and looked at the teeth. by the dentist, oh and Dr.
Ray, he was very kind and friendly, and look, I even have some things to take home, well that's the end of this video, but if you want to see more of my videos, everything what you have to do is search. my name, hey, can you spell my name with me? Okay, here we go, good job, well, I'll see you soon and one more thing, don't forget to brush and floss your teeth every day, see you soon, bye.

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