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Detective Blippi - Educational Videos for Kids

Apr 07, 2024
look where we are, we're in a beautiful park and look what we have, delicious, a tasty lunch like this grape, this raspberry, a red strawberry and we have some vegetables, a cracker sandwich, but we'll get to that in a moment. play first come on wow this park is so beautiful like these plants they just look like plants but to me they are so beautiful look they are so green and alive and they smell so good wow hey I'm a little hungry let's eat some more oh wow, what? What happened? Where did he go? oh no, my lunch is gone, hey, officer, officer, oh, hey, lippy, what's going on.
detective blippi   educational videos for kids
My lunch was right here, I was eating it and it was very good and then I went over here and then I looked at some plants and then I came back here and everything had been fine. Looks like we need to look into this. Lucky for you. I have my crime scene bag with me. I have a very good idea. Do you want to help me, Blippi? I would love to. oh I have this special badge just for you oh wow look it even has my name on it. I'm honored, and look what you got on a police bike, can I look at it, of course you can freak out? cool, okay, look at this, a helmet, wow, this keeps you nice and safe, okay, and oh, look up, see it's a light and the handlebars and a big giant wheel and tire and then a second one big wheel and giant tire and then we have? the pedals and the kickstand, let's put it on right now, yeah, and look at this, this is the crime scene investigation, he said this will help us find my lunch, but first let's take it for a spin, whoa, whoa, whoa, oh, that was so much fun.
detective blippi   educational videos for kids

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detective blippi educational videos for kids...

Isn't it amazing? Yeah, well, I think we should start with the investigation. What do you think? Yes, I think so too. Okay, I think it's best to send the canine. Ooh, canine, that's another word for a dog officer. in the k-9 he did, police dogs have very sensitive noses and the police used them to help us track people and evidence to help us with our investigations. He did it and found some evidence. Blippi researcher. This is the evidence that the k9 also tracks. oh look this is my glass this is my glass that had all the water in it what is it doing up here? eh, well, there's the glass, what do we do?
detective blippi   educational videos for kids
We have to collect the evidence using the bag we talked about before so that the The first thing we're going to do is put up evidence tape to secure the scene, okay, thanks, look, it says crime scene, don't cross, go around the bumper, here we go and we can tie it, okay, let's tie it there. oh I'm almost there oh good job lippy thanks okay it's nice and tied now that was a great job


now we have to take pictures using a ruler okay here we go so we have the ruler let's put this right next to it then we have a camera , let me turn it on, smile, oh, you're so beautiful, class, okay, close up, turn it off and here you go, now that we've taken pictures, we actually need to collect the evidence, okay, but before we do that.
detective blippi   educational videos for kids
We have to put on gloves because we don't want your fingerprints to look good, so we have to put on these gloves, and this first glove is blue and the second glove is also blue, okay, I put on the gloves. Now, that's great, now that we have the gloves on, we can pick it up and put it in a bag. Okay, look at the evidence bag. Well, here we go to pick it up. Wow, okay, let's put it in the bag. So I already have it in it. bag now, what a great job now we have to take it to the police department to process it properly, so how do we get it there?
Well, we're on the call on the motorcycle, okay, officer power check, can you send the motorcycle? for the transport of evidence, okay, I guess I'll go get the motorcycle, go there waiting for you,


, okay, look what it is, it's a police motorcycle and this is what will be used to transport the evidence, here , come here, look at it. Okay, first things first, let's put the evidence on the back of this motorcycle. Okay, now it's safe to come back here. Oh, and back here, here's a compartment with a laptop. Look, there's a laptop and a printer too.
What is this? Oh look, it's a photo for me. Oh beautiful. photo, okay, let's leave that right there, okay, there are a lot of interesting things to show you, but first maybe I should get on. This motorcycle is really big, much bigger than the average motorcycle. Okay, let me show you this. Yeah, I kind of want to show you. This first, this is a radar gun, look, this is what is used to check the speed of everyone driving on the road, so you should drive at the speed limit or less because that is the safe limit, let's see What else can I show you, oh yeah, the lights. look at this ready oh yeah red and blue lights to let everyone know there is an emergency and the most used thing also to let everyone know there is an emergency is the siren here we go oh that's so loud and then also the horn, yes, and then The police officer on the motorcycle took the evidence to the police station.
Whoa, look, we're inside the evidence room with our evidence. Hey, how are you? Hey, that's the evidence, what do we do? So let's process it for friends, okay? How? we do that first you will need your lab coat lab coat look yes, it is the color blue wow, I like the color blue, it is one of my two favorite colors, blue is one of them and orange is the other, now I have my lab coat, now, what do you need now? gloves, gloves, are they okay, they're here, it looks like, oh, look at these blue rubber gloves, so we use them so we don't leave our own fingerprints on the evidence, okay, so now I have the gloves on , now what are you going to need to fold this brown paper down, okay, oh, here we go, thanks brown paper, hey, now you can come over to this side, okay, and now we have this, we have the right paper.
Here and with gloves on, so now, what do you need? Now you will need some tools. Well, let's see, first of all, you're going to need your point powder. Look at that printing dust. It is black in color. Well, next you're going to need your brush brush look at that brush whoa and now what do I do so take your glass out of the bag okay okay okay now dip your brush in the powder okay just a little bit okay I have a little bit of powder you see that now what do you paint? brush your fingerprint like a fairy dancing in the lake fairy dancing in the lake I like that you're funny okay here you go okay it's showing something wow okay okay I'll take it okay and next thing you're going to need your print riser, ooh, a print riser, so the print riser looks like a sticker, so can you hold this for me?
Okay, now I'm going to peel this off and this is very sticky and then I'm going to put it right here. there we go, oh, okay, and then I should gently peel it off, peel it off, okay, just like that, just like that, oh, we did it. Okay, let's close it like a book and look at that. We just took a fingerprint off the glass. Yes, the evidence. glass, okay, so I'll give you that and then what do we do with the glass now? So the glass must be put back into a paper bag. Okay, so I'll go get a paper bag and yeah, here we go, let's see, perfect. go okay now what do you need to seal the bag with evidence okay evidence tape oh okay look at this seal it okay and it's sealed now don't forget to sign it oh I gotta sign it will you spell my name with me? done b l i p p i blippi good job okay let's put the pen back in now that the evidence is stuck and secure we need to put it on the evidence bolt here I go what's that?
Hello, hello, I have some tests for you, oh, we. I got the results of those prints, oh look at this, it's a photo of a raccoon, so the raccoon ate my lunch and I'm just looking for things to put in my sink or float kit. Well, I already have many. Toys here, so we need to put some more things so we can put it in our giant tank and see what sinks are nearby Hey look, a bottle of water, okay, oh, a cup of flamingo tea, what else is around here? check it out yeah tools. I love building things, especially with screwdrivers and wrenches, oh, down here, another thing we can see if it sinks or floats, yes, toothbrush, I love brushing my teeth, yes, it makes them nice and clean, hey, some flowers, oh, they smell so good, okay, let's drink. them over here look at this, we're going to throw all these things in this giant pool and then we'll see if they sink or float okay, let's start with the flowers, do you think they'll sink or float?
Yes, they float, here they are. the water bottle, wait, it floats, oh, I bet you know what they're going to do, yeah, the tools, the screwdriver and the pliers, yeah, they made it to the bottom, that means they sink, oh, let's see, let's take some of these toys, oh. little turtle, oh, that one sinks too, bye, look at all these other things, okay, let's put this pool toy in there, yeah, it floats, check it out, a soccer ball, some countries call it a soccer, ready, it also floats, yes. bbq tools bbq here we go where did they go oh they made it to the bottom that means they sink hey look at some apples look at this I wonder if these apples will sink or float woohoo hey all three of them float.
I love reading, especially newspapers, they are so exciting, that's what my grandparents would say, here we go. Hey, look at those newspapers floating around. Hey, someone had to write all those words in the newspaper and they could have started with pencil on paper. Yes, and look at this. It's a pencil here we go float that giant pencil float do you know what this is? Protects me from the rain Keeps me nice and dry It's an umbrella Whoa here we go Hey that floats too Yeah a soap dispenser I love washing my hands You're okay, here we go Wait, where did it go?
We go down to the bottom, that must mean it's six o'clock. Wow, have you ever used one of these things before? This is a cooler. Yeah you normally put a lot of ice and drinks in here but by now it's really empty so that must mean it's probably very buoyant and not very dense so I bet you know if this is going to sink or float look at it it floats yeah , that means it has less point than water, all right, here we go, here goes a watermelon three two one oh it broke oh no oh but it floats oh that's so silly oh eh I'm going to have to clean that up okay, let's take this and let's get some of that out look at that, some pieces of watermelon oh that looks delicious, okay let's put it here, hey, wait a second, did you see me use this pool skimmer?
Yes, this is what you use to get things out of the water, yes, like these apples here, yes, remember the ones from before, let's put them aside. Hey, I wonder if. This floats or sinks It's pretty light I think it's hollow inside Let's see Yeah, it definitely floats There's a lot of other cool stuff around here So let's use Whoa That's heavy Oh this is a bag full of sand Okay, I'm going to go this way Here we go , I bet this is going to sink, that caused quite a stir, wow, ah, there's one, two, three, four, five more things, let's throw them into one, two, three, four and five.
The five things seem to float, huh, there's not much else, wait. Second, I have an idea. I wonder if I would sink or float. I am very excited. Let's find out. Ready. Three, two, one. Stop there. Hey, remember, you should never jump into a pool unless an adult is with you, here we go. I guess I float, that's so silly, well it was so fun learning about buoyancy with you and density to see what sinks and what floats, okay I guess I'll go swimming, see you later for an adventure, what games are we going to play? play today? let's splash in the water we can play together all day let's grab our toys this one will sink or float maybe jump on my skate sailing here we go now everyone sing splashing in the water playing together let's time for a splash, splash, splash in the water playing all together, come on, time to splash in the water, play all together, come on, splash time, stitch, splash in the water, play all together, come on, time to splash, now let's go underwater, let's play with the fish, let's go swimming. along with flippy learning exploring all day diving deep under what new things are we going to see our new world awaits us can we see the fish swimming swimming in the deep blue seas the fish splashing underwater playing with the fish yes, it's time to play swish splash underwater is the blippi way to learn and play all day splish splash underwater playing with the fish yes it's time to play splish splash underwater is the blippi way to learn and play all day

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