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Blind Harry Potter WAND Challenge! ft. Cherry Wallis and Tessa Netting

Jun 04, 2021
small world it's me Brizzy and I'm here with


my favorite is Harry Potter girls so it's daytime let's check out Cherry's


collection I have many based on touch


folded a shallot good night are you ready I oh I'm ready she's confident there her walk I'm NOT sure I don't even know the ones they have in my business you can hold the


for five seconds and then we take it away okay and then you have to give us your hands verb 1 You don't have to go first, put that pressure, okay, oh, okay, then the same first wand, will you stay away from me?
blind harry potter wand challenge ft cherry wallis and tessa netting
Okay, take it. Viking ship calmly because you remember that he entered the ship that the little ants would like to be on. here and just say the shape Oh, there, here's your wand, okay, yeah, Harry ding-ding-ding, you're right, this big stick from Harry Potter - eh,


, different time for Tesla's wand, his first , wow, oh, I got it, the oldest, okay? I'm ready for my second one, okay, okay, this is mine and exactly what mine looks like in reality, but it's not because we don't have the same one, I would write maybe I would write down an acorn, it looks like Cornish, yes, this is the one I left Universal and other founders chose me.
blind harry potter wand challenge ft cherry wallis and tessa netting

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blind harry potter wand challenge ft cherry wallis and tessa netting...

Oh, best time of my life, right? Are you ready for the second one? Yes, okay, oh, think carefully, okay, oh, it's between two, let's go with you. I wasn't sure that you were really beautiful and it's really complex, he loved me Maki, yeah, you have to remember, I remember the carving, so I was going to ask him and he was like, oh actually, what else is that about making the second one for him? to Tessa?, okay, oh no, oh, okay, it's not yours anymore. okay, it's folded, oh oh, wait, wait, wait, those are Ron's broken ones, yes, Bello Tate, that's so cute and the toughness that Americans don't have, yes, we don't say duct tape, we take a duct tape , oh, that doesn't work, yeah, it's just friend. it records well and we thought oh that's magic I'll take care of us that's smart ooh oh it didn't happen oh that's weak appears for the first time I mean Hermione yes yes I remembered the vines well, it was just as I thought they went all the way down when I didn't they did, yeah, all the time, it was a quick phone line, you got it.
blind harry potter wand challenge ft cherry wallis and tessa netting
I feel like there are versions where it goes all the way, one of my favorites, yeah my knees are so clean, which one? Are we going to get one? Okay, I'm sorry, Sarafina, yes, but I almost said Queenie. I always think she's Queenie because she's pink. A magic button. A stupid and normal trick. One because he felt so light. Everyone else is so heavy. Can you imagine if that were like that? like in Ollivanders shah bukhari thought that's the first one oh I know I love his wife and mother pearl it's time to eat Angie yeah okay I felt like I don't know like chains or something sorry there's like chains at the end. of one I guess it's like no, Slughorn, those little slug ears, it's uh, it's not Draco's, it's bullshit, no, this is Fred's, that's right, yeah, what's up, guys need Heinkel?
blind harry potter wand challenge ft cherry wallis and tessa netting
I'm cold, a pint, it seems that the punk Olympics were actually intended to imitate the rooms, so with George's, they work together. I never knew, yeah, so this is like Bristol and then you have the other end, oh, I love it, yeah, I have something even though I didn't guess. I learned something new. What is a crow? I'm so ready, oh, I know this one from small and Oh, from small and it's um, yeah, yeah, what's the ending. What is it? It's like a little amber. Yes. I always think it's like a little light bulb that gets cold. yeah, you have five seconds, that's not a


, okay, you're the Uninterrupted Round.
Prisoner of Azkaban and it's like he's furry but he's not ready. Yes ready. Rudolph, ready. Santa is my favorite, she is a little tulip at the end. I love you too now that I've done it. I don't have the original one, oh yes, the other one. Actually, I would choose or there are two later ones, one honey, it was the one they suddenly changed it or I'm not sure I know who the ones are that are quite light and have The green is green or something, it's like a Dutch. No, I do not know. It's either way, okay, okay, that's a tough city.
I have to remember Snape, oh yes, yes. Wow, that's not genuine, you remember Wow. are you ready mm-hmm boom Queenie yeah you like it a little bit more see ya oh yeah yo one of my best is 100 I love Michelle and she got some liquid yeah I love it. I think she promises to have a magic wand, it would definitely be like that. looks like it would be yours let's be real it would definitely be like a branch to know the muggle way oh my god wouldn't I love it because it's so much fun for me okay when to track it down yeah this needs to be repainted. one, did you paint this?
No, it was one from a subscription box. The handles really feel good, yeah, they feel good, yeah, that was just the fastest in a span, okay, okay, put it on hmmmm g-george, give me the pineapple oh, that's cute, okay, oh , this is. one of the newest ones in my collection that immediately feels very different from the other one, yes, because you feel that the pinches and the sharpness are very fast and it is that the lighter could warn you about the thorn that they are not, they are not. it hurts they're not sure it matters this is great I love this really fantastic and where to find them the crimes of the last one I don't see what to do I don't know what this waits waits for the Elder Wand again I don't know I didn't think El Dorado was the only one with circles.
I don't know, maybe like Professor Sprout, but it's a fake version, it's not the official one, yes, it's very small, yes, there was a lot shorter, yes, that's my full one, I won't pick it up. Wow. dressing up makes me do it once you collect some on my channel now no don't like it oh yeah very nice I did it. I got the one already, yes, yes, pineapples, the rest. I think you got like that. Everyone is a winner. Everyone is a winner. I'm fine everyone, oh thank you, you did much better than me. In fact, I thought I wouldn't get any bubbles, yeah yeah, we're making some pretty exciting magic videos on their channels so be sure to check them out. subscribe to them because their channels are so much more magical than mine, literally, because they do 90 percent more and I don't, so endorse that they're fast, okay, see you later, buddy.

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