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Harry Potter Impressions Challenge ft. Brizzy Voices

May 30, 2021
Hey guys, this is Tessa and I'm here with Morello. Hello, and before we move on to today's video, we have announcements for you. two on Friday in April, that's right, Friday the fifth of April is less than a month away, so if you haven't heard it yet, you have time to catch up on the episodes of season 140. It's there anywhere you can get your podcast apple pie, that goal from Spotify Google Play. and miss it, subscribe and get ready because season two is coming, winter is coming and season two with Telescope air for more information on the podcast, make sure you stay until the end of this video.
harry potter impressions challenge ft brizzy voices
Well, now for today's video, we'll do another Harry Potter video. prescience


because that's the only impression I can and Brazil responds to its freshmen. I think it's great this time I can do it, but today is the dating edit, everything will be very complicated, guys, there's still X again, we're Harry Potter. characters and in this hat we have quotes from Harry Potter so each one will have to choose a character and a quote, we will have to say the quote in whatever character we have and the other person has to guess the character, yes me too I added some more complicated people something that's not a zombie because it's okay, it's okay, you can do this, it's a goddess, it's Leviosa, I don't love you, you saw Molly's state, the far right was sweating.
harry potter impressions challenge ft brizzy voices

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harry potter impressions challenge ft brizzy voices...

I was getting really sweaty in here. Your turn, hat please, paper please, what? Damn, I'm sorry, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, the phone only remembers to turn on the lock, Braun, no, Perry, happiness can't be found even in the darkest of times if one of them remembers to turn on the lock. light, the lady can be found even in the darkest moments. the darkest times for its members, so donut General Dean, yeah, oh it is, so that's probably the hardest one there, nothing's gone, remember that was the best I could, that was so hard, bloom, it's too easy, so I thought harder, but now it's too much. hard and I can't even remember what I wrote there, no, that was really good, although mine would have been ten times worse unless it was with wax.
harry potter impressions challenge ft brizzy voices
Oh, it's so normal, yes, yes, oh Jesus, Harry, yes. Harry is a normal, little guy, you know. advanced difficult potions are not bad for you I can see them too you are as sane as me oh that made my heart so happy oh my God Haggard in a previous life oh no they are quotes from a Hagrid body it's going to be a moment about Ted's dance Davis, she looks like the Jeffrey star, okay, oh my God, she scared me, she does that. Oh wizard, hurry up, oh that's great, that's wonderful, she said she should know that she saw him alive rings at the door.
harry potter impressions challenge ft brizzy voices
I love to imagine them. different scenarios Thanks now, if you two don't mind, I'm going to make batches before everyone has another cup, oh dear, okay, yeah, lucky me, let's play the lottery. Weasley, how dare you look like Michael Gambon? What do you see in Michael Gambon? Rolo, sunny daisies, boy. My daughter asked about it when she found out-why couldn't it be following the butterflies? I mean, I would just say get up. I didn't think that was going to happen like nothing. She spent two times with Robin Hermione. Oh my God, Snape, tell me. my future was so good uh oh my god this is anything from the trilogy okay yeah fight but an L yeah yeah yeah yeah so much better don't be, don't be bad, bad, Dobby, oh, don't be mean, no.
I know that's what I can't be who he is, oh yeah, I get it, yeah, like I literally can't like him. It's throwing me off because I can't be Tommy Caffee Tommy, your braids are playing tricks on you, oh my God. oh my god, that was so stressful, okay, silly wand waves or silly incantations, gays, the last one and here with a bang, I'm sweating to death, oh my god, vigilant, constant vigilance, is that right? No, that's right Barty Crouch, did you know that? have a tongue, oh the cunning man, oh my god, I don't know why I'm making this face, it feels good, it's so hard for me because the quote makes me think I doubt character, it's really ruining me here, hose of firefighters. and a dungeon Oh my god, she's tough, yeah, so, yeah, the only thing I remember was like, oh well, I was like, how do you like someone?
You know it's so hard now the face makes sense, it's such a great feeling, guys, we. I did it, it was so hard, it was Leslie ruining me and it's my video, but I like to have a good time anyway guys, geek fantastic season 2 returns in April. Mother Hecker, she will return. Fantastic Season 2, April 5, catch up. oh subscribe i have a bad boy on spotify in all the different places and make sure you go to


's channel as we made a video there we are ranking youtubers and it's the best it's my favorite video you guys should definitely go check it out Go to the Fantasy Geeks Facebook page, follow us on Twitter for more updates, and here's more information on what to expect in Fantasy Geeks Season 2 and where to find them.
Ok, bye, what's up geeks? I'm Brizzy Voices and I'm Tessa Nettie and us. will return on April 5 for the second season of fantastic dicks and where to find them this season will be an expert on all your favorite fandom blockbuster movies and TV shows coming out this year, like Game of Thrones, Avengers Endgame , Star Wars, all those Disney movies and so much more, yes, but don't worry, we'll never stop talking about our one true love, Harry Potter, with plenty more in-depth analysis and fangirling to come. We will interview special guests who will answer Ravenclaw riddles, take magical tests, and debate topics and theories within. different fandoms oh yeah and of course we will play all your favorite games like would you rather kiss Mercutio? and of course we will sort everything we can into the Hogwarts houses, mr.
Stark, I don't feel so good, it's still too early. Tessa becomes a fantastic geek by finding us and subscribing to Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Play Music, or wherever you get your podcasts. Don't forget to tune in on Friday, April 5 to watch the first episode of Season 2 Fantastic Geeks and Where to Find Them Put it on your calendars You're Fantastic

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