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Black Panther Breakdown! Wakanda Easter Eggs & Hidden Details You Missed!

Jun 10, 2021
Welcome back the new rock stars. I'm Eric Voss and Black Panther opened up the MCU to powerful themes in beautiful worldbuilding with a broader spectrum of colors. While rewatching the Infinity Saga, I found a ton of new







that we overlooked in previous reviews, so let's take another look and break it all down scene by scene. The film begins with the history of Wakanda which Oscar-winning production designer Hannah Beechler shows through vibranium grains as a father molding these vibranium and rich soil figures with his hands - this is actually the same medium as modern Wakandans. they use to tell their stories and it all comes from this ancient vibranium meteorite the great what if that started the afrofuturistic alternative history of the



black panther breakdown wakanda easter eggs hidden details you missed
The use of monochromatic grains reflects the universality of the story Director Ryan Coogler sneaks in this idea with the opening words Baba Yes my son tell me a story What is the story of the home Now the script labels these voices as an anonymous father and son but those voices are those of Sterling K Brown and seth carr jobu and their son njitaka future assassin the forgotten children of


maintain the legacy of their true ancestral roots so this story is both murderous and t'challa is a debate between ideals? how we right the wrongs of history aggressive revolution or patient outreach this conflict of forgiveness versus revenge was inspired by the debate between civil rights leaders Dr.
black panther breakdown wakanda easter eggs hidden details you missed

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black panther breakdown wakanda easter eggs hidden details you missed...

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm quotes from both men and do the right thing. Both approaches are worthy of consideration as All titles in this Oakland movie begin in Wakandan and are translated into English. The film as a whole translates the history of Wakanda into something we understand and bases Wakanda's written alphabet on ins bidi, an ancient Nigerian cuneiform. T'chaka explains the stolen Ulysses clause. vibranium and the age of ultron were actually made possible by njobu information leaked to him by Zuri Forest Whitaker, the younger self played by Denzel Whitaker, convincingly poses as a non-Wakandan by feigning ignorance by kneeling.
black panther breakdown wakanda easter eggs hidden details you missed
I also like how he and njobu wear purple and black here at his house. colors today when t'challa falls from the ship he crosses his arms in the


n greeting, googler said they got this greeting from the egyptian pharaohs and ancient west african sculptures and the fact that it translates as hug or love in American Sign Language. Googler shows these militants with one long, uninterrupted take, something he does over and over again throughout the film to convey the geography of a scene, so that after getting a sense of the terrain, when he then intercuts with an action rapid fire, let's not get disoriented, t'challa.
black panther breakdown wakanda easter eggs hidden details you missed
Nakia and okoye are color coded black, green and red. Here, Oscar-winning costume designer Ruth e Carter made them reflect the colors of the Pan-African flag so that when the trio fight together in battle they represent every corner of the continent when Returning to Wakanda, the facade is projected with these hexagonal tiles that are repeated in shuri's 3D mapping in the car and in his laboratory, but the balance of this advanced technology is the traditional African architecture in the buildings, like those rondevels on the roofs, is another example of this idea of ​​Afrofuturism . Afrofuturism is a concept adopted by the later black panther comics, those written by ta-nehisi coates.
It's a mix of racial themes and science fiction to imagine an idealized advanced future that still encompasses pieces of culture today and from the moment we arrived. In this scenario, Coogler gives us a little hint of the magnetic train that runs through the city and we keep seeing this train over and over again. It's all to set up the final fight as a return to a familiar battlefield. Queen Ramona's dress was designed to look like. a setting sun behind her for the sunset over her marriage while she is mourning here, meanwhile her crown was designed to stand upright from all northeast, south and west angles for all the tribes of wakanda to make sure that he makes fun of his suit just because something works. doesn't mean it can't be improved, a small hint at the deeper theme of this film: just because a system works for some doesn't mean we shouldn't work to improve it toward perfection for all when we're sure he's cheating it.
Ramona's back t'challa's jaw drops and that's how Ramona knows what Shuri did so she could scold her like her all-seeing crown the queen has eyes everywhere but really it's because she knows her people so well. children like any great queen knows all her people we meet the adult eric killmonger while he steals vibranium and this mask you are not telling me that that is also vibranium uh no, I'm just feeling it he is remembering the moment when as a child he looked at the ship Wakandan in Oakland that royal ship is designed to look like an African mask from below so that commoners who look at it will feel proudly inspired by their homeland.
The assassin wears a similar mask in the comics, but here it is a symbolic claim to his real place in the fallen warriors, the tribes are colored. Coded and inspired by real African tribes The Border Tribe in Blue is based on Lesotho farmers who use similar blankets The River Tribe wears green and uses shells in their designs Isaac de Bankele plays their leader and his lip disc is a practice of the mercy tribe of ethiopia, the mining tribe wears red based on the himba tribe of namibia, known for treating their hair with red clay like this, the merchant tribe wears white with more elegant finery and the royalty wears black and purple reflecting black vibranium grains and purple heart. grass the two sources of his power zuri welcomes prince t'challa now the black panther prelude comic confirms that t'challa has played the black panther's role as his father's champion for nearly a decade at this point , so king is not the same as black panther so he is already black panther this trial here is to legitimize his succession to the throne each tribe announces their support including the river tribe the river tribe will not challenge today ibombe comes from the Wakandan spoken language from Hosa South African dialect spoken by Nelson Mandela and Yi Bombay means hold on or hold on depending on how you derive it and it should sound familiar because T'Challa later uses it as his battle cry in Infinity War, so this reframes that moment as a greeting to his love.
Baku arrives with the Jabari mountain tribe his iconography is the ape for the Mbaku comics origin as the cannibal ape man something they change for this movie and they joke about it later one more word and I'll feed you to my children I'm kidding we are vegetarians here it says glory to hanuman now everyone else worships the panther goddess bast hanuman is the monkey deity of hinduism and other religions small


i love how winston duke commits to authentic pronunciation putting his entire chest and shoulders in the name of baku He briefly takes the lead in the duel and T'Challa sees his mother in reverse.
Googler actually uses the same framing on the throne later, when Killmonger usurps it. The overthrow of T'challa's kingdom is a fleeting fear at this point, but Killmonger makes it a reality in the second half of the film so that T'challa forgives Mbaku as they are both on the brink of the falls, a critical move that ends saving t'challa by giving him an alliance that helps him reverse and restore his throne at the end of the film t'challa visits his ancestors on the ancient plain based on djali and the comics and is advised by his father t'chaka and is difficult for a good man to be king is a warning to t'challa's struggles to rule but also to protect his rule from less noble men on the streets of wakanda, i saw a new detail behind nakia and t'challa, there is a local dazzled girl who uses her kamoyo beads to take a photo of the king.
Now I love this throne room, it is located on a level piece of rock from the mountain below, so that these leaders now sit and deliberate on the same surface as their ancestors before this building was built around them. around, but if you look closely at that throne, the vibranium has these cross stripes, these are Woodman's statin patterns and they appear from the cooling of the iron-nickel alloy found in meteorites suggests that this throne was carved directly from from unrefined meteorite ore and this entire design from scratch is also reflected in Shuri's laboratory with its spiral staircase shaped like a giant drill that goes into the rock.
The sneakers that Shuri gives them have these letters from Wakanda and they translate as air and t'chaka t'challa is the air of t'chaka, but it is also a play on words to call them the Wakanda Air Jordans, since they were inspired by the American film Bob I used. to look referring to the shoes that tie themselves back to the future part two and gives t'challa options for a new outfit sending the gold necklace he says tempting but the idea is to go unnoticed this gold necklace is the one That Killmonger later takes the production of a helmet with gnashing teeth and jaws that reflect Killmonger's entire goal of displaying Wakandan power versus T'challa's calm nature, although he is still tempted to lash out with that kind of revenge against Killmonger in the name of wakabi, the Bright energy stored in the suit illuminates more Wakandan letters on the abdomen that translate to I love you mom, so this text greets both his father and mother.
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It is a slightly more practical version. of his abilities in the comics and has a satellite dish style arm cannon, but he also likes that he can turn himself into sonic energy and a Stan Lee cameo is here in the credits. He is credited as a thirsty player after complaining about wearing a wig earlier. Okoye now uses it as a weapon along with her bag and on the ground, Nakia also weapons her femininity by using her heel to hit a boy and will spend the rest of the sequence barefoot when Claw dismantles Nakia's car and Nikoi in the background behind ross after he picks up that loose tire.
It just keeps rolling and rolling and when the claw fires at T'Challa, T'Challa's suit briefly removes itself, readjusting later, Shuri explains that Wakanda's mine trains use sonic stabilizers, which in its raw form is vibranium, which is too dangerous to be transported at that speed, so I developed a way to temporarily disable it, explaining how T'Challa knew the sonic energy would disable his and Killmonger's suits in the final fight. Killmonger pulls out his claw when it appears around his neck. His Wakandan ring is visible. Now we saw a similar ring in Civil War. Here's a little clue to his true identity that we're about to learn and later when he usurps the throne, that ring moves from the necklace to his right hand, T'challa takes out a cap and jumps on the grenade and that explosion charges a suit. with a purple glow that gets brighter and brighter with each of Killmonger's shots until the explosionfinal throws him against the wall where that purple shockwave disperses into wakanda.
Shuri says: He creates another off-white guy for us to fix, referring, of course, to Bucky. from that Civil War post-credits scene and this movie's post-credits scene where Bucky is in full recovery and is now nicknamed the White Wolf, a nod to the Hunter in the comics, Killmonger shoots through his girlfriend Linda, cutting all ties to his American identity early. returning to her homeland, but before linda's name tag in the museum said tilda and that's because originally it was going to be tilda johnson nightshade, but marvel tv cast gabrielle dennis as tilda johnson and luke cage on netflix, Here she was renamed Linda and her role was reduced. and in the shootout, Claw was actually fatally shot first, but that bullet ricocheted off Killmonger's chest armor, saving him and allowing him to get the fall.
Zuri reveals the truth about T'chaka and Jobu's political ties. The leaders have been killed. Communities flooded with drugs. and weapons, they are too guarded and imprisoned here. Right at the film's midpoint, Coogler reframes Killmonger's goals as somewhat justified, challenging the hero to consider that revenge could in some cases be emotionally justified when the two meet. T'challa tells him that the only reason I don't kill you is because I know who you are, he thinks he's showing mercy but he just gave Killmonger everything he needs in this royal feud because since T'challa he knows Killmonger's parentage, Killmonger knows he has to honor his claim of quick judgment, T'challa has removed his own ability. possibly delaying things with an investigation and when Killmonger declares his identity, the music track underneath is King's Dead, it is a sign of this shift in power as well as the overthrow of T'challa's mlk-inspired values ​​in Warrior Falls, Killmonger he breaks his spear to achieve it. better for stabbing, which is actually a tactic of the legendary African warrior Shakazulu, famous for evolving past spears to have a tactical advantage over other tribes and every time he cuts t'challa with this Oscar-winning composer Ludvig Uranus and mixes in a bang. from the fool with the flute, this is the instrument he uses to identify the murderer throughout the movie, unlike t'challa's talking drum, the talking drum sounds like crazy in the first half of this fight, but it stays silent in the second half just as Killmonger catches up to him Killmonger throws T'challa over the falls like he does in the comics and Killmonger's meditation shows his younger self cradling his father in the same pose T'challa did when he cradled his dead father at the UN.
Two young Wakandans. Two parallel stories. Jobu's diary includes entries in Wakanda with an alphabet key explaining how Killmonger learns the language. There is also a map of wakanda with coordinates. Now, if you put these real numbers into Google Earth, they will take you to the north


n part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, near Uganda. It almost exactly borders the world map marker of Wakanda's first MCU in Iron Man 2. Killmonger burns down the heart-shaped herb garden showing his true agenda not to preserve Wakanda or improve it, but to strip it of its uniqueness to make it like the rest. of the world and the rest of the world like wakanda ramonda shuri and nakia fleet mbaku his throne room is lined with these birch logs and they were chosen because birch grows in northern climates they are in the mountains here also notice how it is sharpened to intimidate the visitors t'challa has risen and confronts his father for abandoning his nephew he was the truth I chose to omit we return to the debate about how to resolve the sins of history however it is addressed, it cannot be ignored as Langston's The Dream deferred Hughes festers like a sore or sinks like a heavy burden or even in some cases explodes as it did with its forgotten relatives.
Killmonger makes his attack plan but the war dogs in London, New York and Hong Kong are on New York's side. Kong and London are the three power centers with shrines. Killmonger's attack would have come at a very inconvenient time for the sorcerers, who were actually attacked just a few months after this, in the MCU timeline, technically on the train tracks, the two fight T'challa. claws to spin there is a move that is a bit similar to Wolverine's claws to spin on the statue of liberty and x-men t'challa ends up defeating Killmonger using his knowledge of the magnetic train tracks, giving him enough window to Stab Killmonger with the same shockazulu spearhead that Killmonger created earlier.
This is a total advantage on the home field. It's a trick Killmonger couldn't see coming because he was robbed of the opportunity to grow up in this homeland, like T'challa did with Zemo. in the civil war, he lets forgiveness prevail and allows Killmonger the chance to see the Wakanda sunset that his father used to tell him about in bedtime stories. Earlier, Killmonger promised that the sun will never set on the empire of Wakanda. Here the sun sets on the dreams and the strings of it. from girenson's ancestral plane theme returns here pointing out killmonger's union with his ancestors at this time when t'challa learned the truth before he was very displeased with his father's actions with his brother so he does everything he can to do that for his cousin here, but Killmonger stays. true to himself, just bury me in the ocean with my ancestors who jump off ships because they knew death was better than slavery those chilling final words stay with t'challa the final minutes reveal that he opens his council to the jabari tribe to which has joined baku's chat and the film's original ending scene, which was moved to the post-credits scene, shows T'challa speaking to the UN.
The sages built bridges while the images built barriers similar to those of advanced aliens. The Asgardians built their bifrost bridge to share their protection. Other people's Wakanda now opens its doors even when, as we'll see in Infinity War, it will cost them dearly. Coogler made the final scene of this film more personal or returned to his hometown of Oakland, where the old makeshift box hoop was located. improved with a real one, as t'challa plans to enrich this community with an international outreach center. The cautious isolationist at the beginning of the film would never have opened up the perspective of him in this way without challengers like Nakia and Killmonger and the boy he focuses on here. is played by alex hibbert from moonlight a child full of potential a dreamer who looks up just like t'challa's cousin was yes you know he wants to respond in a rigid style i am black panther but he doesn't need to because now this child will have the chances Killmonger never had as a child to reach out to others as Kendrick Lamar and Sissy's credits imply.
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like a sprinkled drug you should have gone for it.

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