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Ant-Man and the Wasp Breakdown! New Avengers Endgame Easter Eggs! | Infinity Saga Rewatch

Jun 04, 2021
welcome back to the new rock stars i'm eric vossen ant-man and the


hilariously re-escalated marvel's biggest drug into their smallest accidental jesus who resurrected and saved us all the ant-man sequels


connections of the


and the magic of the visual effects fill it with interesting



that I could only find in this song from Infinity


why haven't I been doing that all along? Well, the movie begins with Janet Van Dyke saying goodbye to the young hope, Mommy Jellybean, it's going to be so boring I won. I won't be able to keep my eyes, Janet's bit here for the shadows, her coma-like exile with her drifting into the quantum realm, a kind of dream she can't wake up from here, she stays falsely asleep until Hank wakes her up. from the Janet bit.
ant man and the wasp breakdown new avengers endgame easter eggs infinity saga rewatch
I have to go like he wakes her up from the quantum realm at the climax of the movie. Janet nicknames Hope Jellybean. A parallel with Scott nicknaming his daughter Cassie Peanut. This film is about Hope's reunion with her mother and her predecessor as the hero Wasp. Scott's role in the film. is to facilitate that reunion, which he does literally as an antenna and spiritually as a returning father to Cassie, who, like Hope, will likely take on her parents' legacy of future hero stature. We get a glimpse of that future with Scott and Cassie playing heist for the world's biggest granny trophy, which we later learn is the hideout of the stolen Ant-man suit, just like this entire movie is a heist, four stolen Pimtecs and our Luis man returns.
ant man and the wasp breakdown new avengers endgame easter eggs infinity saga rewatch

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ant man and the wasp breakdown new avengers endgame easter eggs infinity saga rewatch...

I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I am the. boss, yeah, yeah, yeah, calling back, Scott's flight during the airport battle in the civil war, those heroic acts landed Scott under house arrest with chickens by Jimmy Wu. Close-up magic. I learned that, how did you do it? Scott, do the car trick seriously while we. We'll see in the


that Scott is Marvel's ace in a hole who magically vanishes and reappears and has to explain to everyone how the hell he did it. You're getting good at it, how did you do it? He has the energy to pass the time.
ant man and the wasp breakdown new avengers endgame easter eggs infinity saga rewatch
I actually saw him spend time like this in his cell in Civil War and his online magic school is taught by real-life magician Michael Carbonaro, who says snap your fingers, that's misdirection, so what you did there I thought we wouldn't notice, but I did, but along that side column are the words micro magic deflection and levitation which, if you think about it, are tactics they use to take down Thanos. Wanda Maximoff levitates and almost kills him. Tony catches him with a deflection and this was all possible because Scott brought it. micro magic in this equation scott sobs about the fault in our stars, in fact you can see it in the pages of the book that is near the end just when the saddest things happen, scott also observes a scene from the animal house, a Tiny atom on my fingernail could be a tiny little universe, obviously a parallel to the concept of the quantum realm as a whole.
ant man and the wasp breakdown new avengers endgame easter eggs infinity saga rewatch
Also in the final shot they see another reference film, the Giant Ant Disaster Movie of 1954. Mr. Drive Scott wakes up and waits for a shrunken car and the next sequence plays. in a bathrobe, a nod from director Peyton Reed to the big lebowski, which is actually referenced with jeff bridges and



in the first iron man and tony's joke and endgame, on one side lebowski as the big lebowski , ant-man, the


is what it is. he called the story of a shaggy dog ​​an overcomplicated story that humorously but intentionally surrenders to its own complications. In both films, the hero is a lovable fool with limited personal investment in the plot who gets dragged into this messy plan while he's wearing his pajamas and just trying.
To return to the status quo, Lebowski's twisted plot ends up being a big misunderstanding. At the end of this film, we learn virtually nothing about Sunny Birch's shady employers or the true mysteries behind Janet's time in the quantum realm or the fate of the ghostly villain. it's all because it's from Scott's point of view and he doesn't really care about any of it it's because Scotty gets caught off guard by a huge pigeon eye like the T-rex eye in Jurassic Park, actually there's another Jurassic Park nods afterwards, smart, smart girl. girl scott explains her decision to join team cap in civil war cap needed help tin america captain cap is what we call them if you're a friend later at the end of the game they call you back right now when hope calls them cap we're in It Cap Hank Pym's lab suitcase is made from inflated toys and tools to make it functional when shrunk.
It runs on a giant duracell battery. The floors are pieces of construction games. The wall panels are Lego pieces, although they are Lego pieces because. they don't have the official Lego logo stamped on the pieces oh they are knockoffs there is also a volume knob there is a light bulb there is a clothes clip you can find there it is literally hey help me with this lebowski the leftovers box I love how a of ants is polishing the floor because when you're sucking through a quantum tunnel the workspace must stay clean look my friends, losing hair is a pain, two out of three men will experience some type of male pattern baldness by the time They are 35.
We don't want that, we want the hair on their head to never age like Paul Rudd and his beautiful mane. Thanks buddy, I didn't need the quantum realm to stay young forever, that's what we want. Our hair is maintained well. It is easier and more affordable to receive treatment for hair loss and help you maintain the hair you already have. It offers generic versions of the only two FDA-approved hair loss products out there, but at half the cost of its local one. pharmacy, you don't have to go to a doctor's office, you can do all this from home, where you are probably stuck right now, anyway, you meet with a doctor online and they send the treatment directly to your house, find out by what's still saying more five-star reviews than any of its competitors and nearly a hundred thousand men trust Keep for their hair loss prevention medications, so if you notice you're losing your hair, do something about it for For a limited time, simply visit rockstars or click the link in the description to receive 50 off your first order sonny birch refers to his employers my buyers don't take no for an answer and i have promised results to some dangerous people and again we never get the details on who these buyers are, in the past i suggested ozcorp, but i said that the loki series photos on disney plus have shown roxon buses, maybe the time variation authority plot with loki will connect with roxanne's attempts to take advantage quantum energy for some time, intruding on related targets in the fight.
The wasp runs across the knight's blade and immediately two more knives follow, meaning that at normal speed this thrower must have lifted and thrown knives two and three with lightning speed and bullseye precision, but to account for this, they actually hit the pitcher with his arm down. after his first toss to justify his closeness to the knight for the second toss, here more attention is paid to the details, after breaking the bag of flour, the shrunken hope slides along that flower spilled on the table, the ghost appears and successfully phases through most of The Wasps Attack but she doesn't anticipate hope by arming her wing, so she takes that hit.
Kurt brings out Baba Yaga as a ghost like Baba Yaga oh you don't find someone like that, they find you like Bubba Yaga and then later. the movie calls her again in the night very sleepy little kids he of course refers to the bogeyman from russian folklore also known as john wick learn how they can track the lab the lab emits radiation could we modify a quantum spectrometer and track it oh yeah? Quantum spectrometers are what Bruce Banner used to track the tesseract in the first Avengers. How many spectrometers do you have access to? How many others call every lab you know?
Tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays and they head to The college kids, it's not a good idea to be outdoors like that, don't worry, no one will recognize us. Because of the hats and sunglasses, it's not a costume. We look like ourselves at a baseball game making a little fun of the Winter Soldier. The world famous Avengers somehow disguise themselves with baseball caps and glasses and of course Bill Foster recognizes Hank immediately in a dark conference room, but then when Scott helps Hank escape custody, a cap and glasses disguise it quite well.
Marvel Morpheus gives lectures on the object in question. being both in and out of phase with multiple parallel realities, refers to Ava's condition, but also gave us a clue as to how the time vortexes of the quantum realm lead to new branching realities and on the blackboard behind him he wrote the word matrix later in school. the blackboard has words ants grow a dresser in this movie it's really stupid no, I just cut my hair, let's not take it all out bill foster tells scott in the past i was hank's partner in a project called goliath goliath, of course , is by bill foster The name of the superhero in the comics and Project Goliath was the second MCU shield operation in Tony's line from that deleted scene from Iron Man 2 along with Project Pegasus.
I need some things out of storage. Give me everything from the Pegasus Exodus and Goliath projects. Roger Pegasus is researching the Tesseract. leaving that project, Exodus, a mystery that I made videos about, I think it is related to weapon x. Scott's glitchy resizing at school has some super inventive dfx work behind it. They built two backpacks of different sizes, a regular one that Evangeline Lilly definitely had and a double one. one sized for paul rudd to catch and there's a very subtle cgi transition in those handovers where they switched backpacks, but rudd distracts himself from that switch by fidgeting awkwardly with the oversized bag.
Similarly, outside they reconstructed those steps to match the camera movement on the spot, but Rudd is childish step by step clinging to that railing waving his other arm stumbling a little on the way to the van all this behavior keeps the focus on the gag setting up hank's punchline hello champion how was school today? Look, this is all a good reminder that the best vfx shots combine technology with the actor's performance rather than replacing it in bill foster's house find ghosts okay it's just the suit this big empty suit sets up the trick From Scott's detour about Jimmy Wu, we later found out that Ava's magic father was Elias Starr and they gave this guy a shiny bald head a nod to Eliastar's identity as the villain Egghead in the Ant-Man comics. , so like hank pym and goliath, the mcu keeps egghead as part of the older generation of scientists scott and hope Talk about Janet in the quantum realm What if she is a completely different person?
In fact, Janet later tells Hank that I'm not the same woman she was 30 years ago. Henry. They don't delve much into the subject, but quantum energy seems to have some mutations. qualities luis's ringtone is morrissey's every day it's like sunday called again later in luis's story oh my willita had a box in the restaurant yes it just played morsi luis is also scared by the expensive cake that's all how that elegant raspberry filling represents the company's red and we are days away from going bankrupt in the movies final montage xcon's new business success is reflected in that pastry box that goes from red to blue janet inhabits scott's mind with intertwining quantum realm you have to meet me at these exact coordinates in the a wasteland beyond the quantum void now this gives us some geography for the quantum realm as later when Hank Pym goes to rescue her, he is briefly in that dark crystalline space where Scott was trapped before, but when Hank digs deeper to cross that threshold, that's the quantum. empty and that's why Scott only saw shadows and projections of Janet before and never got to those vibrant planes.
Scottish hats with Cassie, so maybe you just need someone to watch your back as a sidekick. Wait, who do you believe me? You don't laugh. She would be a great companion. Cassie hinted at her future height, that she might get there sooner now that we have an older Emma Furman playing the character, and also, like a lot of child actors who do these movies, she looked directly into the camera, don't look at me. Scott helps Hank escape custody the same way Hank helped him in the previous film by using ants to cover the security camera and putting on a suit for them.
One of Burch's boys sucks on his collar, which returns morelate when Kurt tasers him with the metal in his mouth. she takes that electrical current to her teeth, they take back the lab and the ghost confronts them by walking through the doors, but a wave of her pushes those doors with her hands, even though she doesn't have to, which is interesting because the alternative phase-shifting states of the ghost might suggest that alternate realities overlap like this, now they all mostly follow the same track, some are just a few steps ahead or behind the main one, but considering she never got those quantum healing particles after Scott got trapped in the post-credits scene.
I'm curious if the alternate faces of her ghost make more varied decisions about her, like ghosts from alternate lives on alternate paths than her. I just hope they haven't forgotten about her when Hank shrinks to tardigrade level in her cabin. He is a shift coordinator. on an artificial horizon, instruments that you would find in a real pilot's cockpit and probably wouldn't need in a vehicle that is shrinking between atoms and everything is becoming disoriented, plus the panel behind it misspells the vehicle label, that's What happens when you build all your tech out of ants, the others chase each other through the hilly streets of San Francisco, including the iconic Windy Lombard Street, all of this reminiscent of San Francisco's iconic card chase in the movie The Bullet Hoax.
Shrink a motorcycle and its engine increases its pit. Did you shrink Stan Lee's car? Well, the '60s were fun, but now I'm paying for it and while the last movie gave us a big mouse, this one gives us a big old kitten. Hello, Tim Hydeker cameos are the whale watching tour. guide, I love how Scott kicks his legs holding them together to look like a whale's fin. Hank finds Janet in the quantum realm. He notices how he turned one of her wasp wings into a spear-type weapon and wears this hooded clothing that probably came with it. of that doomed city that you can barely make out in the background, a deleted scene further explains Janet's life in this place, there are so many things we didn't know about this place, Henry, worlds upon worlds, entire civilizations, and right after, They meet this being that passes by. via we make no claims we go in peace interesting we now delve deeper into many of these biggest secrets of the quantum realm in the last big question so go watch it on the great scott's tv news chiron tags it like a man with a giant script. which is the first on-screen listing of Ant-Man's alternate form from the comics when he grows up, Janet returns to the surface and embraces the hope of a similar emotional reunion Scott will have with his daughter after she grows up in the game after he leaves. for that time vortex and the post-credits scene that janet warns him about and don't get caught in a time vortex we won't be able to save you well, Ant-Man and the Wasp was a shaggy dog ​​story by Scott Lang Lebowski.
Through it, he witnesses the catharsis of a lost father being reunited with his son, something he experiences and helps other Avengers like Tony Stark and Thor feel as they save the universe in the endgame and also leaves him with a future companion to whom one day he will be able to pass the torch. Join our next MCU watch on Discord by becoming a patron. New rock stars. We have a few more MCU movies left, but we'll continue this repeat series starting with Sam Raimi's Spider-Man, voted number one on our channel. survey and we will follow it with some others requested by our subscribers and sponsors, so don't worry, follow me on Instagram at eavos, follow new rock stars and I hope I can trust you to subscribe to this channel because last time I trusted someone . this happened to you

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