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Big Bug Problem 2 | super wings season 3 | EP11

Apr 24, 2020
on time every time there is a big bug


it comes back, I agree with the mime mom, that is a very strange sound, what could it be? Oh no, Hugo is going to climb the Eiffel tower, don't worry Marcel, we can stop him dizzy, he finds a safe. defense, so how come your supply of caution tape is endless? That's what I expected you to say:



block that beetle, eh, yeah, stop, okay, so I didn't count on hugo flying, what's up with that marcel? Stag beetles can fly when they really want to. get somewhere fast, oh, like



, great, but in this case not so good, oh, what is that?
big bug problem 2 super wings season 3 ep11
We have to stop him where he might fall. What do we do? We need a plan. I'll try to stop it with my rescue ropes perhaps. that can give us some time to think, please don't let hugo get hurt, don't worry, perfect, the safest way to take him down is to lure him, but as for my jelly bug, hugo loves this stuff Great idea, Marcel, but we'll need a lot. I'm an expert at mixing medications. I can analyze the gelatin and mix a large amount. Sounds good. I just hope Dizzy can hold onto Hugo long enough.
big bug problem 2 super wings season 3 ep11

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big bug problem 2 super wings season 3 ep11...

I hope you guys are working fast, because this is a big, strong bug. Ingredients analyzed. I will need two things, a lot of water and something to mix the ingredients, how about a morse column to mix? They are used for notices and posters. Great idea, exclusive action, here's your water. Zoe, work with your magical mixing action. Voila, a lot of bug jelly is hanging on ropes wait, got you phew thanks jet oh, it's going so high marcel i've been hearing about the commotion what can be done mom we have to get hugo's attention with this jelly but now it's so high how do we do it?
big bug problem 2 super wings season 3 ep11
It's my rescue team keeping the danger clear Sparky looks like you could use a little help loading up on super wings I think we'll have a better chance of this working if I do the jet lauren you're right marcel hugo loves you let's get you up there rap beat them everyone ready to go hey hugo great friend your best friend is coming to see you and he will bring you a surprise bonjour hugo ready for a delicious and tasty delicacy um sorry for the


enjoy your day there is much more where it comes from that you go follow us mom get on board it's working it's following the trail of gelatin hmm next stop the water bologna who knew it would be a great day hugo I'm glad hugo is in the forest where he needs to be but we can't leave him here right now Grande, it's a shame Hugo is gone swallowed Grand Albert's camera.
big bug problem 2 super wings season 3 ep11
If we had it, we could reduce it to its proper size. Hey, does my new camera have a flash? Yes, it does, so I know how to get the old camera back. Could you? please take our photo i think i see where you're going with this marcel di queso queso whoa ew disgusting but great you did it you remembered that bright light from a flash can make hugo sneeze now let's get him back to his correct size quickly monk Shrinkaby yes, okay, ah, that's better, right? Hugo, my good boy and all of us saved Hugo, thank you all.
I think our work here is done. It's time to fly. It's time to roll. Thank you.

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