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Send in the Drones | super wings season 3 | EP37

May 04, 2020
on time every time




robot planes and aerial vehicles presenting the latest innovation of the world airport neo


drone incredible



drones will help us from now on everywhere, from the cargo area to the


, look, huh, super job, super drones, but we have never needed drones before in the world's airport. Tell me, how about we let the drones handle things a little? Old Jimbo is always ready for another vacation. Have fun flying, but if drones do all the work, what will become of super


anyway? drones can't replace me ew, no drones here hey jet, how do you like my sky 2.0 drone clone i prefer sky 1.0?
send in the drones super wings season 3 ep37
Jett, the drone, has this part covered. I'm just here to monitor and see who lives in Seoul, the capital of South Korea and one of the most technological cities in the world. Maybe high-tech Seoul also has super drones. I'll let you know skye wait chad genji is the word for stop in the korean language you want jungji but I'm ready to go you're not going to korea yet a super drone is well busted my thrusters drone take your position drone get ready for the air, it's Time to fly, come on, jett, let's see the delivery on the drone camera hey, I can see Seoul, it's almost like being there, almost there, look who's skyscraper, see the drone?
send in the drones super wings season 3 ep37

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send in the drones super wings season 3 ep37...

You're going to miss it, relax, this race is fully automated it's ready for the starting line everything I need now the package delivery is coming in for a landing plane I can't believe it's really wait you're not a plane I'm a super drone zero zero one punctual consistently on time every time sounds good Better I mean am I right? Well, I was hoping to meet Chet, but thanks, super drone oh no, it's empty. I ordered a remote control racing car for today's big race. Super drones we delivered, well, you didn't stop, something is wrong with the automation. oh neo system, look whose race car is a lost car, yeah, about that, meet me at the delivery depot.
send in the drones super wings season 3 ep37
There's something you should see. Whoa, huh, oh no, what's going on here. I still can't control the super drones, eh, super drones, we deliver them. I think the delivery depot is where things are delivered, not what mess you have to find Siu's racing car, there it is, yes, Super Wing Jet, return the delivery to our delivery zone, oh, it That's not supposed to happen, you're confused. The race car belongs to see who flies the jet. I'll close the warehouse and reprogram these drones. Understood, neo jet drone speed look at super drones. Hey, I'm handing that over to you yet, no, you don't accelerate in general.
send in the drones super wings season 3 ep37
You have to recover the deliverables. Wait, super drones. returning the delivery to the delivery guys where it belongs, super drones, we deliver oh oh, not a great use of the korean jet, but it won't change this problem and the race here will start soon, then it's time to call in a super wing team, a amazing super wings team. The bass comes in what is in the sky 2.0. The other drones have Cu's race car and won't give it back. Team power is definitely the way to fix this drone disaster. The question is who is best for the team to list the 1.0 guy to be in charge of this decision.
Paul's police patrol. Jimbo Jet. need help um here at the world airport no time to waste jimbo can take it from here ready to ship yes it looks like our vacation is over official team takeoff the racers are on the starting line jet hope you can bring my car racing soon here come paul and kim now things are looking up police patrol we're on the case paul transformed team time yes paul kim you get the drones together I'll get the race car let's do it yet I can't control the drones thanks neil we'll take it from here and hip-hop in the name of the cool pawn now it's my turn to reach the roof and release the drone from the racing car oh no super drones we stop the super wings oh no never fear the badge is here badge drone get ready to find my neck oh no yeah I got it good job police patrol but look who starts the race in a minute not even the speed of the jet can get me there in time wait I took control of the drones and reprogrammed them to increase the speed your jet with its help.
I could do it awesome it's time to fly racers start your engines I guess the super wings aren't going to deliver today the package delivery plane on time just in time awesome on your mark see who and get ready to go thanks for delivering my race car on Just in time, jet, you're welcome. I think my work here is done. It's time to fly super wings. We deliver to you.

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