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Best Friends Swap Men And Women's Halloween Costumes

May 09, 2020
- This man and I are about to embark on a journey towards this inflatable banana. No,


don't get anything. (crickets screaming) (upbeat music) - Today we are going to try on stereotypical Halloween


of the opposite gender. - Sexy Halloween


. (kisses teeth) - We'll look great. - Chilling. - I went to an all-girls school. At school, I would wear the funny guy costume, then when I went to a party, I would wear the sexy lady costume. - Halloween is a time for people to fully express themselves in ways that may not be possible during the year. - It's a holiday that's all about unlimited sweets, death, and excitement.
best friends swap men and women s halloween costumes
So what more could you ask for? - I definitely think the boys' costumes are much more conservative. - I feel like gays say: "let's fuck it up." - Oh, I'm going to enjoy this very much. - This will be fun. Try new outfits. You know, I could find a possible Halloween costume. - Okay, mine is under arrest. What's yours called? - Corrupt Police. - I thought the pants were stuck together. - Accessories are sold separately. How are pants an accessory? - Oh, that's supposed to... Oh, that's smart. - They are little handcuffs for babies. - The wives are the ones that hold the net. - I like it when men fight. - Supposedly...
best friends swap men and women s halloween costumes

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best friends swap men and women s halloween costumes...

The costume looked different. - In fact I changed in record time, but we are still waiting for Ify. - Oh. - Your accessory not included are fishnet stockings while mine are pants. - It's essentially the same. I'm all for gender equality, okay? - I guess these ones, I'll just leave them hanging. - Why are you tinkling? You look great! - Oh, you're under arrest! - You can handcuff my little finger. - Put your hands behind your back, young man. - I feel like I had a good action with the arm, you know? - This is good for showing off your pecs.
best friends swap men and women s halloween costumes
This is like, hey. - I have to report a fashionable crime. First of all, if you dress up as a police officer for Halloween, that's your first problem. - Read the room. No one is actually looking for a costume called a corrupt cop. - Or under arrest. - Why would you dress up someone's real job and try to make it sexy? - I don't care about sensuality. I love that. Look, but this seems a little poorly thought out. - I would like it to be equal opportunities. I need some sexier accountants. I need sexier librarians. I think librarians... - What's up with the sexy Buzzfeed producers, guys? - A positive factor of this is that there is a sexy option for both men and


, and it is marketed to both men and women.
best friends swap men and women s halloween costumes
There is still much more revealed on the women's side. - There is definitely a lack of pants for both of us, which is encouraging. However, I actually prefer it without pants. It is long enough to rock this dress look. - You know, actually, you can wear whatever you want. You don't need to consult the person listed on the package; However, not everyone accepts it. And then it's like, oh, you're the woman, you buy the woman package. You're the man, you buy the man's package. - It felt like there was at least an attempt to be like a cop in this suit. - Here we go. - This is like the Sailor Moon version of a police officer. - If police officers could transform like Sailor Moon... - Come on! (laughing) - Yes!
Oh yeah baby. Get me some robes. - I'm the head nurse! Alright, I'm moving up in the world. - You are the head nurse! I'm just a handsome doctor. - I wish they were a little more creative with these puns because you could be Nurse Ratchet, but ratchet. - If someone came in like that as a nurse, they would call for help. I would immediately think I'm in Kill Bill. - It really feels like one quick pull takes my breath away. - Where is DJ? It's taking too long. - They did take the scene in The Dark Knight where Joker was the nurse but changed it with Bane. - So, do you feel like Bane dressed as a nurse? - Yes, you were simply born into the medical field.
I was shaped by that. - Oh, you look so pretty. I see you're wearing pants. - It really was a bit of a climb. I don't want a human rights violation, so I'll put my pants on. - It's definitely tight. - Yes. - I feel like that's the point. Pack everything together and you're like pa-pow-pow. Check it out. (laughing) - It's a little breezy. He'd never had his arms exposed like this outside of a basketball jersey. - I mean, I feel like people who buy this think, you know, maybe someone thinks I'm really a doctor. You're at the Halloween party and it's like, oh, you're a doctor?
No, I just got home from work. - My mom is a nurse. Her things are a little more like this, nothing like this. - I really don't think you can administer proper treatment in a costume like this. - I literally feel like I'm going to bed. It's a very soft material, but that's fine too. - When you go and look at these Halloween costumes, they're all these female positions: maid and nurse, but there's no CEO costume. - It seems like they're really pushing something towards one audience and something completely different for men. - Exactly. Oh, I can't.
Well, here I am. - I have to give credit to the costume producers. They can find the sexy angle for any costume. This company recently got in trouble for making a sexy Handmaid's Tale costume, which, first of all, is problematic, but you're also late to the party. I had


who wore red swimsuits with white caps and capes last year and they didn't bat an eye. They were trouble before anyone else. - We don't have time to unravel the privilege there. Let's put these bananas on. -Chantel says she stops talking. (moans) - Oh, oh! A little noisy, your costume. - The little buzz enhances the costume. - It's like it comes with my own sound effect. - It has a motor.
There's also a nice breeze on my butt. - That's way cooler than mine. Mine is like an awkward insinuation. (crickets scream) - My banana doesn't have a lid. Oh, I'm a peeled banana. - I feel like this is for the neckline, and I have the clear straps, which made it a lot easier to put on because I knew where my arms went. But I still put it the wrong way. - I love that you have a loincloth here. - Wait, so I'm using it backwards. - Oh you are! - So can someone really peel you? - Maybe not here. - What I don't like is that, oh, if you're a woman, you understand that one.
If you're a man, you get this one. And the fact that they don't present it as an option I think is when it's like, come on. - I just feel happy. This is something I would love to use. - Aside from when you use the banana emoji in a sexual context, there are girl bananas, boy bananas, and bananas in pajamas. - That's the banana I want. That is the representation we deserve. - I feel like your costume really looks like an amazing banana. In my costume, I'm the banana for wearing this. - Could you imagine a sexy banana in pajamas, however, where it is like lace? - They would find a way to put that in a woman's body. - I feel like I'm getting the better end of the deal here. - I mean, the costumes heat up and you have an air filtration system so you never get hot or sweat.
That's great. - Good? -I guess I assumed that, as a kid, I never gave much thought to my Halloween costume. Now, this gives me a lot more appreciation because there is so much more that goes into it. - It's silly that men, in the sexy part, show their muscular arms. And then for women, we'll have it a little low-cut, we'll have arms, we'll have fishnet stockings and high boots. - Halloween is about escaping reality. We should not have to return to the usual stereotypes of the modern world. I'm trying to make this deep. It's not that deep, but I mean, Halloween is cool, so have fun. - I think there's actually something about romanticizing occupations.
There is something heroic about the police and there is also something heroic about people who save lives. I understand. It's like everyday superheroes, but I think this is not necessarily a good description of them. - I never thought Halloween was such a sexist holiday. - I mean, why gender a costume in the first place? It's a costume, right? - I like the sexy banana better. - Yes, the sexy banana felt more like you. - I mean, I'm a sexy fruit. (relaxing music) - Do you feel like you can move well with that? - Yeah, I... You know, it's just the jingles.

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