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Benefits Britain 100 Stone and on the Dole

Apr 19, 2024
Britain has the highest level of obesity in Western Europe and is estimated to be costing the country around £47 billion a year. The hamburger has healthy things because they put lettuce on it and tomorrow, for some, being overweight will mean a lifetime of


. I am modernly physically obese, I simply cannot work. I know the 70-pound woman who is battling diabetes, but her beneficial diet is a huge health hazard. I'm just doing everything I can trying to eat healthy. The aspiring model who is a woke assassin. My doctor told me that this time next year you will be dead, the 31


agrophobe who forces himself to go out to work selling davon door to door, the women's business sold by a man, and the overweight man confined to the house who take their hobby very outdoors indoors between them top the scales by over a hundred


, but will they ever be able to lose weight with its


? lifestyle i don't want my husband to have to bury me you know because of my obesity it is estimated that one in four people in


are obese unemployed sarah 30 years old lives in the market town of long sutton in lincolnshire with her husband anthony and his 10 year old son alfie are you jumping we have bread can of milk and peas and sweet corn um alfie bought himself a carrot cake sarah He is five foot one and weighs 27 kilos which is about 17 kilos more than a healthy weight average for your height.
benefits britain 100 stone and on the dole
My doctor told me that next year this time you will be dead. I ate because she was depressed. I was bored and the only thing that was my consolation was the food the doctor would like me to be a size 12 because that's what I should be for my ideal weight I think you should be the size you want to be as long as you're comfortable and happy then you will be What you want to be, Anthony hasn't worked for six years since he lost his job working at a fishing tackle store. I think life is easier with benefits, but at the same time you are also restricted.
benefits britain 100 stone and on the dole

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benefits britain 100 stone and on the dole...

I'd rather be working than sitting. At home, the family claimed almost £27,000 a year in benefits, including disability benefits for Alfie, who suffers from autism. Well, we have, my goodness, what is this excellent Sarah? She is Alpha's registered caregiver, so about three thousand dollars of her benefits are hers. made up of her caregivers' allowance, today she and Anthony are making lasagna from scratch, it's not something we have all the time, but it's a good thing we haven't eaten much this week, but since we have a little money today, we thought: fuck! We will have something delicious and we will complete Sarah is interested in losing weight and she states that she prefers home-cooked food to prepared meals and takeaways.
benefits britain 100 stone and on the dole
In Basing, Stoke Hampshire is the home of unemployed Kathleen, 44, and her husband James Well, at the moment I weigh probably around 198 kilograms, which is about 30 kilos, it's a lot of weight to carry and it's frustrating. Kathleen's weight-related health problems forced her to leave work five years ago and she now claims around £10,000 in sickness benefits. and disability benefits per year. She used to work as a school chaperone for Hampshire County Council but obviously as my health started to deteriorate which affected everything in everyday life I would love to go back to work but I know I can't do that.
benefits britain 100 stone and on the dole
Kathleen was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 13 years ago. It is a condition that can be caused by being severely overweight. This is my little office where I keep all my medications. I'm taking my morning tablets, which as you can see is a bit of a hassle. The concoction has metformin, glickenside, iron, antibiotics, remote blood pressure in Brazil, so there is quite a bit in the morning that I have to take. Kathleen also needs regular injections to regulate her blood sugar levels and then I have to take 90 units of insulin, it's because of size and obviously health um and basically just keeping me alive because she has benefits.
Kathleen is exempt from paying for her prescriptions. If I had to pay for the prescriptions, you'd be paying probably about £1,300 a year which I couldn't afford. To do so would be very wrong. Kathleen's unemployed son, Stephen, lives in a nearby shelter. Today he will join his mother and her husband James on a walk with their three border collies, however, Kathleen finds it difficult to exercise. due to its weight. Hello, that's how it is. with an effort, now my back hurts as I walk, I can feel my breathing as I walk, the dogs carry Kathleen around, but at 30 stone, she struggles to get very far without help, oh that's better, I'm on this now, no more walking, James.
She works four days a week in a warehouse, which Kathleen says leaves her practically housebound. She wants to go places but she can't because she is limited to the places she can go and what she can do outside, come on, every day is different. I have more bad things. Good morning with James going back to work tomorrow there is no chance of me going out so my son will come to keep me company for a few hours going uphill it is very difficult on an uneven surface and on a bumpy road I am exhausted after half an hour a tired kathleen decides it's time to head home i said i'm back in my corner effort brighton on the south east coast oh damn let's get out of this bump in the van Brian, 49, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in He was 16 years old and since he started gaining weight, the situation worsened as the years passed before he could walk.
He could do several different things. I just can't do much for myself because his Mrs. Brian had no choice but to leave his engineering career 18 years ago. I was an electrical engineer and worked on old manual machinery. It couldn't keep up with the workload that companies wanted since then. Brian has been completely dependent on the benefits he claims, around twenty thousand pounds a year, of which. He pays the rent and bills, but he says it's not enough. He gets about £378 to live on, which is supposed to last two weeks and rarely does. You're lucky if it lasts two days.
He relies on a mobility scooter when he ventures out. outside, I mean, I'm on the third floor, for God's sake, I should be on ground level, the fire never broke out, I'd be mad, he shares his two-bedroom apartment with his son, who works full time, oh God. I'm struggling to get up, okay? There's a seat behind me. The reason I can't get up is because my legs have very poor circulation. I can fall pretty easily, so I decided to sit next to Brian. He makes it almost impossible to exercise, as a result, he has packed on the pounds and now he weighs around 21 pounds.
The other problem is burning calories, so I have a stable weight. I can not do it. He also claims to live a life. about the benefits it makes it difficult to eat healthy, the reason I have gelatin in my belly is because I am forced to eat certain foods that are not good for me. I can understand that many of you are saying why don't you eat these fat-free foods. diets um basically I can't afford to buy these fat free ones, I can't afford to have them show up Sarah hopes her amazing alter ego can take her off the benefits for good.
I have been modeling for the last seven years. I have big ambitions and big goals that I want to achieve. Brian's beneficial lifestyle is having an impact on his diet. Oh, look at that shit, we meet 31 Stone James, who feels trapped in his house but is determined to get out just because. You see, a fat guy doesn't mean he's lazy. In Great Britain it is estimated that by 2050 more than half of the population will be obese in Lincolnshire. 27 Stone Sarah dreams of making profits by using her weight to her advantage. I have been modeling for the last seven years.
I have lived every part of it. I have big ambitions and big goals that I want to do as a plus size amateur model. Sarah is determined to build a career and a brand for herself. is my baby dream page, basically it's just giving my fans an update on my everyday life. She has created a portfolio for her alter ego, Baby Jane. This is a little of what I have done. She currently has her own website where she uploads amateur photos. photo shoots you have done this was my first modeling shoot these are on my front and panties I love showing off my curves and I think my breasts give me more attention modeling makes me feel good about myself it makes me feel sexy and it just highlights my personality and I like both sides of me, I like Sarah and I like Baby Jane, but I enjoy chatting with babies because she is very funny, Sarah hopes that one day she will be hired as a plus size model that can appear.
In clothing catalogs, my husband Anthony has always taken photos of me. I would like to earn some money from my modeling career right now. I don't get anything for it. Sarah has signed with an agent but is still waiting for her big break until later Anthony set her up on a webcam chat room site where fans can pay to talk to her. I basically sat here with a little bit of cleavage showing some guy saying can you stand up and show your figure? So I basically had to get up and show my I guess I didn't make any money on my first night, but I look forward to seeing where it goes.
Not everyone has been supportive of Sarah's career plans. I've been called some harsh things, but now, if someone says yes, it's me, it's like I look. Stay away from me, I'm just going to rip your head off despite the negativity. Anthony will always be her number one fan. I am very proud of Sarah for what she does. It's an ego boost, maybe when you get to know yourself. I have guys saying how beautiful your wife is and Sarah is determined to follow her dreams. I hope that my modeling career takes me to a point where I will wake up every day and feel like there is something exciting. that's going to happen and not have to rely on benefits all the time because not everyone likes to receive benefits.
Certainly not, in the suburbs of Leicester. I like Lego. I like big collections, big pieces. Liv James, 35, my bit of pride and joy is something I've been wanting for a long time cost me around £70 which is why I got the credit card. James weighs about 70 pounds and has been unemployed for most of his adult life. There have been times when I have probably been prejudged for receiving benefits and being the size I am. I feel like I'm actually fitter than most massages. Just because you see a fat guy doesn't mean he's lazy. James shares his three-bedroom apartment.
Privately rented house with her best friend Kelly, whose physical and mental health problems mean she is also reliant on benefits from our neighbors when she first moved in and one of the first things they said was: "Oh, he's killing your girlfriend and you're not getting married," I said. nash we're just friends she's the sister i never had i have no family and kelly became her when she moved to james he was laid off from his last job at a video store at the age of 20 and says he hasn't been able to find job as I was job-seeking on and off for a long time and then we discovered that there wasn't much financial change between job-seeking and carers' allowance.
James became Kelly's carer two years ago and receives carers. The allowance to look after her is about £250 a month, it's enough to live on because I use my money to pay half the bills and then Kelly uses her benefits to pay the rest of the bills and food shopping. I just made Kelly lunch at 31. Stone James claims to be watching what he eats. I just haven't been feeling well, so you know I'll probably eat something a little later, but I'm not one to eat for a long time. the simple act of eating, although you look at me and probably think yes, right, it's quite unusual that you're not in the usual place because it's usually me, it's not eating, yes, that's true, but you know, you fight to get me to eat , yes, it is, or you fight. for you to decide what to eat in beijing stoke it's 9 a.m. i have a day today i can't be bothered to get dressed kathleen's son stephen has come for her regular visit basically i'll come and help with the general housework um Helping day to day around the house.
Thanks at 30 Stone. Kathleen has difficulty with the most basic tasks. Can you bring me the dishes? Please, Stephen, so she can wash them, but try to do some around the house. It would be hard work, obviously, if I were standing, my back would hurt a lot right now and that's why I sit down. I have days when I feel very depressed and very down, but I keep going. I have a lot of support from my family, which is what Okay, Kathleen is taking 11 different types of medications because of her weight and her diabetes. Drowsiness is a major side effect and she already needs a mid-morning nap.
Okay, I'm going to get some sleep now, so it's exhausted. Oh, um, Stephen. I need you to go into town to pick up the prescription at the pharmacy and then just sit back and relax watching TV in the afternoon. Okay, in Brighton, 21 Stone. Brianhe struggles to leave his third-floor apartment because of his multiple sclerosis. It means she has a hard time cooking for lunch and I'll probably go get a hamburger and fries today. He goes to his favorite local takeout outside to eat a regular double and fries. Brian says he can't afford to eat. every day about the benefits of it, but he likes the occasional treat.
I like it to be of a good standard and, uh, edible instead of inedible, which is why I came here, I just wanted to get my license out of the package. Brian says he feels trapped in it. his third floor apartment going out to lunch gives him a chance to break up his day oh look at that oh shit oh my god it's like heaven i feel like my steven started salivating before he'd even eaten it oh absolutely beautiful i got every burger i've ever had eaten over the years if it was marked out of 10 it would be 15 because it is the absolute best in Lincolnshire so I am very slow. 27 Stone Sarah, an unemployed husband, Anthony has lived in her privately rented house for just over a year.
This is the master bedroom. This is our room. There is no bed. This. it's because sarah prefers to sleep on something solid i prefer to sleep on two matches on the floor because it helps my back and it's easy to get up due to her weight sarah has developed a condition called sleep apnea which causes her to stop breathing when she's asleep when She went for the initial test, was told she had stopped breathing 79 times in an hour and the doctors were so worried that they pressured her to have the machine put on her because she was at risk of falling asleep for her sake. health Sarah knows she needs to lose weight, but until she does, her oxygen machine is a potential lifesaver, so I basically put it on my face at night, that's how you turn it on and then obviously air comes out.
Sarah's sleep apnea is also having an effect on Anthony when I am in a sleeping position I am pretty much like this because I can be quite restless I even thought about the option of buying two single beds just until I have lost weight and get off my machine because I've been so bad at night anthony doesn't really sleep much you know he's gotten a lot better since she's had the machine but that's what you put up with when you really love someone in that he really appears agrophobic james leaves the house for the first time in a week as long as I don't have my panic attacks I'm fine sarah is facing losing her breathing apparatus that saved my life I can't be without my machine I need it to really stay alive and 30 -stone kathleen is struggling to change her bad habits food diet things sometimes the sugar content is much higher than normal it's just a no-win situation it's lunchtime in beijing stoke and kathleen has woken up from her morning nap with her husband james in son from work , Stephen, is keeping you company.
Stephen will bring me lunch in a minute and check my blood sugar levels and maybe watch some TV. I'll just relax in the afternoon in general, like her mother Stephen depends on the benefits and she also has problems with. Her weight the last time the doctor weighed me was 20 pounds and he told me it would be good for me to lose some weight because I tend to eat takeout almost every other night, so last night I weighed like 25 pounds for two large pizzas. garlic. bread, potatoes, cookies and a bottle of drink, but that was for the three of us, but I didn't eat the large pizza, which for me would be cheaper if we went to the supermarket and bought pizza instead of continuing to buy it, but it doesn't taste the same, No, but it's much cheaper.
I think a lot of these young people waste money, to be honest, because they're just lazy, they don't bother. You can cook well? Would you like to go make me some lunch? Please, I don't know what's in the refrigerator, I think there's ham in there, although Kathleen is happy with just a ham sandwich for lunch. Steven is tempting her with a pork sandwich. You like a couple of sausage rolls. Mom, just a place that Kathleen says she's trying. lose weight to improve your health, I just do everything I can, I try to eat healthy, you go shopping and look at all the sugar contents in certain things and dietary things, sometimes the sugar content is much higher than normal.
It's a no win situation, would you like a packet of crisps? There you go mom thanks don't forget my tablet yeah with James at work Kathleen's not leaving the house today I can't really go out because she struggles um obviously James makes me go out if the car is there just to go for a walk just to get some fresh air and it's also very cold at night too so I prefer to stay in Brighton, it's time for dinner, my son made some dinner last night and there's enough for dinner today. Brian's weight of 21 kilos means it is difficult for him to move around his apartment and it is almost impossible to prepare dinner.
Oh, now I'm going to go to the kitchen and hope I don't fall. Brian struggles to stand without help, just do that so I have something to sit on while I'm here because otherwise it's awkward when his son goes to work. He cooks for Brian. Today's prepared meal is a chili con carne. Two minutes and just wait for it to cook. After only being on his feet for a few minutes, Brian is struggling with the pain. There is a pressure building in the lower part of my spine. As you can see, I'm holding on to almost everything to manipulate it so I can get back to this.
I almost forgot my fork. This can be quite complicated just doing something as simple as putting a dinner in the microwave to reheat it, probably when I get to the chair, I sit down and eat it, it's very cold, oh dear, anyway, bon appetit, no . The bad thing is that his MS is getting worse, Brian isn't sure he can lose his excess weight, not only is trying to do any kind of exercise a problem, there's also the diet, which I can't change, so what am I supposed to do? What should I do in Lincolnshire? Hello, good morning, Sarah's doctors have told her that she is morbidly obese and that she is around 17 kilos overweight, which puts her life at risk.
Today I got very bad with myself. I've been up all night. Chronic stomach pain. I don't know why Sarah suffers from Sleep Apnea, which means she is at risk of stopping breathing during the night. The only way to get better is if she loses weight. It is very important for her to lose weight. I'm not getting any younger. I don't want my husband to have to bury me. I know this because of my obesity and because I don't want to die because I'm big. Sarah relies on an oxygen machine to help her breathe at night. I will see you later.
Her local hospital has been in touch and they have asked Sarah to Return her machine quickly today Sarah's offer An appointment with her doctors I missed a couple of hospital appointments because my letters were like going to my old house and in I didn't actually receive them. I can't be without my machine, you know? I usually can't sleep without it and I need it to stay alive. Sarah really wants her doctor to contact the hospital to let them know that she still relies on her machine and that she uses it every night. That's the good news she was waiting for.
All went well. I can keep my sleep apnea machine. It's just a misunderstanding. They had the wrong address. Definitely worth the trip. I will be able to sleep well and now I won't have to worry about whether they will take it or not. So yeah, all is well in Leicester. James has been struggling with his weight for most of his life. He also suffers from agrophobia, which means he rarely leaves the house he shares with his best friend Kelly to supplement his eight thousand dollars a year. He has a part-time job. Door-to-door sales work. He can do this without leaving the property.
It's Monday. I've received a few customer orders for this month, so I'm going to see what I have. Then the women's business was sold. by a man, someone ordered shoes after double checking that order, from what I can see, they look good when delivering the goods, James leaves the house for the first time in days. Unfortunately, I don't always make money from it, but sometimes I do and sometimes. I don't even realize that yes, well packed a few minutes ago. I see that death. I see he is literally around the block. You know, he gets me out of the house.
And as long as I don't have my panic attacks, I'll be there. it's okay and I'll try not to think about it if I can post it honestly I haven't fully ventured into this state in over a year because because of the anxieties it's like it's a psychological thing that everything is in. It's ridiculous to think that this is the first time I've left the house in over a week and the parents were out of the house for over a week, just 15 minutes later and James finished all of his deliveries. Well, the plan now. he's back to doing what I normally do during the day, you know, uh, uh, surfing the Internet, watching TV and helping Kellyanne with whatever she has to do next in Brighton, Brian says his health has prevented him work in the The last 18 years, if I could still work, I would, but I can't.
I know that I can't even get out of his third floor apartment and it's a struggle. All I seem to do is sit here 24/7 in the prisons of my own home, because I can. I don't do anything else, but Brian has taken up an unusual hobby, one that usually requires a lot of open space. Archery is a sport that I tend to enjoy because it gives me a feeling of freedom. Everyone has to have a hobby and my hobby just happens. To be this, he saved his profits to come out with three bows, two crossbows, and a bunch of arrows.
I bought them online and paid a very reasonable price for them. Brian doesn't let lack of space stop him from pursuing his hobby. He sets a small goal at home so that he can do something. This is another little toy I have. I enjoy it and it relaxes me. It's something I can do on my own without any interference from anyone and basically have fun. Help if they remove the security, here we go, that's all the successes I've done in the last few months, with money tight, Sarah and Anthony are looking to increase their profits, they claim I don't work because I'm physically morbidly obese, I just can.
I don't work and Mrs. suffers. Brian strives to see a life full of benefits. He makes me feel bad because I have had no choice but to claim state benefits in Lincolnshire. It's benefits day and Sarah is packing up two weeks worth of frozen food shopping. Anthony does it. It would be nice to have some food in the house, oh why did you have to land on my head? Come here, no, not in my head, because if you poop on me, they won't be happy, even if she's desperate to lose weight, she finds it. It is difficult to follow a healthy diet.
A total of 54 pounds was spent. 42 In terms of bargains, I bought these four chicken pies for about a pound fifty. We bought them too, which is enough for me and Anthony. I know some of these things probably aren't. It's not good for me that I don't eat it every day, I just have to get what I can and put up with what I have with Sarah's modeling, who still doesn't make any money. Dyslexic, oh yeah, okay, that's it, she's decided. to apply for more state help to top up the family's £27,000-a-year benefits - when it all accumulates it will be gone - she is applying for personal independence payments which are designed to cover additional costs caused by poor health or a long-term disability It was suggested to us that we apply due to the increasing number of health problems Sarah has.
If they give us pip, it will be an additional benefit on top of what we already receive. It's not an easy form to fill out, I mean it's 40 pages long, so there's a lot to take care of her son Alfie and her weight problems. Sarah says it's impossible to go out and find a regular job. Many people simply think that people receive benefits because they are lazy and not bothered. I don't work because I'm physically morbidly obese, I just can't work, I personally don't think I'm morbidly obese, you know, and because there are people bigger than me, Sarah started filling out the application form.
You swell a lot. How do you smell bloated? but I have decided that the rest can wait until another day. I'm going to finish this a little later, so I'm going to take a break for now, so I'll do it a little later. Tonight in Beijing Stoke, Kathleen left her husband James in charge of dinner. James went out to get tea to go. She didn't really have the confidence to cook herself, so when she got home from work at six o'clock sharp. It's probably a relief for her, so he knows she'll get a meal on her good night.
Can I have a medium cheese feast please, and could I also have another cheese-faced festive dish? I'm that size, though please, I can also have a double cheeseburger. Well please, thank you very much, bye, yes, that was a total of 14.47. Dinner is served as I say, actually I'd better check my blood sugar before doing so. Since I am a type 2 diabetic, Kathleen has to monitor her blood sugar. levels at 8.6, so it's not that bad, geez, it's nice to sit and stand all day if my sugar level ishigh and like this then I get really thirsty and I actually feel pretty bad, but when it's like in a normal range which is good for me, it's fine so I can get away with it.
Remember that you have healthy things in the burger because they put lettuce and tomato on it. We probably eat the same thing, but I can burn it off. Go faster, it's a shame, really, because you enjoy your food, don't you, don't you, you used to, yeah, enough of it. Wow, I think I could go upstairs, we'll go take a bath and then go to bed because my head is pounding. okay, on leicester 31, stone james hasn't left his housing estate in over six months, what's keeping me at home at the moment is that i have anxiety based ibs.
James says he can't go to the supermarket so he and his housemate Kelly get their food delivery I do all my shopping online because I can't go places today's food delivery should last two weeks James likes to shop wholesale to save money if you see a lot of the same things it is because it is easier and sometimes more economical very well, we look for a large quality street can, instead we have two boxes of roses, mmm, so beneficial, really, oh God, my back now that I have the next task of putting everything away, which I love you, I love you.
I love seeing myself struggle with it, I know I'm doing it after 15 years with benefits. James is used to careful budgeting. This particular shop cost us around £200 and usually our shopping is around £110 but as we like it we have an extra week's worth cost a little more, there are a few treats here and there, biscuits and packets of crisps chips and things like that, which sometimes tend to be our lunch if I don't eat my fish sandwiches or whatever, it's a couple of chips and a drink. I'm sure, as you've probably seen from my size, it's also expensive to eat healthy, so you know, we just get what we have to live on, we buy with your grocery shopping, finally everything packed up, James says the rest of the Late for him I'd probably be watching TV while I'm having lunch or checking Facebook and stuff while James says he can't leave the house because of his anxiety over Brian leaving.
Leaving his apartment is more of a physical challenge, but today he is determined to leave. I don't think he needs my glasses right away. Let's go. However, getting out the front door is a struggle right now. I find it extremely difficult to do so. luckily the council is coming, they are changing this gate and they are putting an electric opener on the front gate waiting for them to do it, when Brian needs some fresh air he heads to his local park, yes my place of peace is over . there it's out of the way just got a little time to myself oh rather quite an unusual bird to be here would normally come in the summer so the smell and the smells and uh there's usually a lot of wildlife here but like you can see that We have our friendly neighborhood, Brian's bum means there is little chance of him ever coming off the benefits.
It just makes me feel bad that I had no choice but to claim state benefits. If he could work, he would but he would be a man. of my age now has very little hope of getting any kind of employment, especially with my condition, there is nothing I can do, I am going to return home because it is very cold, you can let out your house, but do you really know who? you're letting in a nightmare telling the slumlords it's back for a new series starting next, they're half the size but they've got twice the problems and they're looking at the five star stage, the next shot is a new baby ballroom.

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