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BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING | Overcoming Anxiety & Worry - Inspirational & Motivational Video

Jun 02, 2021
It's 2:30 in the morning and you can't sleep. You roll from side to side, hit your pillow. Nothing helps anyone else sleep, least of all you, so it's 2:30 in the morning, turns into 3:30 and you've still done it. You didn't sleep And


begins to make its way with you Another hour passes You cover your head with a pillow You feel like crying What a mess What does all this


mean All this insecurity All this restlessness All this


All this restlessness What does it mean? well, it simply means this, you are a human being, you are not stupid, you are not emotionally underdeveloped, you are not immature, your parents did not fail you, it does not mean that you failed them, and this is important, it does not mean that you are not a Christian?
be anxious for nothing overcoming anxiety worry   inspirational motivational video
Christians struggled with anxiety. Jesus did in the garden of Gethsemane the night before his crucifixion, he prayed for the cup of suffering to be taken away and he prayed with such ferocity that the capillaries burst and fluttered crimson. rolled down his face Jesus fought against anxiety, he faced fears but he fought against his fears and handed them over to God and accomplished his mission and anxiety did not win and such is God's plan for you anxiety comes with life but it does not have than dominating your life God's plan for you is not a life drenched in anxiety, it is his will that you and I learn to live a life characterized by calm and not chaos, by peace and not panic.
be anxious for nothing overcoming anxiety worry   inspirational motivational video

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be anxious for nothing overcoming anxiety worry inspirational motivational video...

Have you ever felt almost swamped in your life like me I keep showing up but I'm barely making it and I'm smiling but no one knows what's really behind this smile the things I think about some days I just want to run away from it all I want to suggest something to you today about the storms of anxiety in your life and the waves and the winds that blow in your life because man, the winds will blow, they will absolutely blow and the waves will crash and crash, there are certainly some things that you are afraid of that doesn't make sense from the perspective from heaven There are some things that are making you shut down, they are paralyzing you and they don't make sense When you put it in the context of who God is in you and what you mean to him and he says I want you to train your heart to be




be anxious for nothing overcoming anxiety worry   inspirational motivational video
If you are following God's purpose, you have no reason to be


, not to be anxious about anything. How can anyone really live a life where they are not anxious about anything? Don't get caught in a state of perpetual anxiety, that's what he's saying. It is impossible to live a life free of anxiety, but we can discover a life free of perpetual anxiety. Anxiety comes with life, but it doesn't have to dominate our lives. you see anxiety, depression and unhappiness, they all come from a feeling of helplessness, they all come from a feeling of helplessness, so when you are helpless you feel anxious, when you are helpless you feel depressed, when you are helpless you feel unhappy, then , the idea that you are powerless over your debts powerless over judgment powerless over the battle that is somehow up to you to try to make it happen that will bring you sadness it will bring you anxiety it will bring you so we only


about something because we are not sure what the outcome will be, why would you be anxious about something you are sure of?
be anxious for nothing overcoming anxiety worry   inspirational motivational video
You know when you're rooting for your favorite team when it's live and it's happening and they and the game is very close and until the last minute you get anxious. It's just an example that shows how our emotions operate. You understand anxiety when you're around and when it's on edge because you're not sure. But let me ask you something, if you already know it and if you are looking you would not have anxiety, because because you already know the result, you do not have fear or anxiety when you know the result well, the result of whatever your need is.
It is my God who will supply it so that when you know the result the anxiety leaves you. There is a way out of the valley of unrest and God has used the apostle Paul to draw the map. In this passage from Philippians chapter 4 verses 4 to 8, rejoice in the Lord. I will always say again: rejoice, may your meekness be known to all men; The Lord is near, do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding.
You will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. A person would be hard-pressed to find a more practical and applicable passage for our times, wouldn't you agree? So what can we do? Paul lists here four useful ideas for winning the war against Worry and if you want to move from chaos to calm consider first what Paul says celebrate celebrate the goodness of God rejoice in the Lord always the apostle writes with chains hanging from that prison cell Roman rejoice in the Lord always writes without a penny in his pocket and maybe the sound of the executioner's footsteps in the hallway Rejoice in the Lord always writes under the shadow of Nero and the threat to the church He says not only rejoice in the Lord His point is always don't meditate on the mess.
The more you look at the problem, the bigger it becomes. The more you look at the problem, the bigger it becomes, so when you have a problem, lift up your eyes and rejoice in the Lord at the moment. that anxiety comes, instead of giving in to the anxiety you raise. Lift up your eyes and you will rejoice in the Lord this was the advice of the psalmist he said I will lift up my eyes to the mountains where my help comes from my help comes from the Lord who made the heavens and the earth Do you see the intentionality in those? words I will lift up my eyes this was the decision the psalmist made the apostle Peter is a testimony of this you remember how when the storm hit the sea of ​​Galilee he knew what 10 foot waves could do to a fishing boat and Peter wept Lord, If it is really you, then command me to come to you on the water and Jesus said come and Peter left the boat and walked on the water towards Jesus, but when Peter saw the wind and the waves he was afraid and began to sink.
As long as he kept his eyes on Christ he could do the impossible but when he saw the wind and the waves when he looked away from Christ he began to sink. If today you feel like you are sinking or next time you feel like you are sinking, lift your eyes and fix your gaze on Christ. rejoice in the Lord rejoice in his sovereignty God is bigger than your problem Has God ever faced this problem before? Does God have solutions you haven't thought of? Does God have you been through this kind of thing before? Does God have a good track record?
Is God strong? Is God sovereign? Is God still on the throne? He? Above all, he sees how you lift him up. You are rejoicing in the Lord. You are moving your mind away. of the problems and you are putting your mind on the one who can solve it don't meditate on the mess so you can rejoice that's what it means to rejoice in the Lord oh I have a great God I have a wonderful father I rejoice in the Lord and then the Apostle says having done that you will be ready to ask God for help you have calmed down now you ask God for help let your requests be given to God you see that fear causes you despair or prayer so choose wisely God said call me in the day of trouble Jesus said ask and it will be given to you seek and you will find call and the door will be opened to you the road to peace is always paved with prayer that is why the devil does not want you to pray.
The road to peace is always paved with prayer. The enemy satan would love to shut down your ability to pray in faith when you pray and take a promise from God and declare it over your life in any area. Okay, the Bible says to believe that you have received it. Worry does not believe in that anxiety. You don't believe that the worries of this world don't create that and the enemy will attack anything you have faith in and would love to even if in your daily life you started worrying about things you never cared about before.
When Offer a request to God. Tell God now? God, I'll stay here until you fix it. If you need my advice, I'll put you on the watch. I'll consult with you. No. You leave your concern for your Heavenly Father and consequently where that anxiety has gone you can now place gratitude gratitude see what the Apostle says in everything by prayer and supplication with which thanksgiving anxiety and gratitude cannot share the same heart test me On that, try it sometime. The next time you are anxious, start making a list of the things you are grateful for, because anxiety and gratitude refuse to share the same heart, so you leave your worries to him, fill your heart with gratitude and then.
Lastly, meditate on the good things, don't let negative and anxious thoughts take over your mind, you can't control your circumstances, but you can control how you think about them. Peace comes from a current of thought because you could be born a Christian. again and on your way to heaven but you have no peace why why what you are thinking why you are meditating why you are thinking what you are focusing on what is going through your ear you know in the middle your ears what what's going on in your head between your ears listen this is why so many Christians fail is because they are trying to obtain and fighting for a victory that Jesus has already given you see if for example if you think about one of the things he promised he would do for you it is that it says: my God will supply all your needs according to his riches and glory, if your mind is constantly on the fact that God will supply you, you will have peace so that you can have all the money you need and not have peace, but you could, you could have an empty bank account and have peace because you believe in the promise that he will give you, you see, peace does not come from the money in your account, peace comes from your thinking and your mind focused on what God said what he would do and your confidence that he will do it because he has done everything else he said he would do A few years ago I wrote this in a journal I read it quite often Today I will live for today Yesterday happened tomorrow Not however, I have today left so today I will live today live yesterday I will not learn from it I will seek mercy for it I will be glad but I will not live in it the sun set yesterday the sun set yet to rise tomorrow worry about the future what's the point it deserves a look and


more I can't change tomorrow until tomorrow Today I will live today I will face today's challenges with today's strength I will dance today's waltz to today's music I will Celebrate today's opportunities with today's hope, that today I can laugh, listen, learn and love , and if it comes tomorrow, let it do it again.
The next time that anxiety wakes you up at 2:30 in the morning, would you believe what I suggest to you and that it is not God's will for you to live a life of perpetual anxiety that your heavenly father will help you and help you pull out the roots. of your anxiety will help you deal with the fears you face

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