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LET GO & TRUST GOD | Overcoming Worry - Inspirational & Motivational Video

May 01, 2020
God doesn't want me to


about anything, nothing, notta, zip, zero Philippians 4:6, don't


about anything. That's pretty clear. Instead, pray about everything. We have talked about this many times. You can pray or panic. If you are not praying, you are panicking. You can worry or you can worship. If you are not worshiping, you are worrying. You invite worship through the front door, worry comes out the back door. And then God says: I don't want you to worry about anything now, why? He says the concern is unreasonable. It's not reasonable. In other words. Has no sense.
let go trust god overcoming worry   inspirational motivational video
It's illogical. It's irrational, it's unreasonable. First of all. We usually worry about the wrong thing. We worry about the little things: how I look, how I look, what I say, who I'm talking to, whether I'll be late for this meeting. Things that won't matter in five years. Everything is temporary. If you're really going to worry and God says you shouldn't, but if you're going to worry, worry about things that are eternal. Don't worry about things that won't matter tomorrow. Jesus says you should never worry, not just because it's unreasonable. It's not natural Nature doesn't care, it's unnatural Jesus says, you know, look at the birds, look at the birds in the air.
let go trust god overcoming worry   inspirational motivational video

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let go trust god overcoming worry inspirational motivational video...

They don't sow or harvest or store in barns They don't care about you know, do I have enough to live on? Then he said and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Aren't you more valuable than the birds? If God takes care of the birds, he won't take care of you and then he says in verse 28 and 29 Matthew 6. Why do you worry about your clothes? Look at the flowers. Look at the lilies of the field. They don't care about their appearance. However, King Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as them and he said that all creation


s in my care, except humans.
let go trust god overcoming worry   inspirational motivational video
He is saying that worry is not natural. Jesus says that worrying is not helpful. What do you mean it's useless? It does not work. Worry is worthless. Nothing changes when you worry. Matthew 6 verse 27 Jesus says: Which of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Worry cannot make you even an inch taller. Worry can't make you even an inch shorter. I can't make you bigger or smaller Worrying about getting thinner or fatter doesn't work and he says which one of you could change something He said you can't add a single hour to your life Worrying about any problem in your life will never move you one step towards that situation worry has no value Worry can't change anything in your past.
let go trust god overcoming worry   inspirational motivational video
It is done. Your past has already passed. So why do you worry about it? Worry cannot control your future. No matter how much you think you can do it, you are not controlling it by worrying about it. So if you can't change the past and you can't control the future. What are you doing today? And he says there is no need to worry because your heavenly father will take care of you. You know, when he was a kid. If he had any need in my life, I didn't care about him. I went to my dad Dad I need this or mom I need this and if I needed money to buy something I said dad I need some money to buy this I never worried about where I was going to get the money That was his worry You are worrying about a lot of things that They are God's responsibility.
Worry is taking on a responsibility that God never intended you to have. Every time you worry, it's a warning light. I'm playing God. I'm acting like God Thinking it's all up to me I don't have a Heavenly Father So never worry if you understand God is your Heavenly Father and you understand the goodness of God Matthew 6 verse 30 says this if God cares so wonderfully even for the flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, in other words, they are just a flower for a few days and then they are gone, but your life lasts decades, if God cares so wonderfully even about flowers. who are here today and gone tomorrow, surely he won't worry about you?
You see, what he is saying here is that God has taken responsibility for the needs of your life and he cares about you because he says you are valuable. You have value, you want to know how much you value. Look at the cross. Jesus died for you on the cross. cross that shows how much value you have for God. You're not trash. You are not useless No, no, you are valuable to God because you are his son And like the shepherd takes care of the defenseless sheep when he needs it. I'm there, what am I saying?
I'm saying worry in your life. Every time you worry, it comes from the fact that you don't understand the goodness of God. Worry is a warning sign. It's a yellow caution light that goes on bamp bamp bamp and says: At this point, I've forgotten how good God is. I have forgotten the promises of God, I have forgotten what God has promised to do in my life to meet all my needs. He says it over and over again. I will satisfy all your needs. There is no need that God will not meet if you


him now, if you don't trust him, you are there alone.
But if you trust him, he says, "I will meet all the needs of your life" and worry means "I." We have forgotten that the goodness of God comes from not understanding what God is really like and you know what, we always get into trouble whenever we start to doubt the goodness of God. When we start saying that God is not going to take care of me, God doesn't really love me. God is not a good God. Every time you start thinking like that, you know where those thoughts come from. You will get into trouble. You're going to go down a dead end, you're going to hit a dead end, you're going to have all kinds of discouragement in your life and it doesn't even make sense.
Most of you sitting here today are believers, you've crossed the line spiritually, you've said, you know, I've put my trust in Jesus Christ because I know heaven is perfect and I'm not, there's no chance. I'm getting to heaven on my own goodness because I'm not good enough. So, I am trusting that Jesus Christ will forgive me and save me by his grace, not by my works. But I'm just trusting God to tell me because he loves me he wants to forgive me he sent Jesus to die for me. When Jesus died on the cross for you.
He solved your biggest problem. You have no problem bigger than eternal salvation. But if that's your biggest problem, why do you doubt he'll take care of the smaller things in your life? What is the logic of saying that I am going to trust God to work it out? take me to heaven But I'm not going to trust him to help me make my car payment What's the logic in that doesn't make sense? Why would you trust God with something as great as eternal salvation, but not trust him? Who am I supposed to be? get married Will I ever get married or get a job or where should I go to school and all the other important questions in life?
Why don't you trust him with those things? There's no point in saying Oh. I don't doubt him for my salvation, but I do doubt that he cares about my health. I doubt he cares about my career. It does not make any sense. If God can be trusted for salvation, he will carry everything else. And when you doubt that you are a disbeliever at that moment you are a disbeliever. Every time you worry you act like a disbeliever. You see that it is actually an insult to God every time you worry about him. You're acting like an orphan.
Every time you worry, you are acting as if you don't have a promised Heavenly Father over and over again. once again More than 3,000 promises in this book to meet your needs How many times do you act as if God doesn't know what you need? And we began to depend on ourselves and we began to take matters into our own hands. We assume we have to do it. figure it all out Instead of just trusting that's called playing God When we get to heaven you'll see how many times you set yourself up for failure by worrying Instead of trusting John chapter 14 verse 1 Jesus says this don't worry What?
What do I do instead of worrying? He says he believes in God and believes in me. How are you? How do you trust God to meet your needs? Number one, you do this every day. It's not a one time thing Every day Ask Him to be my shepherd Every day I asked Jesus to be my Shepherd the Lord is my shepherd You do this every morning when you get up you sit next to your bed and say the Lord is my shepherd And then I say it throughout the day. Do you have to make an important decision.
The Lord is My Shepherd. You could say it 10 or 15 times a day, but if you start saying that phrase, your worry will decrease each time you start worrying. You need to say: "The Lord is my shepherd." Now, in John chapter 10, Jesus says this verse 14, 15. I am the Good Shepherd When you say that the Lord is my shepherd. Who is that? Jesus says I am he, I am him. I am the Lord, I am the Good Shepherd and I know my own sheep and they know me and I give my life for my sheep. That's what he did on the cross.
He gave his life for you. Second, this is very important. I give Jesus first place in every area of ​​my life. This is extremely important that I give Jesus first place in every area of ​​my life. Now the Bible says this Matthew 6 verse 31 to 33 your heavenly father already knows perfectly what you need. Let me stop right there. Your heavenly Father already knows perfectly what you need. So whatever need you mention to God, He already knows. So whenever you come to God with a need, he won't go. Wow, I never saw that coming. He knew it before he created you, but he says I already know what you need before you even ask for it, and he says he won't do it.
He will give you what you need if this is the condition, if you give Him first place in your life. He lives the way he wants so that you give God first place in every area of ​​your life. Now let me tell you something every time you worry. That's a warning light in that particular area of ​​your life. You haven't given him first place. When you make Jesus Christ number one in every area of ​​your life, He truly simplifies your priorities and also gives you much less to worry about. See, when it is given to God, then you don't have to worry about it Too often we worry about things We worry about physical possessions Now, as long as you love anything else in your life more than God, that area will become a source of worry for you Just count on it It will become a source of stress and a source of insecurity If you love Him more than God, you will be a victim of worry and anxiety And eventually everyone will have to decide you and me and everyone else What am I going to live for And who am I going to live for because And whatever that answer is, it becomes your Lord.
You know that one of the things that worries us the most, of course, is money. What I have discovered is that it doesn't matter how much or little you have about it. You still worry about it And if you don't have it you worry about getting it if you have it You worry about keeping it, saving it, spending it, investing it, protecting it And God says I know what by worrying about it I will take care of all your needs Matthew chapter 6 verse 34. Jesus says this so don't worry about tomorrow Because tomorrow will have its own worries Every day has enough problems of its own.
Anyone agrees with that verse. You can't change the future, you can't change the past, just work on today. There are two days of each week that you should never worry about. Yesterday and tomorrow. Because you can't do anything about it. Take one day at a time in your life. Now why? Why does God say you should only live your life one day at a time? Well, because it's true. It's the only thing you can do. You can't live in the past. You can't live in the future. You can only live for today. But there are a couple of reasons why you should first just live one day at a time. when you worry about tomorrow's problems You miss out on all the blessings of today Some of you are so worried about retirement that you don't enjoy today It's okay to plan for tomorrow, it's okay to plan for the future, but don't worry about the future Planning is Well.
Worrying is bad. You can plan for tomorrow, but you can't live in tomorrow. You can only live today. Now I know that the future can often seem, you know, very overwhelming. But God graciously divided it into 24-hour segments so that you don't have the entire future at once. You get it 24 hours at a time. And if God gave you the whole future at once, he would overwhelm you. But you're not there yet. You are not prepared for it. So it won't come to you all at once. You're going to get to the future one day at a time.
You can handle it because the Lord is my shepherd.

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