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Bali’s Heartbreaking Seafood Market!! Be Careful Here!!

Apr 23, 2024
In this video I will explore


street food. My impression of the bottom


in general is that t


is not much ice used and there are a lot of flies on Balding Island. They don't ask you at all how they want to prepare it, they just prepared it however they want to prepare it. I'm watching this and it's got some Seafood Funk, like the kind you don't want in your


, this video is going to kill me from the start. inside or out I'm not sure how many people would think that Bali is its own country, it's not part of Indonesia Indonesia is one of the most populous countries in the world with over 300 million people and it also has the most Large Muslim population in the world, but people on the island of Bali celebrate Hinduism, so the religion, customs, food, everything in Bali is quite different from the rest of Indonesia.
bali s heartbreaking seafood market be careful here
Today, our focus is on seafood. We have come to the biggest seafood


in Bali and here. you can find seafood like you can't find anywhere else. I guess we'll start the day by browsing the


and seeing what kind of unique seafood we can find. Come on, can you break down how this market works? Obviously, for short people, secondly, there are two places where you can buy seafood outside and inside right now we are outside, after buying the seafood you have to take it to a restaurant that will grill it right now. looking for our first meal and trying to find something interesting this caught my attention immediately this is a stingray it turns out that stingray liver can be horrible it can be decent but we don't understand that today here is a big and beautiful fish head, even the flies I love it, I'm telling you, you know it's good, this is a very small type of tuna.
bali s heartbreaking seafood market be careful here

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bali s heartbreaking seafood market be careful here...

I think for sashimi you can basically eat everything, spread, soy sauce and wasabi. I'm going to put that back right here, we have a group of baby sharks now, I'm not sure if they're bamboo sharks or real baby sharks or baby bamboo sharks, but they're in, there's a lot more stuff on the ice. I didn't realize that my overall impression of the bottom here is that there isn't much ice used and there are a lot of flies. I believe in pushing food boundaries, except when it comes to food safety, so I'll go inside where there's a lot more ice and things seem a little more complicated. fresh immediately when you walk in here it's like another world a lot less bad smells more good smells and a lot more ice plus you protect it from the sun they have a great selection of fish to choose from we have shrimp we have seafood we have what is this scallops what kind yeah , okay, oh, these are blood cockles, they're called blood cockles because of the hemoglobin content inside, you know, like when you cook a steak and some red juices come out and it's all like blood, it's not blood is hemoglobin.
bali s heartbreaking seafood market be careful here
I think I should buy some of these. Could you please give me some blood cockles? Oh, there's a big one and they're still alive. That's the best part. Check this one out when I play it. I mean, I had to give him a little help, so he's going to weigh those which amount to 35,000 in the local currency, a little over two dollars, which is an incredible value because it's not a small amount of Gold Cup. of blood. Let's keep moving forward as we go. keep moving, there are fish sellers on both sides, you know, I'm not that good with fish every time I'm in a market situation.
bali s heartbreaking seafood market be careful here
I panic and want to look on Google Images and Google Images isn't going to know, maybe? I'll know, for example, what this fish is, okay, I'll take a photo. Oh, it's a giant trevally, that's something I already knew in my mind and then we have the most colorful, beautiful, gorgeous fish I've ever seen. It's called a foreigner. fish take a look at the coloration, the patterns it is one of the most beautiful fish I have ever seen. I'm curious to know if it tastes just as beautiful. He's throwing it on the scale, so it costs 80,000 rupees, that's five dollars.
I'm surprised. but I thought it would be I don't know 23 dollars, it's very colorful, oh look, I have a very cultural local word right next to the seafood market, there are a few different restaurants, now the restaurants don't have food that you have to bring. Give them the food and then have them cook it for you. Hello brother, look at this. There is a lot of action here. Maybe they don't have room for us. They seem too busy. Can you cook my food? This is how they do it. just weigh the total amount of food, they don't care if it's lobster, they don't care if it's sardines and then they will charge you based on the weight, so it's two kilograms 4.4 pounds, it's like two or three dollars for them to cook all this to us that's amazing let's do it we are in the deep dark kitchen with futu and he is attacking this parrotfish like a pro.
Now the parrotfish has scales that are extremely difficult to remove, but they are no match for this. man, here oh, it's not so beautiful anymore, now the fins have been removed, give it a nice refreshing rinse. Now I want you to flatten everything, that's his life force inside all of his guts and lungs. Do fish have lungs? I do not think they do. I think they have gills. A little rinse. From here, score the fish, creating more surface area so it can cook more easily. In the local language, you just say it smells bad. I don't smell anything bad.
Oh, he may be smelling me, sorry, that will go in the net like the fish you saw outside. Alright, here we have the blood cockles. Oh wow, they're dirtier than I thought. It'll boil for five minutes and then we'll see. on the grill, if you come to the grill and he's left it in its final resting place for the sauce, they just put garlic butter on it right away, so they don't really ask you how you want it if you're in Vietnam, there's salt and pepper there is garlic there is tamarind sauce here they just cook but it looks delicious.
I would like to see the local way it is prepared and this definitely seems local to me now that we are getting a kind of tomato sauce. they're putting it right there, we also have salt and pepper, look at that thing, the blood cockles have finished boiling and are on the grill, you can see they peeled each one of them, so it's like they're sitting in little ceramic bowls . It is boiled over charcoal, it cools, it is complete, here they are going to unravel the fish. Looks like that's the top side, we put it on a plate, give it a spin and boom, there you go, all good, so finally we have our complete meal here the fish costs so much the blood cockles cost so much and the cook alone cost this let's do a little table tour here first of all we have white rice we have some local vegetables and then here we have a whole sauce, we have garlic butter or garlic oil, this is something that probably has a tomato base, this is a darker sambal and this is a lighter sambal, before even trying any spices, I want to get into this.
Right here, oh take a look at those big beautiful pieces of parrotfish, they have layers of sauce literally caked on top, like when you paint the same room 10 times hmm, half still juicy, it's almost like dividing the fish in half this way. Put the fish in a container that keeps the juices in with a hint of garlic flavor, but that tomato they put in there is semi-sweet, look at the sauce that is completely full of chilies and other flavoring agents. I had a little sip before and I almost burned my face, so I'm going to put a lot in here right now, let's go for it, that lights me up like a menorah, it's sweet, it's someone sticky and very spicy.
I'm not going to go through all the sauces, but I'm told this is one of the best here, it's called Samba Mata, there's raw garlic, there's chilies, there's lemongrass and there's something else I forgot, oh my goodness, flavors Incredibly fresh and bright, it's vibrant, you don't just taste the lemongrass, you feel it. It's the fish here we have the coals, as you can see, they put a lot of seasoning in there and it's like a cupcake tin full of bloody cockles. Let's try it. I never had doubts. It's delicious. It's a little chewy in the best way possible. but it's certainly not difficult at all, oh, it has a nice smoky flavor, it tastes tons of garlic, it's sweet, sweet, salty, obviously, it has very similar flavors to fish, but a completely different texture of blood couples is worth it.
The market itself is not exactly eye-catching. caramel but if you drink it anything can be beautiful that's my wife I got her drunk last time she said I was handsome I can't take it back although I think what we should do is finish eating this I'm going to go back there. I'm going to look for more seafood octopuses, we have two very long arms, it's a cuttlefish, right, because that's how they hug you, this looks amazing, it's like a broth of inky darkness, all the squid or cuttlefish are inside here, we have crabs right here. We have a giant river bronze tiger, bronze and prawns.
I don't know all the scientific names here we have a giant barracudum the last time I ate Barracuda. He was in Mexico City and the guy who cooked it was a Luche Libre who wore the mask of him and me. I still can't look Barracuda in the eye to this day. I have to go so I've already seen a lot of repeat food except this one that looks like a giant squid which is a monster and then oh god she's another barracuda I can. I don't look at the Barracuda, she just reminds me of the man in the mask.
I think I should buy this octopus thing. Oh god, a lot of ink just leaked. Oh yeah, sorry, she said, "Be


with the rotating fan here." I want to cut this into smaller pieces so I can put it next to the van. The people here are so friendly and so amazing. I want to buy you an octopus. He's going to weigh it, so I think it's 52,000. it will be approximately a little over three dollars perfect thank you these are squid and I think you should order half a kilogram okay you will drop it and that's 44,000 about three dollars the next thing we have to do is find someone we're going to cook this food we have come to another Dungeness kitchen right here they are preparing our octopus they just cut off its head and here are the tentacles ah so now it just hits it completely this is what I find fascinating about this place so far foreigner they don't ask you at all how you want to prepare it they just prepared it however they want to prepare it oh I think that was the ink sac that just came in here we have everything they call squid the tiny little squids and one by one they are separating the inside of the cone , you have too many squid, give a little boom right here, the tentacles, those go in the net, all the squid go in a little bit of net. boom, close the net and that will be ready for the fire after we put one more net in there, okay, back to Daylight, right here the squid will just be flavored with this garlic butter that looks absolutely delicious.
In our octopus the spicy sauce is on, let's see if it is really spicy. We'll find out soon. They just need a little more heat. After that, we'll take it to the table and taste it. Boom, we already have our second. of course here we are closer to the beach I'm under this beautiful palm tree palm trees maybe it's a coconut tree look at this mmm it tastes like Diet Coke right here we have two plates I'm a little apprehensive of what I have in front of me here because I'm looking at this and it has a bit of Seafood Funk, like the kind you don't want in your seafood, it also has the texture like it's not fully cooked.
So I'll look for a piece that looks more done and take a bite and see how I feel using my emotions. I'm not sure what happened. I don't know if we picked the wrong seafood or if we picked the wrong cook, uh, because that's a possibility too, so that's delicious. When I saw this one I thought: "This is also done because they feel too much." sticky and not cooked enough this is cooked with garlic. I'm going to put even more garlic in here or it's delicious or I can lose five pounds either way. I win unless it's some kind of new way of cooking.
This is probably one of the worst seafood preparations I've ever had, which is interesting because the first place we went the food we had was delicious, some of the best seafood I've had in a long time. This is the opposite end of the spectrum. I'm not completely satisfied. I will tell you that from here we have to make one more round in that market to redeem ourselves. I need to find one more seafood. I'm going to choose a different Coke and see if they can make something a little tastier. and something that won't endanger my life, the seafood we just didn't eat so fresh here may be the reason why yesterday was the national holiday, it's called Day of Silence, everything is closed, yes, today somehow , although no one caught fish yesterday, all the food is still here and it is abundant.
So what happened? They probably saved the food here for a couple of additional dates. That means that now, whatever it is, I'm betting a little bit on whether or not it will be fresh here. I think I found the pinnacle of this market. they have a couple different lobsters, first of all this looks more like a rainbow or spiny lobster, but that's not what I'm here for, that's what I'm here for, this is known as a bamboo lobster, you know, because the antenna here they are very pointy, these little ones are like damnknives above its eyeballs it has a beautiful coloration here and this blue-black tone and yellow stripes going down the tail is a beauty sniff a little I'm not very good at this it doesn't smell like anything but man is it that fresh?
Okay, I said the word cool and he repeated it, so it's probably funny. He will weigh it. I think the price is a little over forty dollars, which isn't bad. Hello, hello, oh no. I'm saying hello but ah I hit my head no it's not it's not because they're talking they want me to move and that's the only word they know this video is going to kill me inside or out I'm not sure which way okay bag it up come on to take it away and put it in a body bag, okay, it's too late to turn back, but here's the trash and this is the food preparation area.
I don't know what's happening anymore. The first step is to remove its restrictions, cut the antenna. Wow, you can see the tail is full of meat. Look inside all that butter on your head. Oh wow, in some countries, if you're in Thailand, that would be a much appreciated part. what would they keep here they are just washing it but at least they are washing something like everything today this is going to the net and ready to hit the flame yes please wash it wash it more right here they are putting a little garlic oil on it the smells have improved a lot since garlic came onto the scene.
I think it will take at least 20 minutes to cook. In fact, I'm going to set my watch. I want to make sure this is fully cooked. they just give it a spin, you can see the outside has completely changed color, it's a bright shade of orange with a little bit of char in there too, oh look at that garlic and all those juices coming out, it's taking it off right now. It heats up for a moment, it's cutting off the tail section, even more garlic sauce goes in and that heats up again for the second meal, the third meal, the last meal of my life, I hope not, today is interesting, it started very good and then it got really bad and now I feel like I've lost all my trust in humanity and I hope for the best here, but there are two things that could go wrong, one is that this could be an old lobster.
The second one, I don't know. Look, this is the preparation area. I had never seen anything like it. Let's see how it tastes. Take a look at that. It's pretty impressive. It smells very good. It has a lot of garlic flavor. I'm going to dip it in garlic oil. try it with garlic some parts are a little stringy some parts are quite juicy and delicious overall I would say it's a winner know I'm going to be fine this is that sambal Mata you can see the chilies inside it looks spicy I'm I'm going to put that in the lobster.
Oh, it's so fresh. There are onions. There are chili seeds. For a while we lost our way. Our GPS left us in the dark, but now we found our way back to the city of flavor. It's very pleasant and I say about 40 dollars or so for a lobster this size isn't that bad the other thing that's hard to believe is you could have two pounds of lobster or two pounds of any animal and they charge you the same amount of money so that's our lobster I've had three meals so far it's time to wrap up right after this boom guys that's the end of the video what a wild rollercoaster this day was huh I don't think today be a great representation of Balinese food.
As much as this is more typical Indonesian food preparation, that being said, some of the food today was delicious and then some of it, well, you have to be


if you come here. I would say smell the seafood when you buy it and then just take a look. The joint you're going to is otherwise a fun day out. I'll let you know how I feel tomorrow. That's all for this one. Thanks so much for looking. I'll see you next time. Alright. I'm afraid. I'm going to take ipicac. I need some ipicac statistics

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