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Ariana Grande, don't hate me... R.E.M Beauty Review! | NikkieTutorials

May 08, 2024
Hey guys, it's me, Nikki, hello, or should I say yes. I'm so excited about today's video because today I'm dipping my toes into the queen of yes, I'm finally dipping my toes into Ariana Grande's new makeup brand, Rem Beauty, in my head, actually , It makes a lot of sense for Ariana Grande to launch a makeup line because she always delivers the look that's here to give it to you, honey, I think she's always been known for her eyeliner, but I feel like lately she's been really expanding her


changes her hair, it changes your look and this rem


makes a lot of sense to me and this line has a lot of products, liquid eye shadows, highlighter palettes, there is a lot to talk about in today's video, so many of you want to know what Think about these products and I promise to give you all my 100% honesty.
ariana grande don t hate me r e m beauty review nikkietutorials
I love Ariana. It's okay, she's beautiful. I would love to glam it up someday. I would love Ariana. If you're watching this, um, if you ever want to join me on my channel here. Please, please, but my love for a certain person will never influence my unconditional opinion, okay, so I promise that I will tell you my whole truth if I like a product or not, what I think can be improved, if you are good or bad. let's figure it out together so before we dive into rem beauty it's time to give ourselves a clean canvas before we start so we can really focus on what's happening in this launch not only



launched a brand but i also launched a brand and I just wanted to let you know that my brand nimya is now having a special black friday offer.
ariana grande don t hate me r e m beauty review nikkietutorials

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ariana grande don t hate me r e m beauty review nikkietutorials...

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ariana grande don t hate me r e m beauty review nikkietutorials
She starts screaming and you're very bright and beautiful, and I like to go. I apply it with a cooling eye stick and use it to depuff and hydrate my dry eyes underneath, but it also acts as a great gray base for the concealer on top. Yes, I'm ready now, let's put on some foundation, will I use it? my favorite at the moment this is maybelline super say activewear this is a 30 hour wear foundation it's full coverage it's a blessing i love everything okay let me quickly apply some concealer to my forehead and then we can focus on rem beauty ok base and brows are done so now we can finally focus on rem beauty focus on me something that immediately catches my eye are these here these are the liquid eyeshadows they come in shimmers but also and this is really interesting in matte finishes like this Let's see what you have to say about them, the little bible of rem beauty, okay, our long wear is good, powerfully pigmented, water resistant, the shadows come in a variety of matte and shimmer finishes for universally flattering effects, as well there are a lot of tones.
ariana grande don t hate me r e m beauty review nikkietutorials
I received four in the pr package and I'm wondering if these could be used as a base for eyeshadow, let's see how they work. I'm very excited first. I'm going to use this matte brown shade and this is called sup uh like sub what's up what's up what's up what's up what's up and like As for the packaging, I'm not mad about this, I think this here is pretty cute, it has a window clear and nice to see the actual product, a clean white lid, it's simplistic and easy, now some of the other packaging in this collection I have some opinions on it, but I'll talk about that later.
Well, I'm going to put water on the back of my hand, which is very pigmented, and then I dip my brush in and start blending this into my crease. I never actually use cream or liquid products. the foundation of my eye look, so this is going to be interesting, it's very pigmented but it also blends very smoothly, like it cuts pretty quickly, if you wanted to, okay, I feel like they dry pretty quickly, like it's been working for a while. minute and it's already dry so I have to pick up a little bit more and let's see if when I layer them more pigment comes off oh my god oh my god oh god oh please blend oh please blend really trying to perfect the fade on this part outside here to make it nice and smooth and perfect, I mean it's set right now so it's not going to move like it's written in stone, it's not going anywhere so that's a good start, it's easier than shadow of powder eyes, I'm not sure, but Hey, I'm not sure it's a real test to see if at the end of this video the liquid shadows haven't gone into my crease yet, so if at the end of this video it has increased , I know it will last because it usually only takes about 20 minutes to get in there and I would say that's the case with everything in my life.
It takes about 20 minutes to get in there. No, I'm kidding now, for the cover, I want to take a bright shadow look that's very beautiful they are like instagram like beautiful girl this is called comet comet like kill the dinosaurs Oops and I'm also putting this shadow on the back of my hand and that goes on the cover playing that, okay I was hoping for a little more strength, oh, there she is, oh, she's arrived, people, she's in the building. My first thought was that I expected a little more, like oh and ah, and then once you try to perfect the shape of this, it looks like it lifts the product leaving you like nothing happened, the more I want to like the perfect shape, the brush picks up the product and doesn't put it back so I try to mix a little crease moment it's actually taking it off look it's almost taking the product off oh mom mom mom I'm not sure about this I mean it's pretty it's got a beautiful glow, you know, it stays there, but I was expecting a little bit more like, oh, you know, this is a look and I know a lot of people will do it.
I like this because it's softer and more subtle but you're looking at the scariest makeup junkie right now like I love all the glam I want it all or I don't want anything you know what I mean I was expecting a little more like thoughtful. The shimmer comes off of that, so we have these little palettes right here, it's called the Baby Doll eyeshadow palette and it has six beautiful neutral shades like this, it's your everyday look, yeah, something glam, this packaging is okay , with all due respect, it's okay. Your honor, I am your honor, I am your honor, with all due respect, this feels cheap, this is the type of silver packaging that scratches very easily like it already has a couple of scratches, see on the silver it has a It has a little bit of weight to it but I don't know if I like this, I understand we're going for a kind of space vibe, you know this collection, the pr package came in a space helmet so I'm getting the space connection I like it and it looks like science fiction and it sounds like you know it, but again you're talking to the girl who launched neon orange and blue packaging for her brand, so it's like, can you really compare?
No, you know, I like it. I really like colorful things I like things that stand out and this is just okay what do you think do you like honest and true tea what do you think of rem beauty packaging I like these are cute these are clean these are simple a the view this is like I want sugar in my coffee I told you I told you in the introduction of this video I'm going to give you all my honesty I'm sorry so I think it's time to set that liquid shadow with a little bit of this shadow in powder to see how it holds up, let's take it out, let's pop that on top of the liquid shadow that we just applied, that shadow adheres beautifully to the liquid shadow and takes it to where I wanted it to be from the beginning, so let's put some of this lighter tone in the inner corners to open it up.
It's a pretty color. Ariana also brought out some great eyeliner pencils. I have a black and a brown, and I think. I want to highlight the brown on my waterline to create a nice smoky lower lash line and then I'll also apply it directly to the skin right between those lower lashes, the roots, let's smoke that a little bit and then from that a little bit. palette I'm going to take the darkest brown, it's like a mauve brown shade right here and I'm going to use that to smoke it even more. It's okay, the pigments blend very easily and create a little fallout on the skin, but nothing dramatic.
Oh my god, I'll never be able to get rid of this. I don't have anything bad to say about this eyeshadow palette so far. It is really nice. Very easy tones to work with with a formula very similar to that of beginners. They are pigmented and do their job. Another thing in this collection is the eyeliner marker. This is a felt tip eyeliner pencil. I have high hopes for this, like I said. I think Ariana is known for her wings and I feel like if someone is going to bring us an iconic eyeliner highlighter. gotta be ari yeah ooh very black glides on super easily like pigment like real liquid eyeliner like real eyeliner things that come out of the felt tip very easily sounds bad it's not like bleeding it stays in place oh , high hopes oh that's black I mean let my girl ari grab us by the wings of the eyeliner and say I have a hug for you this is how an eyeliner marker should work this is okay let me extend that a little bit inner corner yes yes yes this is giving is giving the next product is this here this is the rem beauty mascara and I honestly doubt if I should try this I have the worst eyelashes a human being could ever imagine my eyelashes do not go up, they have fallen down, they are short, like finding the perfect mascara.
I haven't found that one yet and I doubt this one will be it, but we'll try. Well once I have the mascara on, Ariana also came out with two sets of lashes, we have the growth and the show and we have the eternal meow, okay, makeup god, first we cover the tips, just the team, okay, tips and then we go to the base, I never do mascara on camera, what's going on, please don't fall. please don't fall oh you're falling don't stay up stay up come on stay up stay up you can do this we believe in you you can do this so the mascara definitely covers the eyelashes very pretty it's nice and black and I feel like if you have good lashes to start with, this would be great, but if you have my lashes which are pathetic little lashes that serve no purpose, this is not cool, it doesn't work, should I use a softer lash just for pulling? all of these are soft like they're a little bit more intense than a wispy ardell but they're soft okay oh she's natural today if you're like me and you love extreme lashes which I know isn't the case for everyone, this is probably the case.
Too soft for you, but also a little pretty, I feel like, oh, Hollywood glamour, like I could walk the carpet right now. It's all very accessible, so far it's pretty easy to use, so I definitely understand the rem beauty approach. I think many. Ariana's followers are younger so I feel like this is great for younger people to still look young but have fun with makeup so I like this approach and I look soft for once so here's the complete eye, what are you doing? Think, let me know in the comments below right now what you think and I'll be right back.
I'm going to do the other eye off camera and then we can play with highlighters and lip products. Now it's time to go. with the highlighters I've heard a lot of people talk about, so I'm excited to finally try it for myself in my PR package. I got miss mercury, she looks like this, that's what I like, oh and miss neptune, oh my god. Makeup junkie, I desperately want to spray this all over my face, but since we're going for such a softer, more approachable look, I think I'm going to put Miss Mercury on the cheeks, I put Miss Neptune on the inner corners of my eyes. let's do a little like here oh cuteness it's like a soft blue violet lavender that lavender has a nice soft shimmer look how it's very subtle very wearable oh I really like this now I know I already mentioned it with the eyeshadow palette but this packaging you love it or


I'm not so sure about this one. I don't feel it. It feels too light and again, this type of silver chrome finish is very, very fragile when it comes to scratches and the like. coming off, so I feel like as far as this packaging goes, rem could have done a little better job, but I also know that most of you only care about the product, what's inside, you don't care what what is outside, the exterior. Shell you care about the inside and that makes you a beautiful person and I am very proud of you so let's focus on what's on the insideinside.
Now I have Miss Mercury and that goes into my gimmick, so oh oh oh oh oh oh oh. oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh


yes yes yes yes this is so good it is a very soft texture it is very creamy it has a great impact the kind of shine and reflection in it is what I wanted to see in that shadow and that cherry colored liquid shadow, this is nice, now it's time for the lipstick with the infamous packaging. Many opinions have been shared online about this packaging and here it is like a small astronaut helmet.
You can take a look at the lipstick inside now that you love it. or you


it you hate this I love that little peek through that little like oh what's inside I don't care about this somehow I like it better this way because it has a kind of unique twist The color I received is wine and dine. It is a beautiful Mavi dark chocolate brown. Oh, that happens so easily. It goes so smooth. I can't believe how easy it was. Oh, and I know you don't see this lip color. I often so I enjoy this moment look how soft oh my gosh now this is the part where I say I love you like lip gloss I have this right here this is the rem beauty um voluminous lip gloss in the color VCR, this is just a pretty like a medium nude gloss and oh why did I open this thinking it was going to have a wand? oh, I don't like this applicator, okay, oh, I think the glass is very pretty, it's very shiny, very juicy, it's a voluminous lip gloss and I feel and feel a menthol, something like mint flavor and aroma, no It's like a crazy tingle or a crazy volume, it's just a nice kind of cool breeze on the lips, it's like oh, it's like cool out there, it's like oh, it's, oh, it's. it's windy it's like cold it's like oh hi it's not sticky at all I mean she also came out with this this is the rem beauty lip gloss voluminous um like a clear and I wonder if this is more voluminous oh oh oh so the oh oh so this is a thicker glass oh she's starting to feel tingly why do they call it volumizing gloss when this volumizing gloss produces so much more volume and tingling i feel it stinging i feel like it works it's a thicker formula than the other gloss and that gloss My lips look wet.
I got a little bit of the voluminous glitter on the tip of my tongue and the tip of my tongue says, what's going on? Okay, Ariana, that lip, I've got the product on my tongue and it's spreading further towards the back and I'm starting to think that if this ends up in my throat it could get really conflictive up here, okay, who's ready for my final thoughts? Let's go with the matte liquid shadow. In fact, I'm very impressed. It looks like I have regular shade. perfectly blended shadow in my crease powder shadow in my crease and it looks great, it was easier to use than I expected, usually when I don't have a good foundation I crease very easily and don't see wrinkles so we have found a product. which stays on and doesn't crease and actually works very well so I enjoy matte liquid shadows.
I would give the shimmer liquid shadow an eight out of ten, however I feel like it could have used a little more love, maybe that's the case in particular. shade that I'm using, but I feel like I could use a little more chrome and a little more reflective particles to make it a little more interesting now, that of course is because I love the whole shebang, I love the total glam, so That I want it. to be like a full metal on my lids, unfortunately this is not my favorite and I would give it a 5 out of 10.
The eyeshadow palette, if you look beyond the packaging, it is totally up to you, your opinion, I have shared the mine. If you look at the quality of the shadows, I feel like they are the perfect entry into a brand. They are pretty shadows that I think will work for a lot of people and it is a great eyeshadow. palette like there's nothing wrong with it and I'll give this a 7 out of 10. the Kohl eyeliner pencil isn't really that special for me. Home labs make my favorites, they stay on for hours and hours and you have the most pigment. after swiping this on there's nothing crazy out of the ordinary that makes it super special it's good but it's not revolutionary or super different so I'll give this a six out of ten now for the eyeliner marker oh Honey, I feel like one of the favorites below.
It's super black, it's very easy to apply, it doesn't fade, it's a staple of your collection, I'm a big fan of this, I love the finish of it, it stays put even in the inner corners where it usually tends to bleed very quickly to me or something like crushed. I give this a nine and a half out of ten. Oh, mascara I wish would work for me. I'm just sad that my quest to find the perfect mascara for me continues. I'm going to give this a 5 out of 10. I'm the problem, I'm not you. Goodbye, highlighters. I'm actually very impressed with Miss Mercury in my daily kit.
I love the glow she is giving me today. Giving wealth is giving exquisiteness. I love this. I saw they have a green one and I need to order it now because I want to see how it looks on the highlighters. They are the favorite among all these products, so I rate them a 9 out of. 10. The lipstick, like I said, you either love or hate the packaging in some way. I love the packaging of the lipsticks. The finish is incredible. It is a velvety matte lipstick that glides on. You saw it, you saw how it happened. It slides very easily.
I love these. and I can't wait to order more shades and use them daily. I even like this shade, strangely enough. I feel like my mom used to use this Shane a lot in the '90s and, um, early 2000s, and I feel like Mom's Tutorial is a little bit and I don't care, I like it. I would rate it a nine out of ten, they are really good. Now this volumizing lip gloss in the color VCR is like a nice standard gloss. color uh, not a fan of the way this is applied. I like a wand.
I have said this. I only like to apply my lip gloss with a wand because I feel like you have a lot more control. It is not revolutionary or that different compared to others. Things I've seen, so it's like for me and that's why I give it a 6 out of 10. But this Batgirl here, this voluminous gloss, the clear one, it's here to stay, this one is going to go into my everyday kit. I really like this one, it gets a nine and a half out of ten and I feel like that concludes my Rem Beauty


I hope you enjoyed. Definitely let me know in the comments below what your favorite products were. Did any surprise you? of the products or finishes and which products disappointed you, let me know in the comments below. I want to thank you very much for watching today's new video. I hope you enjoyed it, if you enjoyed it, don't forget to share my video. Like and subscribe to the channel and I hope to see you in the next one, bye.

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