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It Finally Happened | Fear& Disneyland

Jun 23, 2024
Oogie Boogie? It's the Halloween theme. Is incredible. It's on the other side. Yes, it's my favorite. I go every year, so. you went there with uh you went there with MK yeah wow you took MK to the fun time buddy well I only took him for a year and he hasn't forgotten it he's a little obsessed with me I don't know what to say. New Jersey, he's like, it should be like you were born on roller coasters, he had an action park, so he had good stuff, yeah, let's go to Five Flags this Thursday. I can't fathom how long a line there is to beat as a Disney character.
it finally happened fear disneyland
I don't want to meet Mickey Mouse, no, no, if there's a line like this, Mickey Mouse, although Mickey Mouse should be excited to have a meeting with me, okay, Jesus, yeah, bro, Mickey is a legend. I'm going to walk there and I know like I Mickey Mickey knows me Mickey you MOG no I would walk up to Mickey It would be like this guy was like goodbye he would play the silence he would look at me next You're on my side now yeah wow I thought It would be bigger, it's small, no, that's what I told every guy I've ever met besides Lewig, I said, Wow, could it be smaller, please, not in front of the kids?
it finally happened fear disneyland

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it finally happened fear disneyland...

That was crazy. POS in front of the castle, a funeral. that's nice here that's nice we can go to the ass blasters wait what does that do for you to shoot but I will put a Gamba whoever gets the best score or whoever gets the worst score has to buy churos for everyone. I love that wait. you're already happening yes how do you have so many CU points how did you do that wait how did you do that 37320 she killed us 37320 0 270 I beat you and I beat you get an extra number I got the goal of a champion no, you didn't know Secrets no What secrets did you know how to aim okay so I'm a ranger first class you're a planetary pilot how does this happen?
it finally happened fear disneyland
I've done it how well do you know I did this using one hand. No I don't know if you noticed she knows something you like he is a backpack say the line oh nice cion oh yes there is a nice magnet why are there so many magnets I don't like taking the group out of here everyone forgot about Yoda when he came out group that's pretty true, I forgot about Yoda, oh they sang so creepy, ooh, force powers, oh this is a suffocating look for him, how cute, you got rid of me, you did it, oh no, you got up with a Yoda, you've been cute, Cinderella, you think Yoda is sexy, no.
it finally happened fear disneyland
No no I don't even look at it now you guys can't say you don't actually like her oh wow can we cancel Yoda? Please, we have to do something. Oh no, Carz, his hair. car his hair his flexible hair is Yoda surprised at how wet it is his hair is still dry I'm dry today your hair no oh he's bad let's take a photo together yod Yoda is a little drunk they said Yoda Yoda wins come and plant I'll do it oo what I hate someone who matches my monster they must someone who matches my monster I don't want to match your monster matches my monster you must you must oh my god the way he's looking he just did Yoda's voice with there was no one around alone He looked at Yoda and said ooh there was no one around him oh it's Yoda who's wearing the shirt oh no Yoda could wear more than a shirt maybe not, he couldn't maybe Yoda could take care of you Yoda takes care of you Yoda Yoda, if you're not from the Platinum League, I'm not interested, Yoda, unfortunately, not even Yoda can carry any diamonds, be yod like the tallest hair on you, wow, yeah, Yoda goes both ways, get Yoda some PR, make a profit with M Yoda twis bisexual icon, okay? you want alcohol taian onod need no one someone told me I love you I said thank you Hass loves people I don't talk about love not this guy where have you been it's been a while it's been a while it was nice sir when you left who proposes first tonight it will be for Hassan Yoda to the girl no no Yoda no Yoda would you make me Yoda the happiest green man in the world Yoda Yoda calm down my girlfriend dislocated her knee on this trip that's that, that's not the normal experience I was in? your girlfriend needs to drink some milk or something crazy wait why do people say it hurts my back to dislocate pretty Cinderella's hip no I'll do it you'd have to drag yourself up there like him he'd have to be all who he is you blew kisses to bro he literally wasn't even doing it for the camera he wasn't even doing it inside the eye shadow camera the camera could see no he was just blowing random kisses to the people, he was so self-indulgent it was creepy.
Okay, big blob, H's laugh is great, wait, I didn't realize we got wet in this. I saw him try to readjust, man. Austin driving simulator, that was crazy, yeah, it was more like a punishment, which was like it wasn't. super bad, that was violent and then I got soaked in the yeah, it's rainbows tonight oh it's Tinker Bell Tinker Bell oh my god, this is the guy that got naked yeah, oh dude, I'm getting naked no, don't get naked, yeah , that's the fastest It's a small world after all it's a small world after all it's a small world after all a small small small all I know there are other letters bro this sh couldn't stop World War II okay , that's all I'm going to say oh look, it's flounder After all, it's a small world.
I think someone on this trip liked having sex on this trip. Why God, the only way to find out is if you actually. So Co is in the gay dog. Gay dog. Oh, he's a G. Oh, that's why they left him. That's why they let him in brother CU, he's gay as hell, don't be gay as hell. Carley isn't the fun gay, he's like the gay kagin he likes, he hates a flashy gay, yeah, yeah, he's a flashy gay, even though he is, but he hates flashy gays. Going over Disneyland, stupid slow guys, I thought this was like the ride at Disney, yeah, okay, you don't like it, I like Pirates, is this the scariest?
Have you ever heard of the story of Mr. Oneway, what is that if you travel? When you ride alone on Space Mountain sometimes there is a person who sits next to you and when the ride is over he is gone, yes that's Mr. One Way Monka Mr. Oneway why am I tired? Oh, oh my god, there is absolutely no way you did that. take a stick to the coochie I have a painting Tain ow pretty Cinderella just walked Full Tilt towards a beam she shot herself in the Moa yod you'll still take me that's how big Yoda is get ready no, I don't know why it looks It's so creepy that it He looks so creepy and so pleased with himself.
I swear to god. I caused it by doing this alone. Take off my hood. Claustrophobic type. It looks like a chicken. You know he's going home. and Caroline while she sleeps you have to place it on top of your bed she wakes up and he wakes up in the middle of the night someone took another photo of It's a Small World What do you mean it's you? Come on I'm wet I'm always so wet, I can't say that, damn sign, you're putting a box out there that you want to stay here permanently, I come here all the time, I think you might be having some sadness about leaving, no, just me.
I want to go I need to go home to my daughter who's on her period she's on her period probably angry and in diapers no that's Austin's fault what she is I don't know I'm just blaming Austin okay I'm me a bad dad bye bye Disneyland say bye bye to Disneyland bye bye bye hey chat thanks for joining us we really appreciate it thanks to the cute Cinderella for taking us to our first Disney thanks to Hassan for sharing his community with me thanks to Marsh for the bombast on the trip here, yeah, thank you, thank you Mar, for being here, thank you for the Vibes, really bringing the Vibes and constantly telling me that people die on every trip before we get in as casually as possible. and once again thanks to your chat because remember as much as we joke, pride is a good thing, be yourself if you're a Disney adult, have fun, oh and one more thing, you look good, you're Chad on a date, Let's give him a kiss.
I oh

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