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Are These The BEST FISH in Aquariums?

Apr 16, 2024
If you're just starting out looking for an aquarium or you're a seasoned veteran, you may be wondering what the



out there are for me. There is no answer to which


is the


because it is something you have to answer for yourself. after raising fish and finding out what you like, what you don't like and what fish give you nightmares, so I can't tell you which are the best fish, but I can give you a list of the most popular fish that you will find. You see it in almost all fishmongers because let's face it.
are these the best fish in aquariums
Fishmongers want to bring in fish that is going to be sold, they don't want to bring it in just because they like it, so sit back and relax. Here is our list of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish. Oh, and just so you know, we'll be doing this list a little differently. We'll put them in the order we think are the most popular fish. You may not agree and that's totally okay. If you put your list of what you think are the most popular fish in the comments below, let's get started. They are fish that you will see in almost every beginner fish tank.
are these the best fish in aquariums

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are these the best fish in aquariums...

Is it because they are the most amazing and wonderful fish in the world? Not the whole world, it's because they think they need new fish. Keepers walk around the pet store looking at fish and planks are one of those fish that they say, oh yeah, we have to get one of those to clean the tank, so the reason they are popular is because they help clean the tank. , but what you really need to know, especially if you're a beginner, is that they also make a huge mess. All the fish are going to rummage through your aquarium looking for food, but the type of food they need.
are these the best fish in aquariums
What you will eat will depend entirely on which pleco you buy. Smaller cous plecos, such as Bristl noses, will eat algae flake pellets and even chew on Driftwood if you have it there, but common plecos will not go after algae. believe it or not, which is funny because a lot of people call them algae eaters. Do your research before buying a Playco. They all look pretty much the same when they are little, but are very different as they grow older and become common. Get huge, so you won't want to put one of those in a 20 gallon container or less.
are these the best fish in aquariums
Hey, listen, the Oscars aren't on this list simply because I want them to be. In fact, I'll tell you a little secret I put in. this list and send it to my friend Mark who is the owner of Unlimited Aquariums in Virginia Beach because if anyone knew what the most popular fish were it would be him, well the list I sent him didn't have any Oscars and he asked me: Do you think you're going to put together a list of the most popular fish and not have Oscars on them? This list is wrong, so the Oscars are on the list because they are popular, not because I want them to be.
The Oscars are popular. for many reasons, first is that they are cute, especially when they are young because it is almost as if their eyes are too big for their heads, then they have very interesting pops of colors depending on the type you get and best of all. everything that sold me on them back in 1993 and I have loved them since is their personality, you hear them called water puppies and there is a good reason for that, when you approach the tank they come up to the glass and greet you. They will eat you out of your hands and if they feel like they aren't getting enough attention they will go lie down and sulk in the corner of Cor all the things that dogs do having an Oscar is absolutely like having a dog I have had them all my life and honestly I can tell you that I have not had any other fish that I have connected with so much.
Yes, they can be problematic at times, but the good far outweighs the bad. Just make sure you do it right. them because they deserve it. I'd like to tell you a minimum 125 gallon tank for an Oscar, but listen, if all you can afford is a 75, I'm not going to be mad at you. The first tank I installed was for an Arijana and I added disco to it later but my second tank I installed in 2009 was for angels Angels Platinum to be exact and I don't even need to tell you why just look at them if you don't.
I think it's a beautiful fish. I don't know what's wrong with you, they are available in a ton of different varieties, like the black koi marble lace and my favorites, the platinums, which are super silvery almost white colored angels, they will get along with any fish. In the tank you just want to stay away from fish like tiger fish which are known for being fin pinchers, they can chew on those dangling things and obviously very large fish that can eat them, just understand that if you have a group of angels over there. There may be a couple that decide to breed and if they do, they may become cute and nasty, but other than that, you don't have to worry about the angels bothering other fish in the tank.
I definitely recommend a minimum 29 gallon aquarium. but if I have to be honest a 55 gallon would be better because you know bigger is always better oh my gosh go ahead just do it there's a good chance that when you were at the fishmonger for the first time looking at fish plates you were one The first fish you saw are in every fish market in every city in every state in the United States, and I guess it's the same abroad. Well, it's simple. They are smaller fish that can fit in most sizes of


. They are available in a There are a ton of color varieties and I don't know any other way to say this, but they are incredibly adorable.
The platies are available in almost all colors, such as red, orange, yellow, white and some are multi-colored, and the coolest of all are the ones with Mickey Mouse ears on the tail, they can be found under the label, well , you guessed it, Mickey Mouse Platies. I have never heard a story about a platty being, they get along with everything else in the tank, they will eat almost anything. you put them in there they are active all day and they are live bears and that's cool, maybe you are new to keeping fish and don't really know what live bearer means, well this means instead of laying eggs they will eventually become in fry.
Live bears give birth to free-swimming fry, they simply come out, swim away, and start living their best life. This is really cool because who doesn't love free-ranging fish, but I have to warn you that platies, like any other living bear, can reproduce just as much. end up with a little more than you can handle. I'm going to talk about another live carrier as we go down this list that we've had this exact problem with and for us it's not a problem because we have the tanks. that we can spread them out and save them all and put them all over the place, but if you only have one aquarium, this can get out of control very quickly, but don't let that scare you away from platies or any live bears for that matter.
It doesn't matter if you don't try them, you're really missing out. Mollies are another fish that you will see in almost every fish market. They are similar to platies, like everything John just said, but I'm going to talk. Anyway, there are differences about them, although mollies do get considerably larger than platys and they can do something that is totally unique and that I'm not sure any other fish can do and that is acclimatize to brackish or even salt water if you are not familiar with brackish water. The water is basically a mixture of fresh and salt water.
It is water that has half the salinity of seawater. Mollies are known to do very well in this type of water and can even transition to completely salt water, but to be honest, we have never done this and I'm not even sure why you would do it. I suppose if you have brackish water fish like Archer fish and want some tank mates you could put some mollies in there, but the thing is they will do better on regular fresh fish. water, so don't mess with all that, keep the water fresh and watch them thrive. Some of the articles you will read about mollies will tell you that they will be fine in a 20 gon.
I guess this is okay, but I'm going to recommend the best one, which would be a 29g and if you want my personal recommendations on what Molly should get, check out sain Dalmations and liar taals and just so you know that mollies are also live bears, it's well, we just told you about two supers. popular live bears and now we're going to talk about a third one and the best way to describe it is if you take a plate and combine it with a Molly and then make a big pointy thing that comes out of its tail, ladies. and gentlemen, I give you sword tails once again, these are very similar to the other two and they are very colorful, super peaceful and they are life carriers, the most important thing that separates you from the platies is the sword, but just know that the swordtail is only on the males, if I'm honest the female swordtails just look like platys but that's okay because they are still an active, colorful and bright fish that will fit right in with a good community of fish, which brings me to the next point about all three.
The live bears we just talked about will do much better in groups. Molly platys and swordtails are generally peaceful fish that won't cause any problems, but as with humans, males have the potential to mess things up. For everyone, let's take swordtails, for example, you buy two or three of the males because you want the fancy tail. Well, those males could possibly fight each other if there is no female nearby. Personally, I haven't experienced that, but I'm telling you. This is to make it clear that don't just buy one or two, get a good bunch of them, you'll be glad you did it right, first things first, we're combining Cardinal and Neon Tetris because they look pretty similar and honestly, people confuse them. .
Anyway, I promise that at the end of this segment I will tell you the easiest way to tell them apart. Cardinal and neon tits are fish that I'm willing to bet that everyone who has ever owned a fish tank has done at least once in their life are the perfect match for so many fish in the community and also for some cichlids with obvious exceptions. , if you think that when I say that they can be mixed with cis, I say that you can put them with Oscar and Red Devils, well, you are wrong, very wrong, no.
I'm talking about cichlids like discus and angels, these are cichlids that for the most part leave other fish alone and their mouths are so small that there really aren't many fish that can fit in them, but it's not just cichlids, Cardinals and neons blend well with any pacific. community fish and add that touch of color and activity. One of the most interesting things to see is a large tank with some larger community fish and a huge school of cardinals or neons coming and going. I swear it will put you in a trance. These fish are also super small, they are some of the smallest in the hobby, so any tank you have 5 gallons and up can hold a good group of them and telling them apart is simple, they are blue and red fish, but the neons have a blue head and a red tail, while cardinals are blue on top and red on the bottom, okay, guppies are a fish that Lisa should really be the one to tell you about, but if you know anything about this channel when you see the next fish.
From the list you will know exactly why I had to take this one, what can I say about guppies? They are another example of a fish that, if you haven't kept them, you haven't really experienced this hobby. a fun, energetic and colorful Little Live bear that provides you with lots of movement in the tank, will not give you any problems and will tolerate many of the mistakes that new fish make. Some people in our comments section have talked about their frustrations with Guppies saying that I have struggled to keep them, I just can't relate to this, we have kept Guppies in every type of condition imaginable and not only have they done well, but They have thrived and reproduced like crazy, in fact, Lisa and I are experiencing a major apocalypse as we speak G Gap Gap ocalypse I came up with that last summer.
Lisa and I had the privilege of welcoming Diana Wallstead to our home and our fish house. If you're not familiar with Diana, she is the author of The Ecology of the Planted Aquarium, which is a must read for anyone interested in planted


. I will put a link to her book in the description Diana is an absolute legend in the aquarium hobby whose techniques have been adopted by fish keepers around the world and When she came to our house, she brought with her a couple of little friends, two Guppies females. Lisa simply calls them Diana's Guppies.
When she gave these Guppies to Lisa, she said that they were definitely pregnant, so you can expect some babies from them. Try hundreds. I have never seen anything like this in over 30 years of fish keeping it starting with them coming out maybe a dozen or so in their 15 gon tank, then another dozen, then another and another, these women didn't stop, they stopped and they didn't . long after that the babies started having babies it's totally crazy here we are 6 months later and we have seven tanks that are full of Diana's Guppies and one of them is a 100 gallon stock tank that probably has 300 of them over there.
I swear, I don't know what it is about Diana Walstead, but her male guppies must have Kryptonian sperm or something beta. Yes, now you know why John took the segment on Guppies and by the way, would you like to know something about me? I'mobsessed with plants, cats and bettas. I can't get enough of these fish and for obvious reasons they are small so they don't take up a huge tank in your house. They are available in around a million different ones. varieties and also, if you go back to what John said about Oscar's personalities, you'll get that too with a beta, just in a much smaller and less destructive package, in my opinion Guppies betas are not just two of the most popular fish, there are also two fish that I think are perfect for beginners, this is because most anglers are going to start with a smaller tank that requires smaller fish.
Well, what's more perfect than a betta or some Guppies, there is a misconception that because bettas are called fighting fish, they can't be with any other fish, but that's not true, they can be. with other tank mates, but not other bettas, you can mix a betta with almost all of those fish we talked about today. Guppies platies mollies Sword Tails Bristl Noos Pleco and yes even angels, you obviously don't want to mix them up with the Oscars. I mean, let's use some common sense, but everyone else should be fine. We have a whole playlist of beta videos and if you're interested, just click here somewhere and you'll see them all.
Also, the beta promo code is still active. 10% discount on our website. Keep Fishkeeping tocom only in beta. Check back when purchasing your plants, fish food, or any other supplies you need if you've been watching this entire video and didn't know goldfish were going to be number one. I don't know what to say, it should be obvious, it is absolutely obvious that goldfish are the most popular fish in the hobby, they are everywhere and for good reason they are super easy to keep, they have the silliest and most ruthless personality of any fish and they are Available in different colors and sizes, there is a downside, although being so popular, this also means that they are absolutely the most abused.
I can't tell you how many comments we've seen on our channel from people saying I keep fancy goldfish in a single row container with no filter and it's perfectly fine. I just change the water when it gets cloudy and the fish is happy or they will say that goldfish are such big waste producers that living in high ammonia water is normal. To them, yes, they are big producers of waste and can tolerate a lot of it, but that doesn't give you the right to commit animal abuse. If you want to see your goldfish thrive, put them in a 55-gallon or larger tank.
I know it may seem ridiculous. for some, but the thing is that even fancy goldfish that are smaller get a lot bigger than you think, yes they are not tank destroyers like some big cichlids are, but these fish get really big, even those little feeder fish you can buy for 10 cents a piece. They will eventually grow up to a foot long, so give them a large tank, keep the water clean and this will be one of the best fish you have ever kept and spoiler alert. Lisa and I are going to put our money where our mouth is. and setting an example in a big way very soon, you won't want to miss that, make sure you're subscribed, so there you have the 10 fish that we think are the most popular fish in the Hobby and guess what?
Three more fish just missed being on this list and if you want to watch them, click the join button below, become a member of the channel and you will get bonus videos every Sunday that relate to our video list. Don't forget to use the beta code at checkout. get your 10% off your entire order, everything on the site, 10% off, buy one of everything and you'll get 10% off everything. You can't miss it, we're giving it to you just for getting to the end of this video or at least Lisa's segment where she talked about it, but anyway this has been a lot of fun.
Thanks so much for looking. I hope to see you again next week. See you.

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