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Are These Sega Saturn Games Really THAT Bad?

Jun 07, 2021
What's happening guys in this episode? Let's talk about Sega Saturn


that aren't that bad. what do I want to say with that? I mean these Sega Saturn


are often looked down upon for some reason, be it a technical aspect. the game, whether it's just the gameplay itself, there is some reason why people don't like these games and I have chosen about 9 games here and it is very important that you understand what I am trying to say because I am not trying to argue. that these games are all some is that these games are must buys because in fact in the past I have also said some negative things about these games because some of them


deserve to be said that they have negative aspects but at the same time


really bad game that not worth it.
are these sega saturn games really that bad
I don't think any of these games qualify for that. Some of these games have elements that make them very valuable and I hope you agree, so let's go ahead and take a look. Sega Saturn games that are not that bad, the first game we will see is Street Fighter, the movie or Street Fighter real battle on film, as it was known in Japan. This was one of Capcom's first Sega Saturn fighting games. and I'll remember it quite specifically when it came out, it came out in the summer of '95 and I remember importing it and hoping it was the arcade version of the game which was made by an American company and is a radically different game. that plays like some of the later Mortal Kombat games that really focused on aerial juggling and aerial combos, but when I put this game on my Saturn I was quite surprised because it was a Capcom game and it looked bad, I mean, even then guys it looked bad, the digitized graphics were really faded, they weren't animated, well the music wasn't very good, the voice samples were bad.
are these sega saturn games really that bad

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are these sega saturn games really that bad...

I mean, there were a lot of things in the game that I didn't like from the moment I saw it. So I really understand why people look down on this. I mean, it's very easy to just look at this game and say, "Wow, you know they really shit the bed and this isn't worth it. However, Street Fighter, the movie is based on Super Street." The gameplay of Fighter 2 turbos or a lot of it is based on it and it's very easy to learn if you're familiar with Super Street Fighter 2 turbo, most of the moves are the same, the supers are the same, you know, there are a lot of them. similarities.
are these sega saturn games really that bad
It's in the gameplay and that's really what makes this game perfectly playable. It's also what makes this game so much better than some of the worst fighting games on the Saturn, so this game shouldn't be grouped with that. smoking pile of garbage as a critic um and ascends to resurrection when you really get down to it, this game plays well when you with the game play well, I mean, you know, fireballs, uppercuts, hurricane kicks, charging moves, supers, you're going to jump well. get into the flow of this game by meeting a street fighter and you can enjoy it and I think for the price of the Japanese version you know it's very affordable.
are these sega saturn games really that bad
I think you can easily get this game for under $20 complete with spine card and that really makes this game accessible, it's easy to get into and certainly not one of the worst games on the system right now. I may have a soft spot for it because I imported it pretty early in my life from Saturn and while I couldn't stand the way it looked, I like the way it played and that's where the recommendation really comes from. Here is how to play. If you're looking for an engaging, well-animated fighting game, you should definitely look elsewhere if you're looking for a Capcom game that plays like Street Fighter.
This is one that will meet those needs. It's also based on a really cheesy '90s movie, of course, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme and you know. We're all well aware of how bad that movie is, but that movie is also aged to the point that it's a good B-movie, where you watch it to laugh at it and just shake your head like what the hell . they were thinking, but still, man, play, you know, pick this one, play, it's not that bad, it's definitely not as bad as people think it is, you can definitely have some fun with it, you win, okay, We move forward, we are going to enter. another fighting game from Capcom, this time a 3D fighter and that's the final fight, revenge.
Now I know that many of you probably let out a collective hell. You know, I can't believe I'm saying that the final fight, revenge, isn't one of Saturn's worst. games, but it's not, it's not really, it was made by us, Capcom's arm, if you can believe it, especially since it only came out in Japan and was originally developed as a Titan arcade game, which Titan was the arcade version from Sega Saturn. it now uses the four megabyte RAM cartridge and I think a lot of the hate directed towards this game is due to the pedigree that came with Final Fight Final Fight is a highly regarded series, it was a very, very good fighting game series between the arcade, the home, and people you know look at it like why the hell isn't it a side scroller and I can certainly understand that guy because I think it would have been amazing as a 3D or 2.5 side scroller. d.
I used the 4 megabyte RAM cartridge as is. He is a one on one fighter. It doesn't look particularly good. It doesn't play particularly well, but it's far from one of the worst fighting games on the system, if you will. play a bad 3D fighting game on Saturn, you know there is such a thing as affirmative mention critical communication, but you can also initiate something like fists on Sega Saturn is a horrible 3D fighting game that makes the revenge of the final fight look like Soul Calibur and that's not hyperbole my friends, it's the absolute truth, the final fight's revenge as it stands, it plays like a very clumsy, very comedic version.
I guess you could say it's the version of the Capcom fighters you've played before, a lot of the moves are the same charge moves. supers I mean, it's very familiar to other Capcom stuff, some of it is comical in terms of how it plays out in the animation, some of the characters themselves are comical, you know, it doesn't take itself seriously and I can certainly understand why a lot of people look at that and give a thumbs up like this isn't worth it, but like I said, people stack this game up to the worst fighting game you know on the Sega Saturn or the worst 3D fighting game on the Sega Saturn list. and that's absolute nonsense because there are plenty of other worse fighting games on the Saturn than final fight revenge.
I mean, like I said, guys, open your fists if you really want to see how bad a 3D fighting game can be at getting buckwheat rule wins using full games. It's time to include Kaname in this list and let's talk about crypt killer or Henry explores as it was known in Japan. Now this is a small arms game on Rails that many people say is one of the worst games on a system. that's also absolute because this game is far from being one of the worst light gun games on the system let alone one of the worst games.
It's very similar in flow to something like Virtua Cop. You know, you start with the cameras moving. Things are appearing. on the screen you're shooting at him, you're trying to stop him from killing you and that's the essence of the whole experience. Supports two players. I think the original arcade, if I'm not mistaken, supported three or four, but eh. The Saturn version has two players, supports light weapons, is fairly accurate, is very easy to play, and frankly I think it's a pretty fun game if you can get some co-op in. Now a lot of people will see this and say, "Hey." this is going to look a lot worse than a PlayStation version and you'd be right, it does look worse than the PlayStation version, particularly in the texture department, the textures on the Sega Saturn look like absolute garbage, but in defense of the Saturn, the arcade version actually It was based on PlayStation hardware, so of course PlayStation was going to get the better version, but when you look at it in terms of gunplay, what's not to like here?
The game is ugly, I'll give you that, but as far as the things that come out to shoot, it's as good as any other light gun game on the Saturn, it's challenging, it's fun with two players, it's very easy to play, it's very easy to play for people of all ages, there really is nothing to hate at point blank range. In this game, apart from the visual presentation, it is a cheap game, especially in Japan. I mean, I think in Japan it's another one of those games that you can complete for under $20 and you're in the grand scheme of light gun games on the Saturn. which you know, if you pay attention to any list, there aren't many of those games, so comparing it to something like Virtua cop Virtua cop: yes, you could say this is a worse game, but when comparing it to the other gun games light. on the system I really don't see how you could even remotely group this with the worst games on the system, if you want to call it one of the worst looking games on the system, it would probably be a lot more entertaining as is.
I think that, frankly, crypt killer is a very playable shooter. The next game we will look at is Gale racer, also known as rad mobile, and it was originally created in the arcade by Sega a.m. one in system32. arcade board is a super scalar racing game that frankly was brilliant in the arcade, it was a great looking game, it was a great sounding game, it was a great game, so I wanted to love the Saturn version and the Saturn version. Saturn came out very early in the system's life in Japan and I remember when I bought the game I expected to love it and I didn't, and there are several reasons why I didn't love it, changes were made to the game, Visual changes were made to the game where polygonal cars were introduced and the gameplay felt different and there were just things in the game that didn't really add anything extra to the experience, you know, they made the game really difficult, you know?
It was hard to figure out, there was just so much about the game that was a real turn off. You know, coming out so early for the system, you were pretty stuck with the digital d-pad gameplay, which wasn't as good as the analog arcade steering, they had visual changes, like I said, with the polygonal cars that looked like an ass, They were so out of place in my opinion, there were a lot of things in the game that could have been much better and I guess to achieve that. the game when they made it, you knew that there are some things in the game that are weak or that the draw is closer, you know, which is a shame because the original arcade game looked amazing in terms of graphics, but in the end The day Sega's DNA was in this game, you can't help but enjoy it if you give it some time to understand how to play it, no, it's not as good as the arcade, no, it's not a particularly good game overall, but Gale Racer It's still not one of those schemes in the system, it's not one of those games that you just want to dismiss as a piece of garbage or something not worth your time.
Gale Racer actually has quite a bit of gameplay. that you can find and enjoy and you know it makes me sad every time I see someone completely dismiss Gale Racer because you know the game deserves a lot more attention than it ever received, it came out at the worst possible time because when it came it came out in Japan in December, it was right before the big rush of other games started, you know, they came out, you know, before, it was a few months before it plateaued, it was a few months before Daytona and Panzer Dragoon came out, you know, when those big games started hitting people just completely forgot about Gale Racer and then of course the game never came out of Japan so of course it's always been one of those side games that people have been mildly curious about hear something negative about it and then just never play it, but give Gale Racer a chance, you know, burn a copy, whatever you have to do to play it and try it, you know, sit down and try to understand how the game wants you to play it and tries to adjust to some of the changes from the arcade version, like I said, it doesn't work particularly well with the digital d-pad, but it still has that great Sega DNA, man, that same great feel in a lot of what this or that same great feeling that a lot of cigarettes have in games and if you can find it, give it a chance, you might find a good game here.
The next game we're looking at is Sonic 3d Blast and I know a lot of you're probably sitting there again and saying, "Oh my god, you've got to be kidding me." No, I'm really not kidding. This is a Traveler's Tales game and is the game that Sega stuck on the Sega Saturn instead of a real one. The Sonic game was an adaptation of the Sega Genesis game, it was a complete cop-out. I understand why people hate it. I understand why people look at it and say, wow! I can't believe this is what we ended up with.
Saturn as the Sonic game and I really get it guys, I mean there's no doubt about it, this is not the Saturn or this is not the Sonic game that the Saturn deserved. It's not the Sonic game Saturn fans deserved. It's easy money. In a game that Sega didn't put a lot of time and effort into, you don't seeparticularly superior to the Genesis version it has better color it has a couple better effects here and there but at the end of the day this is a 16 bit game that was ported to the Saturn and there's really no way around it which is why a lot of the hate towards this game it really focuses on that, but it was a game aimed at a younger audience and it's the type of game really, when you break it down, it was meant to be almost meaningless in its gameplay, you know you jump, you collect little birds, you go to the next level, you can play a bonus level.
I mean, there's really nothing to this, there's no depth to this game other than you know the simplicity of collecting things. and move on to the next stage, but like I said, it was the target audience for this game, it was aimed at kids and in many ways, man, when you look at it, the game is easy to get into, it's easy to understand. There's nothing in this game that's going to take a lot for your child to show them the control they're going to have, understand what they need to do, what they need to collect, and what the goal of the game is, and that's it.
There are much worse games on the Saturn than this one in this genre alone. I mean, if you want to play a couple games worse than this, turn on something like Whiz or turn on Willie Wombat and play one of those stinkers, man, I can't stand it. any of those games and this game is infinitely better than those two stinkers, so you know, lumping this in with a garbage game. I can understand if you want to say you know cheap money, you don't know what Saturn needed or what Saturn needed. could have done the Saturn could have done a lot better.
I agree with you on all of those points, but one of the worst Sega Saturn games definitely doesn't move forward. I have a 2D side scrolling shooter for you. and this one is on the hunt now, no one ever said that the hunt was one of the worst Saturn games, but you will often hear that this is not the version of the game you want to play and why it is so good, it is because the game is loaded with quite a bit of slowdown compared to the Sony Playstation version, it slows down a lot more and that has given this game a really negative reputation and it really is a shame because this game is an amazing shooter. when you get to the bottom you command a submarine you are fighting underwater but you can still attack things above water the animation is amazing the explosions look amazing just the color is amazing the visual presentation of this game at the time of its launch. actually it just did, it just blew your mind, it really looked great and still does today, now the Saturn version didn't benefit from the port it would get, obviously if it was a resource issue, if it was the developer whoever was chosen whatever the reason, this port didn't turn out particularly well in terms of technical presentation, like I said you get a lot more slowdown and that has caused a lot of people to view this as not being the game you want.
Get on the Saturn and I don't agree with that. I still think this game holds up well on the Saturn even with the slowdown. Now you will feel it in places where the arcade version didn't have it. You will feel like you already know. You'll feel a lot more than what Sony PlayStation gave you and as long as you go in understanding that this exists and you'll have to deal with it, this game is pretty good and still looks just as good. like the arcade version and as far as I can tell, putting one next to the PlayStation version, I think this version is animated better, explosions look better, things falling apart look better in certain places, so this version may have that extra slowdown, but it still doesn't, it still doesn't diminish the fact that it is still an excellent game, this in many ways reminds me of Dracula You know, but the core of the game was still there, it was still, the gameplay was still very playable and I would say that's pretty much the same thing within the hunt here, you know people will tell you to stay away from it. , but if you're a Sega Saturn fan, you already know. don't hate it you don't know stay away from it man you know try it understand this game is still pretty good a lot of people can tell you otherwise but when it comes down to it hunting is still a great game on Sega Saturn.
Next up is the Sega Saturn conversion of Sega's classic racing game, Virtua Racing. Now, this is a game that my friends and I have had a lot of discussions about guys and I've actually said some negative things. I made this game in the past because there are a lot of things about this game that I don't like, however, Virtua races on the Saturn often get squashed unfairly. I mean, they're just lumped together as this poor translation as a poor version that has no redemption. You know the factors and I just don't agree with that. I think Virtua racing on the Saturn is in many ways what Sega should have done with many of their other racing games.
Yes, the game has technical problems. Yes, in a way. that messed up the arcade version just ruins it however Time Warner was the company that was going to bring it to the Saturn and they added a ton of content to it man they added different modes that weren't in the arcade they added a ton of different tracks that weren't in the arcade They were in the arcade, they added a bunch of different types of cars that weren't in the arcade and these are the things that, tired of themselves, they should have been doing, man. No joke, Sega should have added this kind of stuff for Daytona and Sega Rally and you know, and it makes TT and racing games like that man because this was what Saturn games needed to get people excited, tons and tons of content, remember when Gran Turismo came out for PlayStation and how people went crazy. and with all the cars and tracks and different modes and things you could do in that game, that's the kind of height the Sega Saturn games needed at the time, why didn't Daytona have 510 more tracks with different modes and getting licensing and doing things, you know why there wasn't a kart mode at Daytona like there is here at Virtua Racing.
I mean, there are a lot of things Time Warner did right in this game. You know, you can't just look at the visual presentation of this game and dismiss it and let's say this scheme doesn't work better or this game didn't look better or man look at the popup that looks like shit when there's so much content added to the game, you have to. take that into account and when Do you think Virtua Racing actually isn't that damn bad of a game? You know he's certainly not one of the worst in the system. It's one of those games where you could name half a dozen other racing games on the system that were way worse than this, so guys, if you've heard that Virtua Racing is a bad game and not worth it, don't go there. buy it, try this game.
Only the kart racing mode in this game is worth playing. I'm serious. It's actually a lot of fun now, if you've been on my channel for a while you know I'm NOT a Battle Arena Toshinden fan, but Battle Arena Toshinden Ura is actually not that terrible of a game on the Saturn and I brought this. one because I actually heard a couple of people talking about it not too long ago and they were all basically saying that this was one of the worst games on the Saturn, it was complete shit, had no redeeming value and I really don't agree with that , you know it's a real battlefield, Toshinden was never really a top game, you know, 3D fighter, but at the end of the day, there's a lot here that you can participate in, the moves are easy to pull off, the graphics aren't They are everything. terrible, you know, the music isn't that bad, I mean, it's very easy to understand, it's very easy to play, you know, and in that sense, again, there are a lot of worse fighting games on the Saturn than this, this is one of those games that when you play it for the first time you will understand what this game is, you know that you will not walk away from a Dead or Alive or a virtual fighter or a Tekken, you know that no, you will not go into it expecting that level of finesse and that level of fluidity, you know, like those big games have, this is a game that is very disjointed, it's clunky, it doesn't play well like I said, but it's an easy game to get into, you know? and once you understand that, once you learn a couple of characters, once you see what you can do here, you know it's like I said, man, it's just that there are a lot worse games on the Saturn than this one, so again, It's one of those games that if I heard someone tell you that it's not worth your time, you should still give it a chance, man, battlefield, toshinden, you're hell, it's not that terrible, okay, our last game It's the old Sega version of Galaxy force 2 on the Sega Saturn now.
Of course, the original arcade game was made by an m2, you know, the classic arcade game, it was made on the Sega Y board and it was one of the most visually impressive shoot'em-ups of its time, I mean, if you were present then. and you walked into an arcade and saw a Galaxy Force 2 for the first time, your jaw hit the floor, man it was really that impressive, now for the love of birds the Sega Saturn version isn't that impressive technical level, it doesn't work. as good and it doesn't look as good as the arcade version and that really is a shame because I think given the time and resources, there is no reason why this game couldn't have been our perfect key, now a lot of people watch it. it's not worth your time, there are better versions of this elsewhere and you're right, there are better versions of this elsewhere, but don't discount the Sega Saturn version so much because this game still looks good in many ways, it still It has a lot of the eye-catching visuals from the arcade and you know a lot of that fun gameplay is still here, a lot of those challenges.
Still here, much of that strong Sega DNA is still embedded in this experience, so while some people will tell you this is a bad game, it's a bad port, you should skip it, look elsewhere, there certainly are some truth in that, but at the same time, man, if you have access to burn a copy or can find a cheap copy. The Sega Saturn version still has a fun factor and still has a reason for you to have it, so I definitely think you should give it a try, so here we go guys, Sega. Saturn games that aren't so bad now.
I know some of these games may surprise some of you and you are sitting there wondering. Hey, you've criticized these games in the past. What is your point of view? What am I trying to do? What I'm saying guys is that there are sort of levels of bad games, you have bad games that aren't worth playing and then you have bad games that will still have some redeeming value for them, they will have some reason to play them. some reason to draw you in and give you some fun, however brief, and that's, at the end of the day, what's the point of the entire game library of every system out there, you're going to fall off pretty easily. on good games for older game systems because there are often lists of the best games and then there is a list of hidden gems that you have to get around due to some uncertainty, they are the games that people have really mixed opinions on because they are those games.
That will be very unpredictable with you, you will go into those games and find that many of them are unplayable, but then again, you will find that many of them will surprise you greatly. I hope some of the selections have been made here, just that I'm Sega Lord X, thanks everyone for watching and I'll see you next time.

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