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Kim Justice's Top 100 Sega Mega Drive/Genesis Games Of All-Time

Jun 07, 2021
So a few months ago I did a big top 100 of my favorite


of all


and you know, that actually came out pretty well, so I've decided, you know, people like that, let's make more of them, especially since it's the mumps summer and you know Finns are a bit laid back, you know you are interested in going out a lot at least when the weather is nice, instead of sitting and making documentaries for hours you just want to relax and I played some


in this


so I have played quite a few games, specifically games from my favorite console of all time, Mega Drive, because I thought: you know why not make some good platform-specific top 100 videos?
kim justice s top 100 sega mega drive genesis games of all time
So what I have here are 100 of My Favorite Mega Drive Games that I've put in a rough order. I mean, if you compare it to the order of Mega Drive games on the top 100 of all time list I made, maybe they don't. They match up quite a bit, but all I can say is that you know, that's how I felt the moment I hit the top 100, so without hesitating too much, let's get on with it 100 or some Mega Drive games, maybe you'll be able to play some alleys on that make a


mini coming out soon just an idea anyway come on so we start here with a fantastic dizziness from Codemasters um fantastic dizziness for me it's Lee it's my favorite dizziness game it's kind of es as a compilation of almost all the really good things in the series, whether it's like the puzzle staff, Liam, you know the unique movement of the egg and all kinds of things, it's also a long work, I mean, there are about 200 stars .
kim justice s top 100 sega mega drive genesis games of all time

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kim justice s top 100 sega mega drive genesis games of all time...

I think it's what you need, but even though it's a little long and really on that kind of European platform, I really enjoy it, I enjoy it a lot more. I must say that you learn a lot from the other European platforms, since you know your fins. like rizal or super indulgent, although that's not on the Mega Drive. I loved the fantastic dizzy. It's like a love letter to the series still made by the people who made Dizzy what it is and it's a really fun game and we're actually I'm still with Code Masters for number 99 Brian Lara Cricket 1996, one of the few, to be honest, cricket games out there, but always fast, again if I ever think about faster games it's the first one that comes to mind.
kim justice s top 100 sega mega drive genesis games of all time
I mean, my girlfriend always says. oh you should make a video about cricket games and yeah this is the only one I can really think of, maybe because a lot of the others I've played are a bit bad, this one is pretty playable even if you don't. you really understand the game, I mean, there's a ball coming at you, just hit it, it's got a bit of that simple sensibility about it without being too involved in all the intricacies of fast play, it's fun to just pick it up and play counter-play. For many other cricket style games, it's a Gooden and I played it quite a bit on day number 98.
kim justice s top 100 sega mega drive genesis games of all time
I'm sure it's one of the games that most people will be familiar with. Altered Beast, one of the first games released for the Mega Drive. the first pack in Tull is modded to be Sturm, not necessarily the best game, it's a pretty simple side scrolling arcade, hit them, kick them at the Ghoulies and then get all the orbs and transform into a beast, pretty simple arcade version but pretty good. It's a small initial taste of what the Mega Drive could do compared to your average game of short 8-bit platformers, but it still generates a lot of nostalgia for anyone who's a big gamer.
I figured it had to have a place in this top 100. Even if it's only number 98, next up we have Wimbledon, one of two tennis games on the list. In fact, I was able to find two tennis games that I really enjoy. Wimbledon of the two is the Lemoore style of simulation, one probably has better controls than the other. game I'll just say for now is Pete Sampras Tennis, but it has a really nice presentation, it's an in-house Sega Sports game from Sega and it plays pretty well for a tennis game, then you can get pretty deep into it. difficulty options has a call the singles modes are much better the singles mode than the first game but the doubles mode isn't necessarily as engaging but I'll get to that when I get to Pete Sampras tennis later it's a very good game and They're both good enough that I can have two tennis games in this, but then I say come out pretty good Tenace Virtua Tennis and all that, so yeah, women's tension chambers are surprised number 96 general chaos general chaos is a strange game general tripe game almost when you play it you almost have no idea what you're actually doing when you're playing it's as chaotic as the title might suggest and you just move the d-pad around and try to put your guys on something. kind of a position where they'll actually be able to properly kill the other members of the opposing team, suddenly things stop and you have a big fight between two of them, people blow up and you're like, oh, maybe I should try that. and get the actual collectibles, meet some of the bonus objectives that are available to you at certain stages, it's a pretty crazy game, but the presentation is amazing, on top of that, although you know it's not exactly the most strategy game Deep, I mean, that's for damn.
I'm sure it's pretty funny, it's simplistic enough that my minds can understand it and at the same time it's chaotic enough that it surprises you sometimes, makes you think holy shit, did that really happen? It's good and much more relaxed at number 95. PGA Tour golf 3 I like a little game of golf every now and then, it's nice to relax and, you know, hit a ball virtually around some course. I mean, I can certainly play golf a hell of a lot better in computer format. of what I can do in real life. I can't play it at all.
This is just a very relaxed game. It always has been since I first bought it in 1994. I think that's when I should have played it for the first time. What it was when it came out, it's nice, it's relaxing, it's not the best golf game ever made, but you know, not bad in 94. We have a lay Lancer or, to give it its full title, Buster Hawk Clay Advanced Lancer , this is a Japanese. exclusive as it was at the time, erm, you can find a translation if you really want to get into the story of the game, but if you don't want to, well, it's cool, it has a different property than many others.
On drop shot sites you get horizontal and vertical parts, so it's important what kind of formation you choose at the beginning, where you want to do the roll information or you want your guys to follow you or you want them to be. More vertical, it's one of those more Maisie-esque side-scrolling shooters, sort of an art form I guess, although the vertical side sets it apart from a lot of more direct things, it has a unique little premise. It has good music and it works, it really works, it works enough for me to be aware of every one on the list, so there you have it, number 93, another UO platformer, a James Pond classic, James Pond, It's a really good gyro platformer, mainly because it doesn't do the worst thing like a lot of your platformers do, that can force you to collect so much junk over the course of a level and you're like, oh you're done, oh no, wait Wait a minute, I have to go and collect all the other little pieces of trash that are lying around.
I mean, sure you have to collect penguins at James Pond too, but it usually doesn't even bother that much that usually all the penguins are right at the end of the level. It's a really nice little game, scaling mechanics and those mechanics are a little slow and heavy, but to be honest, most of the time, when you play, you don't even have to bother with that, usually. Only use it if you need to collect some bonus items or whatever. There are a lot of nice secrets and I think it was all pretty much the work of one guy who did basically everything.
It's a lovely little game. I really enjoy it ninety-two. True Lies True Lies is one of those games that really seems to have leveled up its reputation in recent years. I mean, try buying a copy of this game online now, it's quite expensive and it's actually a very well licensed game. which is unusual for any licensed game involving Arnold Schwarzenegger. I think of games that last action hero or read hate. I mean, one of the things that often stood out in the early games from what I've heard anyway is that he never liked shooting anyone. who didn't like to be seen shooting anyone in any of the games with his image on it, but that all changed for True Lies, where you can put up with terrorists to your heart's content, you've got your gun, you've got your submachine guns . you've got terrorists, phone grenades, civilians everywhere getting blown up and torn apart, it's a lot of fun, it's kind of a head on game where the first three levels are really good and then the rest of the game is a bit airy, but the real lies are very fun just to play and, you know, just explosion and terrorists, it's a really cool top-down shooter in that kind of chaotic engine, definitely recommended another licensed game to complete the 90s, a McDonald's.
Treasureland Adventure now this is a Treasure game and some people tend to have a bad opinion of it and I really can't understand why I like you to play the game. In reality, this won't really be a platformer. I mean, it sure is. I got the kunji license from Ronald McDonald, but you have fun music, you have cool mechanics similar to what you would see a little later, I think with a dynamite Headdy and it's also very difficult. it's a challenging platformer it's a fun game I don't know why some people tend to have problems with McDonald's treasure adventure I think it's a great title it's one of the best platform license you can find on the system I mean, It's certainly better than people like Mick and Mac, let's say if you want to compare it to other McDonald's tie-ins, I don't know, compare it to Muck Kids or Donald Land on the Nests, I mean, it's a few notches above those that are probably the best McDonald's links. -In video games, you know, the accessories for that number 90 of eternal champions get their number 19 of eternal champions, obviously it is a game that I have a lot of nostalgia for and I always wanted it to do well because it was like Sega's.
The original flagship beta map is quite an original fighting game and was advertised as such endlessly in magazines and all of that never reached that level of success, certainly not the levels of success that Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat had and despite that the premise of the game is absolutely fantastic, the gameplay itself maybe not the best but again it's another game like Oats, at least I couldn't not have it in the top 100 because of the memories the game has and again to the premise of having it. all of these fighters and taking them out of the last second before their death and turning them against each other so they can actually stay alive and affect the course of the world in a positive way was fantastic firmness and a really good thing if you only knew that. the game maybe would have been a little tighter when it comes to all the fighting mechanics it would have been an absolute winner but they can't have it all number 89 maybe it won't get more 90 than dodge dodge is something when you look in the surface is such an embarrassing game, I mean, you've got the whole Xer vibe of the alternative rock generation, you know, you've got the whole premise, you know you're skating down the road where you're hooking up to the back of cars and try to beat up everyone else, they all have stupid haircuts, but if you strip all that away, basically what you have is a really cool Road Rash style game just on skates and there's nothing wrong with Road Rash, so I really like it. are.
There's not much to dodge once you get past everything you have to do, you actually have a cool, grunge little soundtrack and have a lot of fun hitting people on the road. I mean there is nothing that is not fun in a good racing game where you can also beat your opponents so the kitchens are very good easily in the list number 88 arcus Odyssey are married to see it is part of a great series of games I really only have experience with this one and I think they turned into some weird Finn softcore porn at the end, if memory serves it has something to do with telnet Japan or whatever, and this The game itself is a very good isometric shooter, almost a stealth action RPG, but definitely much more arcadey and that sounds solid. it's rock solid you have all kinds of different characters and they all have very different roles and it's just one of those games and it's one of those wolfteam games you have these wolf tin games and there are a few of them on the list they have solid graphics, not necessarily the best for running enough games, but you usually have a fantastic soundtrack, as this game usually learns from a matoiSakuraba who is probably most famous for Dark Souls these days. and all these really unique things about it, so there are a few Latley games on the list.
I'll see that it's just the first of them in 2019. It's one of those games. There is one. There are several of those. games that for some reason don't really look much like one, I mean obviously you can think of the US Gold Master System, so I thought there was one that you open up and you're on a motorcycle. So it's basically an action game, this one is a lot more like that, even if it's kind of trying to be outmatched mixed with f-zero, you still have all the multi-pathing and stuff, the music isn't necessarily as memorable as It is in the classic titles, the game itself is one of the fastest and most fluid races.
You'll find that on the Mega Drive they're not always particularly good on the Mega Drive just because you know it doesn't have that smoothness that the Snis usually have, it can be a little bit noisy, but this one is really good and I highly recommend it if you can find it. It's usually not that expensive nor is it a really good tile if you haven't checked it out. Earthworm Jim. Some people might expect this one to be a little higher on the list. I guess a friend Jim, specifically like Esta, since I tend to be better at that and I really like Jim's.
I love the overall graphics of a whole man. I love the type of presentation of him. It is one of the best of its kind. In the early nineties, I really liked it. Gene style cartoon stuff. My only problem with Earthworm Jim is how terrible I am at both games, actually pretty awful at the time I was playing these games. I simply have no idea what I'm doing, which clouds my judgment. when it comes to rating these chips, but I can't discount all the positives about them, so there definitely has to be some sort of place, this is definitely a game that will be on my team, especially when you influence winning every one they have.
I call little minigames, I mean, I really love minigames, erm, the puppies love them, they're in this one, just great, you know, for the pure concepts that the game tends to Firat, it's definitely a good one, definitely one of the list we have. I have another sports title next in number 85 John Madden football 92 now I'm the type of person who really enjoys watching football. I don't necessarily understand it. I certainly don't understand all the complexities of this, but John. Madden Football is still a really great game, just to pick up and play, even if you know it helps by giving you a little rough guidance, like when you pick a play like the one you kindly laid out I'm supposed to write. of doing this, I can pass one here, I can pass one there, obviously the place doesn't necessarily always go the way you plan, but it's one of those games that's clearly involved enough for everyone to be a football fan. but that doesn't mean it won't be suitable for someone like me who enjoys watching football and doesn't really understand it, it's a fun game regardless, it's for me the best of all the Madden games on the Mega Drive and, obviously, Madden.
It was a really big series on the Mega Drive at one time, so it would be silly not to have one of the Madden games here, and for me, Madden 92 is always the one, although maybe a lot of that has to do with that amazing opening theme. song I don't know number 84 kadosh a conversion of a different type of arcade game by a touch which is one of those few arcade games that really leans into some of those RPG elements, like leveling up, you can get herbs and everything which to heal yourself all the sorts of things you wouldn't necessarily think you'd find in an arcade game, but it's here in Kardashian, it's a pretty simple side-scrolling title along with some strange enemies that you can see here, the old black pudding .
It's certainly not like any black pudding I've ever eaten and it's a fun game, it's a very fun little al-qaeda. I've always enjoyed it in arcades because it's something completely different than usual and I enjoy it. here on Mega Drive, a fun game to play for an hour, so Eastwatch City Under Siege #83 is one of those cases where you have a conversion of the arcades that is actually a completely different game and in It's actually way better than the arcade origin I was never a big fan of the original arcade East, what I don't know is something I always think about was thinking, well I'd rather play Robocop and get by at least if I want to play something like that, but I thought on Mega Drive, it's a completely different hand, let's face it, it's a much better game, it requires the same kind of concept, you know, you gradually become this robot cyborgs, super police, wherever you start playing with the clothes you wear, you started with the uniform and whatever. it eventually becomes this beast and it does so in a much better way than the average arcade game, for my money a great little game number 82, we have a decap attack one of those cool ones from a Victo toy, this is one of En those times, it was actually something completely different in Japan, it was a magical turbo adventure with a flying hat or something and it was more of a cheesy platformer, whereas, you know, they completely changed the graphics for the West and made it a game eccentric in which you have a headed Chuck D, a headless mascot, who turns his head at people, as you may have guessed from his name, excellent game, a very classic type of vic tokai style, as he is very fast and very slippery, almost like even the heel slider in a Mario game, it's fun. small backgrounds, low and amazing music, and that's something I always think about.
I think about the slippery controls in vic tokai games and I always think about the incredibly loud music, louder than most games, there's always the weird finns I think. from when I think about vic tokai again, who has a lot of fun memories associated with being easily in the final zone of the list, now this is a game that is as underrated again as Odyssey bows, this is a Wolff team game, so you have the a somewhat strange concept it's a bit anime you have the great music matoi Sakuraba again this game is a more direct guarantee arcade style isometric shooter you have a kind of arena that you circulate through you kill all the people all your objectives that are supposed to you have to reach and then you have a boss fight at the end of each level very arkady um no one really talks about this game, there are a lot of other Wharton moments that they probably talk about more than the ending. zone, I think this game is, but it's brilliant as this is one of those games where I start laughing, the ending says I haven't played that for a while and then it goes up and then I pick it up and I can't put it down . down I just think, oh, I just want to keep going to another level.
It is very satisfying. It has those really big explosion sounds that you often find in these Wolfteam games and fun gameplay. It is not the best technically, since it really slows down a lot. It's certainly not one you want to pick up to see that legendary explosion process that the Sega Mega


has, but it's a very good game anyway, I love it, it's so underrated that definitely if you haven't played the final. zone, check it out if you like games like I Don't Know Granada or Gauntlet or something like that, go check out the final zone, it's one you're happy with, you might be gone.
The specs can be like chaos engine, if you like chaos engine, and go check it out. comes out with something that shoots alone that is very fun in its 80th issue we have battle golfer Yuri battle golfer Yuri is a very strange Japanese game that may not necessarily be the best game. I mean, if you look at it, it's just a top-down game of golf. end, but it's a game that I've always really enjoyed because of its premise, it's erm, it's like this strange anime golf game. No, I usually have enough for anything, but it's good, but there's a golf game where you can make all these kinds of crazy shots you can collaborate all over the place you can set it on fire you can manipulate it however you want everything is strange: you have ones that are shaped of a guitar, one that is shaped like a dolphin and one that is like a baseball field there are all these strange things about it and there is even a story mode that has unfortunately been translated, which is even strange, and there is a synthesis exam again, so this is battle golf for you if you want to get a feel for what the story mode really entails.
Recommend checking out now it's a lot of fun and all of these things have really stuck with me over the years about this game and I make sure it never leaves my mind even if it's just a simple top to bottom average golf game. down like thousands of hours it has these very strange touches that make me really want to play it most of the time and put it on the list, so make me go, well, Mortal Kombat 2 is next. I thought about going with Mortal Kombat 2 instead of Mortal Kombat 1 on the Mega Drive, with more combat, it's probably one that had the biggest impact for a lot of people, especially since it had all the gore.
Mortal Kombat 2 is the one I played the most just because it had more characters and I certainly used to get quite involved in this because I remember trying to learn each character and trying to learn what all the deaths do, the elytis babe, the friendships, all of which are in this Mega Drive version. I think nowadays I've forgotten about 99 percent of That series where I play the most combat now there's another one where I need to look up the controls because the only thing I ever remember to do is a sub-zero ice ship, which is a bit bad when you're trying to win games.
I still have fond memories of playing this game for many hours in the past and my mother buying it for me, even I know I was about 10 years old and obviously I shouldn't have played Mortal Kombat 2 at all, but then a lot of We did that in those days, didn't we? Yeah, very fun, Slap Fight MD at number 78. I would say that probably, if you look at the prices, this is probably the most expensive game on this top 100 list. Seriously, it's a game that if you want to buy it is a Japanese exclusive and will cost you a couple of hundred pounds at least it's a cool conversion update of a classic top down shooter, a classic like the early 80's and mid 80's. 80, thin biome type that covers it.
It also has its special mode arranged with a soundtrack by Yuzo Koshiro of all people, not necessarily the best soundtrack of all time but generally zero, you can't really keep up with that kanya, it's old school, it's hard , oh really. One of the hardest shooters on the entire system, so it's a real challenge to even get anywhere, especially since it's one of those things where often if you die once you're literally screwed because you don't. you have no power-ups nor your ship. It's incredibly slow, so you literally can't avoid anything, but it's fun to try, at least try to get somewhere, if you know it's cool, we've got some football next.
In fact, this is the only soccer game on the list because there are others I would prefer. something like saved to make that immediate top 100 forever, it's a FIFA 95 FIFA 95 is definitely the FIFA I played the most on all the Megadrive as far as the first football simulations in that style FIFA 50 95 is quite a bit funny, it's weird in some parts that you have a shoot button that you can't actually control the pace of your shot, you just shoot it every time so you can score these ridiculous goals from like 30 yards away all the time. time which is immensely satisfying I'm not going to lie there are a lot of times when it controls you it's like why did you just completely grunt I didn't ask you to do it why did you just direct it why have you done this things, why did you just recover?
It's nowhere to be found, which is a bit strange, but I don't know, there's still a nostalgic touch about 5095 again, maybe it's just because you often don't score, you know, difficult goals in FIFA 95. You just end up scoring banners where you know you get a ball, you just miss it from 30 yards and it hits the bottom of the bar or goes straight into the top corner and it's like, oh, that's really satisfying, it's definitely hell. much better than the World Cup in Italy 90. I'm sure you'll agree with that. A good classic at number 76. We have columns.
Columns are one of those games. I, personally, you know, you always think, what can I say about the columns? It's one of those games where it's just a fun little waste of time, you know, trying to match up as many columns as you can or releasing jewels of the same type or more diagonally, vertically, horizontally, you know, this game has all the fun part . It's when you know you're going to fast a lot and you think, oh my lord, we'll find out what the hell I'm going through and suddenly something random appears and sets off a chain reaction that, you know, wins until the end.
That's the part of the columns that can be really satisfying and makes it stand out compared to, for example,example, Tetris, where you don't really get that kind of chain reaction. You know you actually have to work a lot harder on Tetris, while Colin. It has that more chaotic random element to it, guys. I really appreciate that this is a game that most people would probably think, well, it's better portable, it's better on the gaming rig, but I still played a ton with this Mega Drive version and marked it up as well. This is what I think is the only game in the top 100 that my mom also enjoys or used to enjoy in the past, so yeah, I love columns number 75.
Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition. Street Fighter 2 is probably a game I generally associate. more of Super Nintendo, it's something like Street Fighter 2. I associate more of Mortal Kombat. I associate more of Mega Drive and yet I instill even though I had the Street Fighter 2 package with the world while we earned all that. I still had a special edition of champions for my Mega Drive and that's why I'm very fond of it. I also played them with the same confidence, a special edition of champions, you know, you have a really crunchy voice, some pauses. It's probably something people think and in general the music might not be as good as it would be in the Senesce Pot, but you still have all the bosses you can play without the bat, which you couldn't do yet with a snis anymore. complete until Hyper Fight or if Street Fighter 2 turbo came out and yes, it is one of those games where I again refer to you.
You have all the different modes, you have team battle modes and all that, and you know it's Street Fighter 2, you have two people, you know, it's like, what do you prefer? Do you want to play on this list you want to play on? Mega Drive either way, you know you're ready to go, so there's nothing I've been playing a lot of. I would necessarily recommend it to people like snis as the best snis. Not necessarily Street Fighter 2, but nostalgia, that's what Much of this list has to do with target Erfurt number 74 and is probably best known these days for its original Japanese title. it's basically a direct sequel to this one, but this is a side scrolling nikkor type game, you know, you choose your weapons and then you try to save basically everyone saved like the colony of earthlings from the alien attack, there's a whole story behind it, it's very driven in that sense there's a narrative drive that you don't necessarily get in a lot of these side scrolling games it's great it's not as good as something like Cybernator it's a little rougher but it works for the time being you spend with it call it all next time game, Revenge of Shinobi, now this is one that people might have been expecting to see a little bit higher up and indeed, Revenge of Shinobi is an amazing game.
I guess the onion is and why it's here at number 73. because there is a sequel that is way better and naturally it went much higher on the list, but that doesn't change anything about Revenge of Shinobi being one of our first amazing 16-bit games, one of those that really exposed the Megadrive store, so to speak, much more than just something that altered beast had made this had the cool music it had all the action the kind of stuff, you know, the kind of stuff that really created the slogan where you can't do this Nintendo way more significant and something that was altered in a beastly way, so naturally it has its place in the history of


drives, it's just that you know that shinobi free is a little more memorable in my opinion, but still, avenge shinobi, you can't take him down.
Musha number 72 again which has actually become quite famous over the years as one of the best


drive shooting games, it is a compiled shooting game, it is top down, it has amazing metal music, it has fast paced, it doesn't really even seem like it, that's actually from 1990 looks like it could have been released a few years after that, like 1994, maybe that's what Misha looks like, it's a game that has quite long stages, sometimes You might think this is all getting a little boring, but it usually changes that. Said Lee has a nice little difficulty curve, it actually starts out pretty easy but certainly gets challenging towards the end of the games, the soundtrack alone is enough for this to be on the top 100 list, to be honest, ghostbusters number 71, another really decent license. game, I think it must be from the same people who liked Michael Jackson's Moonwalker and stuff, it's an internal title, a good title, it doesn't look anything like the moon, they all look a little weird, that big-headed look and Unfortunately there's no Winston, but you can choose your path, choose where you want to go, do you want to go to someone's house, do you want to go to the tall building and meet Stay Puft, all that kind of stuff, it's certainly a lot. better than the classic Ghostbusters game, you know, the one that was on the master system, let's go to the Atari spectrum, all that stuff where you know you ride the ecto-1 and drugs, you don't just do whatever what ever you do, even making that game is endlessly confusing and even now, this straight deck is certainly much better than one of the best Ghostbusters games which ties for number 70, we have wars on this again, it's something that's actually better known like languid ER, which is what it's called in Japan. it's a strategic RPG, if you like Shining Force, which spoiler alert will appear here later, you'll like wasps, it has all those kind of classic strategic elements, turn-based strategy, of course, it's good to go ahead with them, you know you continue Your Dote is scored by another amazing Japanese composer and also has a sequel which I believe has recently been translated into the language, so I've heard it's really good, there's also some sort of sci-fi turn-based RPG, which I find It seems pretty sure it's the same guys, they're vixen three five seven who always look hot.
I never got to play with him. I know it was also recently translated so people can play it, but I have experience with war, some linguists or whatever you want to call it, it's a very good game, if you like strategic RPGs you will love number 69, Road Rash . Of course, you can't not have a racing game here, we had skitching before, but this one. It is the traditional and the best road rush game for me that appeared on Mega Drive the best of the free is road rush you know you are riding a bike on the road bike motorcycle you are your bike on the road you are grabbing weapons and generally you beat it up to anyone who gets in your way, there's no reason why this game is probably one of the most memorable third-party games anyone has ever released on the Mega Drive, it just has those overriding seat-your-driver qualities. you hit people, you try to finish first, what I don't love, is why rush to crack down or as I like to call it, charlatan, it's strange again, a strange little shooter and you have a little exhibition , but you have It's a pretty slow-paced institution, so in one way you can take cover, as much as you can, you can climb the walls and avoid gunshots.
That way you have these little mini firefights with all the enemies and you place all the bombs in a certain amount. of time and then get out of there has some puzzling elements has some interesting shooting elements the small screen may not necessarily be that attractive to some people, but I like it kind of I love things that are kind of miniaturized in general, so the repression aspect appeals to me in that sense, which is why I really like this game, although some people tend not to. I think the NBA Jam tournament edition is really cool, not that there's much difference between this and the original NBA Jam, but I played both a lot, this is the one I played the most if I'm honest, it's the NBA Jam arcade basketball, y'all the funny comments are actually here, they're not sleazy for the Mega Drive and overall it's fun. action, you know, you just have to run around the court and try to make the most ridiculous and crazy dunk possible.
It's so simple to play basketball. There is no one who cannot learn this. It's like an even better version. classic archrivals, which of course is its natural predecessor, what can be said excellent? A game that is much more complicated is number 66, Ranger X. Now, this can be a difficult game to beat because you have your Mick. You have your vehicle, you can leave it in the vehicle and they both have their own energy bars. They can make the vehicle independent. You can go up, down, left, right. There are many different goals that you must achieve first. you can finish a stage and sometimes it can be quite complicated to understand what you are actually supposed to do, but once you click with Ranger complex of its kind on the Mega Drive, but it's definitely worth the time to familiarize myself with love skåne, another game I love and probably one that not many people love number 65, beavis and butthead, this is an interesting game in Megadrive is more of an adventure, that simple adventure type game where you have to collect the various pieces of living water tickets that you have bought that have been crushed and you just try to get them in various ways, one of them is in the stomach of someone and they must make him vomit with the use of a dead rat.
You have to kill mr. Anderson for one of them and then chainsawed his tree, all sorts of weird stuff like that, it's certainly a lot better than the Sniffs Beavis and Butt-Head game, which was a side-scrolling platformer and was absolutely horrible if you've ever done it. played and you think. Well obviously this game is not that attractive, check it out because it is actually a completely different game and if you like a little everyday side scrolling platformer electronic type adventure type thing you might like this issue 64, we have Battle Mania Daiginjo, another game from vic tokai this is the game that is like a forgotten world in its presentation, only much more anime, much better presentation and tons of amazing fun in the game, this game is simply a bloody laughter, it is one of the most attractive games, whether it is the best.
Very good shooters that you will find on the Mega Drive and it is one that you can have a lot of fun with. There's also a great translation at Lowe's. In fact, you'll want to bother with the plot of it all if you don't. I stuck with the fun shooting game, which is very good. I must say it's adorable in many ways. I finish next at number 63. Now we have Mega Bomb Man. I think almost everyone has their own version of Bomberman that they really enjoy and this one. One's mind is more than that, the Super Nintendo ones, which I didn't have, the single-player Bomberman generally hasn't been too bad with the story mode, but it's Bomberman, you know, you play this with burns or even play against the computer . in battle mode and you know, have fun down in each level you have, like the little helpers and this one where you get on and you can ride is a cool version of Bomberman, a nice addition to the super fantasy Megadrive collection of any person. zone at number 62 great conversion er sunsoft conversion of the classic


defense rescue team Opa Opa and all that is a great little version of the game is fantasy zone, you know, it's a classic shooting game, a shooting game classic arcade really fun and lively music you have a lot of nice little power-ups that you can use it's just cute it's um it's happening the fantasy zone which is in Arnold Palmer Hall and golf I guess it's cool the wind in number 61 this is really quite a crazy game from wolfteam and part of them is what is unofficially known as the Ernest Evans trilogy, which obviously includes the absolutely ridiculous CD game by Ernest Evans and Omega called anitha tabhi, this is by far the best of the three games and You, players, are a network. who's wrong, it's set in the 1920s, there are all kinds of supernatural monsters around, there are gangsters, there is some kind of treasure you have to get, it's a completely ridiculous game, it has stupidly huge sprites and explosions, it has that team of wolves , eNOS, but it is very endearing in many ways and it is a very good game, as well as incredible music, definitely the best.
I mean, it's a lot better than Ernest Evans, but while that would be damning with faint praise, it's a pretty good game in itself, number 60 toejam. and panicking earl on funkotron at least the sequel to the original, Tojo Mendell's sequel is obviously a very different game from the original, it's a side-scrolling game unlike the original game and it kind of eliminates a lot of things, you know. you don't have the presence with all its power ups and power downs in many cases and a lot of people don't particularly like the sequel because of the changes it makes.
Personally, I still think it's fun if you take it. It's a completely different game, it's a totally different game, so the original, instead of trying it, I compare it to that. If I look at Tojo and L and panic at Funkotron on their own terms, I think it's a little gamenice, there's something cool about it. small version of the 90s, the first game was still very endearing and all of that was very well done graphically. Liz still has plenty of cool Hills secrets to find, as well as on the platforms. It's a great game, you just know it's different. the original game and the original game is much more beloved, but it stands on its own at number 59.
We have Truxton Chuck Stone is a weird Unitas to most people for now he's kind of a retro meme. It is a very difficult top-down shooting game. bite or platinum, I mean, the Japanese name for this is tatsujin, which literally means expert, he has some crazy music, he just likes someone like a sci-fi lady. Mills going crazy with an organ is what I think the music in this game sounds like it has less skull bomb, which is perhaps one of the coolest you can find in any classic shooter and of course as mentioned, it's very difficult again.
Another one of those shooter games where there are specific moments where if you die here, you're basically screwed because you're going to be too slow and not powerful enough to defeat anything that comes at you, like this It takes a long time to learn, but it's worth doing, it's worth hitting it against the wall at number 58. Ayrton Senna's Monaco Super GP 2. This is one of those games that really has a lot of nostalgia for me, I mean, at the time. It was one of the most advanced races you could get on a console, which seems a little nice to say now, but this was the game that had Ayrton Senna fame not just as a name tagged with Ayrton Senna actually helped a lot, although in a Famous day in Japan Sega helped design the game, gave all his ideas on how games should be and was very famous because you know he didn't do it.
I wanted a game with his name in the trash, I wanted it to be as good as possible and as a result, this is a very good runner, I mean, still and he sent a connection alone, obviously it gives him a lot of nostalgic points because he was one of my idols while growing up and my love for f1 died with it, the game itself still holds up despite that nostalgia, not at number 57, a very underrated licensed predator - this is a really great game, full of action, quite short and not exactly difficult top down shooter but a lot of fun, you just have a bunch of enemies anyway, you have to beat them in a kind of big extended Smash TV style, you have a bunch of hostages that you have to rescue before they exploit the predator. them, which tends to be done in a pretty graphical way, actually, for a 1992 Mega Drive game, it's a lot better than the movie, which was pretty average.
Let's face it, it's a cool little licensed game that you know a lot better than you might think. better than the computer out of the box which was really a rubbish shooter the black whale shooter is horrible but it's actually a decent number 56 Mickey Mania Mickey Mania was interesting because previously it obviously had the illusion games Castle of Illusion and World. of illusion, they both came up and were great and then all of a sudden you know you have stories of travelers doing it and it becomes more than just a third party besides Mickey Mouse, who is very skinny like Sega at the beginning in the The first two years of the Mickey Mania system are a great tribute to the classic Mickey Mouse type of IRA.
All the levels are based on cartoons and they're based on, you know, Steamboat Willie, the crazy spots, all that kind of stuff and they did it. That kind of tribute to Finn looks really cool, you know, having levels that, you know the beggar's footprints and all that, and going through the Mickey Mouse years, that seems cool, the game plays really well even if some maybe you know. It's one of those games, whether you like Mickey Mouse or not, it's nice to have the 55th fire gem aka royal blood, this is a game I'm not sure about because a lot of people know it's, erm, it's a game. . from Kaui, which is a studio I have a huge soft spot for when it comes to their Magloire stuff and we'll see more of his stuff later.
It's a fantasy strategy game, a turn-based strategy game, it's not the kind of massive battle grand strategy that you have in something like lament, so the three kingdoms or the Genghis Khan games about freedom from death or ever it's something else, I won't say Arkady, but it's certainly a much faster pace and there are a lot more possibilities. when you play something like Jim Frey HTM you snatch victory from the jaws of defeat as long as you can amuse someone until the end of the screen, so there are a lot of different types of fins in play, there aren't many people actually .
I know this game but I personally think it's amazing, Pete Sampras Tennis is definitely worth checking out, the other tennis game on the list, why is this better than Wimbledon? It may not be as attractive a game as Wimbledon. janky er, maybe I'll tell you why this beats the woman, at least because the double modes in this, the other double mode, is fantastic. I always loved playing doubles on this side and going through stupidly long rallies that you could get, you could really do. they just spend minutes just attacking each other, you can't really do that at Wimbledon, there's other weird stuff here that's kind of useful, there's a huge tour mode which is obviously something that wasn't emulated properly by a Mian, which is why what they put him under a cheat code, but there's also crazy tennis where you have a lot of power-ups and power-downs and you get dizzy when he walks across the net chords, you know it's a lot of fun to be I had there, so I have a great soft spot for Pete Sampras' Tennis, one of my favorite Codemasters games, old Flicky is at number 53 and is an arcade classic that wasn't particularly famous when it was released and certainly wasn't that famous when it was released on the Mega Drive , people think what is this game doing on Mega Drive.
I think it was already about 7 years old when it was actually released on the Mega Drive, but it's a really fun arcade game, but the players move around. you try to catch all the birds you try to catch as many as you can, you line them all up carefully and take them to the exit, it's fast, it's slippery, you can have a lot of fun and it's so impulsive and addictive to play like this is one of those games that make me constantly hit my head. head against the wall thinking I'd really want to finish it this time and I haven't managed to get out again because it's quite complicated.
Great game, much better. He didn't get any love. refinement when it was released, but they are brilliant people, we are a little clearer, especially in I guess 52 we have Batman, this Batman game from Sunsoft probably won't be as memorable as, say, the 8-bit Batman games they released to the air. Ness, maybe UK people probably even remember the Amiga game more than this, but this is a bright side for scholars, probably better than both, it's got all this sort of classic stuff that you know is in these first 16 bits. games, your shinobi revenge is your This, what is it and everything Batman is in the same league, it's kind of bland, so you also have a very high quality presentation, amazing music, as is always basically the case with some soft games around this time.
There is a soft 16-bit work that wasn't necessarily as good as their 8-bit work design, that work is generally much more iconic, but this is definitely one of the best games they released for the Mega Drive at number 51, we have elementary teacher This has slowly risen to become one of the best shooters on the system again, as with a lot of shooters, the soundtrack for this type of soundtrack is more of a progressive rock feel. I feel like it almost looks like it could have been done with a retro acumen and I guess technically something might think it's more of a race and a shooter going to land.
You have some core, maybe you have mirror boosts that you can. It shoots up and down it's solid as a damn rock, it really is. I love shadow dancer number 50, secret shinobi and since we had II SWAT quite a while ago, now we start the top 50 with shadow dancer and it's similar. The story of Arcade Shadow Dancer is actually not a bad game, it's a pretty good game. This Megadrive version, while completely different and actually better, still retains similar qualities of the arcade game. He's most likely fine, again, you only die with one hit, but he's kind.
Everything feels a little better implemented here in this conversion and you obviously have the unfinished whim of killing enemies and then killing them. You have great bosses and it's a good game and for me it just has that. I guess it's a little more memorable compared to Revenge of Shinobi, even though they are different games. I'll end up placing this one higher, as such, weapons maybe next time Revenge of Shinobi may be higher on this list number 49 Thunder Force Four. aka stupidly known as lighten the force if you're in the US Thunder falls fries I guess for a lot of people it's the pinnacle of shoot'em-ups on the Mega Drive personally I think there are some better ones but that doesn't mean stop Thunder Force for be one of the best.
I mean, it certainly requires graphics and in turn overdrive. It is certainly a very challenging game, as a good shooting map should really be the crazy guitar music and bad luck that is out there. It's pretty much everything that Thunder Force Free was, but everything is bigger and better, and the samples, the voice samples, are still a little bad, but other than that the game is pretty perfect. I think it's for no reason that I tend to put a Some other shoe maps are because I'm better at those two maps than the analysts, when in reality I'm not that good at any of the fun games to force, but especially not to force To the financiers, a fantastic and poor game, although without a doubt.
In this regard, Dick Tracy at number 40 is undoubtedly one of the best licensed games you will find on the system. I mean, it's so much better than the other Dick Tracy games. It's not even fun. I mean, there's the Nest game. that's terrible, there's young Titus's computer game, which is one of the worst games of all time, and then there's this excellent side-scroller, probably the main thing most people remember about this is, of course, that you have enemies coming towards you in such regular places. volume form, but you also have the enemies in the background that you shoot with your machine gun and there are also a lot of them in the background, there are windows to break, hydrants to blow up, you just know, the ones we used in the old machine gun and just trash popping, it's a lot of fun, it's actually a lot better than any of the other dick tracy games I can think of, it's not even a completely different big league game, so it's worth checking out.
Out Kozlov Illusion at number 47. I think for a lot of people, especially those who got into the Megadrive early on, Castle of Illusion was a vindication. I think a lot of people would describe it as people wondering, you know what's so special about 16? -bit system here instead of you know my nests or whatever, especially maybe if they would like so you know, altered beast, whether it's cool, but it's just old, it's not that impressive and then it comes out something like the Castle of Illusion. and it's like, again, this is a game where you can't really do this in 8-bit, it's been through so much, there's everything you know and the presentation is obviously on a different level and all that, so I think yes, Castle of Illusion along with revenge of shinobi I guess those were also the two big titles that really made Megadrive stand out.
This is actually a big step forward, it's not just flash and you know, all style has no substance, so steak obviously deserves a spot on the stew panel list. in issue #46, the Master System began with a conversion of Han, so naturally Super Hannon will always be one of the first games released for the Mega Drive. You probably all know and love this game. You almost certainly loved the soundtrack. this game with its big extended songs and stuff, um, it's a little broad, you know, you have the motorcycle, you ride it on various courses, um, you choose one of the songs, the most extended crisis is probably my favorite, although I have a soft spot for gain. one too that doesn't seem to get as much love as the other three songs, but I really like that one, it's got a cool little solo and everything you probably know Sega sounds like in music, you even have the original mode here where you can never really going around your bike and taking on your rivals and trying to beat them one by one, which certainly adds a lot more and it's just been an absolute arcade conversion of Super Han, so you know it's very welcome, cool little conversion worlds.
Can you say shine bright in issue #45, one of our first proper RPGs? I guess I've come up with this list, although again, this is kind of a low or strategy RPG, unlike the worst, it'smuch more perhaps a ground strategy RPG, but the turn-based strategy element of this is very strong, the story itself is also super strong. I always like the obscure intervals and the presentation it has in battle, maybe some people might think it's a bit slow in that background, but I understand it myself, yeah, I mean, it's Shining Force and Shining Force is not necessarily my favorite RPG on the Mega Drive.
There will certainly be a couple of hours to get through it, but it's a good Space Harrier to take 44th in the first game. system space Howie: It never used to be something that got so much love. I guess people know well, even though it's a cool version of space, how many types of fast movements it's still maybe a little strange compared to the arcade original. I love this game, this is one of those games where every time I play Space Harrier, I have to beat it. I always have to go and beat him and usually nine times out of ten I beat him simply because I have played this game a lot.
Again, it's one of those Mega Drive games where it's only about 20 minutes long, about 25 at most. To be honest, its duration is somewhat fixed, so it's a nice thing to do. I'm bored, I'll play Space Harrier; You know, I used to surf with World Cup 90 TV, well I guess you, it's a similar case, but the game is a hell of a lot better, so I love the brilliant game Robocop vs. Terminator this game is a love fest my lord this is probably the most violent game on the list sis you know all the enemies die in just a bucket of blood guts and guts it's a little ridiculous in that sense, but the game itself is one of the most fun Robocop games out there, obviously you also have the Terminator side, but you also know the look of all your favorite types of Robocop.
You know there is a great CP a9 elements news editor. There's Kane from Robocop. 2 and nothing at all from where cop 3, which is how it should be and then of course it got the Terminator side, you know, you have the post apocalypse, you have Skynet. all that good stuff, so it's great for the fans from Robocop and Terminator Evil War and also a cool little shooter number 42 Golden Ax, another iconic Sega game that I think almost anyone who has owned the system has played, even them. They've played it on the original cartridge or most likely played it in megagames as well, which I think is on their Golden Ax.
This megadrive conversion was pretty solid compared to the arcade it came from and then we've played it too. Having a few little extra touches, you know, the dual mode is additional and you also have a little add-on for the arcade mode where you take on the Deaf Baron and the immortal skeletons of him and it's a pretty tough fight again. like Space Harrier - this is one of those games where if I put it in I have to beat it. I have to try to beat him at least. I will play until I win or lose and again as Space Heavy. most of the time because I've played this a lot and I know a lot of the weaknesses of this conversion, yes I tend to beat it most of the time, very good game, so many memories, number 41, Carl Sylvania Bloodlines, a game that came .
Surprisingly, at that time people fought. Castlevania was generally a Nintendo sensation, at least here in the West, which maybe in Japan and I wasn't necessarily the case, but then the bloodlines come to light and, as it was known in the UK, Castlevania. I think the new generation will agree that Bloodlines is a much better title, it's an excellent Castlevania game, what can you say? It's not necessarily as good as Super Castlevania 4, which is one of my favorite games ever made, but it certainly would be. Letting make a top list of bloodlines from Castlevania games would definitely be in the top 5, it's one of the most excellent entries in the series for sure, number 40 of Jungle Strike, my favorite of all the games Strike, the main one, the main reason why it appears on the list and goes so high this probably mainly has to do with the first level the first level of this game is amazing it's in Washington DC you have all the landmarks and all that you have so many houses and you know what you can do If you really choose to do it, you can spend a lot of time blowing up junk and then go back to base and get scolded and you get different things, like if you choose to blow up the White House, you know they'll tell you right.
Have you redecorated that Beirut style or you know there's the Lincoln Memorial, I hope we have Congress. You can have a lot of fun just not completing this level and intentionally failing it, but then when you actually go and play it seriously, it's the first few levels. well and yes, the rest of the game is pretty good too. I think this was the First Strike game where you actually had multiple vehicles, there was a part where you could have a tank. I think it was in one part and there was a bicycle too and probably the main one that attracted people because it was very difficult to do.
There's a part where you had to go in that object, a fighter plane, which was very difficult in the isometric form, but for me the jungles are definitely better. The dragons are a little more complicated than the drunk deserts and it's just better than the urban, which was nice. Jungle Strike is the fantasy star choice for the first RPG on the Mega Drive and, for many people, perhaps the first RPG. in the west, I guess from the original Phantasy Star II, Phantasy Star 2 is for many, perhaps for many role-playing games, and for many role-playing game fans, well, it's not necessarily one that perhaps has held up, furthermore, is a very difficult game that requires a lot of The dungeons are incredibly labyrinthine and perhaps not as memorable as those in the first game.
Why do I love this game so much? I think mainly because I love him. I really have a soft spot for his presentation. I'm not sure. Why there are a lot of RPGs I can think of that have a more impressive presentation and a fantasy star, but it's one of those things where it's just a bit of Fitness like something about the game's music. I guess it hits you, is it the best RPG? It was never made by a long shot, but it certainly deserves to be Cubs Shed First Light, one of the first RPGs to be released on western shores, and to bring that genre to prominence, so I think that needs a place for that. number 48 mercenaries, while Unfortunately the Megadrive version is single player only, there is no multiplayer in this game, it is a great little sequel to the original commando.
The original Commando is again the one I love so much and one of my favorites or the previous arcade games Mercs, it's all a sequel. It should be that overall it's more of the same, but you have more weapons, more enemies and a lot more things to exploit. You also have a lot of vehicles and this one also saw a Jeep. Even get sentry guns that can repair a bit and shoot as much as you can. You also have the almighty mega crash, so it's just a generic bomb that you'll find in any shooter game, but it's called mega. crash and for me that makes it a little bit better and again you have a couple of different modes, you also have the classic arcade, you also have an original mode that adds a different version to your mix.
The experience allows you to try to get all the different soldiers and defeat them and you know, defeat the terrorists and wherever you have to do this game. I don't remember the plot. I haven't even looked at the plot, Eugen, you know? You're into some fornication, you've exploded because that's the American way, isn't it? That's what you have to do. They are mercenaries, classify number thirty-seven. We have the original Streets of Rage. Streets of Rage, what can you say? Yuzo Koshiro's soundtrack is completely different from almost everything that existed at the time, it was Sega's answer to games like Final Fight and it ended up being just as good, if not better, less original, it's not as smooth as the last two games in the series.
They were in many ways, but the impact this game had cannot be ignored. I mean, this was the game that came out not long after Sonic the Hedgehog. Sonic the Hedgehog was the game that many really liked. They played Mega Drive. The Streets of Rage map was one of those games, one of the few games that showed there was so much more to Mega Joe. I've been having Sonic like there's a lot of great games here you need to have this system like now and then steak obviously deserves more is placing more than a lot of times about the number 36 0 now this is weird to me because I mean I remember when this became famous, that was around 1999-2000 as a bit of a meme thanks to its erm, rather poorly translated intro, but this was a game I knew before so I don't know, I never paid attention to the intro because I used to have him and I just knew him. more for being a really great shooter rather than having this weird intro and some people even thought it was a terrible game because of this intro but the game itself is great, it's one of the best shooters out there.
Megadrive again, like many of these top of the line games, has a fun presentation and the soundtracks have a very pop tinge, like a kind of pop, rock style, you can imagine a kind of anime sitting where the actual shooter itself, oh , you have a clue to pull, which is kind of the main trick. I guess you can attract a lot of that to the smaller enemies and then throw it at everyone else. It's an incredible shot, it has that. The R type thing in its favor, there are a lot of caves, there are a lot of difficult things to go through and, again, it is difficult when you get killed at several points and you are so slow that you can't defeat any of the enemies, but then that is something that you have with many of these games, don't you?
Zeroing is a great introduction silly or not. You know the cat war is starting, your whole base and that whole main screen lights up, but you know, ignore all that big game, Rocket Night. adventures one of those games that a lot of people really love like one of the best games on the system one of the best platform games I think it's great. I won't disagree with that at all, yeah, I mean what can you say? I guess that's one of the hard things about doing this without any kind of script, you the players can run around, there are all these cool little set pieces, there are tons of boss fights almost as many boss fights as you can find.
In an average treasure game, a lot of them are here too, I think maybe a lot of that was rocket, it was guys like Konami that were like, "Oh, you know, you guys left the company, you treasure guys , they left". We can make games like you too and I think there's a little bit of that, you know Rocket Knight, like showing that you know we can do these things and it's a really good game, it's a shame the sequel to Sparkster was. It's not that hot, but look at Night Adventures, it certainly stands on its own, 34 and Star Dolls, whatever you want to call it, a game with a long history of obviously starting out as one of the potential things Sonic could have been.
He's been this own star character with big outstretched hands and all that and finally at the end of the Mega Drives life, 1995, he gets his own game and it's brilliant, one of the last big games that Sega released for the system, you get these big, grabby hands, you have different routes through your levels, it's super cute, obviously, and super fun, you know you can't beat this game and we'll also show you how expensive if you try and buy it today, it wasn't a A game that received a lot of love when it was released just because the Mega Drive was reaching the end of its life as a platformer, today it's one of those games that everyone wants and it's widely available.
Much in any collection of the best games you're likely to find, Streets of Rage for free is quite convenient at number 33. This is again the interesting one of the three original Streets of Range games, usually the one that doesn't tend to be so much love for several reasons, a lot of it has to do with the Western version being too hard, ridiculously hard compared to the Japanese version without gloves, which is definitely a version I would recommend you try to get if you're going to get it. Keep this game either way, you're going to spend a lot of money.
Some people don't particularly like the soundtrack. Music. A shoe and a motor. Hiro Cow Ashima's collaboration, which has many flaws, many of them have very confusing music. Some people love the soundtrack, others hate it. I personally love it and the action itself, the action beat'em, well, it's Streets of Rage, it's still tremendously high quality, there's a lot of technical stuff now. you can do the roles together, a kind of special movement meter that is actually quite useful. Your weapons now have health bars where you can't just get an n21 lead pipe for an entire level like maybe you could in the other two games, um.
It has many different things, it is certainly a challenge, there are multiplepaths through the story, it's very good, maybe not as memorable as the second game in the series, which we'll obviously get to later, but I'm one of those who loves Streets. from Rage free bare knuckle free I think they are covers more than worthy of being part of the 32m series, another game that I would say is quite underrated me3 wisely however it is pronounced wiser most wonderful of wise this is a list that many people would have called it the red-headed stepchild of the series because unlike most other games from the east, you know it's not a traditional top-down RPG, it's a side-scrolling action RPG and a lot of people maybe he didn't like that and some of the versions of this.
I played like the original version and I think on the PC engine, however it wasn't as good, a little choppy and unpleasant, this Megadrive version is probably the way to play it, it's kind of like, I guess, if we go back to Kadesh, It's obviously much more RPG and it's a kind of arcade game with RPG elements, but it has another similar vein and I love this game. I've always played it since I played it in the early 2000s. I think I probably played it on emulation. It's not a Sega Channel game, but I've always loved this one and Azov.
I mean, I've said this like a lot of games, but especially for this one, like with all of these games, almost all of the Falcon games in general. the music is top notch, some of the best music you will find on this entire list. I have always loved this game. I don't understand why many people don't like it. I mean, it sure has a more modern style. version of how you can play that is a little more traditional in Spain and both in vile Ghana, but I am very lucky with this original, anyway the dynamite header is at number 31, we will return to the treasure house, so this game was I guess it's a kind of continuation of the McDonald's Treasure adventure if you go back to this game which has many similar elements to this treasure.
I had two teams like the guys who would work on games like Gun Star Heroes Alien. soldier and all that, and then you had the guys that did McDonald's and blow up Headdy, you have to earn, as the name suggests, you have a lot of different heads that you can go for heads that you know can blow things up. you little heads that know, basically turn them into a giant moving hammer, all sorts of cool stuff like that, a game I've loved since the first time live, probably got it from the video of the palace on West Cliff back in the day in that 1994 any game that I adore, another game that I really adore as you would expect from all of these games at the top end a list number 30 is atomic runner, this would be my favorite game dating East ever made specifically in this conversion, the game The arcade game itself, Chelnov, was a bit controversial in its day for its plot and solid arcade. game, but this conversion seems to take everything about the original that was good and just improves several levels, it's a game, it's a game, that's what's in my wheelhouse, I mean, if you know my tastes, you know I like action simple and intense. and well, this is a game where you're basically always running, you're always shooting things, you're doing crazy somersaults and doing a lot of these stunts where you're chaining jumps together so you're kind of constantly jumping on fins.
The game is one of those things that has all sorts of things I love about gaming in some aspect, so Atomic Honor will always be high on this list. If you haven't played this game, it's not that expensive. Sure number 29, there was always going to be one of the NHL games here. I mean, I think when it came to sports games, specifically the ones that were going down. The EA NHO Megadrive games are pretty much at the top of the park. If I discard things like sensible football, which I always consider more Omega, the NHL games, they are more Megadrive, they are the best and of them, I am the one that I played the most, it was actually one of the last, NHL 97, this game.
It was really no different than NHL 96 that came before, literally only listings one day because this was right at the end of the mega units' life. I think this was the last one or there was an NHL 90, I think there was. It could have been an NHL 98 on Megadrive and this 97 is everything you love about League when it shows games where it's so fast you can smash everyone with brutal body checks, score fantastic goals with your unique timers, all those cores. there's a type of thing in there it's simple it's delicious it's a lovely little game you know all your big four nature games and this is no exception number 28 Granada won is my favorite game from a team of wolves we've had many of their games here we have had LV so we have had our Kassala C we have had the final zone Granada is the top banana top down arcade action you control this tank you move fast you have a quick shot you have a super shot you have You have stripes, you have to destroy several enemies, kind of like an end zone until you destroy them all and then your fights are simple boss fights in our faction, some cool set pieces in the second level, particularly from this game at the beginning, we're on top of this huge plane . and just shooting all sorts of things is always one of the most memorable single levels in any Mega Drive game for me and for that alone it would get a spot in Harbor.
The rest of the game is pretty good too, one of those games where it's very underrated and if you haven't played it, yes you have to be number 27, this is another winter game that won't surprise anyone who knows my tastes. Alien 3 is here. Anything Free isn't necessarily a game that you'd particularly think would have a good chance of being good, I mean, it's a pretty standard movie licensed game, but then you have this soundtrack of calm in the oven and you have this game that is really creepy in a lot of ways, it has very little relation to the actual movie as there are a lot of aliens in it, aliens, we only had one alien, that's the title, but it also has that atmosphere.
I think it's just the soundtrack, the general darkness, you have very challenging maze type stages and a stingy time limit on most levels is difficult and some people also prefer this nest and I must say it's not a bad game, but for me Alien 3 on Mega Drive will always be a little better, huge. sentimental favorite number 26 there is nothing more famous than sonic the hedgehog sonic hedgehog what can you say about sonic hedgehog? It needs no introduction again, this is one of those games in which it was the game that set up the Mega Drive, you already know, it was the one that did it, the one that established it as a console is Sonic and it was the first game that I played on my Mega Drive as it was the Many people's case was my packaging title I got my Mega Drive late 91 and this was the game and it was all the rage back then and rightly so, it still holds up today.
I guess I guess what I can say is that I'm one of the few who actually likes the special stage in Sonic 1, believe it or not, most people hate that these days. I really enjoy that special setting. Network. The wrestling game is Sonic. It's great. Next we have Mega Turrican. Personally, I think this has grown over the years to become me. in favor of mega turrican tile games and also known as free turrican if you play it on your friend or whatever. Tara can fly, she assumes more straight heads than the other Rook. The levels are a little more linear in this one.
This game's soundtrack and Chris Hall's spec soundtrack, particularly the early factory action levels, are my all-time favorite of all telecom songs, which is saying a lot because there are no soundtracks, graphics incredible, excellent, as expected, you know all the technical quality. Needless to say, the form factor 5 is excellent and the gameplay itself for me, this gameplay has a little more edge over Turrican 2 Audio Regional, maybe it's because I'm a little better at this game. I don't know and obviously you have all the other Phineas turricans that you know you can roll, you can use your power lines, you also have a grappling hook in this game, which is something different that he has and you know all your different throws. and whatever, it's the classic trailer connection, needless to say the standard number 24 is my favorite pull on Megadrive.
FireShark. Why is Fire Shark my favorite compared to perhaps other more impressive shooters like, say, Thunder Force or Elemental Master? A much more direct arcade II type game. I'm not sure how I can answer that there are a lot of these top-of-the-line shooters like Twin Hawk or Hellfire that are pretty generic. Truxton, I guess that's another one they'll write. of features the same things, you know you have your power, so you have your spray whip and you have your big death ray laser weapon, the new center has all those fins and it ends up being more than the sum of its parts.
I guess for me there's something about the high-octane music and the presentation or the cute little Easter eggs that they allow you to find, especially when you start the stage that you have, which crashes into all that plane trying to take off. Hey, let me go with you, Mr. Fires. dog and then it just crashes I don't know, it's just to me everything a classic old school shooter should be. I can't explain why it's better than something like Truxton. I just feel like it's me. I just feel like it's the best, it's my favorite, most people probably wouldn't catch fire, it has their best Mega Drive.
I mean, there are a lot of good shoot'em-ups on the Mega Drive, but for me this one is mine and I guess that's what happens with a list like this, that's the personality that comes with the flu, so yeah, I I love Fire Shock number 23. I think it's maybe a much more famous game, it's Aladdin. Aladdin is one of those games that really shouldn't be that good. I think, especially if you know the story behind this, you know that there was an Aladdin game that was basically scrapped and then a completely different team of people had to make this game in collaboration with Disney in a few months, from start to finish. final. finish practically from scratch, they had to make this game somehow, it becomes this excellent platformer with brilliant animation.
At the time you played this game, you thought it was almost exactly like the movie and the quality of the animation. There are a lot of great creative touches in the stages, you have a fun little soundtrack by Tommy Tallarico which, with the amount of time it took this game to make this, in no way should have been good, should have been terrible and yet , what ended up coming out was, I think, Liam is the best seller. The gameplay on Megadrive apart from the Sonic titles was very good and much better than the Capcom snis, just expect automatically this game is by far the most memorable title, it's magnificent, a classic Mega Drive game has to be on this list. in issue #22 we have Comic Zone Connects and for years and this gift, this was a lifestyle similar to a game that was released right at the end of Megatron's life, so when it was released in a game that he loved for years , people would say that this exists.
The brilliant Mega Drive game that is so underrated is called Comic Zone and people have been saying it so much since 1995 when it was released nowadays, you can't really call it androids, nothing most people would agree on While Comic Zone is one of the most original and one of the best games ever released on the system, the premise itself is not even one that has been emulated that much, as it has really become a comic star that really goes between frames and real action. In itself, it's a side game almost like an altered type of thing, but Liam's actual moves that you have to finish the fights that you have with enemies are much more exciting than that game and there are little puzzles that you have. to do along the way and there's a big narrative drive about it, it's hard as a boss, you only get one life per continue and if you die on the first level you just die, but it works, it really works, the presentation is something people will probably remember more than anything else, the game itself is also great, number 21, another side-scrolling classic, Alesia Dragoon, Alesia Dragoon, once again, which certainly in later years has become known as one of the mega drives with best music, excellent presentation game itself.
This you have a weapon that is loaded to the maximum, but the more you use it, the lower it goes, you have to wait for it to go back up. You have many family members who can help you. You have again like a lot of these games, a lot of cool action scenes again, it's one of those games like it's atomic corner, this is a game that's right in my wheelhouse, this is exactly the type of game which I love, you know, if you know me, you know. Alisa Dragoon will always be a game that ranks high on a list like this, so it's no surprise that it's here just outside the top 20, play thisgame if you haven't, it's still not that expensive for some reason number 20 gauntlet for gauntlet is still one of the best updates to a classic arcade game in which you will find one of the best labors of love packs again, a game with a great story behind it that practically created an entire studio, SF and m3.
It was sad that the flag bug went away, so they were, this was their first game and obviously they are known for so many brilliant retro game updates, this was their first obviously here you have the classic arcade game, it which is great. You also have other little things, you get cool, where the so called modes were called battle modes, you even have a great old quest mode that basically does everything it can in a proper RPG style action game, a proper dungeon crawler surely speech was won. The samples are terrible, the classic button, the voice samples, they're really not good quality here, but I can forgive that when it has the best music in the entire system, this is the way you present a classic arcade game, it's fantastic. obviously in the top 20 number 19 Zombies Ate My Neighbors a game published by Konami bitter developed by LucasArts one of their few games that was not a point and click game, obviously they are more familiar with point and click games, so maybe not Maybe I want something worse than a LucasArts action game, it would kill me like that.
This one ends up being very brilliant and you have to rescue several hostages before they are killed by the various zombies. Imagine they are walking around. You have all these crazy little wins. You have so many homogeneous homages to endless B movies. You have a 50-foot baby for a boss. Levels 1e. You have other references to movies like Friday the 13th, the LEM child's game. There's so much here to love that not only if you're like a B-movie sci-fi horror fan, but if you love gaming in general, you have a place in These Are Not My Neighbors.
I just wish in the UK you knew it was actually called Zombies Ate My Neighbors, which it is. a good title here was simply called zombies, which is not exactly that good a title, it's brilliant anyway or whatever it's called at number 18, we have pirates, cold pirates is obviously a very famous computer game, there are a lot of bugs computer that obviously rule playlists. On so many different systems, I personally played it a lot on the Mega Drive and it actually runs pretty well on the Mega Drive. I mean, I'm sure you know you don't have mouse control, but I find things like sword fighting and all that. that and it's much easier to do in this version than other versions and the pilot again says that if you've played it you know how ridiculously addictive it is, you take on the life of a pilot, you try to find buried treasure and get to everything type of waste. with different ships go in search of the silver train try to find your lost family marry a decent girl you act like a privateer force Amanda to flow full power so you can choose what you want to do and if we travel, you take something different It's going to happen, It's a game you can play for hours and I have, obviously it's on the list and I also love the updated version, but this more original version, yes I love it too, it's a great game no matter what you play at home .Reason number 17 I have been so excited about this game perhaps more times than I can remember.
I think it's one of the most unique and brilliant arcade-style games ever made. Some people you know really don't understand. you have to do that, maybe they try to catch all these people, it's at the end of the stage instead of just trying to kill everyone and using these strategies that are required to really get going, but once you figure out how do it. see, everything just clicks in this game and it's one of them, it has a great premise, you know you have them, so this computer simulation of war through the ages says you have soldiers from Vietnam facing off against men from the Stone Age caves or what Vikings and all that say like You go from the past to the sci-fi future when you defeat the computer and, far from just being a straight up top-down shooter, there's a lot of strategy involved, you can actually navigate through this game. as long as you know who is best for what, because everyone has a different function, some people are completely useless in one situation, but then in a completely different situation, they are indispensable and it is very easy for everything to work at full speed in one and the same time. then when. it's all going on, you're having so much fun, how can you actually try to fix this and get things back on track?
It is a game that is always on a knife edge. It's one of the best games of this type and I'll be happy for a return It's the game that I wish would get some kind of update because I'm not sure how many games have actually tried to do something that the game was based on since Gunstar Heroes issue 16, another one of those obvious game types this guy has. be here and that's not a big deal because it's incredible, its treasures are the best game. I mean, what can you say about that? The bosses are great lynsee graphics, music galore, choose stages, you know, you have the seven forces, you have the dice. level that everyone hates you have all these shiny little things that you have it's so much fun like you're playing it with a second player everything about this game is great I'm not necessarily a fan of all treasure games Just that you'll notice that alien soldier doesn't it's here because I don't particularly like that one, or I'll probably tell men that no one likes that one, but this is the game that all that treasure was trying to make as a studio. this is the game that part of its quintessential title is obviously brilliant number 15 beyond oasis again another game that had a completely absurd title here in the uk this game was called the story of four in the uk or Europe, which makes no sense. because there's nothing norse about it, you play as a guy called alley and it's very much middle eastern and i guess on the surface it's a great little action rpg very zelda style obviously, although the graphics are brilliantly cartoony, you also have a soundtrack by Yuzo Koshiro not necessarily like the best soundtrack all that fun to select all the sound effects that were recycled from the Streets of Rage series in this game there are tons of them.
I think most of the sound effects are things that are in Streets of Rage like well, great game, great little action RPG, one of the most fun of its kind, the best you can get, probably in the Megadrive urn, although I have to confess that I haven't played much of a sensi crusade, that's why it's not on the list beyond racing, although one of my favorites, a great Sega Channel game, speaking of excellent games Sega Channel, we have Arrow biz supersonic, this is a Curry game and it's basically unlike any other on the list, this is one of the Co E executive simulators in Arabic it's supersonic, you won an airline and you have to face these other airlines to try to be the number one airline in the world.
It doesn't exactly sound like the most exciting game, but there is something to this game, is it just a little? uniqueness of the premise now I can't think of many other airline management games out there or is it just because it ends I mean I remember playing this game on the Sega channel in 1997 and because you know when you get the Sega. channel and you get the games for them, obviously you're going to play them all and because otherwise it was a game that I probably would have never watched and would never have had an option not to play it, but then I played it and it was like this was really addictive and impulsive, like trying to establish the best routes and then coming up with them and bringing together all the regional centers and offices and definitely having that competition with the other airlines as well and wanting to be the best at all times. quarter there is a lot of fun here, it may not seem like the funniest title but I can assure you it is, don't trust me on this one.
Plato is supersonic if you haven't and see how it goes. number 13 toejam Anil as an Arab is supersonic, this is again quite indescribable, there is almost nothing like a toe jam until you have different gifts that you must get, you must click on the ship pieces to be able to return home from this crazy of various levels. planet called Earth apparently there are all these weird earthlings there are all these 90s and hip hop type things ii there are so many things about toe jimandelle that no one tried to do before the war since then and the game itself is amazing, it's one of those games that I think it's probably one of the best multiplayer games.
Certainly, I mean, it's pretty fun in single player, but you compared it to this and you have an amazing co-op experience. I mean that's something that always sticks in my mind, me and one of my friends, we play this game for hours whenever we love William's lovely game, indescribably amazing number 12, demons and ghosts, this is a game that I think I'm going to love it a lot more than I used to love in the past, no, no. I didn't always use to really enjoy ghouls and ghosts, but now it's always been one of those games where I always come to help mess things up because it's not necessarily the hardest game ever and I'm not that good at playing I mean, sure.
The game itself is hard, but you get infinite continues and you can pretty much start from where you were when you died, and that's it, but I don't know, there's something about demons and ghosts that for me makes it so much better than already ghosts and goblins or the Smiths super ghouls'n ghosts game and again, this is one of those games that deserves credit for being one of the great 16-bit games of the early Megadrive period, much like Castle Illusion Revenge of Shinobi, all that. It was another one of you who knows you can't do this in the tender moments because it's so much better.
I mean, people tried to do it in the eight bits. There is a terrible specter version for this game if you are interested in playing. that, but now ghouls and ghosts is that I have very good memories of it and it's not just the good memories, it's that when I play this, I seem to have more and more fun with it, but obviously I continue a lot because I'm not that good. in the game, but I will always continue playing whenever I make another huge couch classic from the Three Kingdoms. This is, of course, one of the series that Curry is best known for, obviously they're best known for Dynasty Warriors, which is about the same period of history, but this is, of course, the big game adaptation of strategy from the old classic book based on the period of Chinese history, you know, there are three kingdoms.
This was a game I played on the Sega channel back in the day, not exactly a game I would have thought to play if I didn't have the Sega channel and picked up those games, but then I play this game like that, wow I love it, you know? You have them, you obviously have the opportunity to cultivate your territories, but then, rookie, you have to expand and gradually try to take over all of China. You have everything you know, the famous names. You have cao cao lu bait in Jo. and all of that starts little by little, I mean, I tend to start with cao cao in the first part and that's how I like to play in general, but I mean, you can also change the story, if you want, you can create a new officer to play.
In the game you can have a completely fictional mode where things tend to happen, as they may well happen as they happened historically, there are a lot of differences and then when you actually get to the battle side, you have this great You know, offensive style of great strategy and it's the game that somehow manages to immerse me even though it's like a console or computer game and I can't imagine it being the easiest game to play like a lot of these historical curry simulations but for me it's easily the best of them and something in me hooked me when I first played it and it has never stopped talking to me since.
My favorite Curry game, so we're in the top 10 and our top 10 starts with Splatterhouse - Wiggly and This is a Little Crazy. I remember that house; I didn't really like magazines in the past and it always seemed like people preferred splatterhouse free when it came out in person. I think splat house 2 is a much better game than that. This is a classic horror-themed side-scrolling game. You know Jason Stoll must have all the glorious graphic nature of him. I mean, there's no blood per se, but you know you get a pipe and you smash these zombies into it. wall that you have, you know, the eyeballs come out of the belly and pop open, all these lovely places and the game itself is just incredible, in my opinion, it's just the right level of difficulty, I think for a game like this and It's all about him. works great and yet I think in the past this got scores like 61% in magazines.
I can't imagine why maybe it was just because there were so many games like this or more, so much side scrolling action.Games this one simply got lost in the pack today is stuck in its own memory. I think most people say you know this game is brilliant and it's one of my favorites it's always been number nine we have DJ Slopes everyone's favorite game. time Sonic 3 & Knuckles mainly because this is the absolute pinnacle of the Mega Drive and I'm sure they are together, especially when you know that you put the original Sonic 3 together with Sonic and Knuckles and you get this huge 16-bit platformer and there are so many.
Great moments in it, yeah, I mean, I can't leave it out at all, since there are obviously a lot of good reasons why it's number 9. It's not actually my favorite Sonic game that's coming out in a moment, but This is what I mean. I understand anyone who says this is the best Mega Drive game. Personally I don't agree. I think there are a few that almost beat me, but yeah, I mean, it's a classic, it's one of the best 16-bit platform games. Of all systems, it cannot be denied, it is a pity that there are things.
I would leave sand out of this area. I think the reason I maybe prefer Sonic 2 is maybe this game, certainly some other areas are maybe too big, you know? I've got things like carnival night, all the marble guards and all the sand optics like you think maybe these are overstaying their welcome a little bit but it's a wonderful ride there's no doubt in the number 8 we have flashback for me, this game has always been It has been the king of what they do. I guess these cinematic platformers start off, you know, not knowing anything in this strange jungle and trying to get your bearings and then you don't go on a journey that takes you from the moon to the earth to an alien ship there's a game show where you get a passport or you know you get your ticket to wherever take it back to Earth there's all these different aspects you know you have the most realistic movement and you have all these different puzzles that you can Do you have that famous jump at the beginning of level 2 ?
Let many people not know how to do it. I had to wait for one guy to see how the hell you do this jump. Oh, that's it. fine oh, it's a beautiful atmospheric adventure, I mean the best game of the genre, the same genre as Prince of Persia black otherworldly, all that is softened, it's the best. I love CID flashback number seven, a game that's so in my wheelhouse it's not even fun is Strider Strider it is again, it's another classic teenage Styx that became the first eight meg power cartridge, you know what or things that I already love, you know, I love fast action, you know, I love massive scenes and this. the game has a million of them, it has the big boo, Oh Boris boss it's gotten big, you run down the hill and then do it massively while everything explodes around you, you have to climb walls, it has that part where you turn upside down. has the part where you face the core of the Balog battleship. has the complete last level that combines all of these things into one stupidly difficult package.
It's one of the best games ever made, that's why it's here, I'm not sure I really need it. To say the least, this is the pinnacle of action games and I wish beyond wishing that the recent Strider update had taken cues from this game and not that glossy game they decided to take, now I just wish it was that new one. Strider was more like this game, it's great and it's certainly much better than Strider; Without a doubt, it is number 6, the pinnacle of Sega channel games. I would never have played this game without it because it was never released in the UK. shadow one, of course, there are two different shadow games in the past, there was one that was more typical of an adventure role-playing game, share that on Mega Drive he has freer mobility, you know, a lot of his time is spent to do various jobs and is actually a shadow on a visit to Mr.
What Johnson does is team up with other shadows, go into the matrix and do that kind of game within a game where you hack systems and download all the data as much as you can and you have a kind of cool little plot that gradually You know, you do those big ones against Renoir, who and all of those, and you gradually advance this plot. The plot itself is very good, aside from the lousy ending, but the main draw of this game is the open nature of the open world. On the other hand, that's what I loved about it and when it appeared on the Sega channel, I was addicted for that month.
This was pretty much the only game I played, so you've got money well spent, if anything, for me that month. I have left this game since for a long time, it was my favorite RPG on the system until I played what most people consider to be the best RPG on the system and a wonderful game, so many good memories so the top 5, naturally, is among the top 5. start with shinobi free. I remember the first time I played this game and I was at a job, we met dad and we used to go to people's houses, he also tried to sell windows everywhere so I was stuck with Liam.
I have a son. in the house he had, she knew everything, it's like, hey, let's play less and I remember being shocked because we took turns playing with him, obviously it's a single player game and I never thought, oh my gosh, this game is good and he is in Those games that after that I had to have, he is the pinnacle of side-scrolling action in the system and so many different types of cool things again his goal. Oh, stunts I like. He widened himself on horseback. He's got surfing. it has the soundtrack, but erm, but overall, even despite all those flashy stunts, nothing, just the call of the game is perfect, like everything was leading up to this, yes, the original, then you had to get revenge and you had to the shadow dancing, yes, all of those.
The free games were great, but then you put them all together and you end up with this awesome amazing game. I think about it again. I don't think it was a game that received much attention when it was first released. I think it is considered the best steak on steel. It's the best you're going to get in terms of action in the side-scrolling system, it's just for that kind of thing, so yeah, world number four of illusion. He's kind of the opposite of Sheen. I would be free again. This is a side scrolling game, but where is she?
She will not be free. It's just super intense on every level. This is just relaxing. It's just absolutely relaxing. The happiness of classic platforms as if it were a world of illusion. It's not even necessarily that much more impressive than Cast of Illusion, but there's something about its journey: it can be an easy game. I mean, it's an easy game. It's a game you can complete almost every time you try and probably. alone, I'll lose a couple of lives if he learns, but every little family has that for me, it's like one of the best examples, just the classic 16-bit, isn't it in the graphics, everything in each type, a little bit, it just has another bloom, very? light, there is so much imagination throughout the game that it just elevates things to a higher level than my already very strong imagination going into Castle of Illusion.
I wish this would get edgy too, although a modern update like that game did because for me. It's amazing, it's better and it was certainly necessary after the horror that was Fantasia, it's just as bad as that game, it's like, well, we need to make something that's really good and they put it in, they made an illusion world, which to me is just beautiful it's a game that's perfect, like 30 minutes, kind of a fun platform, you don't have to play it, you just have to play it if you haven't, it's so relaxed, so how the top three naturally we have three big ones weapons to finish and it doesn't get much bigger on lens number three sonic the hedgehog 2 sonic the hedgehog 2 just for me.
I mean, I think people probably generally prefer Sonic 3 and Knuckles these days and I understand that Sonic 2 to me is just the complete package. and it's not as welcome and in the same way that for me Sonic 3 & Knuckles in some parts does it again, it's like I guess I said it, just looking at World of Illusion now, it's perfect like 40 minutes or so of games that you like , I can't think of a problem I have with any of the areas in this game or anything that is graphed and at best you know the casino night oil ocean chemical plant which is my favorite sonic area since ever.
Fortress and all that is something else. I mean, it's one of those games that as soon as I get it I have to play it to the end, it's not like that, and for me it's the best Sonic game. It will always be the best type of game. I mean, I certainly don't see anything new taking that these days, so now at the top, there will only be two games left. I think you know which two those are. and our second game. I want to be a fantasy star because this is actually a game that I only played as completely recent.
It was only like a couple of games a couple of years ago that I actually played for the sinners because before that I would have. I always said my favorite Mega Drive RPG was in the shadows now that I played it, yes this is the best. I mean, for me, it's the best 16-bit RPG. I would always choose it, maybe it's because of my instinctive Mega Drive. bias but I would always choose this over the big sneza pgzo chrono and Final Fantasies shooters and if this for me is just the one and the story is great the effect and then quite personally it has something very personal to me also. like all fantasy star games, absolutely top notch, it's a lot of fun to work with the actual RPG mechanics, especially when you can put together all the combo moves, get all your macros, you have the vehicle sections, it's just fascinating . a title and I don't think there is a single RPG that I like more than this and obviously it's Final Fantasy 7.
Yes, for me it is the best 16-bit RPG, although there are not that many RPGs on Megadrive, especially compared. to the snis but the ones that are there the best are as good as any other if they ain't banned for me no fans you start is the best so that leaves number one and I think everyone knows it's obviously Shaq foo, no, just kidding, of course it's Streets of Rage 2. Now when I made the top 100 games of all time list, I ended up ranking it as a fantasy star ahead of Streets of Rage 2, but it's a case in which these two games are so close together that on any given day, one of these could make it last time I was in fantasy, I saw it this time Streets of Rage: what can I say?
This is the perfect beat'em up. It is impeccable. The soundtrack in each level. How it all comes together. One thing just comes together as a different scene, a completely different chapter, there is never any part of this game that is boring, like when you get to the moment when you get on the other one and the expander activates or you get that beautiful level that is in the theme park, you go from the pirate ship to the ghost house, you all like the different types of enemies and in my mind how iconic they are and all the different moves you can do, like Streets of Rage 1 was such a game. well, but When Streets of Rage 2 came out, to be honest, Streets of Rage 2 kind of destroyed Streets of Rage 1, it must be said that everything related to this game has a dear place in my heart, you know, the brilliant soundtrack which for me is the best thing ever released on the Mega Drive, so the beautiful graphics and all the little details that you have in each stage, for me this game basically represents everything that made the Mega Drive Well, even if I had to put in a lot, if not. when I put a lot of, you know, all-time multi-platform, this form of joint fantasy style might surpass it as far as, but you're putting together a Mega Drive specific list for me, there's really no doubt that Streets of Rage 2 is at the top because for me, even ahead of all the Sonic games, Streets of Rage 2 is the definitive title for the Mega Drive, it's like I have to choose a title that I had on the Desert Island.
Clichéd desert island setting. I have a Mega Drive and a game, there is no doubt that Streets of Rage 2 has to be it and for that reason it is number one, so I hope you enjoyed this list of the 100 best Mega Drive games. If there are games you haven't played on this list, I wholeheartedly recommend you do so. It's certainly been a lot of fun for me to revisit a lot of these games, some of them for the first time, I mean in quite a while, some of them. They are games that I still play regularly because I will always level to make a drive and I will always continue to play the system because it is my favor and not only for the non-static reason of being like the system of those great formations. years when I was a kid simply because there's something about the sleek black box that just hits you right there and the games just have their own thing, they stand on their own maybe more than the games on any other console, so yeah that goes to do it. for this one, maybe I'll have more platform-specific top 100s in the future, maybe onefor the spectrum, maybe one that is more modern and focuses on my Steam library, PlayStation, and possibly there are a lot of Finns on the horizon in this. one, so I hope you like this one and I hope to see you again for something else.
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