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Jun 08, 2021
Alright, I'm in Lindsay's car today because the less said about it, the better a good old-fashioned episode of The Beard Chronicles, we're kind of on the road, it feels like it's nighttime, it must have been It's been like two months since I lost the car and that's probably why my battery is dead now, but we're going to pick up one of these things like


piggy banks that everyone loved and this one is the same thing. Old story, people who do it are like a food


, but they say no one can finish it alone, so we'll go pick it up, bring it home and try it.
another viral munch box challenge c o b ep 157
It's pretty much fine, this is the place. Borrowed pizza is supposed to do curbside delivery apparently always sounds really crappy to me although curbside delivery does this was if you can get the box right it's time for the big reveal it's not pre big it's the first time I put our eight. -One year relationship anyway, this thing is from a place called Pete's up lund, yeah, I was trying to get to Pizza Planet and almost ended up in the completely wrong place. This thing costs £22, which is probably good value for money. I'm actually not sure. I'm going to be able to finish practice, but yeah, you get Donna kebab, looks like garlic bread to me, and pizzas, a pretty small pizza, but pizza, anyway, fries, cheese fries, and a bunch of other fried things.
another viral munch box challenge c o b ep 157

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another viral munch box challenge c o b ep 157...

One of my subscribers very kindly tagged me in this. Forgot the name. I'll put the screenshot up because I gave


little thanks for it, let me know about this, but yeah, it wasn't easy, this is the slice of pizza I want Pete's Around Muj Box


that apparently no one has finished. So I know it's a surprising turn of events, but if they haven't finished it in the next 30 minutes, someone will probably finish it. I'm quite surprised by how big it is. Today we'll see. I don't know about the calories. It's a takeaway. I could probably try to estimate if I can do it.
another viral munch box challenge c o b ep 157
I'll throw up on the screen now, happiness, let's talk to start with the company. I mean, yeah, look you can strangle someone with that mark on me. This was like a yes, a weird food-themed version of Cluedo, it was beard in the greenhouse with Polli cooking meat in each mouth, because this looks like it took about 12 hours a bottle life, three minutes, right, let's try it the wings, they seem to be cooked, which of course is a bonus bonus stop involuntary stop I giggled today, that was a terrible joke anyway yeah, today we're going to tackle this,


one of these


mooch box challenges , they are very popular in England, they are all over Facebook, this is from a place called Pizza Land in Moore End, which is probably about 25 minutes from where I live, so we made the trip to pick this up contactless of course, and yes, it's 20 to leave it and you get a lot of fried things. including kebab meat, which I think I'm getting close to.
another viral munch box challenge c o b ep 157
I ate a lot afterwards, it was a little spicy, of course, let's move on to the pomo, the pomo should give me real pleasure because I think it's pretty. hard to get a perm Oh perfect this doesn't taste quite perfect yes I'm afraid the wisdom of appearance was very wrong this is one of the worst parts of the box in case you're wondering that hair oil Palma is kind of like ours, it's a breaded chicken cutlet and they're bringing back breadcrumbs, open fryer in béchamel sauce, this is probably not the best Parma I've ever had, although it's a fairly well-known fact outside of Middlesbrough, Germany, In the Northeast, no one knows how to prepare it. caramel apparently, that might explain it, can you really crumble like that, but can't you have to make allowances for any takeaway shop to make knobs out of one side of the tea?
It's a well-known fact, you can't get a decent pair anymore. south of Darlington, okay, we'll do the next thing, we'll do it this summer. It's a 12-inch pizza, you can choose your toppings. I went with a pepperoni. In the end, the pizza I enjoyed, I think is not small. partly due to the fact that apparently this one is 12 inches on a side now I feel much better about myself, good pizza, but it reminds me a lot of those little ones your mom would buy if you didn't like it, you know? birthday party as a kid, it weighs quite a bit of bread, no so it would be on top, yes, they really need a fixed ratio, but I got a piece of that.
I enjoyed the pizza, my next step, I better make the garlic bread for the lady. Bigger back, she's uh, I don't know where she actually is, yeah, I wouldn't worry too much if there's something that's going to bring her back, she kisses the air, it's the stench of garlic bread, yeah, I think garlic bread Garlic, the fumes from the garlic bread could bring some money from your dead after the suit the garlic pretty good why not say it a third time? I have kind of a habit of repeating myself you probably know it's someone I know, we're getting old I'm sure, but um, yeah, garlic bread.
It was solid. At first I thought it was cheesy garlic bread, but it was, turns out it was just greasy, it's crunchy, maybe a little too crunchy, a treat, I'm enjoying the garlic bread ma'am. the beer should be on me tonight the cows would be fine, yes, I wasn't so lucky, yes, apparently garlic is not an aphrodisiac, who knew later said that the fries don't look particularly appetizing, fortunately, you can take two sauces of your choice for some reason with The Garlic Mayor really knows why, yeah, I think the depth choice may have been a little off, you know, tactically speaking, I think something a little sweeter probably would have helped , especially at this point because the fries are a bit exhausting. the cheese is half melted so probably not the best cheese i have ever tasted but £422 you can't really complain, you get all our chips with this one.
I think, anyway, I think you've already met at the top. We're almost done with the fries, now and then it's time for the chicken. I think thank God they're, oh, okay. Hopefully I know what I'm getting for the onion rings, but I think these things are some kind of nugget. some kind of nugget snack, these are not Nuggets, first thing they are, they are popcorn chicken, of course, not the official KFC version, but something like chicken, small balls of what I hope are chicken , the ones closest to the camera were Nuggets, the larger of the two at least Amit's finish will start to get hard in your rooms you would never betray me will you despair talking to inanimate foods?
I think it's because the chicken just made me break out here. Some parts of this meal were good, the kebapi was decent, the piece was okay, the garlic bread was good, but that chicken was really bad, it made me very nauseous, so I'm finally hard, now it's okay. being tough in practice that counts as a win because salad is optional apparently, but he's not the kind of guy to let a perfectly good salad hopefully go on the list after the not-in-the-home text , it's not nice. I'm going to have to deal with my hands, yeah. This is pretty you might want to look away This isn't pretty No one wants to see solid money with their own hands Anyway I hope you enjoyed the video You figured it out and I'll see you next It wasn't 5 p.m. solid, you know, canvas has been nursing all day, probably whatever, this is baby food, it was a peach lounge lunchbox challenge, self, I never eat salad with the aunts.
I started well, it didn't end so well, but 22 pounds, that's a lot. of food anyway thanks for watching I'll catch you next

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