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ALONENESS TO ONENESS - Best Life Changing Spiritual Documentary Film on Non-duality

May 05, 2024
During my travels in India I met a man in an ashram. He was between 45 and 50 years old. A little older than everyone else, he tells me a story that he had retired and that he was riding a motorcycle with his wife at the time behind them in a truck. he ran towards them and killed his wife and was seriously injured he almost died they told him he wouldn't necessarily walk again in a coma for a while when he got out of there and found out what had happened he was naturally devastated, heartbroken and physically broken and he knew that His path to rehabilitation, physically and psychologically, was going to be difficult.
aloneness to oneness   best life changing spiritual documentary film on non duality
He had a friend who was a yoga teacher and she said, "Let's help you get started on the road to recovery," so she came over and helped him do yoga. able to walk again after he was able to walk and regained his ability to move, he decided to go to India and explore some more yoga and while he was there he started learning about meditation, Hinduism and Buddhism, so he told me you know. He would never have thought of going down this path. He probably would have laughed at anyone who goes to India to find himself.
aloneness to oneness   best life changing spiritual documentary film on non duality

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aloneness to oneness best life changing spiritual documentary film on non duality...

Know? I said: Did you get what you expected? And he said: Even though I lost my wife, I have never been happier because he put me on this path. I remember joking with my friend in high school about can you think about not thinking? We realized that the mind never stops thinking and we noticed that you can't really think about not thinking and that was a It's a question that plagued me for a long time: there is a greater wisdom that arises when we are not clouded in our thoughts, when We are not lost in our thoughts, when we address exactly what is happening and not a mentally constructed simulation of what is really happening.
aloneness to oneness   best life changing spiritual documentary film on non duality
We always see movies that have a beginning and an end, but in any movie you see, something happened before it started, we just don't see it, so we fall into the illusion that things have this beginning and end. For a long time, physics believed that there was a beginning to the universe and only now are they beginning to say that there may have been something before we became attached to certain people and forms and things and situations. The truth is nothing less than the truth is. that things will always change when I was an Advertiser in New York.
aloneness to oneness   best life changing spiritual documentary film on non duality
I had a unique perspective on how marketing and advertising work, how they create demand and how they influence people to want products they normally would never have wanted, and I was responsible for a lot of that money. More money, more clothes, more luxury. items, more cars, vacations, a nicer house, nicer furniture, we all know this feeling that you want something, you get it, you feel this rush of dopamine and then very soon after crashing you want something else, Native Americans have one of the most beautiful concepts in the world. In the world they have 10,000 different languages ​​and all these tribes and none of them have a word for property or possession.
They don't understand the concept of how something can belong to a person. It is actually a man-made law that you cannot really possess. What you really realize is that a lot of what people obsess over and drive crazy about is simply not important, not necessary, yes, I suffer because I crave things I don't have and have aversions to things I don't have. you want when you can just step back and see the big picture and know that good things will come, good things will go, bad things will come, bad things will go, then your happiness does not depend on any type of external situation, that is the key to lasting happiness.
Many people in our modern materialistic world think that success equals happiness and that if they get this job or this raise or this bonus they will be happy, but personal experience and scientific studies have shown that once basic needs are met of people, more money more success bigger titles don't make us happy we hardly see the blessings we have and we focus only on what someone else has we don't have a book that I read a Buddhist llama called becoming your own therapist and that en For me, what I discovered that


ity really is when you realize that


is an illusion, that everything is one, that everything has meaning because we project meaning into it, that you can wake up from this roller coaster of


, Get off and just appreciate the wonder. in the rollercoaster engineering or the complexities of life, instead of feeling so attached to it and consumed by it, we all have


moments throughout our lives, that first moment when you see a sunset or a flower, maybe a piece of art and just say wow and in that really true wonder and awe, you know, that childlike wonder that school usually beats out of us, that's the moment when we're all completely present, completely alert, completely grateful and there is a real connection between the experience and the experiencer god and the universe are really interchangeable words the universe loves us god loves us have faith in the universe have faith in god it's all the same I mean, if god is in everyone parts then god is the universe and you don't have to make him believe in god believe in the universe I am god but so are you all so treat everyone like gods, including yourself and remember that although you are god you are not better than anyone a wise man once said that the universe created itself experienced through us names are useful because they help you know who someone is talking to, but they can also be deceptive because the truth is that we are all the same, we are all one, who you are, who you think you are.
The personality that you have built and that other people have told you is your name your class religion whether it is a sexuality or a gender or nationality this physical body is your home you are the inhabitant and the you I am talking about is the life energy of the strength, the conscious awareness that there is no physical part of the brain or body that science has discovered is responsible for consciousness and when we focus on these labels and identify with our temporal experience, we confuse our deepest sense of self ourselves with some temporal experience and We see people as labels rather than infinite beings with potential and this allows for mutual dehumanization.
If you looked at human skin under an electron microscope you wouldn't be able to tell where the human being begins and ends. There is no fine. barrier between the person and the universe there is simply a flow from one to the other and the only reason we perceive the separation is due to the limitations of our senses. Humans can only see 0.0001 percent of the light spectrum and can only hear dots. zero zero zero one percent of the spectrum of sound if we could see the infrared and if we could see the ultraviolet and the x-rays and the energy and hear the entire spectrum of sounds the universe would look very different there would be no empty space so it would be full we would just see this sea of ​​energy and there would only be unity there is no separation there is no separation there is a deep interconnection there is only unity there is a difference between loneliness and solitude loneliness is when being alone causes suffering but loneliness is ultimately recognizing others as yourself when you realize that you are one with everything all suffering exists in the mind no matter what happens to you no matter how terrible it may be peace you are not your trauma you are not your circumstances you are that eternal and un


light of consciousness Your true nature cannot be hurt, your body can be hurt, your property can be lost, but nothing can touch the true you.
Spatial silence and our pure consciousness are similar in that nothing can alter those states. You can never freeze space, burn it, or alter space in any way. It is eternal and unchangeable, this is the nature of our true self, we realize that it is not your life, you cannot possess something, you are, you are life, all knowledge and wisdom is in each and every one of us, it you do not have. read any book or belong to any religion, this is a universal way of life and available to everyone, never forget that every moment is a miracle, you know, that is the goal of spirituality, never forget that death is the beginning of life. last great adventure. and the exploration of humanity is that every person can go explore this that no living person knows about death and in itself it is a beautiful process, it is like being born, death is the great equalizer, no matter how rich or poor let's all be in that same direction everyone lives through life living we are all the same life force energy and that will continue forever life will continue to experience the universe as the universe intended we have all been all and we all will be For all, it is about enjoying the good times while they are here and knowing they won't last and when the bad times come, we know they won't last either.
Imagine a movie where the camera shakes all the time. worst movie you've ever seen, you could barely concentrate on what was happening and you'd probably be gone in five minutes. Stillness is everything, an opportunity to observe our chaotic mind and allow it to calm down no matter what is happening.

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