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Alien Siege | Full Sci-Fi Action Adventure Movie

May 30, 2021
this is at my house nearby uh Luke showed us the way now if it's still operational we'd like to use it yeah okay whatever you need okay come on we gotta stay off the road we can get through the forest you pass by at the Fairview gas station, okay let's see if we can feel some painkillers, okay guys get off. Low, yeah, it's how much ammo you don't have anything enough for this Smith Smith, what are you doing Smith? Come back, bring that Smith, we're clear, come on, that must be the weak point. I tried to stab one in the bar and that was the only place I could penetrate I'm fine colonel we have to get her home and take care of that copy of the leg you have the meds you need we have to get out of the way guys what to expose oh this goes It's going to hurt but we have to do it Do this right Luke Luke, can you show me?
alien siege full sci fi action adventure movie
Your mess web is okay, just breathe, relax, be strong, okay, go up and get the rest of the ammo, okay, breathe for me, okay, breathe, relax, breathe, it will run for almost a week on this, okay, how big is your network? We have 10 points in it. Now it's almost to the point, but people keep stealing our settings there, so we keep it closed. Can you connect it to your laptop? Yes, do you have one? Yes, let me know when it's ready. Stay strong when I come up, breathe for me, it's okay, breathe, it's okay, hey Rachel, how are you feeling?
alien siege full sci fi action adventure movie

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alien siege full sci fi action adventure movie...

This will be quick, so Patrick, you know I don't drink, it's for me, that looks good, your mom will be fine, how's everything on your end? um, network connections are up. unstable, but we're fine, let's set this up. The original Internet was military. You know we gave it away but we kept something. We maintain an alternative Internet through high band radio frequency. Thanks to your mesh network, we are accessing it. Right now, Mr. President, we need to find an extr


point. I will take advantage of two-way radio communications, this is eagle one, I repeat, this is eagle one, please respond, Mr.
alien siege full sci fi action adventure movie
President, could you keep an eye on that patrick? Let's go see how his wife is. room, this is the eagle, can I take a look at it? Yeah, it's okay, if it starts bleeding again let me know, but it looks fine. It's painful, but we're lucky it didn't hit an artery. Thanks mom is a tough cookie. Luke. I see where I am. you have your courage you should get something to eat from the kitchen I know you're hungry thank you we made a big distribution for the 4th of July it would be a shame if it was wasted you make technology for the military my team decoded the language help from a classified source we were just getting started to understand the software when they appeared it is a linear binary code who is the classified source is classified let's check the artillery son you will get a medal for what you have done today yes I will do it the device is connecting to a mesh network it looks like a system duplicate operating, like they made a copy off the device, but it's connecting to Pascal, don't do it, don't use high school, try something imperative, no one uses Haskell, it's too risky.
alien siege full sci fi action adventure movie
They're surface-to-air missiles, they're close, we can't stay here, wait, wait, slow down, it looks like some kind of initiation code, it's a trigger, don't touch it, it's not a trigger, it's something else, see? which is an alphanumeric code we can disable this let's do it together thanks when your team copied the operating system they left the link open it was still connected and it let us back in and you thought it would be a good idea to touch any What if that accidentally activates it? We don't activate anything. It is a manual trigger that we do not touch.
You were about to be in a River world. I have no idea. Oh, okay, everyone come out, come out, come on, come on. come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, there's more to come, more ammo, this won't stop, okay, come on, come on, oh wow, uh, unique fireworks, keep your device safe, keep that one family safe too please so Luke it's under the bed guys there's more. Come on, don't you use one of those things here? I don't know how to use this. Keep it like this. This is security.
Are you ready to shoot? Aim by aligning the sights. Did I teach you this? Yes, thanks. Ready then, oh huh. but we can fix this, stop it if we don't stop it then who will stop it? We do not have much time. You need to tell me what you did. It is linear coding. It's an opening sequence. Tell us what it does and us. I'll tell you we don't have time for this. You two made the situation exponentially worse. You need to tell me what you did now. Colonel ma'am. You and the president haven't been honest with us since we met.
You hid this from us. we the American people need to know what this is and what we are dealing with and then we can help otherwise you can go on your own we don't have much time from what we have gathered it is an antimatter generator antimatter and matter is destroyed each other and becomes pure energy. It is many times more powerful than even a hydrogen bomb. So what is this? It's a countdown. I'll delete it for now, but there's no guarantee when I'll be back. Luke, bring me. The relay's backup fireworks reacted on his armor.
I think it's potassium nitrate. Potassium nitrate is an oxidant in basic gunpowder. It is highly reactive. Are you in a safe place? We are tied here. I will have to contact you with an eta for extr


waiting on Captain B of the eyes. your armor reacts to potassium nitrate potassium nitrate you copy what is that colonel sir I regret to report that the device is now armed can I fix this wait look you did this we did it together I leave you alone for a minute what do you do? means armed it's a countdown a countdown to what it's a bomb how much time we have less than an hour an hour less than an hour you have to stop this calm down we're working on it right now your son and his friend here You'll have to come with us , where are you going to see the asset?
Patrick is your truck is outside, yeah, we're going to need it, uh, okay, Smith, is it safe? It was clear, don't make any sudden movements, because I don't want to. to scare whoever calls him. Okay, guys, stay back. Is this rudimentary? But we are afraid to translate it to his armor. This is the president of the United States. If you don't already know, his kind are here. Now they're coming for the device you gave us We need your help We need your help to stop them They can't even hear us I got your attention Now remember this This is what you gave us We need your help to turn it against them It can only be used once We know that if it we use it would destroy everything by activating it now you risk destroying your blood I want to activate it we know that's why we brought it to you we want to turn it off no, it can't be done you are the expert on this there must be some way to turn it off you shouldn't have taken the device away from me I brought it here to destroy it wow that's why we took it from you you brought a weapon to our planet what are you doing? wait for us to do it your people turned on the device that's what sent the beacon that's what brought you here maybe you should have given us some kind of warning.
I warned you, Mr. President, I contacted your scientists, I contacted your Colonel Smith, I told you. You everything I know about the device and what it was designed for I warned you that we must all work together to dismantle it and above all that it should never be turned on, sorry, we did not mean to activate it, it was connecting. to our network by itself we didn't mean to start it we were just trying to kill it it can be disabled it can't once the countdown has started there is no way to stop it are you sure this is correct I designed the timer that links to the trigger It is a complicated device each of us designed a small section of its development it was designed in such a way in small sections that no individual could create the entire device or disable it there must be something you need to know to help us in some way maybe you will realize that it's important i need your help it's too late it can't be stopped better your planet being destroyed than giving it to them now help us stop this better your planet being destroyed than giving it to them give them 20 degrees colonel smith i'm sorry so we can't stop what you are Saying we have to get out of here we can't go back to the house now you know where it is I have an idea it doesn't matter where we are when this thing explodes it will wipe out everyone the only way to stop them is to use it against them can't you tie it to a missile or something, shoot the mothership?
That's it, it didn't work, man, we won't give up, please, can we focus on figuring out how to disable the device? We don't have to disable it, we can use it again. We tried, no, Mr. President, please listen. Rachel and I saw a way to get to their mothership right when we first found them, there we saw them using some kind of vice that transported them back and forth to their ship. I removed a part to disable it, I thought it might slow down. invasion maybe we can pass it on to you again. Do you remember how they worked on it?
Yes sir. I saw how they did it. I saw that their interface had a lot of symbols. Maybe together we can make it work. Yes, but isn't it dangerous? The bombs will explode so close to the earth, what other option do we have? One person takes on the White House to make a difference. You wait for that decisive moment when the world is on the brink and you will make the right decision. No. The president can imagine this problem. No president could want this problem, but here it is and I'm not the one who will save the world.
We are all. It depends on us. Perhaps the last and best hope that humanity has. No one can do it for us. The world is proud, let's kill these fools without fireworks. We will be in serious trouble if we run into them. We need to get more. I still have these. I know bottle rockets are a little boring, but better than nothing, thanks. We'll be safer here than out in the open like we go back to the boss. I'm going with you no, no, you have the weapons here. I want you to stay here and look back.
I want us to be together. Listen, it doesn't make sense. as we separate now I am the commander in chief and I am giving you an executive order, we will all remain together and that is so, well, if that is an order, it is a direct order, soldier, go to the front with the device, oh humanity, stop all humanity, so how does this work? Just turn it on and go. I wish it were that easy. One of us has to be there to make sure it doesn't get disabled. The only part of this device that we really understand is the trigger I have it we can't stop the countdown but we can activate the device I have it right it's the only way we don't have much time it runs out this way we have to hurry how much time we have minutes teleporters back here Great, what are we waiting for when I disabled it?
I didn't actually take the part with me, but we can find it, it's just that it's somewhere in these woods and I threw it there. We're running out of time. Ok, let's go. We had to do it. use this okay, okay, I got it, government, Mr. President, okay, I took it from right here, okay, all clear, ready, yeah, so just grab it from the top and then push down, that's it, I think so, Smith, I want to thank you for your service to our country. remember something is happening, it's no use, the shot had no effect, so maybe it's not right, well, I'm going to show you how to do it, we only have one chance, I'll go, it's my responsibility, no, Mr.
President. Someone has to restart this country when this is all over it has to be me show me how to do it no there has to be another way let me do this you won't go there mom I need to fix this I won't let you go I can bring you back this isn't happening we're leaving Running out of time, I'll go and go with you Luke, show me how to activate it, we'll be back, okay, Luke, how are we? doing I'm almost ready don't mess with humanity I think they did uh now these are some fireworks happy fourth of july mister president you

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