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The Last Scout (Feature Film)

Jun 06, 2021
In the year 2065 the war destroyed our world in our desperation we searched the stars for a new home and just when we thought we had found one we realized that we were not alone we have the most important mission we must not fail we are the


and why I hear you ask? The survival of life is integrated into the very genome of every living being to resist and evolve at any cost. Many beautiful and wonderful creatures that live in harmony with their environment. It includes, of course, the human race, the so-called masters of their destiny. the dominant species that throughout millions of years of evolution remodeled their environment to satisfy all their needs until seven years ago, the year 2065, because unfortunately that was the year our beautiful planet was destroyed in a nuclear war that


ed only 67 minutes and the bombs fell.
the last scout feature film
As soon as no one had time to say goodbye, the world's population barely survived the post-apocalyptic world and fled in explorer ships to all known corners of the galaxy looking for a new planet to call home. I'm on one of those. I know, the


ships could be the last when we receive the signal from the Pegasus. We changed our course and headed to what would become my new home. The sacrifice of Pegasus meant that humanity could begin anew. The future. We are not the last Michael. you belittle the sanity of some of the crew on board were you making slanderous insinuations about the stability of my ship your ship you man the ship honey is mine Oh boy, anyone can point this direction Craner and press the Marco button, but it takes a genius and Let's not forget Mike, I'm a genius at keeping a movie and B from falling apart, okay, that makes it a mine, he's already interrupting you ladies, but this box, as you so elegantly call it, P is mine, captain, there is no ship, is there?
the last scout feature film

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the last scout feature film...

John, ship, get girls. Now, how much longer does this work take? I'm just installing the new valve. Copy that quick, for example, and gentlemen, an engine started in less than an hour. There's a dust cloud headed this way and it'll require more than just repair if it hits us, understood. Sir, I'm double quick, just make sure you don't keep listening, okay, yeah, where were we? This ship is mine because I'm the one who keeps it falling apart every time someone named Mike takes us too close to a star or throws us into an asteroid belt or into a black hole or whatever it is you like riders to do when you're manipulating those controls. oh well, she may not be falling apart, but I sure can when I hear fix her right now, well, delegate the chair. of my job, you see, there is no point in risking going out, move a plasma when I can talk to you about it Mike, this is Java 17 or I could do it.
the last scout feature film
Oh, now we're just on my order, the suits are too big, on top of that. I was only supposed to send expendable crew members out of you, expendability man, without me, we don't fly. I win because I think the captain and the compiler took the mix to accumulate turns, that's right, hey, nobody flies like me. I'm doing an art form anyway mr. Important, I'm ready to put this new valve in, stick the back in so I can kick your ass for me, okay, you need to see that the corners are all lined up, make sure the slots match up that way, you'll know not to.
the last scout feature film
I have it backwards. Do you have the manual in front of you? I thought you were a genius. Thibodeaux retightens the screws and reseals the panel. Everything is fine now. I can perform a pressure test on it. Oh wait. I will clean this section before doing any pressure testing. Don't worry, relax, nothing will blow you away and push you into the depths of space, as long as you've done a proper job. Warning, pressure must be released in the helium tank. Mike, I just dropped one of the screws. I can go after him. Use one of those bears.
Did you get me any of these. They remain after seven years. He finds the nose. Alright. I'm sorry again. Hey, what's for dinner tonight. Mike? It's your favorite, oh yes, potato salad and steak with a side dish. up in your rings, it's my lucky night event Edwards doing his best we're all grateful for last night's banquet you see, they sealed you back to the airlock Mike to the bridge, go ahead Jane, I'm done doing the Pete's job for him upon returning. copy, so the horse is already in place Mike is now back on board and the airlock is sealed turning it on good job guys where is the Pegasus flies through space the submarine flies through the water the ocean the ocean there many things in the ocean?
I told them? I didn't call the coral reef a big, beautiful underwater god, millions of different colors, they all stretch for miles and miles, he's almost the same, yeah, when I'm going to beat the kind of feeling that he'll like me to show you jaws, we could keep it a secret. but just because you're my favorite submission, I got it, it'll be Uschi Haley, now it's time for Lila's school lesson, she's currently with Pete in engineering, let me know if you want me to remind her that I found her last lesson in human history particularly interesting the Frustrating unit 4 is a little slow, it's kicking two seconds after everyone else.
I'll run a signal to check how your walk was outside, nice weather, oh yeah the breeze was nice, just another average day at work, huh, every day is average. day no today it's not oh yeah why is it that today is someone's special day what do you mean how do you remember it's my dad's or it would be my dad's tomorrow I let it slip last year just a little stuck don't worry I'm I reminded anyone, God forbid, we should celebrate something. Yes, passing away is not something he particularly wants to celebrate. No problem, oh man, I'll just take the prison back.
What is it? Half the fun is in the surprise. Okay, better not, something is going to come out of me. bite me in the face here's the surprise they made a cake you made a cake I actually asked Hayley to make it I didn't want to waste the ingredients after the first dozen times it's part of a cooking class for Lila so actually this is a gift from Lyle and Hayley hey, I did the job without me my cake wouldn't even exist I probably don't know anything about the planet's wedding Wow, I always told you now, don't you have to study a little for Hayley to say well just because you?
You are my favorite member of the team. I guess I can lie to everyone else that doesn't include me, sir. Berg, of course, our engineer never lies to his captain, sometimes he can exaggerate just so you can appreciate the miracles he does down here, good things, now you can fix the oxygen generation units on C deck, the other units are working overtime to compensate and if they start. Getting burned and the small problem of breathing becomes a major problem, especially when you waste oxygen using welding equipment. They won't burn an eye to replace the yarn unit with the one from the escape capsule to roll, okay, there you can.
Don't use the escape pod unit first, it's not big enough to replace the unit that serves an entire deck and second, it's the escape pod if any of us ever need it when one survived one the few minutes, although you kept an eye on him. a sight that's not even fun enough gentlemen Pete, I know you have a lot to do right now, but Edwards, that's right, you need to put the generator back in the corresponding capsule and I need the one on level c to be fixed in the next 24 hours. otherwise you can enter the capsule and release some oxygen for the rest of us, yes, anything else, I'm sure we'll all be very hungry soon, it's your night to prepare dinner, it's not so good, well, the plasma rule did more than ruin the valve, thank you really, your generosity knows no bounds, yes, can I have that box back because I may need it again, make sure it's mine, you gave it to me, thank you, there is crimson that I want, okay, I guess okay, oh, you have a little bit of yourself You're hinting to me what a move is that's totally oh come on, you think I don't know a move seven years on a boat and I don't want to move it come on, okay, Look, it's my birthday diagnosis that is already negative. being the first team to communicate that's a long way from where the hell it is it's from me Utah how do they say it's encrypted besides just how long so when they stayed on the course of their flight plan that message was sent to my ship with that guy of communication range and a call taking so long to arrive has to be because I'm trying to balance maintaining the systems.
They had enough reserve. I'll do it with a little extra efficiency. I know I basically kept the engine running twice as long. like I should, I'm burning out, man, look, my life is not tomorrow as a consequence, tweet, tweet, but we don't have much or time, Johnny, we can get it, just call me, are you sure Pegasus confirms my findings. The findings confirmed Pete. There is currently not enough antimatter to return to Earth. Solar system. Hope is what keeps this ship hopeful faster than the Spruce. Captain. We have received a transmission from Utah. It is encrypted.
The captain sighs. It's just something Turner always does. I need you to keep this in the middle. us - okay, attention all crew Edward is happy to announce that dinner is ready if everyone would like to go to the dining room. I hope you enjoy your dinner. I've always woe, you handled the humidity bad, honey. End of message, sir, no. everyone's had to share, yeah, just a little more chat, keep going, Mike, come on, yeah, we're cooking at home anyway, probably do an experiment, let it go, let me have my scientific research photography subjects to take Mike, better oh wow, today I'm going to have a medium with pepper sauce please, and a wine list, where's the wine list?
This is amazing Edward Dickens. I can't wait to find out that we had to shut down the engine to make some minor repairs. Everything's fine. I want to let you know. everything is fine to make sure we fire the engines for seven years at short range transform the engines heavens guys, you have a good point, these crabs were not made, let's let the captain speak. I think he has something to tell us. We have the status report. from Utah, did you know that there is a ship closer to us sent to explore the planet in sector 349 G that they were targeting?
We still have a mission to do, it just means we will be the ones to discover the new land, so here 14 years were wasted when they came back, everyone knows these missions were a lot of people who had journeys twice as long as some people. I went on trips one year, they weren't even out of fleet communications range and even less likely to return, everyone knew that everyone still knows it's true, we agree we look good for an old ship, come on, that's it little consolation for someone who couldn't make the decision right that goodness will wither on the vine in German listen as long as we have a mission guys, we have it right, there is no reason to believe that this planet is not the right one, it is in the habitable zone Edward all your long range scans have been encouraging, haven't they been a bit elaborate so far?
Yes, can you give us more here? Well, long range scans that show something that is not habitable, but it is still a remote possibility that we won't know until I send the probe statistically, although it is unlikely that ours or any of the other ships will be successful. What the heck we can grow our own food and have recycled water? We just turn this ship around and go back. We will survive. I'm going back until the oxygen runs out and then we slowly suffocate to death this is not encouraging Zambian Edward I'm just saying that's the situation and I'm just saying bring on the negativity, we still have work to do, in fact your work has just finished become the most important one I have a point Edward once we get there I'll need you on all the telemetry we only have one probe it looks like you finally became useful you map seconds now this is probably getting bored flying herself I'll do it go shopping you wanted more food , guys, they were almost there, you know, I wanted to be over Utah and how many other ships have been lost to gather, have me son, I just hope they weren't the ones that were on their way to a habitable place. world someone finds something seven years ago God knows how many titles work for the new verses hey what's up baby not tonight we have a big day tomorrow so I need you to get enough sleep and not sneak around the boat you know Jerry? get I'm always with you you led humanity and my such captain would you like me to play it one more time you clean your teeth well because I really don't feel like doing any more dental work filling these Mona was enough for me he said the oven did it Hey well, that's very nice of you to say well, to be honest, I mean, very happy that we didn't get all the simulated ones.
John Bishop is quiteand you can cross the gap, it's no use when it gets clogged, how do we let it go back to the outside airlock? The outside airlock door is hanging. Open the inside, we use ours for propulsion. It will take too long. Manual override of the city once we break the atmosphere and return Pete Mike. Go to the medical bay. Check Edward. Make sure he's still unconscious and make sure Haley has the kids. Jane moves. away from the ship Mike get a gun sir, shouldn't we change? Do it by warning a chamber of dragon matter and stabilizing now scam Pete sorry Peter honey yeah obviously the Eunice generation they need to release pressure every three or four weeks listen because you're meeting. there's all these things for the bay, the emergency batteries in the middle, my pair back and the aquatic site system, it's been an honor, I'm so bad, it's okay and I'm so happy because you're going to go see the ocean . and I gotta get it, oh what did I tell you boy.
I warned you about meddling with the Chinese. No one could have predicted this. What happened? Well, I'm glad you think that because we just lost the only man who could keep this ship. running and fortunately, now that we are in this system, I don't know how this box is going to continue working. I took out the change of suit. Jane. She puts us back on the horse. Play log 8 4 7 0. Now make sure you hold it. Relax man, these are steady hands. I just don't want to lose anything if we can avoid it, yeah there are enough screws loose around here Michael, are you belittling the sanity of the crew members on board?
Were you making lying advances on the bus over the sea? of my ship, your ship, man, oh boy, anyone can point this Craner direction and press the button to dial, go, but it takes a genius and let's not forget Mike, I'm a genius too, guardian, we can be from folio car, right, that makes a Sorry to bother you ladies, but it's great that you still call it elegantly Pete, if my captain, who's the ship? Really tough, we weren't just weighing up the regulations huh? that happened please stop speaking English medical bay safety report medical bay safety breach medical bay safety breach medical bay miss you sorry sun-hello find out what happened to you or you I mean I'm not hallucinating please I was sleeping get something out of that My Chinese is not very good and even when I used the translation programs there were still questions he didn't want to answer.
I asked him about his parents and the other people on the boat, but nothing. Something really traumatic must have happened there. ship, you don't want to tell me Meghan Edwards on the flight, she was right, they didn't save anything for my escape capsule, it was launched six months ago. I wonder if she's so wild, weird, that's in the weeks after the Washington School. early, oh, he must have tried to commit suicide, captain, go ahead, we are now within range of the planet. Edward has confirmed that the probe is ready for mom, thanks dad, let's launch a meeting.
The probe was launched successfully. It all comes down to this. I don't see it on the lower screen, yes, I see it, you called me, it can't be the probe, it's too early for that, we have news about another one, the Chinese probe, what's happening? According to his computer, the probe was sent a couple of hours before his escape capsule was launched just to a different address, what do you mean a different address system? It doesn't just have one planet in the habitable zone, it has to occupy the same orbit. Telescopic scans confuse one with the other.
What this means for potentially habitable planets, we simply know what our chances are that we received some data transmission from the probe after it was launched. The initiative went out of scope. The probe should have transmitted, but look, they never received the telemetry. We are much closer. the system, so when we launch our probe we should start receiving the data transmission, so I think we will do it right now, that second planet is behind there, son, but if my calculations are correct, then in a couple of days it should appear a lot. We will be in line of sight and will be able to receive transmissions from the Chinese probe.
We have two rolls of the dice, gentlemen, for now. We look forward to your thoughts. Okay, I couldn't sit and feel. sadness washingtonian my rest I know what it takes to be captain everything is fine locker code expired said I call Officer Haley Matthews please enter access code updated locker code accepted captain John Dale Thank you says who else has been here noncompliance and mainframe engineering I Can't help, we have to find the guy who warns about a security breach. My program is being manipulated. The only point of access is in engineering news, making news. Essen, honey, said he didn't do it.
Yes, of course, she would say that no one would die until he did. appeared, he's just a kid, you know what Mike was, he sleeps and leaves it, avoids and has a kind of throat, if some wanted to sleep, it takes a special kind of kid, right? And I agree, it's him, J Lila for the babysitter, would you know? Where is she? Where is Nyla? When did you last see her? Okay, why do we do it? Do you know what happens if the airlock works and I would say get it out? You know what you guys do what you want, but I'll tell you.
What, captain? There's no way I'm sleeping in the same room as this kid. Someone's throat can be cut. Excuse me now, let's get back to work and check that Pegasus is still working properly. Good morning, Captain Edward could. to fix my mainframe so I'm very happy to be his wake up call today, however both of my sensors are still offline, sorry Haley Jerry. Panel 42 of the Pegasus deck corridor opened. Thank you Captain. I'll alert a bridge. Jane, the captain. I reconnected the wiring and panel 42 into a cover. Some of my internal sensors are now back online.
The entire crew is accounted for, including the two survivors of the dragon John Jane. Internal sensors on the Chinese ship were also down. Good job, okay. We need to activate the sensors again make sure there is no one else on the boat you wanted him bring him here what are you doing? Ah, you see it's terrifying. I don't care, be careful with him, ask him, it's an order, ask him, don't you understand? Upstairs, why don't you go? Why should I do it? Yeah I like it, he said this guy killed his crew, threw him one by one, threw him out the airlock, said he's the last captain Jane managed to get the rest of my internal sensors back online. .
He is not the last dragon survivor. Also, Edward has news from the probe. The last one or not is an airtight connection that will bind you. Edward, the captain has called a meeting at your request. I think the crew is waiting for his findings, so what? It's not exactly conclusive, it means being able to determine from telemetry whether the planet is habitable or not, but that's what it's there for. I mean, you're supposed to be the expert, you're here to interpret the data, so interpreting it is very conclusive. It means we land and find out why don't we wait a few days until the planet clears, we'll get the readings from the Chinese probe on the second planet and then we'll know which way to go don't have time why didn't another one of our oxygen units break down now we have two out of four working we are assuming oxygen is faster than we are producing it well how long have we taken not enough to wait for the probe date?
Jesus, what are the chances of survival if we reduce the number of respirators on board in the additional parallax? You know, I don't see how it's fair that he's breathing our air. No, we lower the ship, prepare for Haley boy's check-in, there's a chance that if we land we'll never be able to get off the ground again. Captain Jane has the Pegasus lined up and ready to land, but I have to warn you after a seven-year voyage and with all the modifications Pete has made to me. "This won't be an easy trip. I suggest we wait.
Texas transfer. The helmsman is now transferred to manual shift agents. Good luck. Okay, I'll seal the airlocks behind you while you wrap up. It'll take a few minutes. Okay I'll take time to get dressed, make sure you get the same grades. I'm right, we'll last more than two minutes without a planetary ecosystem like the one on Earth three million years ago. That's a dry well copy, better next time. time for what it's worth. You guys are doing what you've done before. Let's all take a walk outside. I feel the wind on our faces. They are back on board and the airlock is sealed.
Yes, you. May I suggest that the crew take a few hours to sleep as they are all showing signs of fatigue. I will run diagnostics on the ship's systems while they rest. It will be nice to spend some time on dry land for a change Jane, congratulations on becoming one. of the first humans to walk on an alien world I hope your first words were suitably memorable we will be ready for takeoff in approximately three hours please try to rest until then the ignition sequence begins we are not clearing the planet's atmosphere it is working we are clearing there's a problem Jane 2 engine is losing power rapidly Pegasus takes all emergency power to the engines in the morning so we have no propulsion get out of port we'll do it in three two one sees a boat go down, it's still down okay ? we're doing it four three two a cool Chinese guy okay, we'll be back he's dead he was in the engine room okay, this ends here okay, yeah, yeah, I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, I just need a little I just needed there to be been here the whole time, stay here captain, it seems we have drained all the power taken from the planet as it is, or we have enough power to send a signal to the fleet, all dead to planet X, we can.
Don't do both, captain, it's too easy, captain, kill them. I warned you that bad things would happen if you confront the Chinese and I was right. I don't have much time left in this universe. Gift from God. I'm going to die. Do the right. What I mean is that I thought he would have fought more. Have you ever slept with someone who had access? Otherwise, they would feel overwhelmed. It was time enough. It just caught my attention. The evacuation escape pod, you know what? Well, let me do it. Enlighten yourself, they also launched themselves into the probe malfunction, if the power serves them there, they orbit well downwards.
I don't know if they could land and then take off again. I'm sure the captain was very good at fixing the pot and they would receive a signal that would allow them. They knew if that planet was capable of supporting life, at least they didn't tell the crew and sent him to his death on the surface like crazy, they began to manage to evade their tormentors, captains, now we are receiving data from the smallest professional in all this world do it warning palm bridge gasping atmosphere is habitable loser sending the signal to the launched signal capsule main power failure we are trapped in the planet's gravity field warning we will enter the planet's thermosphere in 30 seconds due to the gravity field your chances survival are zero, congratulations captain, you have completed your mission.

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